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Intoxication: Blue Line Book Three by Brandy Ayers (13)

Three Weeks Later


The briefing room in the Middleburg Police Station wasn’t the most homey of places, and truth be known, Camille would rather be just about anyplace else. The station didn’t hold a ton of warm and fuzzy memories for her. The first time she had been there being when Bryan arrested her, and the second time was after she had escaped from the warehouse and collapsed in the lobby.

But she had asked Jon if she could come to hear the update on Rich and his whereabouts, so she sat silently in the back of the room, Jon’s warm hand engulfing hers, and waited for Luke to get the guys settled. Cami glanced over at the man sitting next to her, his arm now free of the sling he’d been forced to wear while his shoulder healed. No matter how many times she saw it, the vision of him in his crisp blue uniform always got her going. He’d explained to her once that not all police chiefs wore the uniform, some wore suits, but Jon liked to think his wearing the uniform brought him closer to his men, made him one of them, instead of standing apart. Whatever the reason, Camille loved watching him get dressed each morning, and loved taking it off of him, piece by piece, each night.

Trying to ignore her soaked panties at just having him near her, Camille turned back to the front of the room where Luke finally began speaking.

“Good morning everyone.” He glanced down at the podium, seeming to gather his thoughts before looking back at the crowded room. “We’ve all been putting in a lot of hours on this case and trying to catch Rich Artiga. I’m proud of the work we’ve done, and the low level dealers we’ve managed to get off the streets. But we need to cut this drug ring down at the head. Once Rich is gone, the rest will crumble. And now, thanks to the work of not only Detective Formosa, but also Officer Reilly and Officer Coy, we have information that might finally lead us to his door.”

Luke stepped back and Detective Formosa took over his position at the podium. No matter how many times they interacted, Camille could never think of the woman as Ana. Her take no prisoners personality almost demanded you address her with respect, no matter how many times the woman insisted you call her by her first name.

“After the attempt on Ms. Artiga and Chief Gallo, we were able to trace evidence left in the vehicle of Mac York back to a three-block neighborhood on the edge of town where we believe Richard Artiga is currently holed up.” The confidence radiating from Formosa impressed Camille. She wished she had been more like the detective the last few years; always in control and afraid of nothing. “Additionally, an informant has come forward with information that we are perhaps not the only people looking for Artiga, and there is a reason he has not fled the area as of yet.”

The door to the briefing room opened and an officer that Camille was only slightly familiar with walked in, with a rather pissed off expression on his face. “Who is that again?”

Jon leaned closer to her, whispering in her ear so no one else would hear. “Officer Reilly. Good kid, a little overly ambitious. But a good cop all the same.”

Reilly stood along the wall and Camille noticed that as Formosa continued to talk about the case, the rookie cop couldn’t stop staring at her. Not just looking like everyone else in the room, but practically mauling her with his eyes. Heat glowed behind his eerily green irises as he took her in, and not just with the obvious anger, but lust as well. Formosa did her best to ignore him, but it was obvious, at least to Camille, that the detective was all too aware of the new addition to the audience.

“You see it too, right?” Sophie leaned over from the row of chairs behind them to whisper conspiratorially in Cami’s ear. “The heat between those two?”

“Absolutely. Any idea what’s going on there?” Cami and Sophie had become great friends over the last few weeks, and they were constantly trading station gossip back and forth.

“No idea. I’ve tried to invite Ana out for drinks and she always refuses. She’s a tough nut to crack.”

If Ana Formosa had managed to resist the sweet and charming Sophie, then that was an understatement.

“We will be taking volunteers for a stake-out task force to surveil the neighborhood, and the buildings most likely to be a good hiding place for Artiga and his men.” Several officers raised their hands, including Reilly against the wall. “Please see me and Luke after the briefing to coordinate schedules. This is the best lead we’ve had to date, and we need to take advantage of it while we can.”

After a few more assignments from Luke, the meeting ended and the officers dispersed to prepare for their nights.

“You ready to go home?” Jon took Cami’s hand, kissing the back of it which sent a storm of butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

“Hmmm, yes.” Camille brought her lips to the edge of Jon’s ear to ensure no one nearby would hear them. “And when we get home I want you to rip the clothes off me, bend me over the kitchen table, and fuck me while you’re still wearing your uniform.”

Jon groaned low in his chest. “We need to get out of here. These pants do nothing to hide the rock hard erection you just gave me.”

Camille giggled as they headed to the door, but before they could make their escape, Sophie blocked their exit to talk about her upcoming nuptials. Originally, she and Luke had wanted to wait until after the baby came, but it turned out that Luke couldn’t wait that long to make it official, so their wedding had been moved up to just a few weeks from then.

“Cami, Lex, and I are planning a spa day in two weeks to prep for the wedding. So don’t plan anything for two weeks from today, got it?” Cami mocked saluted her new best friend, and beamed with happiness. She’d never had a girls spa day before. And she looked forward to getting to know Lexis a little more as well.

A burst of activity across the room drew all their attention.

“Damn it, Ana, you do not need to be out there. Leave it to us and take a step back for once in your life.” Reilly was trying to keep his voice down unsuccessfully, and Ana’s face was red and scowling at the rookie, her hands balled into fists at her sides.

She stepped closer into Reilly, looking around and growing redder once she realized everyone was looking at them. “This is not the place. I will talk about this with you in private, Justice.”

With that, Ana turned on her heel and strode from the room, leaving a wave of tension in her wake. Reilly’s gaze never left her until she disappeared into the hall. Slowly, those left in the room returned to their conversations, and Reilly pulled Luke aside before they both left as well.

“I can’t wait to hear what that was all about,” Sophie squealed beside Camille.

“Don’t you to have any better to do than gossip about the men under my command?” Jon tugged Camille into his side and smiled down at her, not actually annoyed with her at all. She knew that he would let her get away with just about anything, although he had followed through on his promise to spank her if she called him Daddy one more time. Not that Camille had minded at all.

“Why don’t you give me something better to do, chief?” Before she could finish the sentence, Jon was pulling her from the room and out to his car. That wild look in his eyes promised a night full of passion she’d never forget.


Full. It was the first word that came to mind as Jon looked down at the woman sprawled across his chest. His life, his heart. They had never felt so full before in his entire life. How had he gone forty-five years before feeling this sense of completion?

After the incident at the cabin, they decided it was time to go back home. Cami’s brother was still out there, but she wasn’t going to live in fear anymore. That didn’t mean Jon wasn’t taking precautions though. The few times he wasn’t with her, one of his men were. She had protection twenty-four seven in one form or another, and no harm would ever come to her again as long as Jon was alive.

Not wanting to live apart again, Jon moved into the house Camille had dropped out of college to save, and they continued their lives there almost just as they had been at the cabin. After thinking about it together, Cami decided she wanted to finish her degree, and go onto start a career in addiction counseling. Jon swelled with pride each time he thought of the passion she spoke with when she came across a new article or a new idea to implement. At the cabin, she had started to come back to life after her trauma, but now she positively glowed with purpose every day. She even thought about starting a program in town centering around youth affected by addiction and a community garden where they could work the earth and take their frustrations out in a safe environment. The whole thing came about from a conversation she and Sophie had shortly after they returned, and the two had been non-stop planning to get it off the ground.

Camille stretched and shifted a little more on top of him, and he held back his chuckle, not wanting to wake her yet. Each night they fell asleep after making love with her wrapped in his arms spoon-style. And yet somehow each morning they woke up with her tiny body practically pinning him to the bed. As if she meant to trap him there. As if she had to. There was no place else on earth Jon had ever wanted to be more than in bed with the woman he never knew he needed.

The night before had been especially satisfying. After returning from Luke’s briefing, they barely made into the door before Jon divested her of all her clothes and bent her over the back of the couch. As promised, he kept his uniform on the entire time, and had gotten a strange thrill out of seeing the rough cotton abrading her ass. But that had only been their first time of the night. Somewhere around 2 a.m. they finally fell in a heap on the bed and passed out.

Camille’s leg shifted higher onto his stomach, and his patience finally snapped. He needed her again. Thankfully, Camille had become quite fond of sleeping naked since their time in the cabin, and she kept it up even after coming home.

Jon slipped his hand down the smooth column of her back, sliding his fingers along the seam of her ass before delving into her already slick folds.

“Mmmm, this better not be a dream.” Cami moaned and writhed against him as he idly played with the delicate flesh between her thighs. “Jon, please.”

“Please, what?” He whispered into her ear. “Please let you sleep? Please get you breakfast?”

“Please, make me come. Please, fuck me. Please, fill me up with your cum.” Her breathy moans sent blood pumping straight to his cock, making it even harder than it had already been with her bare body wrapped around him. They had ditched the condoms, but much to Cami’s disappointment she wasn’t pregnant yet. He knew it would happen for them, one way or the other, and he couldn’t wait to see her with their child.

But sex between them was more than just trying to breed his baby into her, though the thought made him wild with lust. It was more than just fucking, or pleasure seeking. When he slid inside her hot body, they became one. It was the connecting of two people that needed each other more than they needed their next breath. It was essential to his life now.

“Greedy, girl. That’s a lot to ask of an old man like me, first thing in the morning.” Their age difference no longer bothered him, but he still liked to tease her about it, and vice versa. They got some strange looks when they were out occasionally, but they both ignored it when it happened. Nothing felt more right than being with the woman in his arms.

“I’m sorry, you’re right. You rest your old bones, I’ll do all the heavy lifting.” Camille giggled against his chest, then pushed up so that she straddled his waist. Leaning back, she slid one hand down the center of her soft stomach and slipped a finger between her silky folds.

“Jesus, I thought you were trying to kill me when you shot me, but this is what’s going to do it.” Jon’s focus narrowed down to the small space between Cami’s thighs, so when her finger stilled, hovering just above her clit, he snapped his attention back to her face. Her very pissed face. “Too soon?”

Thankfully, Camille simply huffed a small laugh and resumed her rubbing. “There is something wrong with you.”

Jon ran his hands up her smooth legs, gripping her knees and spreading her legs wide, so he could see every movement of her fingers over her sex. “That’s fine, I’m okay with there being something wrong with me as long as you still love me. Grey hair and all.”

“Love you so much,” she panted and writhed on top of his stomach, her back brushing against his painfully stiff cock.

He wanted more than anything to bury himself deep inside her, but fuck if he could give up the show going on right in front of his face. “Fuck, I wish you could see how hot you look right now. That pink pussy of yours is just dripping with your juices.” He swiped one finger around her entrance, her hips nearly bolting up into the air at the barely there touch. Sucking the juices off his finger, Jon moaned at the burst of his favorite flavor across his tongue. “God, you are the perfect mix of sweet and salty.”

“Please, Jon, I need you inside me.” Camille began to lift her hips and position them above his cock, but he pulled her back to rest over his stomach.

“Not yet. You know the rule, you come at least once before I ever get inside you.” Her whine made him chuckle, his girl was just too much fun to toy with. “I’ll help you out though, keep playing with that hard little clit of yours.”

One hand holding her in place, Jon moved the other to just below where her fingers worked furiously at her clit. He circled her tight opening with one finger, the light touch driving her reactions even louder. He waited for her to start chanting ‘please’ over and over before slowly pushing his thick digit into her heat. Their paces were at odds with each other; Camille chasing her orgasm with a speed that blew his mind, but Jon savored every ridge and bump in her slick channel. Once his finger was completely ensconced in her pussy, he slowly dragged it back out, pressing against her front wall the entire time.

“Oh god, please Jon, more. I need more.” Her body sagged under the weight of her impending orgasm, and Jon brought his knees up so she could recline back against them, putting her cunt even more on display for him. Crazed and beautiful, that was his woman. And all his.

“You need more? How’s this?” He added a second finger, but didn’t go any faster, easing them in centimeter by centimeter.

She whimpered her frustration and brought her other hand up to her chest, pinching and pulling her tight nipples. “Harder. Faster. Please.”

“Like this?” Jon slammed his fingers back into her soaked pussy, she screamed her pleasure and begged for even more. But instead of complying, Jon held his fingers inside her heat, pressing them against the rough little patch of nerves deep inside that would send her to the moon. She bucked and cried out on top of him, obscenities flying from her mouth that would make any of the men on his squad blush like a schoolgirl. Dragging his fingers in circles on her g-spot, Jon drew out her orgasm for as long as possible before she collapsed back against his legs, her chest heaving with the need for oxygen after the intensity of her climax.

Jon rubbed her legs, soothing her as she came down from the high. Watching her come never failed to be an awe-inspiring experience for him. He wanted to see that flushed, sated expression on her face every single day for the rest of his life.  

“You have enough energy left to take my cock, sweetheart?”

“Always, but I’m not going to be able to do all the heavy lifting after that. I’m not sure I could move my legs if you begged me to.” That husky post-orgasm voice of hers drove him near crazy. He needed inside her.

“Don’t you worry. I’ll take care of you.” Always. In every way.

The End

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