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Incapable by Marie Skye (15)


"Do you have your speech?”

I patted my front pocket. "I have it right here.”

Smiling, she continued getting ready. Ready as much as I allowed her until she finally threatened me, and kicked me out of the bedroom. Every time she tried putting something on, I started taking it off. Two days ago, I did something I never thought I would do again. I told a woman I loved her. I'd felt high ever since. She didn’t say it back, but I felt like she did in her own way. Now here we were, about to officially go out in the public eye. I was about to formally bring her into my world. 

Hearing the bedroom door open, I turned and watched her descend the stairs. My breath stopped. It definitely wasn't the purple dress. She paused at the bottom of the stairs and watched my expression, looking shy. 

"Come here,” I commanded, and she slowly paced the rest of the way toward me. Slowly circling her, I admitted, "I've always loved seeing you in lace underwear, but an all lace dress? You'll have me hard all night.” I nipped at her ear and caressed her belly. 

"Hey, you're not supposed to ruin anything.” She fanned me away. 

"I have something for you."      I walked over to the drawer, opening a case.

She gasped. “Grayson, it’s beautiful.”

“Allow me.” She swept her hair to the side as I fastened the clasp to a single teardrop diamond necklace and then placed a kiss at the base of her neck. “We had better go, otherwise I’ll keep you here.”

She smiled and we headed to the limo. As we rode to the event, I made last-minute event changes with security, making sure no one who wasn’t invited would be on the list. When we arrived at the venue, I glanced over at Emmalin, who appeared extremely nervous. Cupping her face, I asked, “Hey, you okay?” She nodded. “We don’t have to go.”

“Are you crazy? This is your big event. Of course we have to. For the kids, remember?” 

I kissed her. I loved this woman. I tapped on the partition, signaling we were ready. As soon as the door opened, we were blinded by flashes and cameras. I put on my best public smile and pulled Emmalin to me. She looked startled at first, but quickly relaxed and followed my lead. 

“If I didn’t know any better, I would say you’ve done this before,” I whispered in her ear. 

She smiled. “Lessons from Isabella.”

I threw my head back and laughed. “Let’s go in. I’ve had enough out here.” 

We walked into the venue, and it was breathtaking. The decor alone was astonishing. Athletes and celebrities surrounded us. I was glad I decided to get a real dress. We weren’t more than a few feet in before someone stopped us. I took off my starstruck face and put on my polite, smiling face. 

“Emmalin, this is Francois Le Blanc. He heads our Paris division. Francois, this is Emmalin, my girlfriend. She’s been assisting on the Florida project.”

“Excellent. I’ve heard good things. I understand we’ll be seeing you next week.” 

I nodded in agreement, but before I could respond, we were interrupted. 

“Mr. Mandrake, my apologies, but you’re needed out back.”

He cursed under his breath. “I’ll be back.” He gave me a chaste kiss and walked away. 

I took a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and started walking around, looking at all the items up for bid at the silent auction and watching the people dancing on the floor. 

“I always find you alone.”

I turned at the voice. Dale. “I’m not alone,” I corrected him.

He shifted closer. “No? Must be my mistake then.” I turned my attention back toward the dance floor. “You should be out there. I can’t believe your date hasn’t asked you to dance.” 

I looked around the venue, not spotting Grayson at all. “It’s fine. He’s busy.”

He tsked. Next thing I knew, he gently placed his hand on my bicep and was leading me onto the dance floor.

“What are you doing?” I whispered. 

He smiled. “Dancing with the most beautiful woman here.”

I glanced around, still not seeing Grayson. It was one dance. Fine. One dance, what was the big deal? 

Dale turned out to be a pretty good dancer. He even made me roll my eyes by telling corny jokes. I briefly spotted Chace in the corner staring at us. Two seconds later, I almost screamed when I came out of a turn and came face to face with Grayson.

“I’m cutting in.” He took my hand from Dale’s, his eyes never leaving me, and walked me off the dance floor.

As we reached a corner, just out of view from the rest of the event, he let go of my hand and walked further away, hands clenched at his sides, taking deep breaths. 

"Grayson.” He held his hand up, and I sighed. If he wanted to throw a tantrum, fine. "I didn't do anything wrong. You weren't even there."

"I know," he quietly spoke. 


He turned toward me.

"I said, I know. You didn't do anything wrong. I was watching you the entire time, and when I couldn't, I had eyes on you. I saw you step away from him, but he took your arm anyway and pulled you out on the dance floor. You were mesmerizing out there. It’s him I have a problem with.” He stepped closer and brushed a lock of hair behind my ear, then wrapped his arms around me. “You’re mine,” he whispered. 

I pulled back. “Is everything okay?” When he nodded, I continued. "The charity ball seems to be doing well." 

He smiled. "It is. Some of the kids are here. They're putting on a talent show, and this is like a huge party for them, getting their pictures taken with athletes and celebrities." 

I laughed. "I see. Bringing in the children means bringing in more money." 

He shrugged. "The children deserve it, and more. It's not just for the public schools, but for children's hospitals. They deserve the best. They are, after all, our future." 

As we continued making rounds, I couldn't help but notice the evil eye a lot of the women were giving me when I was introduced as his girlfriend. The lovely Mrs. Stewart just looked at me and smirked. What the hell did I ever do to her? 

Dinner was finally announced, and we all went into the adjoining room. 

I looked at my menu card. Impressive.

"Have I told you how stunning you look tonight?" 

I smiled. "Not, in the past three minutes, no." 

He leaned in closer. "I can't wait to get that dress off you.”

I blushed, and his hand began trailing up my thigh. I quickly placed my hand over his. 

"You wouldn't. 

He smirked. "Wouldn't I?"

Our table began to fill with other patrons, and I smiled kindly at them as the waiters set our soups down. Directly across from me sat Dale. 

Grayson immediately stiffened. "I didn't realize you were at this table, Dale." 

"Well, you know all top contributors and board members are at the head table, Grayson.” He smiled. 

"Yes, of course. Thank you for that,” Grayson conceded, and Dale nodded. Glancing at the empty seat next to him, Grayson asked, "Did you have a date?"

"Of course. My acquaintance. Ah, here she is now."

There was a shift in the air as Grayson’s grip on my hand tightened. An impeccably dressed woman came sauntering up to the table, looking like she just stepped off the runway. Jet black hair, pouty red lips, skin porcelain white, and the biggest blue eyes I'd ever seen. She commanded grace.

As she stopped at the table, Dale rose and looked at Grayson. "I believe you know my date?" 

She greeted Grayson. "Sorry, I'm late.” Then she turned to me. "I'm Lydia Mandrake, Grayson’s wife." 

I could feel the blood draining from my face. She smiled at me before waving to someone and walking away. I stared down at my plate of uneaten food that once seemed so rich and delicious. Now I wanted to vomit all over it. I could vaguely hear my name being called over the sound of my blood rushing through my ears. I turned toward Grayson. 

"Emmalin.” He was squeezing my hand.

I looked down at our conjoined hands and yanked mine away. I couldn't breathe. When I stood up, he stood with me. 


"I'm going to the bathroom.” I heard myself say it, but the voice didn't sound like mine. I was in complete robot mode. Entering the nearest stall, I began dry heaving. He was fucking married. Did everyone know? Was I the only idiot who didn't? Was I the laughingstock? I was living with a married man. I fell in love with a married man. After a few minutes, I came out and was greeted by Ashley Stewart. Of course. 

"Well, hello. You're looking a little flushed, doll. Are you sick?"

"I'm fine,” I mumbled as I cooled my hands with the cold water, wishing I was drowning instead.

"Hmm, well enjoy the rest of your night. I'm leaving shortly with my husband. Smooches.”

I watched her leave and, after a few deep breaths, finally walked out and was immediately stopped by Grayson. I ignored him, and started searching for the nearest exit door. 

"Emmalin, I need to talk to you.” Suddenly the venue exploded into cheers, and a spotlight was shined on us. I quickly stepped back, and Grayson instantly put on his showtime smile and waved. He turned to me. "I have to give the speech now.” His eyes were pleading. I nodded. He tried reaching for my hand, but I started clapping instead and smiled, just like everyone else, and his face fell. “Come with me.”

I took a step back into the crowd and I scanned the room. Dale and Lydia were off to the side, conversing. The children who put on the talent show earlier were standing and clapping. Several children from the children’s hospital, looking absolutely beautiful, were seated but still clapping. I looked back at Grayson. “They’re waiting for you. Go.”

He gave me one last look before slowly walking away. As he got to the podium, there were a few whistles and he saluted the crowd. He should give his speech. It was a great speech. I’d heard it a hundred times. I could almost repeat it. I'd heard him talk about his passion for helping children. I found it admirable. It was a great speech. Fantastic.

We made eye contact, and he looked as if he was trying to confess to me everything he could. And every confession physically hurt me more than the last. It was a great speech. But I wasn't going to be there to hear it. 

Fuck. I was staring at her, pleading with her to stay, to talk to me, and all I could do was watch her walk out that door. I wanted to run after her to explain, but I couldn’t. I had to spend the next forty-five minutes doing my job, which was just enough time to lose her. 

What the fuck was Lydia doing here? She hadn’t made a sound in two years, and popped up out of the fucking blue to ruin my fucking life. I was heading for the door when she stopped me.

“Grayson, I was hoping we could talk?”

I pulled her into a side room. “What the fuck are you doing here, Lydia?” 

She batted her long, fake eyelashes. Everything on her was fake. “As you recall, I’m on the board. As your wife, I’m part owner.”

What the fuck was she talking about? “What the fuck are you doing here?” I said through gritted teeth.

She narrowed her eyes at me. “You don’t even care that I’m here. You don’t care about anything, do you, Grayson? It’s always me, isn’t it? I cared about our baby you killed.” I stepped back as if she physically slapped me. “Or have you forgotten all about that?” 

I shook my head. “I’m not discussing that with you. We’ve been through this.” 

She looked at her manicured nails. “I’m not leaving town until we talk.”

I stepped closer. “You had two fucking years to talk to me. Fuck you, Lydia.” I pushed past her and headed out the door. I headed outside, noticing snowflakes beginning to fall again and I spotted Chace. 

“I need your car.”

He nodded. “I already have it coming around. What the fuck is Lydia doing here?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. Emmalin left.” 

“I know. I came after her.”

I stopped. “Did she say anything?” 

He shook his head. “No. I just made sure she took the car and that your driver took her to your house.” 

His car arrived. “Thanks, man.” I jumped in and drove fast. I had to fix this. I needed to fix this. 


Twenty minutes later, I finally pulled into Caliscades. It was quiet, but I knew she was here. My first instinct was to check the library. It was empty. I went into the bedroom, and she was there. She had completely changed and her hair was damp from a recent shower. She had her two bags on the bed and was going through the armoire, carefully picking over things.

“Emmalin.” She lifted her head but didn’t turn around as she pulled out another shirt. “What are you doing?”

She slammed the drawer shut and whirled around, hands on her hips. She was ready for battle. She stormed past me, and headed for the closet. Coming back out, she placed some things in her bag. 

“I need you to listen to me.”

“Are you married?”

I ran my hand through my hair. “Emmalin, it’s complicated.”

“You know what, it’s not. It’s a yes or no answer. So let’s try it again. Are you married?”

I shut my eyes. “Yes.” We stood facing each other for a moment. Then she went right back to packing. I didn’t know what to do. “You need to let me explain.”

“No. You don’t get to say that. You don’t get to sit here and try to save your ass, Grayson. This whole time we’ve been together, you’ve been doing nothing but telling me how I need to be open to you, when you’ve been doing nothing but lying to me the entire time, and then you wait until I fall in love with you to announce that you’re married.” 

My eyes shot up at her finally admitting that she loved me. I doubted she even realized she said it. I took a few steps toward her. “You aren’t leaving. We need to talk about this.”

“You think I’m staying here with you?” 

I looked around the room. “Fine, I’ll stay in another room, but you can’t go. You said you would never leave.” She walked past me into the closet, grabbing her old coat. “Fuck, Emmalin. Don’t fucking do this.” I grabbed her and pushed her towards the wall while crushing my mouth against hers. “Let me in, baby. Don’t leave me. I love you. I fucking love you.” She fought me but still moaned. 

“Grayson,” she whispered to me, and I moaned in response. “Attic.”

  I jumped back as if she was on fire, completely stunned. Both of us were breathing hard. “Baby… no.” I wanted to reach for her, but I couldn’t. Her eyes were glossy, but no tears had fallen. She walked over to the armoire and took off her necklace I had given her earlier tonight. 

“That’s yours,” I whispered. 

“This isn’t mine. None of this is mine.” 

“You have something of mine you can’t give back. My heart.” 

She sighed as she zipped up her last bag. “I’m just going to call a cab, and I’ll be out soon.” 

“This is ridiculous, you know that? Where are you going to stay?” 

She shrugged. “I’ll get a hotel. Don’t worry about it.” 

I shook my head. “No. At least stay in one of mine. Alistair will take you. Don’t fight me on this. Please.” 

“Grayson, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Emmalin! Please. I’ll at least know you’re safe.” 

She sighed. “Fine. Thank you. Just a day or two. And I want to pay for it.” 

I scowled. “I’m not taking your money.” She placed her hands on her hips, not backing down.

I narrowed my eyes. “Fine, when you check out, I’ll have them send you the bill. Happy?” 

She nodded, grabbed her bags, and headed downstairs. She wouldn’t look at me or let me go near her. I watched as she put her coat on. Then Alistair came in and took her bags to the car. I gave him explicit instructions to make sure she was escorted to her suite. 

I took one last look at her. She stared at the floor as I walked closer. “Emmalin, please.”

She finally looked up as she reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. I wanted to do that. 

“I’ll work the remaining weeks of my contract.” Before I could say anything, she turned and left. The door clicked. My fist went through the wall. Then I proceeded to rearrange the entire fucking house.