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GASPING, JESSIE WOKE UP startled when Tobias lowered her onto his bed. “It’s okay.”

She raised her head and looked around. “Where are we?”


“Your home?”

He nodded, deciding to wait for another time to insist on referring to it as their home.

“Your bed?”

Again, deciding to wait, he nodded. “Yes.”

“I can’t stay here with you.”

“You’re not going anywhere right now. You need to rest.”

 “You’ve made a huge mistake by bringing me here.” She sat up on the edge of the bed. “Can you take me to my car?”

“You are very stubborn. We already discussed this before we left the cemetery. I will take you to your car after you get some rest.” He was never taking her to her car. She was never leaving him. He just needed a little time to convince her to stick around.

“I know. I just can’t stop worrying about you. You’re going to regret bringing me here.”

“That won’t happen. You lost a great deal of blood. You need to rest before you even think about getting into your car and driving away.”

“I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“This is great news.”

“How so?”

“You’re starting to like me.”

She shrugged. “Since you saved my life, I’ve decided to overlook your glaring personality flaws and imperfections.”

“Glaring?” He laughed. “To be entirely honest, I’m not even aware of any tiny flaws or imperfections.”

“I’m serious. I can’t stay here. I don’t want to lead him to you.”

“Wes knows where I live. And he isn’t a threat to me or to you.”

“I’m not talking about Wes.” She took a deep breath and released it slowly. “You’ve defended his character and made it clear that he’s your buddy. Since your bad taste in friends isn’t my business, I’ve decided to let it go.”

“I wasn’t defending him. I wanted to calm your fear of him. If you ask me to kill him for what he has done to you, I will do it. Happily. With absolutely no regrets.” He might do it without her asking. He hadn’t decided just yet. If Wes hadn’t been his sister’s mate, he would’ve already killed him.

“He’s your sister’s mate.”


“I don’t like him. I never will. But don’t kill him. I don’t want you to kill anyone for me.”

“Tell me who you’re worried about?”

“I’m not telling you.”


“I have a feeling you’ll go after him and try to kill him.”

“I wouldn’t try.”

“You don’t want to get on his bad side.”


“Why not?” He smiled, a slow breathtaking smile. “He’s on mine.” She saw something genuine, sacred in the way he looked into her eyes.

She was completely drained. She didn’t have much of anything left in her, but she wasn’t willing to place his life in danger. “He’ll kill you, Tobias.”

“I hope he tries.”

“That’s insane. This isn’t a game. He’s dangerous. He’s immortal.”

“He’s never putting his hands on you again.”

“Pay attention to me. You need to stay out of this. What happens or doesn’t happen to me in the future isn’t up to you. You helped me. You saved my life when you could’ve walked away. I will not be the reason you end up dead.”

“You’re staying here.” He looked down at her, studied her, appearing nervous as if he was uncertain of himself. “It’s clearly obvious that you need to rest, Jessie. You look very tired.”

She pressed her lips together to hide her smile and shook her head. “I sure hope you don’t expect me to thank you for noticing.”

He reached out and pushed her hair gently from her face. “I’m sorry.” His expression looked as troubled as it made her feel. “I didn’t mean to insult you.”

“You didn’t.” She turned her head to the side to avoid his gaze. How could teasing him turn into her feeling so uncomfortable?

He caught her chin, forcing her to look at him. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known,” he stated, his voice low and as smooth as a cat’s purr.

“I said you didn’t insult me,” she stated, struggling to keep her voice slow and steady. “I was only teasing you. I am actually very tired. I would expect it to show.”

“Hurry up and get out of your wet clothes.”

“I said I’m tired. I didn’t say anything about being dead. You’re too much of a sexy manly man to be ordering women to get naked.”

“Not women.” He smiled, looking naughty as sin. “You.”

“You’re freaking me out.”


“You’re looking at me like you’re a hungry predator getting ready to pounce on its prey.”

“I promise I won’t pounce on you. Not tonight, anyways. I’m going to help you get into a nice hot bath to warm you up, and then I’m going to find you something dry to wear.”

“No,” she shook her head, “you’re not.”

He’d already moved to do something on the other side of the room.

“I’m fine.” She got up and tried to take a step to the side. Dizzy, she stumbled. He scooped her up and carried her toward the sound of running water. “Put me down. You’re not watching me take a bath, Tobias.”

“I am not leaving you alone right now.” He lowered her onto the edge of the tub. “You’re weak.”

“Where’s my gun?”

“You’ve pointed it at me more than once today. I don’t think it would be very wise to give it to you just yet.” He knelt and removed her shoes. “Especially considering the fact that you know how the safety works.”

“Get out of here.”

“I told you that I’m not leaving you alone.”

“I can undress myself.” She shoved his shoulders and fell backwards into the bathtub.

He caught her arms to slow her down to prevent her from hurting herself. “Fine, I’ll leave you to your bath, but the door stays open. I’ll be right in the other room. Let me know if you need help getting out of the tub.” He stood up and turned his back to her and, with a wave of his hand, her clothes disappeared as he walked out of the bathroom.

“I feel extremely underdressed since the door is open.”

“I’m willing to come back in and take some of mine off if you think it’ll make you feel better.”


“I’m playing.”

“What’s in the water? It smells nice.”

“Minerals and herds for healing.”

“You already healed me.”

“It’s for stress. It’ll help you relax.”

“I’ve never heard of a man using bathwater to drug a woman.”


Tobias had moved too fast when he reached to prevent her from hurting herself when she fell into the tub. He knew he’d opened his wounds when he felt warm blood dripping down his back and chest. Unable to stop it right away, he left the bathroom to avoid upsetting her. He’d depleted too much of his power, his healing energy to create an illusion to hide it. He’d lost too much blood. Not enough to kill him. He didn’t think that was possible. But he’d lost enough to weaken him.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and took his boots off. When he stood up his vision momentarily blurred and darkened. He stood in front of the full-length mirror on the other side of the room and took his shirt off. The bleeding had nearly stopped, but the wounds were still open.

Luckily, since he didn’t have the energy to do it, he didn’t need to worry about removing bullets since they’d went straight through. It would take hours for his wounds to heal and his blood to replenish. Hoping to hide the wounds, he took a black t-shirt from his dresser and put it on.

He sat down and closed his eyes, attempting to focus on stopping the bleeding. At the same time, he stayed with her, a silent presence in her mind, to make sure she didn’t fall asleep in the tub or try to get out of it and hurt herself. 


He smiled, she sensed his presence in her mind. “Do you want me to come in with you?” he asked, knowing she didn’t.

“No. Don’t you dare. What’s…never mind.”

“Do you need me?” he asked.


He realized that she wasn’t upset over him monitoring her. She was upset because she knew he was hiding something from her. He felt her pause to meditate on becoming silent and still to sneak beyond his barriers to figure out what he was hiding. She was brilliant. She was a strong, gifted psychic. But he was stronger.

“You were shot!”

Well, he thought he was stronger. He glanced over his shoulder to find her standing right behind him in a bath towel. He was amazed, totally amazed that she’d snuck up on him. Even in his weakened state, it should’ve been impossible for her to do.

She glared at him. “Take your shirt off, Tobias.”

“Are you trying to get me naked now?”

She snapped her fingers. “Take it off this instant.”

“It’s nothing. I was just grazed.”

“When I tell you to take your shirt off you’d better damn well do it.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever been so entirely turned on.”

“Nice try.” She reached out to lift the hem of his shirt. “I’ve been in your head a few times. I know you would never do anything to hurt or upset me.”

He lifted his shirt over his head and dropped it. “Oh, no.” She touched his chest. “Damn it, Tobias. Why would you try to hide this from me? I am so mad at you right now. Why the hell were you picking me up and carrying me around?”

“It’s not as bad as it looks.” His lips lifted in a sexy as hell smile. “And you don’t weigh that much at all.”

She moved to look at his back, trailing her fingers around his side. The sensation of her touch was driving him nuts. Then, sighing loudly, she placed her palm flat on his back. “This is bad.” Muttering a few curses beneath her breath, she got in front of him again. “You healed me. Why haven’t you healed yourself?”

“My body is healing.”

“Too damn slowly. Why were you able to heal me so quickly?”

“Don’t be upset. I am fine. My body is healing. Your artery was nicked. You were losing too much blood too quickly. It took a great deal of energy to prevent you from… to heal you quickly.”

“I was dying.” She frowned. “You gave too much of yourself to save me. That’s why you still have holes in you.”

“I could never give too much of myself to you.”

Her head snapped up, and her gaze locked onto his. “Damn it, Tobias. Why do you have to be such an asshole?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re making it really hard to hate you.”

“That’s good.” He let his breath out slowly, his gaze moving over her face. “I want you to like me.”

“Do you?”

“Very much so.”

“You don’t need me to like you. You could have any woman in the world.”

“I want you. I need you. And just so we’re clear, you are the most beautiful, most desirable woman I’ve ever encountered.”

She laughed. “You’re good. I wish I could heal you the way you healed me.”

“Just looking at you takes my breath away.” He paused. “And just your presence heals me. My soul.”

“What can I do to really help you?”

“I just need to recharge a bit.”

“You need to rest.”

He nodded. “Yes.”

She pointed. “Go to bed.”

“That’s a great idea. Let’s get some rest.”

He conjured a t-shirt out of thin air and put it over her head. Once she got her arms in it, she dropped the towel since the shirt went below her knees. She climbed up onto the bed and laid down. “You’d better not try anything freaky.”

He sprawled out next to her, wrapped his arm around her, and pulled her backside against his body. “I was just going to tell you that you’d better not try to take advantage of me while I’m recharging.”

“Really?” she laughed.

“No.” He nuzzled the top of her head with his chin. “I lied. I wouldn’t mind if you decided to get freaky with me. Not at all.”

“Don’t get any ideas. Nothing is happening. We’re going to sleep. I don’t usually get into bed with men the same day we meet.”

“Usually?” he growled playfully.

“Not ever,” she laughed.

He smiled. “That’s great news.”

“Are you expecting sex?”

“No. I plan to keep my hands to myself.”

She wiggled her backside, bumping herself against his hardening cock. “You will keep that to yourself as well.”

“I won’t be bringing that out until you say pretty please.”

Tobias had never believed in heaven, but the gates had opened, and he was inside. Her body fit perfectly against his. Her sweet, enticing, feminine scent filled his lungs. His life had meaning. For an hour or so, she stirred restlessly. He knew her body was as achy as his. He savored the warmth of her body snuggled against his.


For some strange reason, even knowing he was a supernatural being, she wanted to trust him. Her head was so screwed up. She felt something dark, powerful gathering all around. “What are you doing? It is you, right?” 

“Yes. I’m setting up some extra protection for us.”

She rolled over to face him. “If you’re not a vampire what are you?”

“I’m a demon.”


His midnight blue eyes had streaks of silver lightning that looked like star-rays. His smile was warm and wicked. It was downright breathtaking. “You were with me in my other form.” He paused. “You saw me, felt me.”

“I knew you were more than a dragon. Do all demons turn into dragons?”


She realized that Guss was also a demon. “Do all demons have the ability to heal?”

“Sure. But mine is particularly strong.”

“It’s more than just an ability.”

“I’ve never been more thankful for it.” He pulled her closer, holding her against his chest, near his heart. She’d never experienced such a profound sense of peace. She felt safe and protected.

She pinched his arm to get his attention. “Stop it.”


“I can feel you still healing me. I’m fine. You already healed me. Save your energy to fix the holes in your own body.”

“It takes more than a bullet or two to do me in.”

She yawned. “I’m really tired.”

“Go to sleep.”

Drifting in and out of consciousness, his strong arms holding her, she finally managed to fall into a deep state of sleep.