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Honor Love: Saints Protection & Investigations by Maryann Jordan (27)

Chapter 27

Bounding out of bed the next morning, Angel rushed into the bathroom, calling over her shoulder, “Monty, you’ve got to get a move on, honey. You have to drop me off at the new bakery before going to Jack’s.”

Monty rolled over, propping his head up on his elbow, the sheets tangled around his waist. Her pillow smelled of sugar and vanilla. Actually, her whole apartment used to smell of vanilla. Having become used to floral women’s perfume, the sweet scent of a bakery felt like…home. Naked, his morning wood wanted nothing more than to have Angel right back in the bed, under him and moaning his name.

“Hurry,” her voice came from the bathroom, pleading him onward.

Tossing the sheets to the side, he looked down at his erection. Down boy. No time this morning.

Stalking into the bathroom, he noticed hair products, toiletries, and makeup all over his counter. Catching her reflection in the mirror, she glanced around as well.

“I promise I’ll put all this away before we leave this morning, sweetie.”

Stepping behind her, he settled his chin on the top of her head, his arms wrapped around her body. “Babe, if you think for one minute that this concerns me, then you don’t know me well at all. You in my life. Your stuff in my home. That’s what makes life worth living. This place was just an apartment until you came.”

Whirling around in his arms, she pressed herself up against him, soft breasts to muscular chest. Opening her mouth to speak, she noticed the prominent erection nudging against her stomach. Glancing down, she jerked her eyes back up. “Um…I think—”

“No worries, Cupcake,” he laughed. “I know we’ve got to hurry.”

Dropping to her knees, she grinned up at him and his cock twitched eagerly. “There’s always time for breakfast.”

Before he could think, she took him in her mouth, gliding her lips down his silky cock, fisting him at the same time. Holy fuck. Grabbing her hair in his hands, he moved gently as she sucked up and down. As turned on as he was, there was no way he would last very long with her exquisite ministrations. He tugged gently on her hair to indicate he was ready, but she kept going. Not this time, he decided.

He pulled her up quickly, her mouth letting go of his dick in surprise and turned her while whipping the t-shirt over her head. Barking, “Hands on the counter,” he watched as she acquiesced.

Grinning as she complied, he bent over her from behind and plunged into her ready and waiting pussy. No panties…easy access! He continued to thrust, trying not to pound into her harshly, but consumed with the feel of her tight pussy pulling at his aching cock.

With one hand on her ass and the other on her shoulder, he kept his eyes on hers in the mirror. Her full breasts bounced in rhythm to his thrusts and the sight took him over the edge. He watched as her face tightened, moans slipping from her lips. Just as she cried out his name, he thrust several more times, pumping himself deep inside.

Pulling her back in tight to his front, they stood there panting as their legs struggled to hold them up. Finally, he kissed the top of her head. “Sorry, babe. I hope that didn’t make you late.”

“If it did, I’ll gladly be late every day,” she laughed. Tidying herself up, she threw all of her makeup into a bag and tossed it under the sink. Winking, she headed into his kitchen, popping the bagels into the toaster, shouting, “Bagels and coffee?”

“Perfect!” he called back. Looking out into the kitchen as she hustled to make breakfast, he lifted his hand to his chest, rubbing gently. The woman he loved was in his house. He hated like hell the reason she was there, but could not deny the desire to keep her with him always. He eyed the living room and chuckled, seeing a few colorful pillows now adorning his sofa. She must have bought those yesterday.

As he drove her toward her new shop, he said, “Remember to stay there today. Jack will have security duty over you today.”

She turned her head toward him so quickly her blonde, colorful tresses whipped around her face. “Jack? Isn’t it unusual for the owner of the business to do menial security?”

Monty shook his head, answering, “Nope. He wants to know everything that’s going on. If it comes under his business, then he’s going to take every precaution to make sure things go well and that includes security shifts.”

They arrived at the new location and she hopped out of his vehicle, seeing the delivery trucks pulling up. “Just in time,” she grinned as she unlocked the door. Waving to Monty, she headed inside.

He saw Jack securely in place, parked right in front of him. Jack stepped out of his truck and walked over to Monty.

“I’ll be here until you’re finished today,” he assured.

“I appreciate it, boss.”

Jack gave a little glare, indicating he did not need to be thanked for doing a job. “You going to talk to Mitch today?”

“Yeah, he’s going to be in the area and we’re meeting up in about an hour. After that, I’ll check in to see what Luke’s got and then I’ll be back here.” He turned to glance at the shop over his shoulder, “There’ll be a lot of activity here today with a lot of people coming and going.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be watching her until you return,” Jack promised.


Jack observed Angel flitting around the space like a hummingbird as the bakery furniture was delivered and set into place. Helen and her other employees arrived, excited to help. The white tables and chairs gleamed against the colorful walls.

The display cases came in next and were installed according to her plans. She paced between the bakery and the kitchen for the installations of the baking equipment. It only took a couple of hours for the large empty space to be transformed into her vision. The young artist worked diligently on the front window, the pink, purple, and teal swirls making the words Angel’s Cupcake Heaven. Popping out to check on him, Angel’s heart swelled with pride at seeing her dream coming true a second time. Taking out her camera, she clicked a picture and sent it to Monty. Her phone quickly indicated an incoming text. Love it. Love you. Congratulations.

Smiling, she darted back inside, ready to continue seeing her shop take shape. Jack made sure to station himself to keep his eyes on the deliveries. He called Chad and asked him to come by, wanting their explosive’s expert to check out the kitchen before it would be in use. He warned Angel what he was doing, but hated to see the flash of fear cross her face, marring the delight that had been there.

“We need to make sure that whoever is doing this isn’t sneaking in now with all this chaos,” he explained.

Angel placed her hand on Jack’s arm as she nodded. “I understand. Really, I do,” she said, offering him a smile. “And I thank you so much for this.”

Before he could respond, the front door slammed open, startling Angel and causing Jack to whirl around, shoving her behind his large body, his gun drawn.

In the doorway stood a large, blond haired man, still in his Army uniform with the signature Green Beret on his head. Seeing Jack’s gun pointed at him, he roared, “Who the fuck are you and where the hell is my sister?”

“Patrick!” Angel screamed, hurling herself across the room and into his arms. Her brother picked her up easily, swinging her around.

Jack eased up on his weapon, placing it back in his holster. He noticed Patrick eyeing him over his sister’s head.

“You want to introduce me to your guard?” Patrick asked, looking back down at Angel. “I know he’s not your new boyfriend since he has a wedding band on his finger. Unless there’s something else you need to tell me.”

Laughing, she pulled out of Patrick’s arms and led him over to Jack. “This is Jack Bryant, owner of Saints Protection & Investigations, the company Monty works for.”

Jack stepped forward, his hand already reaching for the young man in his Special Forces uniform. “Pleased to meet you,” he said. “I’m retired Special Forces.”

Patrick immediately responded, grasping Jack’s hand in return. A crash sounded in the kitchen and Angel rushed into the next room, checking to make sure her dishes were not on the floor. Thankfully, it was several metal bowls and Helen was in there, taking care of everything. Turning to the two men, she walked back over smiling.

“You want to tell me why I got a phone call from mom and dad, telling me your building exploded and you didn’t call me?” Patrick asked.

“I never know where you are or what you’re doing,” she complained. “And anyway, I’m fine and we’re taking care of everything.”

Patrick looked down, frowning. “Sis, for you, unless I’m on a mission, I’m always available. As soon as they called, I caught a flight. I’ve got to report back tomorrow, but I had to make sure you were fine.”

While Angel spent the next couple of hours making sure everything was going smoothly, Chad came to supervise the deliveries and keep watch over her. Patrick and Jack stayed right with her but found time to connect, discovering they knew many of the same people.

“I’ve only been retired a few years,” Jack explained. “My last mission had me leading a multidisciplinary team. We had members from SEALs, FBI, CIA, and of course, SF. I assumed we’d have ego issues, but the team ran smoothly, each member bringing their own skill set. I knew then I wanted to recreate that when I got out.”

Patrick was impressed, listening to the former commander. “I respect the work you’re doing and I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell you that I’m grateful for what you’re doing for my sister.” He stared over as she walked back into the room again. “She means the world to me.”

The young artist came in from the outside, his work finished. Smiling, Angel pulled him toward the back, pointing to the wall and showing him pictures from her phone. The young man assured he could make her dreams come true and left to buy more paint with promises to return the next day. Twirling around, Angel delighted at her new space, eager to begin baking and open for business once again.


Monty sat at the table with Mitch, reviewing the information they had at the time. “It’s coming down to CFG and what was going on there. We’ve got Luke processing the data from them—”

“And I won’t ask how you obtained that,” Mitch interrupted with a laugh.

Grinning back, Monty simply nodded, before continuing. “Marcia was in charge of the three accounts and if she was doing something illegal and someone found out, they took out Marcia and the others.”

As he said the words, something niggled at the back of his mind. Something he had just said, but made no sense. Rubbing his face with his hand, he groaned, causing Mitch to look up.

“What’s wrong?”

“There’s something I’m missing. It’s right in front of me,” he said. “It’s as though the solution is staring me in the face, but I can’t pull it together.”

Mitch nodded sympathetically. “I hear you, man. I’ve had that feeling in just about every case I’ve ever worked. It’ll come to you.”

“I hope so because I’m fuckin’ tired of trying to figure out all these puzzle pieces and leaving Angel’s ass hanging out in the wind.”

An hour later, Monty was back at the compound talking with Luke who, for the first time was smiling. Monty immediately approached him, looking over his shoulder at his computer screen.

“I’ve set up a data comparison page for the three women using the disaggregate program from my mystery assistant. Look what pops up each time.”

Monty scanned down the page, noticing the similarities. “What—”

Before he could get his question out, Luke was already speaking. “With the intel Bart and Cam gave me, I saw each woman’s application for investments and they checked different levels of risk. Betty was really conservative. Angel was moderate, and Theresa was more of a risk taker with her money.”

“Their portfolios should be completely different,” Monty added as Marc came down the stairs and peered at the screen as well.

“If you’ve found something, hang on,” Marc said. “Bart, Cam, and Jude are just arriving. I don’t know if Blaise is here or not.”

Monty nodded and Marc yelled up the stairs to tell the others to come on down. With a quick call to Jack to let him know what they were working on, they proceeded. Feeling as though a piece of the convoluted puzzle was about to fall into place, each man leaned forward, forearms on the table, riveted to the wall screen as Luke projected his findings.

Reviewing what he had found to the others, he projected a comparison of the tax statements sent to the women and what was actually in their records.

“Son of a bitch,” Bart said. “They’re different.”

“How the fuck can that be?” Marc asked. “Aren’t those things computer generated?”

Luke looked over, a mixture of pride and disdain on his face. “Come on, man. You know hacks like me can make anything appear legit.”

Marc shot him a grin, then studied the screen.

“Okay, you’re gonna have to explain to me in general terms exactly what this means,” Cam said. “I rely on my broker to make the decisions for me and then I sit back and hope the money comes in.”

“Exactly!” Luke said. “Many people who invest do just that. Now, there are some who follow their investments on an almost daily basis, tracking everything. And I’m not being sexist when I say that these three didn’t, but I’d bet the bank that they didn’t.”

“I know Angel doesn’t,” Monty said. “She’s mentioned how, even with her major in business, she hates the investment and tax side of everything.”

“Still not following,” Cam said, the numbers on the screen appearing as a mishmash of information.

“The figures themselves don’t really mean anything,” Luke explained. “Nor do the companies. It’s the similarities that make it suspect. Marcia was doing something to these accounts that just wasn’t kosher.”

“Could she have dummy companies set up and be siphoning money that way? She was wealthy on her own, so the extra money coming in would be more masked,” Jude said.

“But why was Marcia killed if she had a great system set up?” Cam pondered.

“No!” Monty suddenly shouted. “Marcia wasn’t the broker for these three. Not at first. Remember, the company’s policy, that the broker wasn’t supposed to have clients that were personal friends first. She took these over from someone else.”

Luke pounded on the keyboard, searching for the information needed. The men looked up as the original brokers came up on the screen. “Scott worked with Angel and Betty. Roy Johnston was the broker for Theresa.”

“How can that be? Two different brokers had the three women in precisely the same investment companies?” Bart asked. “Unless they were in cahoots with each other.”

“Maybe they were and Marcia found out. She took over her friends’ accounts to see what was happening,” Jude surmised.

The men looked at each other, all thinking what Marc voiced. “And Marcia was killed to silence her.”

A collective fuck sounded around the table. “We’re getting closer,” Monty confirmed. “What we need to do now is dig deeper into CFG, focusing on Scott and Roy. I want to know what ties they had with the three women. Jude, dig into their phone and email records. I don’t want to question Scott and Roy again until we have a little more to go on. Bart, you talk to Betty’s parents again and get more on Bill Bradley. I want to know if he so much as sniffed around her investments or ever met with CFG. Marc, you take Theresa—same thing. Luke, I want you to find out about those particular companies. Are they real? Fronts? Dummy corporations?”

The men eyed each other, the air having changed from one of frustration to the scent of resolution. Finally, a few pieces were sliding into place.

“I’m heading to Angel’s place. I’ll fill in Jack and Chad and then I’ll question Angel about her investment involvement as well.”

“Damn, man. That’s a downer in the middle of her trying to open the new store,” Marc commented.

Monty pierced him with his gaze. “I want her alive to enjoy the new bakery.”

Now the room was filled with Hell yeahs.