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Jaguar (The Madison Wolves Book 12) by Robin Roseau (18)


With Kristian and Elisabeth dragging one of the pilots between them, we moved back to the helicopters. “Michaela, are you sure you can fly one of these?”

“I managed to set it down okay,” she replied.

“Which one do you want?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Michaela said. “That’s the one I flew before.” She pointed to the rightmost aircraft.

“Then we’ll start with this one,” Carissa said with a gesture to the other one. “Just in case.” She turned to the pilot, grabbing him with one hand on the restraints and one on the back of his head. She pulled him down to look at her. “You’re going to give us a crash course in flying these things.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“If you do a good job, then I’ll let you live. Do you know what happens if you do a poor job.”

“You’ll kill me.”

“Oh, no. Not at all.” She let her fangs show. “I’ll enslave you. You will worship me and will be very, very driven to tell me anything I want to know. And then I’m going to ask about your family and your dearest friends. Maybe you have children. A wife. Parents. A sister. Everyone has someone they care about. And I will find the people you love, and I will take them and enslave them. Your sister? I’ll give her to a brothel, along with your wife. The rest? Well, I guess we’ll see what comes to me.”

“You’re a bitch,” the man said.

“Yes, I am,” Carissa agreed. “I was born in a time where people believed in an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. You came here to kidnap women and children. You seem to think that’s perfectly acceptable. But you don’t like it when the tables are turned?” She released him. “Now show me how to operate this machine!”

* * * *

It took time.

Carissa and Michaela, along with Kristian and Elisabeth to handle the prisoner, climbed into the first helicopter. The rest of us moved back. Twenty minutes later, Carissa called out, “Clear,” and then the machine began to whirr. Two minutes later, it lifted off the ground a few feet, hovered for a minute or so, and then set back down.

A minute after that, Michaela emerged, following Kristian and Elisabeth with their prisoner. She lead the way to the other aircraft, and it was only an additional ten minutes before she had done her own lift off and hover test.

Kristian emerged with the prisoner, approaching Lara and me. “Elisabeth wants two more enforcers,” he yelled over the sound of the machine.

“Serena,” Lara said. “Angel. Go.”

The two took off for Michaela’s helicopter. A minute later, it lifted from the ground. Then Carissa lifted hers, and we watched them rise, turn south, and climb and accelerate away.

It grew still, all of us left behind staring after the departing aircraft, long after we could no longer see them.

Then, with no warning, Lara spun, lifted her foot, and kicked the prisoner firmly in the gut. Kristian released his hold, and the man crumpled. Then Lara was on him, hitting him over and over.

She pulled her strikes. If she hadn’t, she would have killed him with that first kick, and she certainly would have with her fists. But then Karen was there, kneeling beside the alpha. “Lara.”

“You fucking bastard!” Lara screamed. “We weren’t hurting anyone here. We leave humans alone. We’re not the monsters from the movies. We’re quiet and peaceful, minding our own business. My wife is a science teacher. We’re all environmentalists. We take care of the land. We help people. We run businesses, good businesses, and I insist we follow the laws and treat our customers ethically. We pay our taxes, and we never cheat on them.”

She shook him. “How dare you invade our lands? How dare you come with your guns and explosives, intending to kill some of us and kidnap others? We’re not the monsters. You are.”

The man coughed. “Right. That vampire told me what she was going to do.”

“She lied,” Lara spat. “Oh, she didn’t lie about what she’ll do to you, but she wouldn’t touch an innocent.”

Lara pushed away from him, straightening, then stepping several steps backwards. “Kristian, do you require assistance putting him back?”

“No.” But Kristian stood and looked at Lara. “Alpha, Lima Consulting will be landing soon.”

Lara nodded. “Does Greg Freund know you?”

“Yes, but may I make a suggestion?”

“Of course.”

“It’s been a long night for you and your wolves. Your home is currently secure, and no invaders will arrive without warning. Until Carissa returns, I can pull Raphael to watch the prisoners. The others and I can hold your compound for you. This frees you to send someone to meet Lima. Perhaps you hoped to send your head enforcer, but I think you want to get Lima here quickly. Alpha, your wolves need rest. You need to order some of them to rest, and your civilians should return to their proper beds as well. It is safe. You have my assurances.”

Lara stared at him a long time, not saying anything. Finally she nodded. “You’re right.”

“I know you struggle to trust us,” Kristian continued. “I know you especially struggle to trust me, and that is my fault. But I have been loyal to Carissa for over a thousand years, and that is not going to change today. She wants all of you safe. I will keep you safe.”

“Thank you, Kristian,” Lara said. “Please see to it.”

“Very good.” He bent over, picked up the man from the ground, and turned towards the sheds, carrying him easily.

Lara turned to Karen. “Until Elisabeth returns, you’re the head enforcer,” she said. “Get people on a sleep rotation. Get the kids back to the barracks. Send...” She paused. “Shit. I need to send you, don’t I?”

“I’ll get things started, Lara. Anna, can you remain with the alpha?”

“Of course.”

“Monique. Nash. Head to the safe room. If everyone is sleeping, leave them there. But tell them it’s safe to go back to their beds. But everyone remains in the lodge or the barracks. No wandering.”

“Yes, Karen,” Monique said for them. They took off for the house.

“Lara, let’s get you settled.”

“I won’t sleep.”

“No, but you’re not done making decisions, and you need to close your eyes for a while.”

* * * *

Lara refused to go to bed. But she did lie down in the great room, for whatever good that would be.

Karen scurried about for a few minutes, then I saw her with Zoe, Iris, and Lindsey. I was a little surprised who she was using, but if the airport were going to be dangerous, it would have been earlier. The four of them headed for the cars, and then it was quiet.

“Anna,” Lara said a few minutes later. “Why?”

“I don’t know, Lara,” I said. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

“I keep having to call for help,” she said.

“Everyone needs help sometimes, Lara,” I replied. “You’re doing things here no other werewolf pack has ever done. You’re a female alpha who rules more through wisdom than strength and fear. I don’t claim to be an expert in werewolf politics, but Carissa said you’re the only North American pack with a female alpha. She said there’s one in Europe, but she’s not sure about anywhere else. She also says this is the only pack with openly lesbian members amongst the leadership, much less the alpha. And then there’s the safe haven for all of the other weres.”

Lara lay quietly, but her brow remained furrowed.

“You work with Lima Consulting. I don’t know much about them, but I know a few things. Carissa has used them. And she says you’re not the only pack that relies on their services. I don’t think you should consider it shameful you have to call them.”

“And calling Carissa?”

“Didn’t she once ask your pack for help?”

“She didn’t exactly ask, but yes.”

“If you were the New Orleans pack alpha, you would also belong to Carissa. Atlanta, London, Paris. Those packs all offer their throats to a vampire king. There are others, but as I said, I don’t pay much attention. The Madison pack has one of the most powerful vampire queens as a friend, but you aren’t subjugated to her.”

Lara opened her eyes, barely a slit, but enough to look at me. “That would change if she decided she wanted a change of scenery. Or if Kristian did, or anyone like him.”

“It could,” I replied. “But Carissa likes New Orleans.”

“And Kristian?”

“Being at the top is hard. Carissa relies on Kristian. If he leaves her, he wouldn’t have anyone. He could make new offspring, but it would be a thousand years before they’d be as powerful as he is today.”

“Carissa’s other vampires...”

“Are hers,” I explained. “Not Kristian’s. They couldn’t side against her. They aren’t powerful enough to defy her.” I smiled. “Besides, they all adore her, just like the humans you met. And just like me, for that matter.”

“And my wife,” Lara added. “I feel weak. Do you know how relieved I was when she climbed from that car?”

“It’s good to have friends, Lara,” I said. “Are you afraid you’ve used up your marker with her?”

“Among other things, yes.”

“Carissa doesn’t work that way. You’re friends, Lara. Do you keep count with your friends?”

“No,” Lara said easily.

“She doesn’t either. Besides, this is a lot easier than what you did for her. She’s not risking herself the way you did for her. What else?”

“Feeding them.”

“Ah. That won’t be an issue for a few days, and frankly, the warm bodies out in the sheds could take care of them for weeks. She’d ask Deirdre and me first.”

“The two of you can’t feed seven vampires.”

“No, but if there’s an emergency, we’re still covered. If this drags out, we’ll need to make arrangements, and that probably means your pack. She might offer to import humans, but if it gets that far, she’s going to hope you offer.”

“I’ll have to go first,” Lara said. “I don’t know what message that sends.”

I pursed my lips for a moment then said, “You know, for that, you should talk privately to Carissa. I think she may actually suggest you look for donors who aren’t part of the pack leadership. As we discussed, your pack is not in thrall to her.” Then I smiled. “Besides, whoever feeds her is going to be very, very happy.”

“Iris and Lindsey seemed awfully pleased,” Lara said. She shook her head. “Does she seduce all her meals?”

“Not all. She has particular tastes. I believe she was very pleased with them.”

“Do I need to talk to them and ask if they’ll offer themselves again?”

“Not yet.”

“What about the others?”

“Carissa is the only vampire I have fed directly. I donate blood quarterly to help feed the others, but it’s at a blood bank. I do not know what Carissa will expect. Would you like my suggestion?”

“Of course.”

“Get through today. By tomorrow, we’ll know more. Then perhaps ask Michaela’s lovely assistants to handle this. It doesn’t need to rise to your level, Lara.”

“They can’t do it themselves.”

“They can coordinate. Sharing blood can be very symbolic. Or it can just be food, or a simple arrangement between private individuals.”

Lara closed her eyes and grew still. I wasn’t sure if I had helped or not, but I thought she was considering the right things.

I gave her a minute then said, “I don’t think I could have held back like you did.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She didn’t even open her eyes.

“You didn’t kill him,” I said. “How did you avoid killing him?”

“I don’t know.”

Just then, Lara’s pocket rang. She smiled broadly and fished her phone out. “Michaela.” She paused then sat up and began to smile. “We’ll be waiting for you. Please hurry home, little fox.”

She clicked off.

“Good news.”

“She’s going to be impossible,” Lara said.

“She wants you to buy one.”

“She didn’t flat out ask, but I could hear her practically vibrating.” Lara shook her head. “She’ll be back down to Earth by the time they get back.”

“That’s a horrible pun, Lara.”

She cocked her head and paused for a moment. “Oh. I didn’t even think of that.” She took an especially deep breath of air, held it for a moment, then let it out slowly.

“You should try to get a little sleep. Even a few minutes would do you some good.”

She nodded, lay back, and closed her eyes.

* * * *

Judging by her breathing, Lara got a half hour of sleep. And then over my headset, Karen said, “We’re just turning off the highway. Report.” The various enforcers checked in. At the end, Karen asked, “Anna?”

“All is quiet,” I responded as softly as I thought could be heard. “Lara is resting. Michaela phoned earlier. They’re down and safe.”

“We know,” she said. “They’re in front of us.”

I slipped from the chair and moved carefully to Lara. I brushed a finger along the back of her hand. “Lara. Alpha.”

Her eyes opened. “Anna.”

“Everyone is back.”

She sat up, and I moved away. Then we heard car doors outside.

Lara didn’t wait. She practically flew from the sofa and out the door. By the time I got outside, Michaela’s feet were eighteen inches from the ground as Lara hugged her deeply, the little fox’s arms around her mate’s neck.

As I watched, more and more people climbed from cars. We had half the pack enforcers taking positions around the alpha pair. Carissa and Pearce stood to the side, watching. And when I looked for Karen and Elisabeth, I saw them greeting the newcomers, presumably from Lima Consulting. There were strange werewolves and a variety of humans.

What was interesting was that the Madison enforcers seemed relaxed. In the last eight hours they had been invaded by now three distinct forces: the humans late last night, then Carissa and her vampires a few hours later, and now these humans and werewolves from Lima.

But they were as relaxed as I’d seen them, although everyone was clearly tired.

And that thought made me yawn.

I saw one of the humans directing the wolves to the back of the SUVs, and a moment later, the wolves were unloading cases of equipment. Then, with the last slamming door, everyone’s attention turned to Lara and Michaela.

Elisabeth stepped up to them and whispered something. Slowly, Lara set Michaela back on her feet, but then the two whispered for a minute while the rest of us waited.

Then there was one final pause. Michaela straightened her back, and somehow in doing so, attention shifted from her and Lara to just her. She was a tiny woman, a tiny, tiny woman, with the most delicate features I’d seen coupled with wild red hair, currently entirely untamed, but somehow she was gorgeous.

Was that grease on her cheek? Where did she get that?

Then she turned around, smiled, and stepped forward, holding out her hand. “Greg,” she said. She shook hands with a human male, and I decided that must be Greg Freund. I’d never met him. “Wendy.” That was directed to a large werewolf.

Of course, they’d all met before.

“Thank you for coming,” Lara said from behind her mate. She also offered a handshake and then gestured to Carissa. “Do you know our other guests?”

“I know Carissa,” Greg said. “It’s good to see you here, Your Majesty.”

“Mr. Freund, I really don’t care for that title. I only use it to intimidate humans.”

“If you offer another, I will be sure to use it,” he said. He looked around, his gaze settling on me. “I don’t know her.” He cocked his head, and then Wendy, the werewolf, leaned down and whispered into his head. “Ah. Annabelle Delacroix.”

I moved forward and offered my own hand. “Greg Freund.”

They didn’t introduce everyone else. Greg turned his attention back to Lara. “What is most pressing?”

“May I?” Carissa asked.

“Of course,” Lara said.

“The compound is secure, but the local pack has been up all night,” she said. “I have six of my vampires here, but I believe your wolves could help to relieve the pack enforcers.”

“How are things in Madison?”

“Quiet,” Elisabeth said. “I talked to Gia ten minutes ago. They’re worried, but so far, that’s all.”

“What else?” Greg asked.

“We secured the helicopters,” Lara said. “And we have prisoners.” Elisabeth offered a few more details, and then Greg nodded.

“Then this is what I think,” Greg said. “We need a full debrief. My technicians need to set up. We need to examine the helicopters and continue to question the prisoners. And, of course, we need to relieve your wolves, Alpha. Carissa, how are your vampires doing?”

“They’re all fine,” she replied. “I brought my best. We’re good for a few days.”

“All right. Alpha, will you allow my wolves to relief your enforcers?”

“Gladly,” Lara said. “Coordinate with Elisabeth.” But then she paused. “I don’t know where to house everyone. We were already at full capacity.”

“If Anna and Deirdre do not mind, me and my vampires can make use of their rooms,” Carissa said.

Lara looked around, her eyes settling on Zoe, Iris, and Lindsey, standing to the side. “You three,” she said. “I need you again.”

They stepped forward, somewhat hesitatingly, I thought. “Yes, Alpha?” Zoe asked.

“I know you’re tired, but I need you to organize space. Clear the bunkhouses. Move everyone into the lodge.”

“We could camp out,” Iris said. “We have tents.”

“No,” Elisabeth said. “Not while we’re dealing with threats.”

“Right. Sorry.”

“Iris,” Lara said. “You aren’t Michaela’s assistant because we want you to shut your mouth. If you have ideas, share them. Make whatever adjustments you need. We can all double and triple up. That includes my mate. Conscript anyone you need to get the bunkhouses ready. Do I need to iterate what that means?”

“No, Alpha,” Zoe said. “We’ll handle it.”

“The three of you have full authority over housing,” Lara said. “The only thing I want to know is where I should sleep, and that you’re handling it. That’s all I need to know.”

“We’ve got it, Alpha.”

“Find Francesca. Tell her our guests have arrived. She’ll know what to do.”

“We’ve got it.”

“Zoe,” said Elisabeth. “The enforcers will need places soon.”

“Right,” Zoe replied. “Give us a half hour.” She turned to the two girls. “Iris. Find Francesca and deliver that message. Then find me. I’ll be somewhere in the lodge.”

“Right,” said Iris, turning and running.

“Lindsey, the barracks.”

“Got it.”

“Orderly evacuation,” Zoe said. “And recruit anyone you want to change the bedding and clean up. Make sure they take time to do it all right.”

“Got it,” Lindsey said. She turned and ran off.

Without another word, Zoe turned to the house and hurried away, several of us watching after her. Well, well. The human knew how to take charge.

“Greg, will that work for setting up?” Lara asked.

“Yes. I’d like to send Halo and MacIntyre to examine the helicopters. Carissa, can you spare an escort?”

“Yes.” She gestured to Pearce. Elisabeth stepped over and held out a card key to him. We watched the vampire climb into one of the SUVs along with a human man and woman. Before they could even drive off, Greg’s technicians, with help from two of his wolves, began lugging equipment towards the barracks. Elisabeth stepped to Wendy, and the two communicated quietly, and then the remaining Lima wolves began to disperse, off to help patrol the compound.

“Well,” Greg said. “Shall we head somewhere and talk this through, and then I’d like to meet the prisoners.”