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If I'd Known: The Cursed Series, Part 1 by Rebecca Donovan (5)

Chapter Five

“Lying is the worst kind of betrayal.”

I watch the tear drip from my mother’s nose onto the pillow as I lie across from her in bed, her hand holding mine tightly.

“Don’t ever lie to protect someone from the truth. Untrue words hurt as much as a knife to the heart.”

“Are you comfortable?” Joey asks, leaning in so that his voice hums in my ear.

I’m beginning to think this is his way of unraveling me. It’s more intimate than the hand he has resting on my hip. I tilt my head toward him, my cheek brushing against his freshly shaven skin. He smells so good. I almost close my eyes to inhale him.

“I am,” I reply, leaning a little farther back into the corner of the car, my legs draped across his, so I have a better view of him.

“I’m impressed with your beer pong skills.” His mouth quirks, giving a hint of his dimple. “You sure you haven’t played before?”

“I’m sure.” I smile wryly. “You owe me a zebra.”

“I do.”

He’s slowly moved closer, so now he only has to lean his gorgeous head in just a little to kiss me. Lost in his attentive gaze and seduced by the low rumble of his voice, I want him to kiss me. I brush my hand along his neck, transfixed.

“Want some?”

It’s like someone shook me and I’m awakened from a trance, dropped back into the middle of reality with music blaring and bodies squeezed in next to us. I catch Nina’s scrutinizing eyes in the rearview mirror. Whatever she sees, she isn’t happy about it. I remove my hand from Joey’s neck and sit up a little straighter.

Tori leans over with the bottle in her hand. “Lana?”

“Sure,” comes out way too wistful. I clear my throat. Not bothering to look at what I’m drinking, I hold my breath and take two long gulps, breathing out against the astringent peppermint burn.

I offer the bottle to Joey. After taking his share, he passes it to Vic.

“Hey,” I say when Vic makes eye contact.

“Vic, this is Lana.” Joey nods toward me. “Vic and I go to school together in Vermont.”

“What’s up?” Vic nods with a quick lift of the thick black eyebrows that shadow his sunken grey eyes.

After he takes a long swig from the bottle, he hands it to Lincoln and crosses his arms. The energy rolling off him is dark and brooding. I can tell he’s going to be as much fun to have around as the plague. I haven’t wanted anything to do with him since I first saw him at the party, and that hasn’t changed.

“How you doin’, Lana?” Lincoln asks, his long legs bent uncomfortably behind the front seat.

I never know how to respond to that question. People don’t really want to know the miserable truth. And I can’t lie and tell them what they expect to hear, so I offer an ambiguous shrug.

Even though I saw him at the party, this is the first time Lincoln and I have spoken tonight.

“I didn’t know you and Joey were friends.”

“You and I don’t exactly talk about things like that,” he replies.

That’s true. I’ve been his partner in French just about all year, and I don’t know much about him other than he plays sports and has a scholarship to go … somewhere. Oh, and that he apparently has a thing for Tori.

Most guys do.

Tori isn’t exactly girlfriend material. So I wouldn’t have encouraged him if I had known he was seriously into her. She’s never been exclusive with a guy for as long as I’ve known her, which is practically forever. She’s distant but flirty. Something about her aloofness comes across as untouchable. And predictably, guys want what they can’t have, making her that much more alluring. Tori takes advantage, taunting and teasing. Manipulating to get what she wants before dropping them.

I feel bad for Lincoln, watching him as he’s unable to keep his eyes off her. He’s not like the guys we usually go out with. She could really mess him up if he’s not careful.

Hello, Lana,” Nina calls to me from the front seat, annoyed.

“Uh, sorry,” I respond, realizing I haven’t even acknowledged her since getting in the car. “How was your night?”

Nina shrugs. “The usual.”

Nina’s nineteen. She dropped out of school last year to work at a local strip club. She’s tall and thin with straight dark hair that touches her ass, blessed with breasts that men pay to see and pray to touch. She keeps saying she’s planning to get her GED. Not sure I believe it.

Nina parties with us when she’s not working. She’s the type of girl who attracts attention everywhere she goes—supermarket included. Guys are pathetic around her. But she’s just as standoffish as we are when it comes to getting serious with anyone. Nina’s curse is Respect. She demands it from everyone—her friends, her patrons, and especially, her men.

If they disrespect her, she can throw a punch unlike anyone I know. I was surprised the first time I saw it. She nailed some guy in the face for feeling her up while we were at the movies. I’m pretty sure she broke his nose. Nina taught me how to defend myself. Even gave me the small pink switchblade that I have in my pocket.

Nina moved in with Tori after sticking a fork in her mother’s boyfriend’s thigh. He tried to slide his hand under her skirt while they were eating dinner—with her mother sitting across the table! Her mother kicked her out, swearing the man she loved would never have done that. The boyfriend is lucky she didn’t aim a little higher. As for her mother … I have no words.

I’m still not sure why we’re in the ogre’s car.

Then Nina explains, “So Gary offered to give us a ride and hooked us up with a couple partials.” Which means he took some nearly empty bottles of liquor from the club’s bar. She raises her eyebrows and her mouth forces into a smile.

Now I know. Gary was our only option, which totally sucks because I’m really not in the mood to put up with his creepy-hand-roaming thing.

“So explain how we got on the list tonight?” Nina asks, still speaking to us through the rearview mirror.

“My brother, Parker,” Joey explains.

His fingers casually skim the exposed skin along my waistline. I draw in a quick breath. He must notice because the side of his mouth quirks up, even while he remains focused on Nina’s reflection.

Nina whips around in her seat. “Parker Harrison?” Her eyes flit over Joey’s face intently, earning a curious look in return.

“You know my brother?” he asks, surprised.

I didn’t realize Nina hadn’t been told Joey’s last name, and she must not have gotten a good look at him ’til now because the relation is pretty obvious.

Nina flashes me a quick glance before turning back around in her seat, composed once again. “We see him out every once in a while,” she says, her voice indifferent.

But I know better. Truth is, everyone knows who Parker Harrison is. It’s hard not to. He’s an older, more refined version of Joey. But, unlike Joey, Parker is everywhere—bars, parties, basically anywhere people are having a good time.

Tucking his cell phone in his pocket, Vic leans forward to talk to Gary. “Can we make a stop?”

“This isn’t a taxi,” Gary gripes. “I didn’t know I’d be driving all of you.” He glares over the seat.

“Aw, Gary,” Nina coos, rubbing her slender, manicured fingers on the back of his bulbous head.

I repress a gag. I don’t know how she fakes it. There’s probably more grease in his slicked hair than in the drip bucket at Stella’s.

“You know they’re my friends.” She leans in close so her shiny red lips are almost touching his ear. “Be nice, please.”

Gary sighs in contentment as she pets his huge ogre head. “Where do you want to go?”

“I need to pick up some smokes. Next convenience store works,” Vic tells him, sitting back against the seat, his fists clenched within his crossed arms.

What’s up with this guy?

“You smell good,” Joey says, his nose brushing against my shoulder.

“Thanks,” I reply, hoping it’s the perfume he’s attracted to and not Stella’s stench. Thinking back to what Tori said earlier, I try not to laugh. Apparently, grease is sexy. That’s so wrong.

“I’ve been wanting to meet you for a while.” He squeezes my waist.

I jump and my shoulder knocks him in the jaw.

I cannot believe that just happened.

“I’m so sorry.” I cringe, mortified.

“It’s okay,” he assures me, rubbing his chin. “Didn’t realize you were ticklish.”


“Everywhere?” he asks, a teasing grin spreading on his gorgeous face.

Oh, I wish I could lick that dimple. Yup, I really did just think that.

His other hand grips my thigh. I jump again—without assaulting him this time.

“Guess so,” he says with a laugh, gently rubbing the traitorous spot.

If I could whip around and straddle him right now, I would. Slutty, I know. But I swear I’m not usually this pathetic. A guy has never affected me like this before. So stop judging.

“I wish we were alone right now,” I whisper in his ear, tucking my hand between his knees and running a thumb over his leg.

Okay, fine. Judge. I know we haven’t even had a full conversation. But I don’t care. I’m sitting on top of the muscular thighs of one of the hottest guys I’ve ever met, and all I want to do is give in to every urge pulsing through my hormonal teenage body. It’s like I have no control.

Joey pulls me in a little closer. “Me too.”

“Need another drink?” Tori asks, leaning so far over the front seat that she’s practically in my face. “You know, take the edge off?”

She eyes Joey’s hand on my bare leg and glares at him. He drops it by his side. I sober with the release of his touch.

“Yeah,” I reply guiltily.

She knows this isn’t me. I’m not the girl who spreads my legs for any guy who looks my way. She usually gives me shit for being so cold and bitchy. Then again, she’s not sitting on Joey’s lap right now, leaning against his firm chest.

Actually, she’s the reason I’m sitting here!

Tori’s almost as small as I am. I could’ve fit in the front seat of this boat with her and Nina. But she told me to sit in the back with that stupid wink she gave me. So I’m totally blaming my sluttiness on her.

I grab the bottle from her and guzzle until I can’t. If tearing off Joey’s clothes isn’t an option, then I’m going to need a lot of sedation.

I hand the bottle to Joey, who draws in several mouthfuls. I guess I’m not the only one fighting to behave.

We turn into the parking lot of a convenience store with crooked cardboard signs plastered to its grimy windows, advertising cigarettes, milk and lottery tickets. Lincoln slides out of the car after Gary puts it in park. Tori gets out at the same time.

“Why don’t I sit in the back? Vic, you can sit up front.”

“Whatever,” he grumbles, stalking past her and toward the store.

Tori smiles seductively up at Lincoln, brushing her hand along his chest as he holds the door open with the dumbest smile on his face. She’s torturing him. And when she ducks into the car, the glint in her eyes tells me she knows it too. Poor guy.

As soon as she scoots next to Joey, she flips my dangling legs up so my feet are on her thighs. “Hey, Lana.”

I’m in trouble. And when she clutches my ankle, I know she’s definitely not happy with me. Again, this is her fault.

“Hey, Tori,” I respond, forcing a smile.

Joey looks between us and sinks back into the seat like he’s trying to get out of the way.

“You look really cute tonight.” She directs her attention to Joey. “Doesn’t she look really cute tonight?”

“Uh, yeah,” Joey responds, obviously confused and not wanting to be in the middle of whatever this is.

“Thanks,” I reply shortly.

Tori is fierce. Not a physical threat like Nina. She and I are barely over five feet. But she has a temper and a vocabulary that makes grown men cower. And when she goes off, her long black curls whip around her head like a raging storm. Her neck flips from side to side, and a finger topped with a sharp nail is in the face of whoever she’s telling off. Spanglish snaps from her tongue like a whip, leaving a guy looking for his balls and the most confident girl whimpering. It’s like she verbally skins them alive. I’ve only been on the other end of that Latina finger twice. And neither time ended well.

I watch her hand now, waiting. She keeps it resting on my ankle.

“You should know she’s my best friend, Joey.” She sounds like one of the guys from the Godfather before he pulls out a gun and blows the head off of whoever’s across the table from him.

“I do know that,” Joey replies carefully.

“Then you should know I’m really protective of my friends. Especially my best friend.”

He nods. My eyes narrow. I don’t get it. Where’s this coming from?

“And being with my best friend is earned.” Tori stares him down. I reach for her hand before she can point the finger. “She’s not a prize that lands on your lap. Got it?”

“Of course,” he replies, unable to look away from her blazing brown eyes.

“Um, can I talk to you a minute?” I request, squeezing Tori’s hand.

She blinks away from Joey and looks to me with a brilliant smile. “Yeah, sure.”

I open the door and ease off Joey’s lap. Joey moves to get out, and Tori presses her hand into his chest, pushing him back against the seat.

“I got it,” she says, crawling around him. She steps out and shuts the door in his face.

“What’s up with you? Why are you acting like this?” I ask as soon as we’re alone.

“Why are you letting him touch you like that?” she demands. “Lana, that’s not you.”

“Hey! You’re the one who has me sitting on his lap, and if you felt what I felt, you wouldn’t be so judgy right now.” I clamp my mouth shut, realizing how wrong that sounded.

“You’re right. It’s my fault,” she admits, leaning back against the car with her arms crossed. “I set you up. I should have known you’d be an easy lay for him.”

“Yeah, it is your fault! Wait … what? Easy? I’m not easy,” I say, completely offended. Then I notice the gleam in her eye. She’s fucking with me. “You’re a bitch, Tori.”

“Just needed you to wake up and stop acting like a slut.” Tori smiles and steps toward me, pulling me into a hug. “Remember, he’s a dumbass guy. He has to deserve you first. You’re not a trophy, Lana.”

“Right,” I reply, suffocated by her mane.

Tori and I made a pact when we were in fifth grade to always be honest and protect each other, no matter what. And then, in sixth grade, after a stupid argument over who could like Justin Walker, we added that no guy is worth fighting over. Ever. Joey Harrison included.

We’re interrupted when the back door opens.

“Your phone beeped.” Joey has it in his hand.

I take it from him. “Thanks.” I pat my jacket pocket and find it open. Thankfully, the switchblade didn’t fall out too.

I enter my passcode to read the text from my mother. Could you pick up some flu medicine while you’re out?

The flu? I hesitate before responding. We both know this isn’t the flu. But maybe she just needs something for the symptoms.

I type back, Okay.

Then I slip the phone back in my pocket and zip it up.

“Everything alright?” Joey asks, his brows drawn together in concern.

“Uh”—I force a smile—“I just need to pick up something for my mother. I’ll be right back.”

I can tell he’s about to ask me a question, so I turn away quickly, leaving him standing outside the car, watching me walk away.

I pull open the grime-covered door and freeze after taking just three steps.

I stare at the small silver gun. I don’t know what make it is, but it’s one of those kinds where the barrel opens up, and the bullets are loaded one at a time. Holding the gun is a big guy wearing a black leather jacket with a scarf pulled up over his nose and a hoodie covering his head.

“What the hell are you doing in here?!” Vic yells at me.

I look from the gun to the skinny man with the bushy mustache behind the counter, his hands raised. I don’t say anything.

The guy behind the counter anxiously flips his unblinking eyes between us. I look from him back to Vic. Vic shakes his head at me before focusing on the cashier.

“Hurry up!” Vic yells at the guy, who grabs cash from the register and shoves it across the counter. “And pull out a bunch of lottery tickets too!” Vic demands, forcing his voice to be deeper than it is. “Slowly!” he warns the man.

The cashier reaches his shaking hands to pull at the lottery tickets hanging on the wall behind the counter. He tears off a long string and offers them to Vic.

“Give them to her,” Vic demands, waving the gun toward me.

“What?!” I yell. “I don’t want anything to do with your dumbass robbery! I’m not touching them.”

Vic aims the gun at my chest. “Take the fucking tickets.”

I’m not nervous or scared. I’m more annoyed than anything. Why did I have to walk in on this dipwad robbing the convenience store? I bet he’s going to walk away with barely two hundred dollars. He’s such a fricken idiot.

“Fine.” I snatch the trail of tickets from the clerk and fold them up, grumbling, “Asshole,” under my breath. I shove them in my inside pocket. “Can we leave now?”

Vic stuffs the bills in his jacket pocket and starts walking backward, keeping the gun pointed at the cashier. I shove the door open and stomp to the car.

“Hurry up and get in the car!” Vic yells at me, hiding the gun in the back of his pants. He pulls down the scarf and shoves back the hood in one quick motion. He’s opening the passenger door as I’m sliding back onto Joey’s lap. “Drive. Now.”

“What just happened?” Gary demands. He’s the only one who seems to have noticed our odd exit.

“Nothing,” Vic replies, agitated. “Just fucking drive.” He looks at me over his shoulder.

I want to punch him in the face. He’s beyond stupid! I cross my arms and lean back against the arm Joey has loosely draped around me. I stare Vic down, imagining my hands wrapped around his throat, strangling him.

“Lana, what happened?” Tori asks, easily picking up on my hostile mood.

I don’t take my eyes off the contagion that is Vic. I’m certain disdain is written all over my face as I silently curse him with a thousand deaths. I’m not even trying to hide it. But I know, if I say something, everything will go to shit.

“Nothing,” Vic snaps.

I don’t say a word.




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