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Jacked Up: Birmingham Rebels by Samantha Kane (6)

Chapter 6

When it was over King pulled away. Jane sat there on top of Sam, breathing hard, glassy-eyed and smiling down at him. “Wow,” she said.

“Wow,” Sam agreed.

King pushed his chair back and stood up. “I can’t,” he said. He turned to go, but Jane grabbed his arm.

“Oh, come here,” she said, her voice a little scratchy and kind of weak. She reached for the button on his shorts.

“What are you doing?” King asked in surprise, stopping her with a hand around her wrist.

“I’m not going to pull you in and not finish you,” Jane said, sounding insulted. “What kind of tease do you think I am?” She looked down at Sam. “Hands or mouth?”

“Lady’s choice,” Sam said, shocking himself. Was he really going to lie here under Jane, his softening dick still inside her, and watch her blow King? Why, yes, yes he was.

“Mmm,” she said, unbuttoning King’s shorts while she ignored his protests. “Mouth.” She shoved King’s shorts and underwear down, and his hard dick bounced up as if freed from a cage. Sam had seen his dick before, in the locker room, and once or twice at the house when he forgot to bring clothes into the bathroom when he took a shower. He hadn’t thought much about it. But now, King’s dick was a huge turn-on, framed by the tattoos on both hips. He was big, fat and long, hard as hell, with a leaking tip. At that moment Sam wanted to see it buried in Jane’s mouth more than he wanted to breathe. He was so going to have to see a therapist after this. He was certifiable.

“Oh my God.” Jane ran her fingers over the tattoos on King’s hips. They matched the ones on his arms. Even Sam had to admit they were sexy as hell. Then she licked the length of King’s erection, holding it in both hands. “I’m living out my porn-star fantasies,” she said calmly. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“No,” King said, his voice shaky. “Not at all.”

Sam’s dick jerked inside Jane. He couldn’t believe he had any juice left after that orgasm, but this was pretty hot.

“Sam likes watching, too,” Jane said, sneaking a flirty look at him. “At least that’s what his dick is saying.” She wiggled her hips and Sam moaned. When she rose onto her knees and sucked King’s head into her mouth, just managing to keep Sam inside her at the same time, both Sam and King groaned. Then she pulled off King’s dick and slid down Sam’s. “Okay,” she panted. “Way hotter than I thought this would be. I’m giving you fair warning. I’m going to come on your dick again while I’m sucking him off, so don’t take it out.”

“Oh, damn, man,” King said.

“Wait, wait,” Sam panted. He pushed her off.

“No,” King groaned. “Come on, Sammy. Don’t do that to me. This girl is reading my damn mind.”

“New condom,” Sam said, grabbing the roll and tearing one off. “Just a sec.” He ripped off the old one and tossed it to the end of the bed, then rolled on the new one as fast as he could. Then he scooted back under Jane. “Okay, go.” All three of them moaned as she sat on his dick. Then King took a fistful of Jane’s hair, just like she’d done to him earlier, and pushed her head down, pressing his dick into her mouth. All the blood left Sam’s head and pounded in his cock at that point, and all he could do was fuck Jane and watch her give King head.

It was all a blur after that. Jane came again first, which was good, because then she concentrated on driving both men crazy. It became a contest to see who would give in and come first. Finally Sam decided he didn’t want to win, and he let loose and came, crying out as Jane milked him with her pussy until he was so sensitive it almost hurt. He grabbed her hips and held her still and watched as she blew King’s mind.

When King came, Sam could see him holding back. His fist was wrapped tight in Jane’s hair, but he was being careful not to pull it. His tattooed arm holding her head down looked primitive as fuck, and Sam loved it. Jane was humming, like she was all happy and shit, and Sam knew—because he’d want to do it, too—that King was forcing himself not to ram his dick into her throat as he came. Sam was a little surprised that she let King come in her mouth, but it was as hot to watch that as it was to watch everything else they’d done. He knew he should be worried about how much he liked having King around while he was fucking, and watching King while he screwed around with a woman, but he wasn’t. At least not right now. He was pretty sure that after he’d had time to think about it he’d absolutely freak out. But apparently fucking had shut down that part of his brain.

The door to the hotel room opened unexpectedly. “Oh, shit,” Margo said, and Jane spun around on the bed to see her cousin facing the door, back turned to the three of them. “I should go get coffee.” Margo peeked over her shoulder and then quickly looked away again. “Should I go get coffee?”

When Margo entered the room, King had spun around and yanked his shorts up. He turned back now, dressed and looking as if nothing had happened between them.

“Yes,” Jane squeaked, more embarrassed than she could ever remember being. “Get coffee.”

“Two or four?” Margo asked, a smile in her voice.

“Two,” Jane said firmly. She met King’s eyes, but he looked away before she could read what he was thinking.

“Aye, aye, captain,” Margo said, and then she beat a hasty retreat.

As the door closed behind her, Jane bolted off the bed. “I’ll be back in a minute,” she mumbled as she ran into the bathroom. Once she was in there she tried not to hyperventilate as she stared at herself in the mirror. Margo had seen her. Them. She knew Jane had just slept with two guys. Oral sex was still sex, at least in Jane’s book. She’d had sex with two guys. At the same time. Which was crazy. She was crazy. What the hell had she been thinking? Temporary insanity was the only explanation.

She looked like a massive ho. Her hair was a beehive and she had hickeys all over her boobs. And were those finger-shaped bruises on her hips? She dropped her head into her hands. She had to be a grown-up and go back in there and say goodbye like an adult. Because she knew there was no way they were going to sneak out like most guys would after a one-night stand. Especially one that had degenerated into a kink fest. An incredibly hot and fun kink fest, but still. She took a deep breath and straightened her shoulders. She was being a dumb-ass. Everything had been cool between them. There was no reason to assume this morning would make it awkward. Right? Was this awkward? How long had she been in here?

Quickly she used the bathroom and tried to tidy up. When a hairbrush didn’t do it, she grabbed a band and shoved it all up in a makeshift half-bun, half-ponytail thing. All that did was highlight the hickeys, so she looked for something to cover up with. Thank God Margo had left a short little robe hanging on the door hook. She owed that girl a drink.

When she walked out of the bathroom, Sam had dressed and the room was tidied up. The guys were standing silently, looking out the windows to the pool below. She cleared her throat and they turned around. Yep. Awkward. She put on her big-girl panties and forced a smile. “So,” she said with false cheer. “That was great. But, ah, you know, I have to leave for home today. Work tomorrow.” She crossed her arms.

“Yeah, yeah, right,” Sam said, clearly feeling as stupid as she felt. “Don’t let us keep you. We just, you know, wanted to say goodbye.”

“Right,” she said, after a second’s hesitation. “Goodbye. Yeah, I guess we won’t see each other again.” She laughed and it sounded a little brittle, like Bette Davis in just about any movie she was in. “That’s probably a good thing.”

“Why?” King asked. Well, she’d pegged him right last night. He wasn’t one to shy away from the awkward conversations.

“Because if I did see you I’d be mortally embarrassed,” she said truthfully. “Last night was pretty, um, kinky. Especially, you know, this morning.” She could feel her face burning up with her blush. “Waaaay outside my comfort zone.”

“Jesus,” Sam said, looking upset. “I’m sorry. I mean, we didn’t have to.” He gestured at the bed. “I thought you wanted to.”

“I did,” she quickly assured him. “I did. But it was partly because I knew I’d never see you guys again. That sort of made it no-holds-barred, right? But normally, if we’d met in the normal way or something, yeah, probably not happening.” She smiled. “But I’m glad it did. I can check that off my bucket list.” Neither guy laughed. Could this get any more awkward?

“You don’t have to be embarrassed,” King told her, looking surprised. “It was great. You were great. Just what Sam needed.” He paused, looking a little sheepish. “And me, too, I guess.”

“So we all got what we wanted,” Sam said, one hand stuck in his pocket. What did he have in there? She vaguely recalled King reassuring him about it this morning. “Good. I mean, thanks. It meant a lot to me. But I guess you know that.”

“You’re welcome,” she said with a grin. “And trust me, I am not sorry you broke that dry spell with me. I wasn’t lying when I told you it was the best sex I’ve ever had.” The wildest, roughest, kinkiest, best-ever sex she would ever have. Period. The thought made her want to cry.

“Me, too,” he said with a laugh. That laugh seemed to break the tension and he walked over to her. “Am I allowed to kiss you goodbye?” he asked, waiting for permission before he got too close.

“Absolutely,” she told him. “If you didn’t, then you’d be a big, fat jerk.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him before she presented her puckered lips for a kiss. The kiss was short and sweet, no tongue. But it was just right. Sam lingered a little before he slowly broke away. “Bye, Jane,” he whispered. He let her go and with a last look turned and headed for the door. King followed him.

“Hey,” Jane called out, stepping over and grabbing King’s arm. “No kiss from you?” She was a little hurt, but he looked surprised again.

“Me?” he asked. “I thought this was for you and Sam.”

“It wasn’t Sam in my mouth a few minutes ago,” she said sarcastically, the crazy Jane from last night still hanging around and refusing to shut up. “You and I got pretty intimate, too.” King grinned.

“We did, didn’t we?” he said. He grabbed her and, with one arm around her waist, lifted her off the floor while she squealed. His kiss was wild and lusty, with tongue, teeth, and a final suck on her lower lip. She felt like he’d just fucked her mouth. And thanks to that kiss she was horny as hell again.

“Why didn’t we do that last night?” she asked breathlessly.

“I was just thinking the same thing. Missed opportunity, I guess,” King said. He kissed her on the cheek and set her back on the floor. “Maybe in another life, yeah?” He walked over to where Sam was waiting by the door with a big grin on his face.

“If we’re lucky,” she called out and waved back at them as they walked out. She wasn’t sure how she felt about the whole thing. She’d just watched the best night of her life walk out the door, but she knew that was how it had to be. After all, knowing they would leave in the morning was the one thing that had made last night possible. At least for her. She grinned and hugged herself, but her grin crashed when she realized that now she’d have to go back to real life and sober, responsible, dependable Jane.

The door opened and Margo came in with two coffees in a carry tray. “Holy shit,” she said quietly with wide eyes. “You really did do them both! I want to hear every detail.” She sniffed. “This room smells like kinky sex.”

Jane laughed, blushing madly, and turned back to the bathroom. She needed a shower, stat. “Eat your heart out. I’ll leave it to your imagination. But believe me, there’s no way that whatever you’re going to imagine could ever be as good as what really happened.”

“Spoilsport!” Margo called out as Jane closed the bathroom door.

Sam was quiet in the seat next to King as he drove back to Birmingham. Too quiet. “Brah, tell me what you’re thinking.”

“I think that I wish I’d broken my dry spell with a different woman.” Sam’s answer surprised King.


“Because there is no way in hell I’m ever going to find a woman as good in bed as Jane,” Sam said, turning to King with a wry smile. “Once you’ve had the best, it’s going to be hard to settle for the rest.”

“That’s some truth,” King agreed. “Man, I never thought she’d be like that when I picked her up in the bar.”

“You picked her up?” Sam asked. “You asked to walk her home. That’s not exactly a bar pickup.”

“Well, it turned into one,” King argued. “You weren’t getting anywhere with her, and I could tell you liked her.”

“Didn’t you?” Sam asked, frowning.

“Hell, yeah,” King said. “A lot. She was nice even before we got her clothes off.”

“Girl next door,” Sam said, nodding. “I always liked that type.”

“Exactly. Which is why I was shocked when she turned into a porn star.” Sam punched him in the arm.

“She’s not a porn star. Don’t say that.” He sighed. “I’m glad she got to live out some fantasies, too. I mean, I didn’t want it to be all about me.”

“It’s the quiet ones,” King said knowingly. “They always surprise you. Are nurses always so hot? That must be why it’s big in role play.”

“How do you know what’s big in role play?” Sam asked. “I’ve never seen you do that.”

“So far you’ve only seen me get a blow job,” King told him. “You don’t know what I’m into.” He watched Sam’s reaction out of the corner of his eye. He figured they had to talk about it or it would become a big deal and might come between them.

“Not gonna lie,” Sam said. “That kind of freaked me out. But it was kind of hot to watch her do it. Like live porn.”

“See?” King said, laughing. “Porn star.”

Sam shook his head, but he was smiling. “I’m kind of sorry that it was just a one-night stand, you know? I mean, she seemed like the kind of girl I could go for.”

“You did go for her, too many times to count,” King teased him. “But trust me, it’s better this way. How do you know that you really liked her and you’re not just, I don’t know, fixated on her because she’s the first sex you’ve had since Afghanistan?”

Sam’s hand immediately went into his pocket, and then he pulled the picture of him and his unit out and stared at it. It was creased and torn. “I need a new copy,” he said. “Do you have the copies you made for me?”

“Not here,” King said with a sigh. “At home.”

“Good,” Sam said absently. “And the original?”

“Still in the safe-deposit box.”

“Good.” Sam put the picture face down against his leg. “You’re right. I’m still too screwed up in the head to get involved. I’m glad nothing happened when I had the dream. Was she scared?”

“You are not too screwed up for a relationship,” King said, frustrated that the night with Jane hadn’t accomplished all he’d hoped. “I was just saying you don’t have to fall in love with the first woman you fuck.”

“Was she scared?” Sam asked again, more forcefully.

“No. She was fine. Amazing, actually. She tried to wake you up, but then she just sort of played along with the dream and let you grab her and haul her in close and then, like she said, she just, I don’t know, brushed your head with her hand and said everything was under control and we’d take care of it, and you just rolled over and went back to sleep. You were even snoring, man.”

“What? I don’t snore.” Sam snorted in disbelief. “I must have been faking it.”

“Really? So how come you don’t remember it?” King said.

“Whatever.” Sam turned to look out the window again. “She was something else, wasn’t she?”

“She sure was,” King agreed. He tried not to let his worry show. Had he set Sam up for failure by finding him the perfect woman right out of the gate? He sure hoped not. He’d hate for last night to backfire like that. It had been too good.




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