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Hunter (The Devil's Dragons Motorcycle Club) by Nikki Wild (78)


Within an instant, Hunter had tucked his cock back into his pants and left the room. I followed after him just as surprised and confused as he was… And maybe a little sad that this couldn’t have waited just a bit longer. My hormones had been going crazy, and my sex drive was through the roof. Giving Hunter a little unexpected blowjob was fun, but I was desperate to have him inside me again… I wanted him to fuck me again so hard

I passed through the main area of the bar, between the bikers who rose from their chairs to see what the commotion was.

“Hannah…” Hunter spoke in amazement.

His sister was a bit shorter than him, but unmistakably kin. She stood in the doorway in a black leather jacket, matching jeans, and a pair of dark boots. Blowing her hair out of her face, she held onto a motorcycle helmet in one hand.

She looked badass.

“Hey, little brother. Long time no see,” Hannah replied calmly as she glanced over his shoulder. “And I’m guessing you’re Sarah, huh?”

“That’s right,” I nodded. “I’ve heard so much about you,” I added, extending my hand. “Nice to finally have a face to put to the name.”

“Hell yeah, same here,” Hannah chuckled as she took my hand. “I’ve heard a little about you, too..”

“Is that so?” I turned to him with a grin.

“Hannah… what are you doing here?”

“Haven’t seen your sister in eight years, and that’s how you greet her?” She mocked him, hands on her hips. “Not a ‘Hey, looking great, Hannah!’ or a ‘You must be tired after a long ride, Hannah!’ I see how it is…”

Hunter shook his head, trying to clear it. Meanwhile, most of the bikers had sat back down, although they all curiously watched us interacting. “No, no, that’s not… I’m just surprised. Especially since I just got a letter from you last night from the Couriers…”

“Yeah, about that,” she replied, stepping forward to place her helmet down on an empty bar top. “I got a letter from you a few days ago, but it didn’t have our code in it. Sounded fishy. Asked me to meet you at our old spot… so I high-tailed it here to find out what the hell was going on.”

“I didn’t write you a letter,” he replied calmly, crossing his arms.

“Figured that much,” Hannah smiled. “You were always so careful. Didn’t seem like you’d forget our basic code…” She ran her fingers through her hair. “But that begs the question of who…”

One of the Devil’s Dragons finally spoke up with a big grin on his face. “So… are you going to introduce us, or what?”

Hunter realized his error.

“Right… Dragons, some of you might remember her from the first raid on Viboras Verde…. I’d like to introduce you to my older sister, Hannah.”

The entire club raised their glasses and beers, and Hannah performed a mock curtsey. “Really, really, you’re all too kind…”

“Anything I can get you?” Hunter asked, casting a meaningful look over at Elmira. Interestingly (or perhaps maybe not), the bartender had her eyes glued to Hunter’s sister, and she was obviously quite pleased with this caliber of guest.

I guess it was more her kind of patron.

“So, is this an actual bar, or is it all just for show? I’ve had a hell of a day, and I could use a bit of Jameson…”

Hunter gave the hotheaded bartender another meaningful look, and she started pouring the drink. “Finally,” I heard her mutter under her breath, “the right kind of people show up in this godforsaken place…”

“Well, nice to see that she’s warming up…” I muttered, smiling to Hannah. “Great to finally meet you. I’ll be right back.”

“Sounds good,” Hannah smiled.

Elmira set Hannah’s glass down, casting me a filthy look. I casually ignored it as I started to move towards the back of the bar, angling for the bathroom.

All of a sudden, nausea overcame me.

I slumped against the countertop, clutching my stomach with labored breaths. Everything started to spin

A pair of strong hands grabbed me under my arms, keeping me from hitting the hardwood floor. Hunter lifted me to my feet and carried me towards a sofa in the corner, waving away his bikers as he carefully set me down.

“You alright?” Hannah popped into view, studying my face. She turned her face and called out to the bar: “I need a glass of water, wet rags, and a fan!”

“It’s okay,” I mumbled, realizing how distant my voice sounded. “I’m just…”

“What’s wrong with her?” Hannah asked Hunter, who was stepping back into view with the requested items. His face was etched with concern as he studied me, handing her the water and starting to fan me off.

“Dunno… only thing I can think of is that she’s pregnant.”

“What?” His sister glanced up. “Congratulations!” She punched Hunter in the side, dropping to a kneeling position in front of me. “How far along is she?”

“I think around six, seven weeks.”

Things started fading out, but I became gradually aware that she was trying to force me to drink a glass of water. Lifting the lip to my mouth, she guided me to take a sip, and I downed half the glass and handed it back.

Hannah was checking my brow and noted that I was sweaty, so she wiped my face clean and laid a cold rag on my forehead.

“Thank you,” I murmured.

“Not a problem, dear,” she replied sympathetically. “Have you been having bad morning sickness yet?”

“Every once in a while, yeah. But it’s been pretty manageable so far.”

“Well, get used to the idea that it’s gonna get worse,” she responded tenderly. “A little fainting spell like that is a sign of harder symptoms to come. You’re going to want to take it a bit easier going forward.”

I could see Hunter hanging just back enough to give her space, although he looked confused and concerned. “Is she going to be alright?”

“Oh yeah, Sarah’s gonna be fine. But you’ll need to take better care of her, Hunter.” Hannah glanced up at him. “The morning sickness and hormone changes are going to take their toll pretty soon.”

He glanced my way in mock irritation. “That would be a bit easier if she were around… she only arrived last night.”

“Is that so?” Hannah replied quickly, glancing between both of us. “I knew you wandered off for a while, but why show up now?”

“I could say the same to you,” I replied. “I’m following up a lead on a private investigation…”

“You need to check with a specialist,” Hannah said, apparently satisfied with my answer. “Don’t make the mistakes I did. Nip this thing in the bud and keep that baby healthy, or you’ll have more fainting spells like that. Unless you have already…?”

“It’s fine,” I mumbled, pulling myself up and dusting off. “This is the first and only one. I’ve already seen a doctor and I’m perfectly healthy. I just need to remember to keep on my prenatal vitamins, and I’ll be totally okay.”

“You’ve already seen a doctor?” Hunter asked, crossing his arms. “Without me?”

“Oh,” I muttered quickly. Shit. “Yeah, it was just a quick check-up. It wasn’t anything terribly important. I went two weeks ago when I realized that I was carrying.”

Hunter shook his head and muttered something under his breath, walking away from the group and towards his Dragons.

Although they surrounded us, they were clearly trying to not eavesdrop on the commotion… or at least, they were pretending to, given that some of them looked away every time I glanced up.

“Give me a second to calm him down,” Hannah whispered into my ear.

“So,” Hannah began, crossing over through the crowd of seated, casually observing bikers, “this is the lair of the Devil’s Dragons, huh?”

A number of them cheered lightly and lifted their beers.

“I never got the chance to thank those of you who were there that day, who saved me…”

She was pleased with the whooping and cheering responses, and turned to both of us with her hands on her hips. “Well… you said that you’re a private investigator, and you’re working on a case, right?”

Hannah started thinking aloud.

“Listen, little brother, I hate to kind of crash things, but this weirdness involving the letters makes me want to stick kind of close. Do you have any hard feelings with me kicking back here for a little while? I can get out of your hair again whenever you need me to…”

“Stay as long as you like,” Hunter said.

“We’d love to have you here,” I smiled as warmly as possible. “Besides… You seem to know a thing or two about pregnancy.”

“A miscarriage will do that for you,” Hannah shrugged.

“Oh god! I–I’m so sorry!”

“It’s okay,” she replied sadly. “Anyway… What’s this investigation all about?”