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Island Captive: A Dark Romance by Jane Henry (2)

Chapter Two


I watch the bitch from where I crouch, hidden in the darkness of trees. I moved quickly while she was unconscious, ignoring the pain that pulsed against my skull. Still cuffed, miraculously tossed to the shore, the first thing I did was locate the man she called Carlos. I took the keys and uncuffed myself, putting the cuffs in my pocket. I’d need those later.

I walked out to the sea and did a quick scan of the remains. The co-pilot’s body was torn to pieces, the impact of the crash likely killing him before he was dismembered. The pilot never made it out of the aircraft, unconscious against the window as water filled the small cabin. He likely drowned, if he wasn’t already dead.

And then I saw her, her body slumped over the one good plane wing, unconscious. Bloodied, but breathing. I dragged her body to shore. Having another survivor will prove useful, no doubt. The fact that she’s a woman will be even more convenient. She’s a total bitch, but I know ways to subdue women. I’ll punish her for the way she’s treated me. Then make her obey me.

What happens after that will be up to her.

After looking her over to make sure she’s breathing and has no life-threatening injuries, I leave her where she can see the remains of her comrades when she wakes. Good. Maybe it’ll scare her a little. Take some of the fight out of her.

Hopefully not too much, though. I like a good fight.

After she’s on shore, I go about getting whatever useful supplies we may need that I can salvage from the wreckage: a small store of food, first aid supplies, and bottled water.

It’s a small island. I remember from being airborne seeing the coasts from above. Thousands of small, uninhabited islands litter the Pacific. There’s no telling where we are now, but it appears we’re alone. I’m guessing I could walk the whole perimeter in under four or five hours. Beyond the shore lies a man-made structure that piques my interest. Clearly, someone civilized was here once, but it appears no one lives here anymore. The small, clapboard building houses a sign,




I try to open the door but find it locked. I huff out a laugh. Strange to lock a door where literally no one would be around to get in. Still, I’ll have to pick the lock and see if there are suitable sleeping arrangements inside. Possibly more supplies. Something to keep me out of the cold.

I frown, looking back at the shore. Something to keep us out of the cold, I suppose. There’s no use letting her fend for herself if I need her. She’ll prove useful to me, but not if she dies from hypothermia or some fucking savage animals. Natives, maybe? But my gut says we’re alone.

My jaw clenches at the memory of the way she treated me. As if I were some type of monster who ought to suffer pain and torture. I shake my head.

We’re all monsters. Every last motherfucker deserves no less than I’ve suffered.

She has no idea what I’ve seen. What I’ve done. What I’ve suffered.

They probably showed her the pictures, though.

I shake my head. Now isn’t the time to dwell on this. I look at the flimsy lock on the shelter. I need to find something to pick it and do it soon before it’s totally dark here.

I have to find the bitch before she hides somewhere or does something stupid and hurts herself. This is no rescue mission, though.

This is survival of the fittest.