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Hold 'Em: A Gambling Hearts Romance by Jacquie Biggar (7)


Consuela knocked on the partially cracked open door to her mistress’s bedroom out of courtesy, then turned and pushed it the rest of the way with her backside, careful not to upset the tea tray she held in her hands.

Madeline lay tucked beneath a thick pile of covers, even though the room was oppressively hot. She’d ordered a fire started in the stone fireplace filling most of one wall, and the sparks danced and sang like a band of fairy gypsies.

“How many logs did that old man put on that fire,” Consuela grumbled, and set the tray down on the bed table so she could open the window. “You’re going to roast in here, Miss Maddie.”

Madeline waved her concern away with a blue-veined hand, her gaze excited as Consuela moved to help her sit up so she could fluff the cushions at her back. “Did you see them?” she demanded. “She’s the one, Consuela. She’s the one that visited me in my dreams.” She started coughing, her body wracked by shivers. “It’s her.”

“You overdid it tonight, Miss Maddie.” Consuela snapped, her brows a tight line of worry. “Doc told you, you need to take it easy.” She settled her higher on the pillows, then turned to pour some tea, careful to add a spoon of honey the way her mistress liked it. “Drink this now. It’ll warm you from the inside out.”

Madeline grimaced, but did as asked, swallowing the fragrant herbal tea as though it were foul-tasting medicine. Her fingers trembled as she replaced the cup onto the saucer and handed it back. It seemed to sap her strength. Her head collapsed against the pillows, her still-long hair piled high like a top hat.

Consuela clicked her tongue and folded the handmade wedding ring quilt neatly on Madeline’s chest before sitting on the side of the bed. She held her mistress, and best friend’s, hand. “He likes her. I could see it in his eyes.” She wasn’t sure about what she’d seen, but if it made Maddie happy she’d say the moon was made of cheese.

Tears sparkled on Maddie’s eyelashes. “I love that boy so much. He reminds me of my Joseph.” She smiled. “He’s just as stubborn.”

Consuela couldn’t argue that one. She’d been here since she was a child herself and had seen firsthand the adoration between the boss and his wife. It was a dark day when their twin engine Piper crashed on the way home, instantly killing not only Joseph, but his son and daughter-in-law too—Matthew’s parents.

With the ranch in upheaval, Consuela had taken over the care of Matt and his siblings, and she’d quickly fallen in love with them.

She patted the blanket, then stood. “From the little I saw, that girl is more than his match. I wouldn’t doubt they lead each other on a fine dance.”

Maddie smiled, her expression dreamy. The warmth and the tea were kicking in to relax her features. “It’s my fondest hope to see those kids settled before I go to meet my maker.”

Consuela’s heart skipped a beat. “Let’s not have any of that kind of talk. You aren’t going anywhere for a good long while yet.” She hoped.

Maddie sighed, her gaze sad but resolute. “I’ve faced the facts, my dearest friend. It’s time you did too.” She closed her eyes and added, her voice drowsy, “I’ve had a good life. No regrets.”

Yes, she had. Madeline Shaughnessy had once been the belle of Texas. She could have had any beau she wanted, but the moment she laid eyes on big, brawny Joseph with his chocolate brown eyes and easy smile, her fate was sealed.

Consuela picked up the tray and eased to the doorway, careful not to rattle the dishes. She took one last glance at the still form in the middle of the queen-size pine bed Joseph built and gifted her with on their wedding day, and quietly closed the door.

* * *

Cassandra stared at the tall Texan filling the bedroom with his personality. An army of fire ants scrambled under her skin. He was trying to drive her crazy, that’s what it was. He wanted her to give up, so that he’d win the bet. Then she and her father would be out all their savings, not to mention her sapphire engagement ring.

He roamed the room, a restless cougar just waiting for the right moment to pounce. Well, if it were up to her she’d call the authorities and have him caged, where he belonged. Unfortunately, her father would come out on the wrong end of that scenario. The Canadian senate wouldn’t be happy to find out one of their own suffered from a compulsive need to gamble away everything he owned.

Cassandra sighed. She had no real choice. One week. She glanced around the spacious room, by-passing her nemesis. She could do this. She had to do this.

“What do you mean by that’s where it gets interesting?” She sat up and glared at him. “I know there have to be spare bedrooms in a house this size, so don’t try telling me you have nowhere to go.”

Matt’s smile was that of a shark. “Oh, there’s room. Normally.” He waved a hand out the door. “In case you didn’t notice, the word’s out. I’ve chosen a bride.” His tone was laced with sarcasm. “My entire family is here to meet you. So in answer to your concern, I have nowhere else to go. We’re stuck with each other while we play out this charade.”

Cass was surprised that his condemnation stung. It wasn’t her fault he’d chosen to fool his grandmother with this foolish pretense. They’d be lucky to carry it off without anyone finding out the truth. She’d called and left a message with Jeff’s secretary, but it was only a matter of time before he came looking for her. And then what?

“We passed a dozen or more cabins on our way up to the main house. Go choose one of those.” She said, desperation giving a lift to her voice.

He just grinned and shook his head. “Sorry, princess. What would they think if my bride-to-be kicked me out on our first night?”

“That you’re a jerk,” she muttered.

She turned and stretched to reach a pillow from the head of the bed, conscious her skirt was riding up her thighs. Of course he noticed. Her face flamed at the lascivious glint in his eye and she hurried to get off his bed and tug her skirt back into place.

“Fine. I’ll sleep in the chair, but you better not snore.”

Matt burst out laughing and she had to smile. He really was quite attractive, in a Brad Pitt meets Dustin Hoffman kind of way.

He gestured toward a door she hadn’t noticed earlier. “You don’t need to get a crick in your neck, honey. There’s a spare bedroom connected to this suite.”

He moved toward the door. “The only thing is we have to share the bathroom. So if you need to tinkle overnight, you might want to make sure the seat is down first.” He winked and disappeared from view.

She stood there, stunned. He really was a Neanderthal.