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Indecent Holiday: A Second Chance Holiday Romance by Elizabeth Brown (4)

Chapter Four



Four Years Ago

“Lily, Earth to Lily.”

Hearing my name snapped me back to attention. Kinsey was standing next to me, staring at me with a concerned look on her face.

“Sorry,” I said. “What were you saying?”

She frowned. “Are you okay? You’ve been really distracted lately.”

I knew she was right. I had been distracted. The school year was drawing to a close, and I had one thing on my mind.

You guessed it. Rhys Conner.

Things had gotten strange between us since that night at the football field. Any time someone else was around, he ignored me. But when we were alone, sometimes we’d get into these long conversations about art and music. At the same time, we’d steer clear of certain topics. Like, we never talked about the future or graduation or our families. I sometimes thought it was my fault; I could be pretty closed off. But then again, some days he was the one who shut down completely.

I found it all very confusing.

“Rhys, did I say something wrong?” I asked one day, close to the end of spring semester.

He pushed back from the table and looked at me. “What? No. Look, I’ve just got some stuff on my mind, okay?”

Rumor had it that Rhys was headed to Chicago for school.

“You know you can talk to me, right?”

He snorted.

“Whatever,” I said, getting up and putting my artwork away. “You act all tough, but everyone needs someone to talk to. But go ahead, be a dick.”

And I left.

It was a few days later that he stopped showing up at school. Even Kinsey noticed.

“Do you know what happened?” she asked one day during lunch. “It’s only a week until graduation.”

I shrugged, secretly worried and totally confused.

Kinsey lowered her voice. “I heard he got in a fight with his dad, and he shipped him away.”

I’d gotten the sense he and his dad didn’t get along, so it wasn’t completely unbelievable. Except for the fact that Rhys took no bullshit from anyone.

“I doubt that,” I replied. “I’m sure he’s just cutting or something. I mean, it’s senior year.”

Only, Rhys didn’t come back to school. Not even for graduation.

I walked the stage and accepted my diploma, the whole time wondering if he was somewhere in the back of the crowd.

Even though I knew he wasn’t.


Present Day

Rhys didn’t get back until after dark. I had to admit, once the light started to wane, I grew nervous. Tahoe wasn’t like Mill Valley. There were, like, bears and shit. Sure, they were probably hibernating this time of year but still…

I tried to distract myself by making dinner even though I was barely hungry. My mom and I had gotten provisions on the way up, so I figured I shouldn’t let them go to waste. I set a pot of water on the stove and proceeded to boil noodles for lasagna. It was my mom’s family’s recipe and involved making everything, even the tomato sauce, from scratch. The recipe took almost three hours, but I swear to God, this shit was so worth it.

I located a bottle of red wine in a cupboard and poured myself a glass while it cooked.

The wine helped my shoulders relax. I’d been insanely tense since Rhys had dropped this huge bomb on me. I could still barely process it. He liked me. He liked me, and he knew I liked him. Well, maybe he didn’t know for sure, but he had a strong inkling. So what the fuck went wrong? Why did he take off without saying goodbye four years ago? And, more importantly, were his feelings only in the past tense?

“Fuck,” I cursed as I accidentally spilled béchamel sauce on my shirt. Between the wine and the distracting thoughts, I guess I should’ve been paying a little more attention to the things in front of me that involved hot liquids and live flames.

I finished putting the lasagna together and then went upstairs to change. And yes, I’m ashamed to admit I took a little longer picking out what to wear, knowing Rhys would be back soon. I didn’t want it to seem like I was trying too hard, though. He already had me on defense. I ended up going with a fitted, burgundy plaid shirt. It was cabin-appropriate, and leaving the top two buttons undone felt cute but not like I was trying too hard.

Ugh, Hayes, you are the worst, I scolded myself as I fluffed my hair and added a fresh coat of mascara.

Back downstairs, I started up a new movie while the lasagna cooled on the stove. Rhys still wasn’t back. I started to wonder if I should get his number from my mom and text him. But knowing Mom, she wouldn’t just give it to me; she’d want to know what was going on, and it’d become this whole big thing and...yeah.

I wasn’t going to do that.

So I cut myself a corner piece of lasagna, poured myself another glass of red wine, and was just settling in at the table when the front door opened.

I took another big gulp of wine, already feeling warm from the purple liquid. I really wasn’t used to drinking despite being almost done with college—probably because I didn’t have many friends at Henning. Well, that and because I’d managed to get into a school whose only organized sport was Ultimate Frisbee and whose campus brochure proudly boasted that they’d hosted absolutely no Greek life since its founding in 1889. Don’t get me wrong; weed and other mind-altering substances were plentiful, but on a Saturday night, I was more likely to be found in the computer lab than at a party.

“You cooked me dinner, Hayes,” Rhys stated confidently, striding into the kitchen. His cheeks were rosy from the cold, and the cool smell of night and smoke trailed behind him. “You shouldn’t have.”

“It’s lasagna.” I tried to stop my eyes from travelling to his hips. I’d always been attracted to that part of him. The way his jeans hung on him, the confidence that exuded from that area. Once in art class, he’d reached for some charcoal off a high shelf and his shirt had hitched up, granting me a glimpse of his abs. They’d been lean but strong. Nothing obnoxious like an eight-pack but taught and muscular, with a nice V leading below his belt.

As he helped himself to a plate, I watched his back and the way it tapered from his broad shoulders downward to his hips When he turned, I looked away before he could catch me checking him out.

He eyed my glass as he sidled up to the table. “Wine?”

My throat stuck, stunned that Rhys knew when my birthday was. “I don’t think Mom will miss it.”

He laughed. “Guess you’re not as much of a good girl as I thought.” He got up, grabbed a glass, and poured himself some. “Didn’t realize there was any alcohol in this place. You were holding out on me. We could have been having so much more fun today.”

I swallowed, trying to decipher what he meant. One glass already down, my assumptions skewed dirty. I had to admit, getting drunk with Rhys was tempting. With my inhibitions reduced, I could finally admit that I wanted him. Dick or not, he was still Rhys Conner, the boy I’d had a crush on for years. I wanted his hands on my body, I wanted to feel him pressed up against my skin, his excitement hard against me as he took me and didn’t apologize.

That’s what I wanted.

I felt my skin burn with desire and wondered if he could tell how I felt. I didn’t dare say anything though. That would be stupid. There was a lot you could blame on wine, but confessions of unrequited love definitely weren’t one of them.

We ate in silence. When Rhys finished, he sat back and eyed me.

“That lasagna was really good.”


“Did you follow a recipe or something?”

I shook my head. “Nah. My mom taught me how to make it.”


A long pause developed, so I changed the subject. “So, your dad seems nice.”

Rhys snorted.


He glanced up at me and took another swig of wine. “Have you spent any time with the guy? Like real, extended time?”

“Well, no, not really. I’ve been away at school. But my mom likes him.”

Rhys mumbled something and rubbed his thumb against his glass.

“What was that?”

“Nothing. Never mind.”

We were quiet for another minute while we sipped our wine.

“Where did you go?” I asked.

Rhys looked out the window. “Just for a walk.”

“You were gone for a long time.”

His eyes grabbed mine. “You miss me, Hayes?”

I looked down at my plate. “It’s just a long time to be gone, that’s all.”

He stared at me for a moment, and it made me feel nervous, like I didn’t know what was coming next.

“I went down to the lake. That’s it.”

“You went down to the lake for seven hours?”

He shrugged.

I wasn’t going to pry him for more info. He’d shared what he was willing share, and I wasn’t going to beg. “Here, give me your plate.” I got up and took the dishes to the sink. I was a little more wobbly on my feet than I anticipated.

Rhys got up and leaned against the counter next to me as I rinsed the plates. I felt his eyes burning into me as I went through the motions of rinsing and drying the dishes.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I finally asked.

“Like what?”

Like you’ve been lost at sea and I’m the shore. I placed the last plate on the drying rack and looked up at him.

His dark eyes slammed right into me, hard and fast.

“I was thinking, Liliana. At the lake. That’s what I was doing.”

I swallowed as he stepped into me. “About what?”

He took his hand and ran the back of it along my jaw.

I shivered.


I closed my eyes. This wasn’t happening, was it? Holy shit.

“I want to kiss you, Lily,” he whispered as he bent against the side of my head.

My eyes still closed, I nodded ever so slightly. I felt his hand slip along the nape of my neck as he tilted my face up toward his. I didn’t dare open my eyes. A moment later, I felt the soft pressure of his lips as they connected with mine.

Holy shit, I was kissing Rhys Conner.

He tasted like leather and berries from the wine and faintly like cigarettes. It was naughty and forbidden and, if I was being honest, completely delicious. He pulled me into him, enveloping me, taking me until I grew so light-headed I had to stop and pull back.

“Whoa,” I said, panting, our foreheads still touching.

He just grinned and went in again. I felt his erection hard against his jeans as he trailed his hand down toward my waistband and then under my flannel shirt.

Rhys was feeling me up!

My breasts were so sensitive that when he cupped them I felt a shock trace deep into my core.

“You okay?” he teased when I shook.

“Mmmhmm.” I nodded. “Don’t stop.”

We made out for a few more minutes, and I grew wet and heavy with need as I felt his hardness grow against me. He must have noticed me pressing against it, because he reached down, undid my jeans, and slipped his hand inside.

“Oh, God,” I breathed as he gently brushed against my nub.

“You like that?”


“Lily,” he rasped. “How many glasses of wine have you had?” He pulled his lips back an inch.

I blinked and swallowed, drunk off desire. “What? Why?”

His eyes grew dark. “Because I want to fuck you right now, but if you’ve had too much to drink, then I’d be taking advantage of you.”

My mouth grew dry as Rhys Conner sucked the air right out of my lungs. I wanted it, wanted him so much it hurt. And he was basically telling me that right here, right now, he wanted me too.

 “I’m not drunk,” I confirmed with all the strength I could muster.

His grin stretched from cheek to cheek. “Excellent. Because we have twelve hours until our parents get back, and I intend to use every single one of them. Don’t even think about sleep, Liliana, because you aren’t going to get any.”

Rhys hoisted me up onto the kitchen counter and rubbed me harder as he kissed my neck.  “Do you still have those red shorts you used to wear?” he whispered into my ear.

“The striped ones? Maybe. I’d have to look,” I panted. I was so wet, already climbing with need.

“I can’t tell you how many times I beat off thinking about you in those shorts, Hayes.”

He what? Oh Jesus. I was barely holding on.

He grunted and started to peel my jeans off me.

I followed suit and tore off my flannel shirt. I was almost naked on the counter, in nothing but my panties and bra. Of course, all the underwear I’d brought was holiday themed because, well, that’s how I roll. And because I hadn’t planned on getting undressed by my ex-crush during this trip.

Rhys examined me quietly, his eyes serious and dark.

“Sorry about the underwear,” I said finally, gesturing toward the candy cane print. “It’s all I brought.”

His eyes ticked up to meet mine, and I felt heat in his voice. “Lemme guess...tradition?”

I pushed down a smile. “Maybe.”

He pulled me up off the counter like I weighed nothing at all and carried me down the hall.

“Where are we going?” I asked, even though I knew.

“I’ve waited years for this, Liliana. I’m doing this fucking right.”

He took me to his room and laid me down on the bed. I should have felt self-conscious; I wasn’t accustomed to getting naked in front of random guys. But then again, Rhys wasn’t a random guy. No one else in my twenty-plus years on this earth had ever made me feel like he did. Lying there on the bed, I felt confident, I felt sexy, I felt desired.

It was heady. Powerful.

Rhys lowered the lights so they were dim, but we could still see each other. Then, he watched me, his gaze hard and steadfast as he pulled off his shirt.

Holy-Mother-of-Moses. His chest was so firm and smooth, rippling abs leading down toward that perfect V I remembered.

His belt clanged as he unbuckled it and then undid his zipper. His erection was already evident through his jeans; I’d felt it earlier, and I was growing even wetter as I saw his interest. I wanted to see him, taste him, touch him in every way I could.

He slowly removed his pants and boxers to reveal his cock, thick and heavy, defying gravity as it angled skyward.

I wanted it. I wanted all of it so badly. My hand trailed down to my sex; I felt desperate to relieve the tension building inside of me. I needed to come.

Rhys knelt over me on the bed and pinned my hands to my sides. “Uh-uh, dirty girl. You don’t get to come until I tell you. You hear me?”

I let out a little moan.

“That’s right. That’s what you get for making me wait all those years. But don’t worry, I’m not going to make you wait long. You want to come, Liliana?”

I whimpered.

“I’m going to make you come all... night... long,” he said, his cock bouncing against my swollen clit. “God damn, you’re so fucking beautiful, you know that?” he whispered.

I angled my hips, trying to get some more of that amazing feeling. I was beyond ready and desperate for relief. If he didn’t make me come soon, I felt like my head would explode.

His fingers found my panties and slipped inside. As he ran his fingers over my channel, he murmured appreciatively. “Wet already, Liliana?”

I pushed my hand against his face, pressing him away, and he responded by pressing my clit with his thumb and thrusting a finger inside me.

A shiver rippled through me, and a second later I rocked against the pressure.

“Good, sweetheart?”

I nodded appreciatively.

“Good. I’m gonna take my time with you, but you stay with me, okay?”

I nodded again.

He pulled off my panties and unhooked my bra. “You always had the best fucking tits in the entire school.” He dipped down to take my nipple in his mouth. “Did you know that?”

“You’re just saying that because they’re the tits in your face,” I joked.

He stopped and looked up at me. “No, I’m serious. You should have heard the guys in the locker room. You and Araceli Mendez.”

Arawho? I couldn’t process what he was talking about. Sensation was taking over. He played with my breasts until they were so sensitized I thought I could come just from him touching them.

“I’m gonna fuck these titties later,” he rasped, his eyes drunk with lust. “But first I want to taste you.”

He lifted off me and picked up my legs by the ankles, spreading me.

I couldn’t look up, knowing I was on full view to him without even darkness to conceal anything. I squeezed my eyes shut. I’d never let a boy anywhere near there before, and my heart was beating so fast I thought I might pass out. But it was exciting and intoxicating, the way I felt, and despite everything, I trusted him.

He lowered his mouth to me, and I felt a surge of electricity rip through me, emanating from my most sensitive parts.

“Fuck Lily,” he groaned. “You’re so fucking sweet.”

He licked and ate at me, teasing me in the very best way as I felt my sex pulse and grasp for the relief I knew was almost within my reach. I built and built, twisting and tensing so much that I almost saw stars and then

I heard a car door slam outside.

I almost didn’t pay mind to it until I remembered there weren’t any neighbors close by.


“Rhys, Rhys,” I pleaded, pushing his head out from between my legs.

He looked confused, still in a daze similar to mine.

“Rhys, I think someone’s outside.”

He rolled his eyes. “No one’s there.” He pulled my legs back apart.

I snapped them back together. “I’m serious. I heard a car.”

Less than a beat later, we heard the front door open downstairs. “Lily? Rhys? Are you home?”

Rhys’ eyes widened. “Shit!” he whispered. “What the fuck are they doing home? I thought you said they were spending the night.”

“They said they were,” I hissed. “Hurry, put your clothes on.”

I jumped into my underwear and looked around the room. “Shit, shit, shit!”


“My clothesthey’re in the kitchen!”

“Don’t you have any clothes up here?”

“I do, but they’re all the way in the loft. What if they see me?”

Rhys rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ll go downstairs, distract them. Then you go and get dressed and come down.”

“What if they come upstairs anyway?”

“Then I’ll tackle them. I don’t know, Lily. Geez, do you have a better idea?”

“Okay, fuck. Hurry. You have to make sure they don’t come up here.”

As Rhys threw on a shirt, I noticed some scars on his back I hadn’t seen before. Thick and pale, the marks spread out in an uneven pattern from his shoulder blades down.

I gasped. “Rhys.”

He glanced over at me and ran his hands through his hair, ignoring my reaction. “You gonna blow it for us, Hayes?”

I fell silent and watched as he checked the hall and then left.

I got up after him and pressed my ear to the door, my heart thumping. A few seconds later, I heard him start talking to them downstairs. I darted down the hall and into the spare room.

I gathered myself as quickly as I could and dressed in jeans and a sweater. With blue balls the size of Texas, I padded downstairs to find my mom sitting at the dinner table as Rhys made tea.

I tried to play it cool as I scanned the room for my discarded clothing.

“Hey, Mom. What’s going on? I thought you guys were staying at the Hyatt.”

My mom looked up. “Oh, hey, honey. I was just telling Rhys, we had a little change of plans.”

I looked at her quizzically, not daring to glance toward Rhys. Where the hell were my clothes? Shit. I was starting to get worried.

“Seems there was a little mix-up with the hotel. They booked the spa day and dinner just fine, but I guess they managed to lose our reservation for the room.”

“What do you mean, lose your reservation?” I asked, only half present.

Rhys brought over a teapot and a couple cups. “Lily, you want tea?”

“Uh, sure, thanks.” I tried not to blush as I remembered that not five minutes ago he’d been complimenting my tits.

“You okay, honey? You look a little flushed. You aren’t getting sick, are you?”

“Nah, Mom, I’m fine. I just had a little of your wine. Sorry, I should have told you. So, the hotel? What happened?”

She shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. I think it’s just one of those freak things. And unfortunately, since it was the holidays, they couldn’t move us to another room. They did offer to put us up at the Marriott, but Lance had a fit and stormed out.”

“Whoa.” I ventured to look at Rhys, who was listening as he leaned against the counter.

“He’s still a bit ticked off, so he’s driving it off,” my mom said matter-of-factly. “It’s fine. I told him he can come home once he’s calmed down.”

Rhys chortled. “Yeah, good luck with that.”

My mom turned to him. “He’ll be fine; he just needs some time.”

Rhys didn’t say anything but locked eyes with me.


That night, I lay awake in my room, unable to sleep. I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t stop thinking about Rhys. I mean, what was I planning to do? Sleep with him and then what? We weren’t relationship material. No way.

Rhys had gone up to his room before we had a chance to talk about things, so now I was more confused than ever. I was still a virgin, so I didn’t really have any experience with one night stands. I guess I could sleep with Rhys, and then...we could go our separate ways. That could work, right? No one would need to know, but I could die knowing I’d scratched that itch.

I picked up my phone. I didn’t have his number, so I opened up Facebook and searched his name. When it came up, I was surprised to see he’d changed his profile picture to a photo of Lake Tahoe.

I guess he really did go for a long walk.

My finger hovered over the profile as I debated what to do. Messaging felt really forward. Almost like a booty call or something. Was I really doing this? If I messaged him, what would I even say? ‘Hi’? ‘Hi’ seemed too perky. Maybe ‘Hey’? ‘Hey’ was more casual, right?

I started to blush even though I was the only one in the room. This was ridiculous. I wasn’t going to message Rhys. Yes, he was hot, and yes, I wanted him, but I wasn’t going to do it like this. Besides, what did I think would happen? This was crazy. My hormones were working overtime and making me behave illogically.

I put my phone back on my nightstand just as there was a soft knock on my door.

My stomach flipped.

I sat there frozen for what felt like forever, but then the knock came again.

I got up and slowly made my way to the door where I heard Rhys hiss, “Hayes, you in there? Open up.”

My heart seized up as I gripped the metal door handle and turned.

I opened the door only a few inches. “What are you doing?” I mouthed.

“Hey.” He pushed past me easily, tossing my missing jeans and shirt on the bed. “Thought you might want your clothes back.”

I glanced down the hallway to make sure no one had seen him and then carefully shut the door so it didn’t make a sound. “Oh, thank God. Where were they?”

“I hid them in a cabinet when your mom wasn’t looking.”

“Wow,” I said, relieved. “Thanks.”

“Can’t have her thinking her daughter was about to fuck someone in the kitchen,” he teased, stepping into me, pinning me up against the wall, and pulling my mouth into his.

I let myself enjoy the sensation for exactly ten seconds as my body rocketed back to life. When we both pulled away for air, I gasped. “What are you doing?”

He reached down for his belt and unhooked it. “Finishing where we left off.”


His dark eyes met mine, and I felt a heady wash of dizziness take over me.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?”

His mouth spread into a wicked smile. “No, Liliana. I think it’s very, very bad. But that’s what I like about it.”

“My mom is downstairs.”

“So we’ll have to be quiet.”

He picked me up and took me over the bed. As he removed his clothes, I did the same, and we watched each other silently as we disrobed. Once he was naked and I was just in my bra and panties, he gripped his dick and gave it a few slow pumps.

“God fucking damn, Liliana. This? You right here? Fucking perfection.”

I held his eyes and let my hand travel down inside my panties.

His eyes narrowed. He knew I was defying him on purpose.

He took a knee to the bed and crawled over me, taking my hand and wrapping his fingers around it. “You like that, sweetheart?” he said, pressing our hands against my clit.

The relief was still so far away, but the pressure felt exquisite. “Shh. You have to be quiet. Maybe we should move to the bedroom?”

“Stop worrying. They’re in for the night.” He continued to rub me with my fingers. “You like it like that? You like feeling how wet you are?”

I quietly moaned an affirmative.

“It’s time for you to explore, Liliana.” And with that, he removed our hands and started to tug down my panties until he’d pulled them off completely.

I clapped my knees together, nervous about what was to come.

“Uh-uh, baby girl.” He smoothed his hands up my calves and then gently eased the knees apart so I was on view to him. “That’s it. Let me see you.”

I squeezed my eyes shut, too embarrassed to look at him.

He noticed. “Look at me, Liliana,” he commanded.

I did as he asked.

He locked eyes with me. “You have a beautiful pussy. Don’t be ashamed of it.”

I swallowed and nodded.

He climbed to the side of me. “Give me your hand.”

He locked his hand around mine again and slowly dragged it down my thigh and around my hips before dipping in between my legs.

“So wet,” he observed appreciatively. “You wet for me?”

I nodded feverishly. I was splayed open but caring less and less. I needed to come.

His fingers held mine in place as he used them to trace the fleshy area surrounding my entrance.

“You feel that?” he asked. “You’re so soft. I can’t wait to get my cock in there. I bet it feels just like fucking heaven.”

I closed my eyes again, anxious about this being my first time. “Rhys,” I said nervously. “I should tell you…”

I felt him slow. “Yes, Liliana?”

“I, uh, see, I’m, uh, a virgin. I mean, it’s not a big deal, but I just wanted you to know.”

For a moment, neither of us moved. But then Rhys let out a chuckle. “I know, Hayes.”

I twisted to face him. “You do?”

He shrugged. “Well, I wasn’t one hundred percent, but let’s just say I was pretty sure.”

“Oh,” I said, uncertain what to make of that. “Okay.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll go slow.”

I nodded.

He resumed the control he had of my hand and singled out one finger. Together with his, he angled it toward my entrance, and slowly they slipped inside.

“Does that feel okay?” he asked, looking down at me.

I nodded, biting my lip. “Yeah.”

“You’re really fucking tight, Liliana,” he said with a rasp to his voice.

“Is that bad?”

He chuckled again. “No, sweetheart, it’s good. Can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my dick.”

He fucked me with our fingers a little more, moving in and out, slowly building a rhythm until my hips started to move with him. Then he took it all away and sat back on his heels to sheathe himself with a condom.

“I want to go down on you, but I can’t wait any more,” he grunted, coming back on top of me as he spread my legs and coated his erection with my wetness. “God damn, Liliana, promise me I can have this all night because I already know once isn’t going to be enough.”

I wrapped my arms around his muscular shoulders as he found my hips and angled himself into me.

“Are you ready? I can go slow,” he offered.

I shook my head. “I need it, Rhys. Please.”

His eyes burned, and the smallest of smiles darkened his face. Then he bent down and bit my neck as he thrust into me, jolting me with a fullness I never knew existed.

I felt a burn and tightness and sucked in a breath.

“Are you okay?” Rhys gritted out.

“Yes,” I replied as the pain dissipated into a deep throb. I rolled my hips just a bit to let him know I was ready, and I felt him smile against my neck.

Rhys gripped my hips as he rolled into me, creating a sweet rhythm that let us build together. We grew, tightening more and more until we burst into an explosion of pleasure that radiated from every cell of my body.

I didn’t know it could be that good.

After we gathered our breath, we lay splayed out on my bed, completely spent and exhausted.

“So that’s sex,” I said finally.

Rhys rolled over onto his side and brushed a piece of hair out of my face. “What did you think?”

I tried to tamp down a smile. “Not bad.”

“Not bad?” Rhys scoffed. “Seriously?”

I laughed quietly. “Alright, was pretty good, actually.”

He cocked an eyebrow at me. “Pretty good?”

I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to wipe a stupid grin off my face. “II see what all the fuss is about, okay?” I paused. “Do you think we were too loud?”

He trailed his fingers over my hip and to my stomach. “Fuck it. Who cares? You’re fucking amazing, you know that?”

“Rhys,” I started as I felt his erection grow hard against my pelvis.

“Mmm?” He dipped his head to my thighs, kissing them softly.

“Never mind.”