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Hunger Awakened (The Feral Book 1) by Charlene Hartnady (21)

Chapter 21

Why is that guy looking at me like he wants to break both my arms?”

Talon was working on her very last nerve. “He won’t hurt you, don’t worry.” Vicky took another sip of her champagne, trying to ignore the brooding shifter who was indeed looking at Peter like he wanted to kill him.

"No really, I'm starting to get worried." Peter shifted in his seat but didn't leave, which was kudos to him. "He might just break one of my legs as well, and he's big enough to be able to pull it off. Easily."

“I promise, he won’t hurt you. He’s harmless.”

“Doesn’t look it. I thought Maggie said that you guys weren’t together.”

“We aren’t,” she snapped, her eyes drawn back to Talon. She’d specifically asked Maggie to put them at separate tables. She was still angry with him.

It didn’t help that he rocked a suit. He looked even better now that he’d lost the tie, his shirt sleeves were rolled up, exposing his forearms. Maggie’s cousins had only recently given up trying to pick him up. Vicky sighed. “Right now, I don’t think we’re even friends.” You can’t be friends with someone you want sexually. It was something she’d come to realize. Vicky looked back at Peter. He was tall with an athletic build and a full head of blond hair. “I plan on firing him as my client come Monday morning.”

“That bad, huh?” Peter took a sip of his drink.

“I guess so.” She widened her eyes. “I can’t anymore. I just can’t.”

“You’re in love with him.”

“No.” She made a face. “That’s crazy. I haven’t known him long enough. Am I attracted to him? Like really attracted to him? Yes. Otherwise, no, don’t be crazy.”

Peter looked at her pointedly.

“You really think it’s possible to fall for someone so quickly? I mean, we haven’t even slept together.”

“Well, he’s coming over here,” Peter said.

“He isn’t.” She squeezed her eyes shut.

“Yeah, he is, and I hope you are right about him not breaking any of my bones.”

“Excuse us,” Talon growled before she could answer, eyes shooting daggers at Peter.

“What are you doing?”

“I think we need to talk.” He shot Peter another scathing look. “Alone.”

“I wanted to talk this morning, remember? You said that there was nothing to say.”

“I changed my mind.”

"Well, so did I." Vicky couldn't do this, she needed to cut things off completely with Talon. Needed to move on. "I don't want to talk anymore. I was going to wait until Monday to do this, but I can't keep you on as my client. You need to move out. Find another place to stay. In fact, you can probably go back home. You had all the women here buzzing around you like blue-assed flies. I think you'll be just fine."

“We need to talk,” Talon took her hand in his, “please.”

“I think the lady said she wasn’t interested.” Peter stood up and so did she, especially when she saw the look in Talon’s eyes.

He growled at Peter. It was low and scary sounding. His eyes narrowed and his hands curled into fists. “I wasn’t talking to you or asking your opinion.”

Peter took a step back. “You’re making a scene. Please leave Vicky alone.” She was surprised the guy hadn’t turned on his heel and run away. As it was, she could see how pale he looked. He was petrified but still standing his ground.

“It’s okay, Peter.” Vicky could see that this was headed in the wrong direction. She touched him on the side of the arm.

Talon looked at where her fingers touched his sleeve. He growled again.

“Stop that.” She slapped Talon on the side of the arm before turning back to Peter. “I’m going to have a quick word with Talon. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Peter nodded, his eyes on Talon.

Talon shook his head. “Vicky will not be back.”

“Cut it out!” She tried not to yell. It was headed to the close of the night. Maggie and Will had already left but she didn’t want to cause a scene.

Talon took her hand and she let him. Anything to keep the peace. They walked out the back entrance. Talon kept on going. They walked through the gardens.

He finally stopped.

Maggie put her hands on her hips, preparing to tear Talon another one when his clothing ripped off him.


One second he had been standing in front of her and the next, he was a griffin. Her eyes had barely even registered what she was seeing before he was taking to the sky. Not just that, his claws, talons ‒ whatever the hell those were, were wrapped around her and they were shooting up. So fast, she almost lost her dinner, so fast she was glad she didn’t drink too much or she might spew everywhere.

Her hair blew out of its pin-up, flapping wildly about her face, blinding her. Not that she could see anything anyway. It was night. The wind was rushing past so fast that she doubted she could open her eyes without tearing up.

What was he doing?

What the?

She was going to tear him more than just a new one. She was going to tear him a couple. He was acting like a Neanderthal. Hot no cold. Up no down. Left no right. I want you. I don’t want you. Her head hurt.

Within a minute, maybe two ‒ time didn’t have too much meaning when you were being carried; when the person carrying you was a shifter and flying


In what felt like a minute or two, he slowed enough that she cracked an eye open. It wasn’t as dark as she had thought. The sky was a blanket of stars. The moon was at about three quarters and very beautiful. They were in the middle of nowhere. There were forests surrounding them. The lake was nowhere to be seen.

Talon took them down slowly. Placing her on her feet before letting her go. She still staggered but managed to find her footing. Then he was landing in front of her. She watched in fascination as he changed back. His great body folding in on itself. His dark, gleaming feathers retracting. Same with his tail.


Good lord, but he had a tail. And wings. Don’t forget about the wings. Those folded back too. His long, muscular limbs becoming human legs once more.

It happened quickly. Within a few seconds, the beast became Talon.


Standing in front of her. His yellow eyes staring right through her. His chest heaving. His mouth set in a grimace. Shoulders wide, abs all over the place. Oh boy! His cock was fully erect. It jutted from his body. He approached her. More like stalked her. Made her want to take a step back. Heck, part of her was screaming to run but she stood her ground.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m a selfish prick,” he growled. “I can’t look at you without wanting you. Watching you talking to that male … it drove me half-insane.”

“Talon, you can’t play this game with me.”

“It’s no game.” He shook his head.

“It is. One I’m sick to death of.”

“I do want you. I’ve wanted you almost from the start.” He gripped her hips, almost too hard. She might even have bruises in the morning. His chest heaved again. “Just like I wanted to taste you, to hear your moans as you found your completion. Just like I want you now. I’m selfish.”

“It’s not selfish. It’s not. It’s normal. Don’t you get that?” She tried to get through to him. “Why are you punishing yourself? Sex is normal, it’s natural. It’s good.” She gripped his cock in her hand, marveling at how soft and satiny his skin was. At how wide its girth was.

Talon clenched his teeth and threw his head back. He groaned, his hips rocking forward. “I want you too,” she whispered. “The thought of you inside me keeps me up at night. I—” She squealed when he lifted her off her feet.

Talon walked a few feet before he placed her on a large boulder. He pulled at her dress, tearing it up the side in one fluid motion. Next to go were her panties, which he ripped clean off. “Legs around me.” She could barely understand him his voice was so deep. She was already hooking her legs around his hips as he spoke. She couldn’t wait for him, for this. Could hardly believe it was actually happening. Finally. She wasn’t going crazy or misreading signals. Talon wanted her. He really wanted her. Part of her was waiting for him to push her away even though desire burned in his eyes.

It didn’t happen because then he was lining up his cock with her opening and pushing into her. Her pussy stretching more than it could handle. “Big … oh god … big,” she moaned. It was good but it hurt at the same time. Talon’s breathing was ragged. He found her clit and strummed it with his thumb. His movements were frantic. He continued to rock back and forth, his huge cock sliding in deeper with every movement. He grunted.

Her eyes felt enormous. Her moans loud. His breathing matched his movements. Heavy and urgent. He was gritting his teeth so hard she was sure he might crack a tooth. Sweat beaded on his brow. “So tight. So very …” Another hard groan as he pulled back out. “Tiny snatch. So good.”

Shit, if he kept rubbing on her clit like that she was going to come in the next ten seconds. There was another tearing noise as Talon destroyed her dress a whole lot more.

His eyes were on her breasts, which were completely exposed now that her dress was a gaping mess. She didn’t care though. Not one bit. Especially when his eyes darkened with need. “So beautiful,” he muttered, driving his cock deeper into her. “Dark.” He moaned, pinching one of her nipples. “Tight.” He bottomed out inside her, making a loud snarling noise that should have terrified her, but only heightened her desire. He stopped moving, just looking at her. His gaze moving from her face to her breasts and down, driving her wild.

“Fuck me,” she moaned. She groaned when he picked up the pace again, growling loudly. “Yes, there, god yes.” He was thrusting into her now using hard, even strokes that had her breath catching. His abs pulled tight with every movement. His eyes were focused on her. They drifted down to where he watched his cock slide into her.

“By feather,” he growled. “So good, your snatch … so very good.” He was driving into her. Her bare ass on the hard rock. Her boobs bounced each time his balls slapped against her.

She was so close. Her orgasm right there. Her hands were braced on the rock behind her. Talon’s jaw was tight, his eyes dark, his skin looked tight as well. His growls and snarls filled the air. Talon found her clit again and strummed it. That was the end of her. She felt herself tighten around him. Talon’s eyes widened, his jaw fell open. His hand tightened on her leg, fingers digging into her. She didn’t care or feel it since pleasure was slamming through her. From deep inside her, through her lower belly and up higher. Shooting through her with every hard slam of his cock, every rub of his finger. Her eyes were wide, her mouth open.

She was making a mewling noise but couldn’t seem to stop. Her boobs were jerking so hard but she didn’t give a damn.

Then Talon was crouching over her. He roared, sounding more surprised than anything else. His roar went on for a good few seconds. His eyes wide, they too looked filled with shock and maybe awe. His hips jerked. His cock seemed to pulse inside her hitting deep, sparking another orgasm of her own. How was it even possible?

Her yell punched the air. His finger was still strumming her clit. Her pussy spasmed around him. She threw her head back and clenched her teeth. She was coming just as hard as the first time, maybe even harder, only it didn’t last as long. Thankfully, since she was already oversensitive. Talon’s hips were still rocking softly, as if by their own accord. His ragged breathing filled the clearing.

Vicky knew something was wrong the second his body tensed. His breathing hitched. Talon made this anguished sound as he pulled out of her. He lifted slightly, meeting her eyes.

She was momentarily floored at the pain reflected there. “Talon?” she whispered.

He shook his head once, twice, like he was in shock. “Vicky.” He cupped her cheeks and for a second she was sure she saw more than just pain and hurt. She saw emotion, directed at her. Maybe love … maybe. Then it was gone and the hurt was back. His gaze softened to one she had seen before. “I’m so

“No.” She shook her head. “Don’t say it. I don’t want to hear those words.” Hearing him apologize for what just happened would break her. It would tear her to pieces.

Talon splayed his hand on her belly. “I creamed inside you,” he whispered.

“Yeah, we should have used a condom,” she blurted. It was something she had thought about briefly, for like two seconds and had decided against in favor of having him inside her without any barriers. After Jeff, and all the tests she’d had to take, it was a big step. “It’s okay,” she reassured him. “I’m on the pill. I take medication so that I can’t become pregnant,” she added. “We’re okay.”

He pushed out a heavy breath, looking relieved. Would having a child with her be such a terrible thing?

“That should not have happened.” Here we go. She knew this was coming. That had been the most intense sex she had ever had.


And it wasn’t because he had made her come twice. Twice, dammit. It was for so many other reasons. Reasons that counted far more than the physical experience. By the look on Talon’s face, she could tell that he had felt them too. That this had been more for him too. That was why he was running scared. She had a good idea. It was her turn to cup his face in her hands. To feel his stubble catch against her fingers. “There was nothing wrong with what just happened.”

His eyes clouded even more and he pulled away. “There is everything wrong. I am mated to another female. Lark is my mate.”

“Lark is gone Talon,” she whispered the words. Wanting so much to be the other woman right now. Wanting to be enough for Talon. Wanting somehow to get through to him but knowing it wasn’t going to happen.

“I should never have touched you.” He heaved a sigh. “We should never …” His voice was thick and deep. “I’m sorry …”

His words tore into her. “I told you not to apologize to me. Don’t apologize for something that was beautiful and real and wonderful.” At least to her. Maybe it was just fucking for him. Driven by loneliness.

“I will take you back now.”

“Like this?” She looked down at her ruined dress.

“I will find something for you to wear,” he murmured. “I will fix this.”

“There is nothing to fix. Nothing to apologize for. Nothing you can do to take back what we just did.”

His expression told her that he wanted to do just that. He regretted this. That hurt the most.

“Why did you bring me out here? It wasn’t for sex.”

“I don’t know. I was crazy angry. I wanted to hurt that male. You drove me insane the whole of today, putting distance between us. The feel of your lips this morning …” He looked away. “I thought maybe if I shifted, if I flew, that it would stop the need. This hunger I feel for you, but it didn’t. If anything, being in my animal form only made it worse. It made my desire for you more honed and acute. I should not have shifted. I should have controlled myself better.”

His words were both beautiful and barbed. “I think you should just take me back. I can’t help you anymore. I’ll give back the money.”

“I don’t want the money.” His eyes blazed. “You keep it.”

There was a part of her that had hoped he would fight against breaking this off. Whatever it was that they had. It didn’t happen. She could see that their relationship, in all aspects, was over. He was leaving. “I don’t want it.” She tried one last time, her voice filled with emotion.

Talon didn’t respond. Instead, Vicky watched as he shifted. Watched as each of his muscles lengthened, thickened and roped. Watched as fur sprouted on his hind limbs and feathers and scales on his front. She watched in rapt, almost morbid fascination as his jaw elongated and a razor-sharp beak grew. His eyes. Those stayed the same. Just as haunted. So much sadness there. She felt it too.

Talon finally stood before her, his transformation complete. Big, majestic, so beautiful he almost stole her breath. Her chest tightened. “I thought that being the scorned wife, having my husband cheat on me with another woman, was the worst thing that could happen to me. Jeff made me feel worthless. Like I had no value. Worth so little that he had to go out and find something better, but I was wrong. I was so wrong.” She shook her head. She could see that he was listening. Processing her words. “Being the other woman is just as bad, maybe even worse. You’ve made me feel like the other woman. The cheater. The imposter. The one society shuns. Worth nothing more than a quick fuck.” She knew she was hurting him. Could see it in his eyes. It only made her feel worse.

Talon lifted his great head and screeched. The sound filled with pain and anguish. Then he picked her up and took to the sky.