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I Love You (An I Saw You 1.5 Novelette) by Elena M. Reyes (10)



“Do you trust me?”

“With everything that I am,” she whispered into the night air. We were on our way back to our villa—tired, and yet excited over tomorrow’s activities. That when all was said and done, when we were alone and I slipped my cock inside of her, I’d be claiming my wife.

Our wedding.

She said yes.

To me.

To be mine forever.

It was a gift I’d never take for granted.

I will worship her until the day I die.

My foot hit the brakes of the golf cart we were on, stopped us just a few feet away from the ocean’s shore. The house was just a little ways up a small pathway. Easily accessible for what I had in mind.

A beautiful night. Perfect for my surprise.

Something to be kept between us. A secret.

Had our family known, they would’ve tried and stopped us. But then again, we are one hardheaded team to go up against. We wouldn’t be doing half of the traditional shit.

“Then I need you to do two things for me, Slim.” I loved the way her eyes softened at the use of my nickname for her. To some it might sound ridiculous that I call her that, but who give a flying one. She and I know that it’s done with love and respect.

“Anything.” Not an ounce of hesitation.

“First, I need you to head inside and put on your wedding gown—”

“Are you crazy?” Jade eyes widened—they look almost comical in her surprise. Ari was appalled by the mere suggestion. “You can’t see me wearing it before the wedding. Not happening.”

I placed a finger over her lips to silence her. “Can I finish?”

She nodded, while her eyes narrowed. “I’m not breaking tradition.”

“You aren’t.” Tracing a single digit over her lips, I smiled. “You, my beautiful girl, will just be meeting your groom at the end of this beach for our real wedding. Just us.”

“What?” It was finally dawning on her. Just what I was requesting.

With a final peck of her lips, I walked around to her side of the cart and dropped to my knees. Held the tiny band I’d been carrying with me all evening, a symbol of my love, up for her to see.

“Marry me, Arianna.”

“What?” she spluttered. “Now?”

“Yesterday, today...for the rest of our lives.” As the last word left my lips, a stray tear fell from her eye. It trailed down her cheek and over one of my fingers. Even in tears, she was beautiful. Breathtaking. “Be mine. Only mine. As I am yours.”

 “Yes. God, yes!”

“Thank you.” Standing from my place at her feet, I pulled her out of the cart and into my arms. With our bodies pressed—chest to chest—I kissed her once more. “Love you so fucking much, Slim. More than I ever thought possible.”

“I feel the same,” she sighed into my mouth. Her sweet taste lingered on my tongue. Kissing her was an addiction. A fervent need. “We were fated to be. Always.”

“Let’s do it, then. We’ll get married. Tonight. Now.”

“And our family?”

“They will get their ceremony and party tomorrow, none the wiser.” I pulled her bottom lip between my own and bit the sensitive flesh. “Tonight is about us. Just for us.”

I bit hard enough to cause a low hiss to leave her throat. But it soon turned into a low mewl. A keening sound that rushed through my body like an electric shock.

Loved the sounds she made. For me. Because of me.

Arianna reached up with both hands and fisted my locks. Pulled me closer. Fused her mouth with mine in a soul-baring, almost brutal kiss.

Her tongue twined with mine.

Fought me for dominance, and I let her. Gave her control while I picked her body up off the floor. Immediately, her legs wrapped around my waist with the skirt of her maxi dress caught between us.

My hand skimmed up the back of her thigh, caressed the soft skin as I found purchase on her bare ass cheek. I kneaded the flesh.

Could feel the heat from her pussy touching my fingertips.

“We need to stop,” I groaned, moving my hand just a tiny bit lower.

“No. Don’t stop.”

“Baby, we need to...” There was no barrier between us. Nothing. Grazing her sex, I spread her juices. “Where are your panties?”

“Lost them.” Sweet little nymph pushed herself against my hand.

My open palm met her right ass cheek. “I want you dressed and walking toward me in the next thirty minutes. In your dress and with your hair loose—these beautiful curls...” I tugged on the ends of her hair “...blowing in the wind around your shoulders. No makeup. Naturally you.”

Slim nipped my chin. “Do I put on panties?”

“Fuck, no. I want you bare.”

“Such naughty words.”

Placing her on the floor, I turned her toward the direction of the house’s back entrance. “Get your ass up to the house, Slim. Thirty minutes...don’t keep me waiting.”

“Where will you be?” she asked, looking back at me from over her shoulder.

“Right here waiting.”

With a smile on her lips, she walked up the pathway to the villa. Didn’t look back, but my girl knew I was watching. The extra sway of her hips told me as much.

“If the others find out…it’s our asses.” Tex was waiting on me just inside the private pool’s deck. He had my clothes in one hand and my gift in the other. Out of all of my brothers, he’s the one that never questioned my motives or actions. Man trusted me. Kept his mouth shut.

The other two would have blabbed. Gossiping bitches.

“Don’t care.” Shrugging, I walked over to a small shower on the other side of a rock-formed wall. Within minutes I had stripped and was under the warm water of the spray, and then I took a moment to collect myself. Washed away the evenings stress. “They seem to forget that this isn’t about what they want. Slim wants private, not a huge fiasco...I’m giving her that. We don’t want to wait.”

“Then fuck them.”

“Exactly.” Not out of disrespect, but because as of today there would never be a doubt that her wants come before my own. “Tomorrow we’ll celebrate together—follow through with the ceremony…drink, eat, and listen to crazy stories—but tonight, tonight is about her. About starting this journey on our terms…”

“I have your back. What they don’t know won’t hurt them,” Tex called out, already walking down toward the beach area.

“Thank you.” Stepping out, I reached for the towel beside the entrance and wrapped it around my waist. Walked over to the lounge chair where Tex had placed my clothes and grabbed them. Arianna was going to get a kick out of my choice of groom’s wear.

White linen pants and a traditional guayabera: the Cuban staple for all occasions. Sans underwear, that would be my second gift to her: my cock.

And on the top of my head, a stylish, straw fedora.

I looked like a slick motherfucker.

“You ready?” Yuli walked in then. Our best man and maid of honor were the only two who would share this moment with us.

“Born ready.” That was my truth, always had been when it came to Slim.

“Thank you for including me.”

“You’re part of the family, sweets. Ari would want you here.”

Looping her hand through my arm, she turned me to face her. “Girl is going to jump you when she sees you. You went all out, Mr. Greene.”

Waggling my brows, I grabbed my cologne and sprayed a bit. “That’s the plan.”

“Then let’s not keep her waiting.” With a huge smile on her face, Yuli placed her hand on the crook of my arm and together we walked down the makeshift aisle behind the villa.

At the end of the path stood Tex along with the officiant who handled these occasions for the island. A friend of the owner’s; if you rented his place for a wedding, he came with the deal.

“Thank you for coming out and helping tonight.” Extending a hand out, I shook his. “I’m Chester.”

“It’s my pleasure, Mr. Greene.” He smiled, grip strong in mine. “Call me Carlos...I’m a huge fan. Beyond thrilled that I could help you surprise your...” his head turned toward the house and trailed off.

“Oh my, God…” Beside me, Yuli gasped.

Tex’s hand landed on my shoulder and squeezed. No words. He knew me well enough that at that moment the world around me ceased to exist. Nothing, not a single thing, mattered other than Slim.

“Fuck.” It left me on a pained groan. She was exquisite. Beautiful. Mine. Nothing in my life had ever felt as good, as that moment.

Our completion.

The merging of two destined souls.

Arianna walked toward me wearing a gorgeous gown. White and form fitting; the bodice was an extension of her beauty. Lace and satin created the illusion of a mermaid’s tail with a sweetheart neckline up top. Every minute detail enhanced her natural beauty.

Made each curve of her decadent body more pronounced.

Her shoulders were bare, and her tanned skin looked luminous in the moonlight. They were adorned by only a small, delicate chain I’d given her after we’d gotten back together. One she never took off.

We each had a small bar tag that hung from our necks on a chain in white gold. The small bar held my name and fingerprint, just as mine held hers. It was another visual stamp of ownership. Told the world that we were taken and very much in motherfucking love.

My eyes traveled higher, left the slope of her neck, and settled on her face.


Breath was stolen from my lungs as I admired her. Natural. Not a stitch of makeup and wearing the most glorious smile I’d ever seen.

That was what I lived for.

The pure and unadulterated happiness that shone from her every pore.

Ari stopped beside me; her eyes never left my face. “You look handsome.” She didn’t care one lick for the three people standing beside us.

“And words fail me.”

Reaching up on the tips of her flip-flop-covered feet, Slim kissed my chin. “Thank you for loving me. For never giving up.”

“I’ll never let you go. Couldn’t.”

“Let’s get married,” she whispered, choking on the words.

“Please.” I winked and it had its desired effect; she giggled. Turning to face our friends and officiant, I nodded. “Let’s do this.”

“Like your style, man.” Carlos laughed and bumped my fist.

“What can I say...I’m one of a kind.”

“Modest too.” Ari smacked my arm while barely holding in her laugh.

A groan came from Tex beside me. “He can go all night if you let him. Please start.”

With a nod, Carlos cleared his throat. “Friends, we are gathered here tonight to celebrate the love of Arianna and Chester. To merge these two souls into one with the blessings of the Lord above. Let us bow our heads in prayer before we begin.”

While he led us in prayer, I watched my girl’s reactions. How she blushed when he spoke about undying love and the sanctity of marriage. How she bit her lip when he asked God above to bless us with patience and understanding when others tried to break us apart. How a small tear escaped when he mentioned that to move forward we forgive and clear our hearts of all negative thoughts.

We did not lead ordinary lives.

Being in the public’s eye left us open to attacks on our individual characters and relationship. We’d be scrutinized over our every move.

“Amen,” everyone spoke in unison, and I followed.

“Being that we’ll be doing this again tomorrow, the groom has requested, and I quote, that we skip to the good stuff instead of the long traditional ceremony. Do you agree, Arianna?”

“Yes.” Turing to face me, Ari grasped my hands in hers and squeezed them tight. “You are the most infuriating man I have ever met.”

“Amen,” Tex agreed, and Yuli coughed. Assholes.

“From the moment we met, you stormed into my life and demanded that I see how good we could be together,” she whispered and shook her head, taking in a deep breath to try and reign in the tears that sat at the edge of her long lashes. “You fought for me...” they fell down her cheeks and I swept them away with our joined hands “...even when I’d walked away. Loved me without asking for a single thing in return because that’s the kind of man you are. Loving, compassionate, and most of all generous. I’m blessed to have you in my life, Cheesy. Humbled by being yours. I love you.”

“Chester, you may recite your vows now.”

“I’ve never had to fight so hard for anything in my life. You gave me hell, woman, but I respect you all the more for it.” Leaning down, I rested my forehead against hers. Whispered the words against her skin. “That night, when you bumped into me at your club, will be the second most memorable moment of my life, because nothing will ever top seeing you walk down that pathway toward me. You are my everything, Slim. No one—no man—will ever love you as I do. So complete and with every part of his being. My heart is yours. Thank you for gifting me the honor of being your husband...I love you.”

“I promised myself I wouldn’t cry,” Yuli sniffled, and I passed her the handkerchief in my pocket. “Thank you.”

“There is no doubt in my mind that these two will have an untestable union. That they will honor each other for the rest of their lives.” Our friends stepped forward then and placed a small band in each of our hands. Yuli, the poor girl, was a crying mess. “Do you Chester, take Arianna Garcia to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, from this day forward. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part?”

“Fuck, yes, I do.” They all laughed while my eyes remained on Ari as I slipped the ring in her finger. They shone with so much emotion, lust being one of them. This ceremony needed to finish and soon. I could not be held accountable for my actions when she was giving me the fuck me stare.

“Arianna,” Carlos called out to gain our attention once more. Do you take Chester Greene to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, from this day forward. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part?”

“I do,” she answered, voice breaking at the end. Her shaking fingers brought the ring up to my hand and placed it where it’d never leave again. “Always me and you. To the end.”

The officiant continued to speak and end his service, but I was too busy lost in her stare. It wasn’t until she pinched my hand that I registered his next words. “ may now kiss the bride.”

Fuck, I didn’t need to be told twice.

Before Ari could take in her next breath, I had her pulled against my chest with my hand cradling her neck. My lips hovered over hers, took her every exhale into my lungs.

“I love you, Slim,” I breathed out. “You’re my world.”

“In this world and the next, I’m yours.”

At that moment, I saw the truth behind those words. Felt the weight they carried, and as our lips met, I thanked the man upstairs for placing her in my life.

For allowing this gorgeous creature to walk beside me for the rest of our days.

She saw me as I saw her. Her everything.


The end for these two…