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Hollywood Undercover by Bella Love-Wins (62)

Chapter 64

ALEXANDRA looked at Wilkes and the entertainment news interviewer. They sat in the soundproof section of the Purple Blaze publicity room soundstage. He was doing a live interview about his upcoming album, and the wired speakers outside the room were on for staff and PR folks to hear as usual. As to be expected, the subject of their relationship came up.

“There’s a question you have to ask yourself,” Wilkes told the interviewer. “When you come to a crossroads like this, what’s right and wrong isn’t about what works for you, but what you can do to work for others.”

It made no sense, but Wilkes spoke as though it was the most profound revelation in the world. Alexandra snickered and shook her head at his New Age commentary. Dressed in a chic black suit that was a far cry from his cowboy attire, he hardly looked like himself. Again.

“It’s about paying it forward, you know? I mean I’ve spent the better part of my adult life looking out for myself and my siblings, and the part where I looked out for myself hasn’t worked out so well for me. I lost the love of my life doing that. Now, I’m focused on regaining her trust and…”

Oh no, please don’t say anything. Please don’t say anything about me!

She stepped in the doorway, chewing on her nail as she stared at Wilkes on set. Her initial amusement turned instantly to anxiety. Her smartphone rang from her side pocket just then, and she snatched it up, hoping it was Bash so she could tell him everything. It was Eva. “Eva. One sec.”

Just as she put Eva on hold, the interviewer asked, “Wait a minute, are you confirming the rumors that you and Lexxi Rock are back together? Is it true?”

Wilkes laughed that charming laugh. Alexandra shrieked, “Shit, don’t answer that, Wilkes!” She looked at the phone in her hand again, unmuted it and said, “Sorry for keeping you waiting this long, Eva. I can’t believe it.”

“You’re watching it?” Eva asked in a hurry.

“I’m watching it,” she whimpered.

“Fill me in, Lex

“Shhh, shhh! Let me hear how he answers this.”

The talk show host continued, “…caught footage of you in an intimate moment at her front door last night, then leaving her home this morning. Curious minds want to know.”

“It’s not anybody’s business,” Wilkes said comfortably. He eased back in the chair with his ankle crossed over his knee.

Good answer, Wilkes. Good answer. Now, stop there and we’re golden.

“But, yeah. Yes, she’s giving me the chance to make amends. I hurt her something bad. I’m trying to be a better man. One she deserves.”

Alexandra threw a hand up in distress. “Nooooo!” she groaned, face fallen.

“Hello? Lexxi?” Eva vied for her attention.

Alexandra dropped her head in her free hand and fought to recover. Well, that was that.

I should have known he’d go off the deep end.

“You’ll never believe what happened,” Alexandra murmured into the phone in disbelief.

“You hooked back up with him.”

“Hell no. I’d say he lured me into a mammoth trap and I fell for it, and then I did something awful. It’s all my fault. I should have known.” She added an exhausted wail to convey exactly how frustrated she felt, but it wasn’t needed. Eva understood.

“Well, don’t beat yourself up about it. Have you spoken to Sebastian?”

“I can’t reach him.”

“Shit. Did you leave a message?”


“Is that video of you and Wilkes kissing real? Don’t tell me it’s real, Lex.”

“It is.”

“Fuck. And he really left your place early the next morning? Did you seriously spend the night with him? You slept with him?”

“Hey, don’t you have better things to do than to consume that tabloid crap,” she complained.

“Nope. Not today I don’t.”

“Dammit, Eva…Yes, he spent the night at my place, but it’s not what it looks like. He slept on the couch. Wilkes and I are not together.”

“You need to tell that to Bash.”

“I will, and I can tell him in person. He’ll be here this weekend.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Well, he said he had it all arranged.”

“Plans can change, honey. Did you see that kiss? No sane man would believe there was nothing to it. Call him. Don’t stop calling until he picks up, and if he doesn’t pick up, fly your ass out to Tucson and tell him yourself before he makes up his own mind.”

“My schedule today is crazy, Eva.”

“I don’t care.”

“Look. I promise I’ll keep trying to reach him. Can you come by tomorrow night? I’m going to need a drinking partner for this one.”

“Sure. I’ll be there by nine. Are you sure you can’t change your schedule around tonight?”

“I’m not out of here until really late.”

“This is more pressing, Lex. Anyhow, fine. Tomorrow. Be sure to drop everything by eight thirty, and meet me at your house so we can fix this.”

“Okay. Look, I have to run. The interview is ending and Wilkes is about to get bitch-slapped.”

“Good luck. See you tomorrow.”

Alexandra hung up the phone as the cameras lit ‘We’re Filming’ sign went off, signaling that Wilkes could leave. When he stood up, she charged into the room. It was time to end the insanity once and for all. “Let’s have a word in private, Wilkes,” she told him, not caring about the edge to her tone.

He nodded and followed her to the nearest boardroom, which she slammed shut once he was inside.

“Why did you do that?” she screamed.


“Don’t act all innocent. You told them we’re back together.”

“Come on, Lex,” he said, walking toward her. “It’s only a matter of time before we’ll have patched this all up.”

Her eyes narrowed. “What did you just say?”

“You heard me,” he told her. “It’s time you stop fighting us. You felt is as much as I did last night. Now let’s focus on me making you happy.” He closed the gap and rested a hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t touch me, Wilkes. Don’t ever touch me again. This has to stop, and it seems there’s only one way for you to get the message.”

“What do you mean?”

“Wilkes, I’m sorry I have to do this, but…I’m terminating your contract with Purple Blaze.”

“What?” he shouted. “You’re not serious.”

“I’m dead serious. Rick will get the documents together. We’ll still release the albums you have, and our song, and you’ll be very well compensated. I’ll personally make sure you land on your feet with one of the other top labels. We just can’t do this anymore. What I mean is I can’t. I won’t let you.”

“Think about what you’re doing, Lex.”

“Trust me, I have.”


“My decision is made, Wilkes. Now get your things and leave this building, and don’t let me have to get security to escort you out.”


“Not another word. Unless it’s goodbye.”

He looked at her, confused, shocked and forlorn. No look he could give her would change her mind this time. She held her ground and stood there with her arms folded, waiting for him to accept the new reality and leave. After a minute, he shook his head, turned and walked out.