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In His Arms (Romance on the Go Book 0) by Lexie Davis (3)

Chapter Three


“Wow, look at you, princess.” Mike Miller stepped into Jessica’s room, admiring her outfit. “You look amazing. Got a hot date tonight?”

Jessie smiled at her dad in the mirror. “Is it that miraculous?”

He chuckled and sat on the edge of her bed. “No. Your mom told me that Alex was back in town. I figured you two would hang out for old time’s sake.”

Jessie pulled at the waistband of her short black skirt while she searched her closet for a better top. It’d been so long since she’d even thought about men and dating. Most of the locals her age were married or gay.

“Dad, Alex and I have decided we want to explore a romantic relationship. He asked me over to his house tonight.” She felt like a teenager again, and it sucked.

“Oh, I see.” He stared at her. “Jess, I’m not going to give you the “no sex” talk like I did when you were a teen, but I am going to tell you to be careful. You’re an adult. You make your own decisions.”

Jessica looked at her father and noticed his pale face. He looked sick, like right when they found out he had cancer. The horrific memories slammed into her like a speeding truck. Several months of chemo-induced anemia, white blood cell transplants, and the fear of never having another day with him brought tears to her eyes.

“Dad, are you okay? You look a little pale.” She rushed to his side.

“Oh, don’t worry about me.” He patted her hand and then stood. “Get ready for your date and have a little fun while you’re at it.”

She watched him leave the room and wondered if he was telling her the truth. If he was sick, she wanted to know. She wanted to know everything so they could help him.

She picked a light pink camisole with a lace trim bodice and pulled her hair into a ponytail, then did a quick touch up on her makeup. After adding a few sprits of perfume she headed for the door, thoughts of her dad still lingering in her mind. Don’t get worked up over it. He’d tell you if he was sick.

“Jessica.” Lena Miller stood in the kitchen removing chocolate chip cookies from the sheet pan. “If you’re coming home tonight, I expect you to be back by ten when we go to bed.”

“Okay, Mom.” Twenty-five and she still had a curfew, she thought as she left her parents’s house.

She finally arrived at Alex’s house and immediately noted the extra car parked in his drive. He hadn’t mentioned anything about company, and she would have thought he’d call if he had to cancel. She slid out of the car, feeling more stupid with each step she took.

With the door ajar, she gently tapped her knuckles on the wood doorframe. Laughter spilled from the living room before Alex rounded the corner with a smile on his face.

“Hey, babe.” He opened the screen door for her. “You look amazing.”

She smiled, stepping into the foyer. “Thank you. I’m kind of early. Am I interrupting anything?”

“Babe.” He shut the door and then pulled her to him. His mouth came down hard on hers, not giving her time to think, much less breathe. “You aren’t interrupting anything. Erica is just here on business. She’s leaving out tomorrow.”

He grabbed her hand and led her into the living room. A leggy blonde in a short gray skirt and knee-high boots lounged on the black leather couch like she owned the place. She smiled at Alex and then frowned, her gaze traveling the length of Jessica’s body.

“Erica Rainer, this is my girlfriend, Jessica Miller. Jess, this is Erica. She works with me in L.A. on PR stuff. She flew in to help with Bob’s case.”

Jessica smiled at her while clutching Alex’s hand tightly. “It’s nice to meet you, Erica.”

The woman’s eyes darted from Jessica to Alex. “You’ve been in Texas for two days and you already have a girlfriend? Damn, you work fast.”

Alex smiled. “Nah, she’s just special. Jess and I’ve known each other since childhood. It’s meant to be.”

The room filled with awkward silence. Alex turned to Jess. “Babe, we’re almost done here. We just have a few papers to go over. Help yourself if you want something from the kitchen.”

He sat on the couch, effectively dismissing her while he continued their conversation, so Jessica took the hint. Leaving the room, she heard their laughter echo—or Blondie’s, rather. The woman had enough nerve to flirt with Alex. Conveniently, he ignored his proclaimed girlfriend. Something is wrong with this picture.

She excused herself heading to the kitchen for some alcohol. A beer—anything—to ease her nerves. Her thoughts reverted back to her father’s words about her being careful. If only she’d recalled that with Justin.

She popped the top to the beer bottle and gulped the bitter liquid down her parched throat. Justin had propositioned her for sex, and she’d given in. He’d called her his girlfriend, too, except in public and around the partners. What the hell had she been thinking? She sipped her beer before leaning against the counter.

Having a love life seemed like a full time job. Working at the diner for twelve-hour shifts, she didn’t have the time or energy to deal with men. She didn’t know how it would work when he went back to L.A. Alex had told her to stop worrying, that everything would work itself out. Yeah, typical guy’s answer.

More laughter came from the living room and Jessica mocked it before swallowing a long gulp of her beer. He could have had the decency to tell her his co-worker was coming to work with him. But no. He dismissed her like she was nothing so he could finish his work with the talking Barbie. Maybe he just wanted to get it over with.

She tossed the beer in the recycling bin and headed for another in the fridge. Since beer and water were the only things he had to drink, she had to make do.

“Hey.” Alex came into the kitchen. “What’cha doing?”

“Drinking beer.” She tipped her bottle back, narrowing her eyes at him.

“Look, Jess.” He braced his hands on the counter. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know she was coming this soon, and when she got here, we worked non-stop to get this thing going. We’ve actually got the major cities in Texas taking in the advertising for Bob’s business. He’s ecstatic.”

Success flashed in his eyes, a look of satisfaction with the progress they’d accomplished so far. Who was she to hinder him? “It’s fine. I’ll just go back home and let you work.”

“No, hey, wait.” He grabbed her hand and linked his long fingers around her small wrist. “I don’t want you to go home. I’ll just tell Erica to leave. I think I can handle the rest on my own.” His eyes pleaded with hers. “Please don’t leave.”

She tried not to let the disappointment show on her face. They’d been amped up to finally spend some intimate time together and it seemed something always stood in the way. Was she crazy for entertaining the idea of going there with him? He’d always be working. He didn’t even live in the same state as her and that was what he got to go back home to.

“Just give me a second.” He squeezed her wrist slightly. “I know what you’re thinking and you’ve got it all wrong.”

“What am I thinking?” she asked puzzled.

He met her gaze. “Do not compare yourself to her. I want you here. I should have planned this better, though.” He glanced back toward the other room. “Promise me you’ll stay. I’ve been waiting to see you all day.”

“Fine. I’ll stay.” Jessica put on a fake smile just as Erica walked in the door.

“Alex, darling, we have a slight problem.” Barbie spoke with her cell phone pressed to her ear. “My hotel is booked solid for the Hot Rod convention, and they gave my room away. I don’t have anywhere to stay.”

Jessica fought back the groan she wanted to expel. Alex kept his eyes on her even though he was talking to Erica.

“I have a spare bed. I’ll show you to it.”

Jessica rolled her eyes. This was putting a cramp in their plans for the evening.

“Thank you so much.” Erica grabbed his arm and looped hers around it. “Now I don’t have to fight all the traffic, and we can work some more on the account.”

Alex pulled away. “No. I’m going to spend the rest of my time tonight with Jessie.” He opened the bedroom door and flipped on the light. “It’s small, but it serves its purpose.”

“How can this room be so bland when your bedroom is so extravagant?” she purred.

Eyes wide, Jessica rounded the corner. Why had Barbie been checking out Alex’s room? Alex pinched the bridge of his nose. Why was he being so calm about it? she contemplated with her arms crossed and teeth clenched—in order to keep her mouth shut.

“Erica, I don’t mean to be rude, but you had no business being in my room.” Alex’s frustration showed with his clipped tone. Jessica suppressed a smile.

“Oh, don’t get your panties in a wad. I just went to the bathroom, and your door was open. I couldn’t help snooping.” She dropped to the bed, her legs slightly apart, just enough to see her black lace panties.

“Well, Jess and I will leave you to your business. Good night.” Alex closed the door behind them.

Jessica’s annoyance increased with his aloof manner, and she took a deep breath to relax. She glared, waiting for him to break the silence, to cut through the tension surrounding them as thick as fog.

“She didn’t have anywhere to go,” he said. “What was I supposed to do?”

“Alex, this is crazy.” She laughed harshly. “We live in two different worlds. You have blonde Barbies hanging on your arm; I live in a small town and work twelve-hour shifts at the local diner. I was crazy to assume we’d work out. I think it’s best if we cut our losses and just part ways.”

She turned, but he caught her arm, pushing her back against the wall. He held her there with one arm while he opened Erica’s door.

“Erica, you need to leave for a couple of hours.” He growled.

“Leave? Where am I supposed to go?” Erica pulled on her boots, hopping about the room. “This place is Podunkville, USA. You don’t even have a decent bar!”

“I don’t care. Just go. Don’t come back until nine-thirty.”

Erica stumbled down the hall past Jessica, snarling along the way.

Alex finally loosened his grip on Jessica’s arm and followed Barbie to the door. He waited until after he closed it behind her to remark, “Care to tell me why you’re mad?”

“Because I want you!” Her voice raised a notch. “I don’t want to, but I do. Every time we get a chance to be together, something happens. I have an early shift tomorrow at the diner, and by the time my twelve hours are up, I’m going to be dead-tired. I can’t juggle a relationship—”

He paced the short distance between them and made her stumble backwards with the force of his lips on hers. The cool wall pressed against her back while his hands busied themselves underneath her shirt. She moaned into his mouth, his hot palms roaming the expanse of her stomach and she pulled him closer.

Hot, angry sex was better than no sex at all.

In one swift movement, Alex pulled her shirt over her head. Gently, he cupped her breasts. He tugged the lace of her bra aside and slid his finger over her nipples, flicking and rolling them with the rough pad of his thumb. She squirmed against the wall, clutching his biceps and silently begged for more. After several seconds of teasing, he finally lowered his mouth to her neck and she cried out.

“Alex, god, don’t stop.” Her hands slid through his silky hair, holding him to her.

One hand slid down her body then up her thigh to find her bare underneath the short skirt she wore. He groaned his approval against her.

His fingers explored her, sliding between the wet folds. Her legs fell limp under his touch, her muscles threatening to drop her body to the floor.

“Hold it.” He lifted his head. “You’re not going to give out on me now, are you?”

His fingers slid in and out of her tight channel while he watched the pleasure come over her body in a hazing glow. She clinched her muscles around him, trying to hold him still.

“Stop. It’s been a long time. I want your cock in me, and I want it now.” She fumbled for his zipper and freed his erection. So hot and hard. She wrapped her palm around him, squeezing slightly. Her hand slid down his length and then back to the tip where a light amount of moisture seeped out.

He braced both palms flat against the wall, one on each side of her head, to hold himself up. While she explored his body, he dropped his head to her shoulder and pressed kisses along her neck.

“I thought you said you wanted me inside you,” he remarked, sliding his hands down to her ass, lifting her up. “I can’t get inside you if you’re playing with me, sweetheart. Not that I’m complaining.” With a palm on each cheek of her ass, he lifted her to the correct height with his cock poised against her.

“I will be complaining if you don’t start moving.” She edged forward, sliding him inside her.

Inch by slow inch, she rocked her hips, each time sliding him deeper inside her body. His eyes dilated with pleasure. She gripped him in a tight vise, and his low groan was that of approval. Neither of them able to take the torture any longer, he finally slid home in one thrust. The penetration felt good, and she moaned to urge him on. He pulled out nearly all the way and then shoved back, over and over. The need to come became intense as his pace increased.

She was there.

In four quick thrusts, she plummeted over the edge. She held onto him while her body milked his orgasm with blinding force, surprising them both with the intensity. He leaned against her—panting and legs wobbly—while he made an effort to hold them both up.

“You’re perfect,” he whispered. His lips grazed her neck, while her arms and legs wrapped around him. “Can we go to bed?”

She nodded, and he started to toe off his pants. Jessica giggled while he fumbled and nearly fell on his ass with her in his arms. Finally, he took her back to his room and laid her in the center of his bed.

She smiled while his gaze roamed over her body. Something unspoken lingered between them, and all anxiety faded. He took every inch of her exposed skin in, his smoldering eyes bold, yet soft as a lover’s caress. Her body pulsed with breathless excitement knowing she put that look of desire on his face— something she’d never felt before. He crawled across the bed and scooted between her thighs. This time, he took it sweet and slow, and she savored every ounce of pleasure he gave her. Alex pressed his mouth against her, working his way down to her stomach. His hands roamed and caressed each valley and peak, exploring every detail of her body.

“You’re so beautiful, Jess,” he said, hovering over her before he entered her again.

Her nails dug into his back while his mouth sought out hers. She welcomed each thrust, raising her hips to meet his. Agonizingly slow, he thrust his stiff cock inside her while his tongue mimicked the notion with hers.

She came in slow, sensual waves, allowing her body to feel what only this man could do. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he came hard and fast, pulling her with him. He was beautiful, and at that moment, she knew she loved him. There was no other definition for it. She’d loved him since the day he bought her the ring nearly eight years ago. She never really got over giving Alex up so many years ago, and hated the thought that she might have to do it again.

“You’re amazing.” He kissed her again before rolling her on top of him. “You look like a very happy, satisfied woman.” He brushed a strand of hair out of her face.

“I am. You make me happy.” And he did.

They laid together, limbs wrapped around each other, with only a thin sheet clinging to their sweaty bodies. Jessica listened to the steady beating of his heart beneath her ear, loving the sense of security he’d brought into her world. Alex was real, when for so long, everything seemed fake. Fake happiness in New York, fake comfort coming back home—she didn’t realize in all her years of searching, Alex was what she sought.

He lay next to her, satisfied and content, holding her tightly to him. A lump of emotion clogged her throat. Did they have a future? Was she more than a warm body to him? She felt more than that with him, but the past proved just because she felt something didn’t mean he did.

It’s just really great sex, Jessica. Stop analyzing a near perfect moment.

Though, as she thought it, she couldn’t help whispering, “I love you,” afterward.




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