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Inking the Wolf: A wolf shifter paranormal romance (Wolves of Crookshollow Book 3) by Steffanie Holmes (13)


“Robbie, wait!” I grabbed for him, managing to graze his tail. But the wolf was too quick, and he darted away toward the hallway. The surging crowd parted to let him through. As soon as he’d disappeared up the staircase, they crowded into the gap left behind, swallowing him up like the Red Sea drowning the Pharaoh.

“Bianca!” A hand grabbed my arm. Hans shook me. “You are okay, yes? The wolf, did it bite you?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“What happened? I do not believe what my eyes have seen. Your friend turned into a wolf.”

“It’s fine, Hans. It’s just a trick.” I waved a hand at a gaggle of terrified guests by the bar, trying to put my face into a this-is-totally-normal expression, even though I wanted to curl up and die. “Tell them, would you please? It’s just entertainment. I have to go.”

“But, Bianca

I was already gathering up my skirt and running, my boots thudding across the marble floor. Robbie’s stricken expression just before he shifted burned into my retinas, instantly sobering me up. Willow … I was kissing Willow. Why had I done that?

Because she’s hot and you’re drunk and horny and it seemed like fun at the time. Not fun now, though, is it?

God, Robbie’s face … he’d looked so hurt. But it was just a kiss. He knows what I’m like, especially after a few drinks. He knows I think Willow is hot.

Shut up, Bianca. Don’t make excuses for yourself. You know how he felt about you. That kiss at the altar today proved it. And yet you did this to him, on his wedding day. You’re a total selfish bitch, and you don’t deserve him.

I lurched in the hall, but the gaggle of reporters shoving their way up the staircase told me I wasn’t going to get anywhere quickly if I went that way. I knew Robbie would head to the attic and lock himself away in that tiny room until he could change back. Luckily, I knew there was another way to reach him.

I crashed through the dining room, my hip knocking the table and causing my friend Patrice – who was balanced on top pretending to be a statue – to wobble dangerously. “Sorry,” I yelled as I shoved more people aside, ducking across the hall into the kitchen.

I dived for the pantry, but someone grabbed my arm and yanked me back. I whirled around. It was that reporter from the London Underground blog, Serenity Jones. A salacious smile deepened her dimple.

“Nice kiss.” She grinned, waving her camera in front of my face. “And the wolf … you really did a brilliant job with the special effects. I got some great pictures. I can make this place look totally wild. This’ll really stir up interest in The Prim.”

“Good. That’s good.” My fingers itched to claw her eyes out. Just go away.

She shoved her phone under my nose. “Can you give me a few quick words about the wolf stunt? Just a soundbite I can quote on our Facebook page

“Fuck off,” I growled into the phone, then turned to the kitchen door. “Everybody, get the fuck out of this room!”

Alex and Ryan stood by the fridge, staring at me with wide-eyed concern. “What happened?” Alex yelled to me.

I waved my hands and they got the idea. Ryan grabbed Serenity and herded her out the door, while Alex started shoving other people away. I scrambled over piles of catering boxes to the back of the pantry and yanked open the narrow door that led to the secret staircase.

Heavy boots thudded behind me. Caleb’s voice growled beside me. “Where is he? I’m gonna fucking kill him

“Caleb, not now.”

“He revealed himself, Bianca. You’ve got a party of terrified guests out there convinced they just saw a werewolf. This is going to be all over the press, and we’re not even remotely ready. It’s a fucking disaster.

“I said, not now!” I slammed the door to the secret staircase in his face. Caleb swore, but he didn’t try to follow me. He wouldn’t have been able to fit up the narrow staircase anyway. His shoulders were broader than Robbie's, who only just fit.

I clattered up the stairs and shoved my weight against the secret panel at the top. I expected to meet the usual resistance, but instead, the panel flew open and I tumbled into the room, tripping over the edge of the step and sprawling in a heap across the floor.

“I heard you coming.” Robbie’s face loomed over me, the door in his hands. “I was just about to let you in.”

“Robbie, you bloody fool.” I gazed up at him, meeting his eyes. My whole heart poured out to him as I saw how miserable he looked. “What happened?”

He threw the panel down against the wall, and slumped on the bed, his hands balled into fists. I tried not to focus on his naked body – the toned, trim muscles of his torso, the V-of his hips leading down to a seriously impressive cock. He wasn’t a total alpha like Caleb or Luke, but damn, did that guy have the body of a superhero. “I’m an idiot, is what happened.”

“You turned into a wolf, in the middle of the ballroom

“Dammit, Bianca. I know. I was there. I don’t need a fucking play-by-play.”

“I’m sorry, I’m just trying to understand. I’m worried about you.”

He grunted.

I dragged myself to my knees, inching forward so I was kneeling in front of him. My stomach flipped. “It’s true, Robbie. I am worried. Something upset you. Was it me and Willow?”

Robbie turned his head to the window, deliberately not looking at me. His lip trembled. Damn, the pain in his face … I’m making you feel like this. Oh, Robbie, I never knew how deep your feelings went

I wanted to do whatever was required to make Robbie smile again. More than anything, I wanted to see that brilliant grin I loved so much, the grin that had greeted me at the end of the aisle. I reached up, placing my hand on his cheek, my fingers tingling with heat as they brushed his skin. I turned his head toward mine, my eyes boring into his.

“Read my lips, Robbie Maclean. That kiss with Willow meant nothing.” I brushed my fingers over his skin, enjoying the rough stubble across his chin. Damn, he was gorgeous. How come I’d never noticed before? “I’m drunk. I’m horny. She’s got that whole innocent waif thing going on and it’s just a teeny bit irresistible. I wanted to kiss someone, and you weren’t around. It’s not going to go anywhere. She’s as hetero as they come. And she’s not the one I really want.”

My head swam as my fingers traced the line of his neck, brushing the edge of his collarbone. The air between us sizzled. My lips ached to kiss him again.

I’ve drank so much. I’m not thinking straight. I should go downstairs.

Yet, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him.

“And our kiss?” Robbie’s eyes narrowed, his face creased with pain. His skin stiffened under my touch. “What about that? Did that mean nothing, too?”

“No, I—” I struggled to find the words. “It wasn’t

“Come on, Bianca.” A note of anger crept into his voice. “If this fake-marriage is going to work, we have to be completely honest with each other, remember? Are you just going to toy with me until you get tired of me, and then toss me away like you do with everyone else in your life?”

“That’s not fair.” I yanked my hand away.

“It’s completely fair. You don’t let anyone get close to you. You have hundreds of friends, but not one of them really knows you, not the way I do. Fuck, I’d do anything for you. Could you even say the same about anyone?

I balled my hands into fists. This wasn’t going the way I expected. “You think you have me pinned down, don’t you. Well, we do have to be honest, don’t we, Robbie? What about being honest about how you feel? What about all the times I asked you if you were okay with our arrangement, if there was any reason we shouldn’t do it? But oh no, it’s all my fault, because I foolishly expected a little honesty from my best friend.”

“What do you mean, I haven’t been honest?”

I shrugged, leaning back to rest on my ankles. I folded my arms across my chest and adopted the petulant expression that drove my mother crazy. “You like me. Everyone tells me so. You didn’t tell me, and so I didn’t know that I shouldn’t snog girls in front of you

“I don’t like you,” he growled.

“Then why

“I thought it was obvious. I’m fucking in love with you, Bianca.”

The words slammed against me, jolting through my body like an electric current. Robbie’s strong hands grabbed my arms, yanking me onto my knees. His eyes blazed as his lips slammed against mine. Heat surged through my body, lighting every part of me on fire. God, I want you. Touch me, Robbie. Tell me again that you love me.

Robbie cupped my neck, pushing my head against his as he deepened the kiss. “Robbie, I can’t—” I tried to say, but his lips smothered mine, chasing away my protests. I sank into the kiss, savouring every delicious moment, every surge of energy as it coursed through my body.

I fucking love you, Bianca.

The words pounded against my skull. Women and men had told me that before, and it was usually the signal that I had to end things. This time … the words surged through my body, lighting up something dormant within me, something that desperately wanted to speak the words back.

Robbie’s tongue circled mine. His hands stroked my body, looping under my arms and tugging me up. He leaned back against the sheets, and I crawled on top of him, pressing myself hard against his tight body.

This is such a bad idea. The protest seemed flimsy in the face of our passion. My body responded to his touch, synapses firing in all directions. I wanted this. I wanted him. Maybe it was all the absinthe and champagne talking. Maybe it was the fact that only hours ago I’d said marriage vows to him. Maybe it was the way Robbie was staring at me, eyes dancing with glee like he’d just won the lottery

I pulled my tight skirt up around my hips and straddled Robbie, pressing myself against his naked skin. My fingers traced the tattoos on his shoulders, trailing over the Lowe pack crest that I’d inked there a month ago. My own Lowe tattoo, on the inside of my palm, rubbed against it. We were already linked, part of the same family.

This is so wrong; why does it feel so right?

Robbie’s hands were all over my body, darting over my breasts, squeezing my hips through my skirt. There’s too much material between us. I rocked back on my heels, wriggling my hips as I unzipped the back of my skirt, and tugged it down over my hips. Underneath, I wore my favourite black lace g-string, and a black garter holding up my stockings.

Robbie’s eyes grew wide as he took in the garter. His hands gripped my thighs. “You’re amazing,” he said. “You’re like a dream.”

“I’ve had a lot of champagne. For all I know, this is a dream.”

“Bianca.” Robbie withdrew his hands, slithering out from between my thighs, so he was sitting against the brass bedstand. His cock bounced in the air between us, demanding attention. “We’ve both been drinking. Are you sure this is a good idea?”

“Not in the slightest.” I grinned, leaning over him and wrapping my hand around his cock. Robbie shuddered as I stroked him slowly, alternating with both hands. He started to say something, but all that came out was a low growl.

I bent forward, wrapping my lips around his shaft. He tasted amazing. I had no idea he was hiding this enormous, glorious cock. If I’d known, I might not have waited this long.

I stroked as I sucked, flicking my tongue over his balls before taking in his whole length again. I scraped a nail across the sensitive skin between his scrotum and anus, causing another shudder to rock through his body.

“Bianca … no … you have to stop …” Robbie gripped my arms, tearing my mouth off him.

“Damn, I was having fun.” I flicked my tongue over my lips.

“I could tell. I … I was too … but if you go much longer, I’ll be done. And I don’t want this to be over yet.”

Robbie pulled me against him, kissing me deeply. His mouth tasted warm. I knew he could taste himself on my lips. I loved that he kissed me deeper despite this, as though he couldn’t get enough of me.

His hands gripped my thighs, thumbs digging under the garter straps. An ache rose within me, calling for his fingers to move closer, to make me want him even more. As he explored my body, his intense gaze remained trained on me.

“You don’t close your eyes,” I said, coming up for air. “Most men, when I give head, they just roll their head back and close their eyes.”

Robbie shook his head. “I want to remember every moment of this for the rest of my life. Can I take your corset off?”

I gestured down at the blue corset still strapped tight around my torso. “Don’t you like it?”

“I love it.” His lips danced over my shoulder, as he ran his hands down the laces. “But I’ve spent many a night imagining what was underneath.”

“You can’t take any of this back now. I know you were pining for me.”

“I don’t want to take anything back,” he growled, his fingers tightening on my hip. The ache inside me flared.

“You don’t have to ask permission, you know. I like the wild wolf side of you.”

Robbie moaned, pressing his lips against mine. His fingers hooked through the laces at the back of my corset, tugging them loose. He worked his way slowly down my back, grunting as he tugged at the garment without making much headway. Every time his fingers grazed my skin, desire shot through my body. I grinned despite myself; Robbie clearly didn’t have much experience with corsets.

The anticipation shivered through my skin. I wanted his hands all over me. I wanted to melt against him.

“Right, I think I got it. Arms up.” I lifted my arms over my head, and Robbie tugged the corset up. He managed to wiggle it up over my arms, only to get it stuck over my shoulders. No matter how hard he tugged, the thing wouldn’t budge.

Robbie groaned, as he tugged hopelessly at the strings. “This is ridiculous. I just want to see your tits. Is that too much to ask?”

I collapsed with giggles, falling back against the bed, my arms still flailing above my head, trapped by the corset. I tried to wriggle my way out, but it was stuck tight. “Hold still, will you?” Robbie growled, as he loosened the cords a little bit more, wriggling the garment back and forth as slowly, slowly it started to come loose.

“There we are.” He grinned, yanking the boning over my head and tossing the corset to the floor. Beads skittered across the floorboards. “Hello there.”

I grabbed my tiny tits and pushed them up and together. “Sorry it’s a bit disappointing. This is the only way I actually get any cleavage.”

“Don’t ever say this body is disappointing.” Robbie’s fingers stroked my skin. I dropped my hands, and he cupped my breasts, his fingers brushing over my nipples. A shiver of delight raced through my body. I loved having my nipples touched and licked and sucked, a fact most of my female conquests relished. So many guys just gave them a cursory squeeze and then went straight for the grand finale.

Not Robbie. He bent his head down, his tongue darting over the tip of my nipple. I gasped as his warm mouth slid over me, and shivers of fire darted under my skin. I watched his tongue swirling around the tip, driving the ache inside me to new heights.

Robbie licked and sucked until I thrashed my head about from the sheer pleasure of it. The ache had grown into a full-scale inferno, pounding against my skin, desperate for release. He moved to the other nipple, driving me closer and closer to the edge.

“God, you’re good at this,” I moaned, my hands cupping his head, forcing him to keep up his ministrations.

“I have spent several nights down at the pub listening to you complain about how girls do this so well and guys suck.” Robbie glanced up at me, grinning that beautiful, wicked grin. “I’ve picked up a few things.”

“It’s not fair. I’m a talkative drunk. You know all about what I like, but I don’t know anything about what you like.”

“I like you.” Robbie’s hand cupped my thigh. “I like you in this garter.”

“Oh, yes?” I grinned back.

“Yeah. But I think I’d like it even better if you took it off.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“Emphasis on the word you. After that corset, I’m not touching any woman’s undergarments ever again.”

Grinning, I bent down and unclipped the garter clips, rolling my stockings down my legs. I felt like a pin-up model, coquettishly undressing for a photoshoot. First one stocking slid down my leg, then the second. It caught on my toe, so I snapped it back, flinging it onto the floor to join the rest of my clothes.

Next, I unclipped the hooks holding on the garter and slid that over my hips. I reached down to remove my g-string. Robbie’s hands closed over mine.

“This one, I’ve got a handle on.” He grinned as he tugged it off, his fingers brushing against my most sensitive skin. I moaned, fire rolling over me, nearly ready to burst.

Completely naked now, I leaned back on the tiny bed, my gaze flicking over the low ceiling. Beneath me, the music from the party boomed, shaking the floor with a steady rhythm.

I can’t believe the first shag in my new house is going to be in the attic, with Robbie.

My thoughts might’ve continued in that vein, had Robbie not bent between my legs and placed his tongue against my clit.

Oh wow oh wow oh wow.

Usually men were so … probing. They either came in too hard or too soft, tongues like little jackhammers trying to drill out an orgasm in record time. That was why I usually preferred woman – their soft fingers so silky inside you, their wet tongues knowing exactly how you liked it. Maybe I’d just never had good head from a guy before, because it’s never been like this.

Robbie’s stubble brushed against my thigh as his tongue drew down the length of me. I thrust my hips toward him, begging for more. But he held back, taking his time, making slow circles around my clit and driving me crazy with lust. He reached up with one hand and pinched my nipple, the sharp pain only increasing my pleasure.

He slipped one finger inside me, pressing it against me as he increased his pace, licking faster now. The fire rose from my stomach, the pressure building.

Robbie pressed his tongue against me, rolling it … I don’t know. I don’t know what he was doing, but it was so sharp and hard and hot and amazing and the fire became an ocean of flames rolling over me in waves and I lost myself in the inferno and the room disappeared and the house disappeared and all there was left was my convulsing body and Robbie’s unrelenting tongue.

I think I screamed. I might have sworn. I don’t know, because I was gone.

Slowly, the fire dulled, and I came back. I was still lying on my back, the ancient sheets balled up beneath me. Robbie had crawled up beside me, his fingers dancing a line across my chest. His eyes regarded me with a mixture of awe and unrelenting lust.

“Good?” he whispered against my ear.

“Mmmmmm.” As soon as I could move my legs again, I grabbed his shoulders, shoved him back, and climbed on top. My body shook from residual energy of my orgasm, but I managed to balance over him. Robbie’s eyes grew wide again as I eased myself down on his cock. It felt so good, thick and long, filling me completely.

Robbie grabbed my shoulder and dragged me against his chest, his tongue fighting against mine as he thrust his hips up, driving himself even deeper inside me. Good. I was done being slow. I wanted the wild passion that danced in his eyes.

I rocked backwards, grinding my hips against Robbie’s, driving him as deep inside me as I could get. Robbie gripped my thighs, his eyes narrowing in concentration, pounding against me in a steady rhythm.

“Why so serious?” I gasped through our kiss.

“I don’t want to be disappointing.”

I snorted. “This has been about as far from disappointing as you can get. Disappointing has left the building. Now, smile, you fool, and fuck me like the animal you are.”

Robbie obeyed, his lips drawing back in a wide, gorgeous smile that lit up his whole face as he pounded against me with fresh vigour. I kissed him again, then tossed my head back as I rode him like an animal. He dragged his fingers down my back, drawing lines of fire across my skin.

Everything blurred into a flurry of limbs and fingers and kisses and endless, unrelenting pleasure. At some point, Robbie flipped me over, dragging my hips back against him as he pounded me from behind. I gripped the brass bed end and howled as I came again, contracting around that glorious cock as Robbie’s teeth bit down against my neck.

He drove himself deep into me, his muscled torso tightened as he neared his own release. As I felt his cock shudder, the ache inside me grew again, the fire roaring as it threatened to overwhelm me once more.

Robbie’s whole body clenched, his teeth clamped down on my neck. The pain seared through my skin, tipping me over the edge. We came together, a whirlwind of limbs and teeth and pleasure, our bodies crashing against each other as the inferno devoured us both.

As the heat subsided, I lay back against Robbie’s chest, my head swimming, my body warm with the flush of three incredible orgasms. Music shook the floor beneath us. Downstairs, the party of the year was going on without us.

As Robbie draped his arm across my chest, pulling me closer and kissing the top of my head, I realised I didn’t care a single bit.




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