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Jailbait (Southern Rebels MC Book 1) by Kristin Coley (3)

Chapter Three




I didn’t allow the relief that suddenly flowed through me to show. I wasn’t sure what I had planned to do if she refused to talk to the other guys.  Camp out at Mary and Hank’s, I guessed.

“Come on, they’re waiting.” I gestured for her to follow me and she did, holding baby Kara.  A quick glance told me Mary was nowhere around and I only hoped the baby in her arms helped our case.

“You wanted to talk to her, here she is,” I announced to the room, holding the door as she came in behind me. Hank’s lips twitched when he spotted Kara, but he didn’t offer to take her. Surprise flickered across Johnny’s face but it only lasted for a second.

“Right now, the vote is split evenly and I won’t allow your presence without a majority vote, so tell us why we should allow you here.” 

She eyed the table, everyone wearing their club jackets and said, “Who voted against me?” I caught the calculating gleam in her eye and hid my smile.

When no one moved, she arched her eyebrow and demanded, “I should know who I need to convince.”

Johnny tilted his head as he raised his hand and the others followed suit.  She nodded sharply.  “What are your objections to my presence?”

“You’re a distraction for one.” Johnny slammed his hands on the table. “And two, I can’t guarantee your loyalty.”

“You have other women around,” Sloan said bravely.  “You don’t question their loyalty.”

“They earn their keep.”

“And so will I,” she declared and a salacious chuckle went around the table.  I leaned forward, ready to put a stop to it, but she shook her head softly.  “Not the same way they do,” she told them. “It sounds like you have plenty of that.”

“New pussy is always better,” Weasel mumbled and she popped the back of his head.

“Ow, what’d you do that for?”

“I’m not pussy. Let’s make that clear right now,” she told him sharply, glaring at the table.  She bounced baby Kara, her implication clear as she said, “You need to stop assuming anything with tits and a vagina is pussy and therefore only good for one thing.”  She pointed to Johnny. “And you, questioning my loyalty. You haven’t even given me a chance to declare my loyalty.”  She shifted Kara to her other side and gestured to me. “He saved my life. He didn’t have to. He could have left me anywhere along the way. But he didn’t.  I owe him my life, so he has my loyalty,” she declared, and something deep in my chest locked into place.  She wasn’t through though.  “You’re his family.  Your loyalty should be unquestionable.  But when he comes to his family asking for sanctuary for me, you bring it to a vote?”  The sneer in her voice was unmistakable and a few of the naysayers shifted uncomfortably.

Johnny’s jaw worked but he didn’t say anything as she glanced at each man at the table.  Half met her eyes unflinchingly while others ducked theirs in shame.

“I count eight men at this table including Creed. You said the vote was split evenly?”  She gazed inquiringly at Johnny and he nodded grudgingly. “Then that means you’ve forgotten to take into account a vote.”

“I don’t think so,” Johnny growled, glaring at her.  She didn’t flinch, shaking her hair back as she tilted her chin up.

“Then you must be including Clutch’s vote.”

His face froze and I chuckled, as a choking rumble erupted next to me.  She’d snared Johnny neatly. I knew it might come back and bite us on the ass later, but she’d read the situation correctly.  The club was family and we supported our family.

Weasel raised his hand, saying, “Can I change my vote?”

Johnny huffed but banged his hand on the table as he brought it to a vote again, “All in favor of allowing Jailbait to remain?”

Seven hands raised and as Johnny stared at her, he lifted a finger making the vote unanimous.  “She stays,” he declared flatly.  “With the full protection of the club and her name isn’t a joke, gentlemen.  She is underage and you will act accordingly.”

“Oh my, what did I miss?”  Mary bustled in, her hands fluttering and the faintest smile flickered across Sloan’s face.

“Nothing. You didn’t miss a thing.” Her eyes caught mine and I nodded.  I wouldn’t forget how she defended me or that she’d declared her loyalty to me and not the club.  She tried to hand Kara back to Mary, but Kara was having none of that, clinging to Sloan and I smiled at the sight of her holding the baby.

“There’s food in the kitchen,” she mentioned offhandedly. “If you’re finished in here.”

That got everyone’s attention and Johnny rolled his eyes, slamming the gavel down.  “Meeting adjourned.  Go stuff your damn faces.”  No one needed to be told twice as everyone scrambled for the door.  Hank leaned down to give Mary a kiss and I slid my arm around Sloan.

“Thanks for that,” I motioned behind me.  “It means a lot.”

“I just spoke the truth,” she answered, ducking her head shyly as we squeezed through the door. “You went out on a limb for me.”  Her eyes flickered to mine.  “Not sure if I should thank you for that or not.”

A grin tugged at my lips. “You should,” I told her confidently. “Now, let’s grab food before it’s all gone.”

“Oh, I already ate,” she assured me.  “Clutch fixed me a plate before he had to leave.”

“Yeah, he was already late opening the garage,” I answered, rubbing my jaw.  “He stuck around to get a peek at you.”

“I hope it was worth it.”  She bopped Kara on the nose and she chortled, grabbing her hair. 

“You’re good with her,” I murmured roughly.

“Babysat a lot.  To earn a little cash.”  She shrugged nonchalantly but I caught a glimpse of pain in those expressive eyes before she hid them.

“That’s good.  I know Mary will be glad if you could help her out.”  She nodded, not saying anything and I struggled to fill the silence.  “She can take you shopping today.  Or I can.”

That got a response as she shot me a sideways glance.  “You,” she pointed at my chest and then her own.  “Take me shopping.”

“Yeah, I can.” I nodded, straightening a little.  “I will.”

“I believe you would,” she mused, her eyes brightening at the idea before dimming.  “But it’s not necessary. I have a few clothes.”

I didn’t like seeing the light go out of those gorgeous eyes and I grabbed her arm, pulling her to a stop.  She refused to meet my gaze so I ducked my head, forcing her to look at me.  “Hey, you heard the same thing I did in there.  You’re club, which means you’re family. We take care of our family.  Clothes, food, all that stuff. Don’t be ashamed.”

She twisted away, her lips pressed together, and I shook my head, releasing her arm.  “Look, you have to talk to me.  Otherwise, I don’t know what you’re thinking.”  Her eyes flickered up to mine, startled, and I sighed.  “I want you to be comfortable here.  Tell me what you need.”

“I don’t want to be bought,” she burst out, those huge green eyes searching mine.  “I don’t want to feel like I owe you anything.” Her chin firmed and I bit my lip to hide my smile.  I had a feeling laughing at her right now wouldn’t win me any favors.

“Jailbait, I think it’ll take more than a few clothes to afford you,” I replied, shuffling my feet as I shoved my hands in my pockets.  A spark lit her expression and I hurried to make my point.  “You need to get that idea out of your head right now.  Nobody’s keeping a tally, alright?”  She didn’t look like she believed me, but she finally gave a short nod and I sighed in relief.  “Now, can I go eat?”

“I wasn’t stopping you,” she snapped and I held my hands out, not willing to engage.  “Here,” she thrust Kara in my arms and I accepted her automatically.  “I have to go to the bathroom.”  She stood there for a second, looking around.  “Where is a bathroom?”

“Um, there’s one for the bar over there, but its usually pretty disgusting. You can go back to my room.”

“Marginally less disgusting,” she retorted, but there was a lightness in her voice.  “I’ll go to your room.”

“You can find it okay?”

“Yeah, I think so.”  She hesitated glancing up at me. “No one will,” she couldn’t finish the sentence but I figured out what she meant.

“No, I’d kill anyone who touched you and they know it.”  Her eyes rounded and I eased up slightly.  “Not that any of these guys would.  They’re good guys.  Just crude,” I finished, bouncing Kara lightly when she fussed.  Sloan’s eyes strayed to her and she gave me a smile.

“You look good holding her.”

“So I’ve heard,” I mumbled, my face growing hot.  “I’m not ready for babies yet.”

“Good to know,” she teased, her eyes dropping when she realized her words could come off as flirty.  “Not that it matters to me,” she tacked on, stumbling backwards and almost hitting a wooden post.

“Careful, Jailbait. I might think you like me.” Her translucent skin couldn’t hide a telltale blush and she darted away without replying.

“Don’t you go teasing that girl, Creed. You’ll give her ideas,” Mary swatted my side and I sidled out of her reach.  “She’s too young.”

“I know that.  Why you think I call her Jailbait?”

“Just so long as you remember to use the right head.”

I bussed her cheek. “And which head would that be?”

“Oh, you,” she started after me and I used Kara as a shield to avoid her swinging as I headed for the kitchen.

“Hank, get your wife away from me.  She’s after my hot bod,” I called, barreling into the kitchen, holding Kara like a football.  She was laughing so I swung her up in the air.

“Your hot bod?”  Hank repeated, lifting his shirt and exposing a hairy beer belly.  “Why would she do something like that when she’s got this?”

“Hank,” Mary cried out, mortified as she slapped her hand on his belly. “Pull your shirt down. There are children present.”

“You’re right, man.  I can’t beat that,” I smirked, lifting my shirt to show off my own flat stomach.  “All I’ve got is this measly six pack.”

“No match for the keg,” Marcus shouted, raising his fork in the air.

“KEG!  KEG!  KEG!” They started chanting and Hank lifted his arms.  He shrugged out of his kutte and peeled off the t-shirt he wore.  He swaggered around the kitchen, arms lifted as each guy thumped his belly.

I didn’t even have to look down to know she’d come back.  “Do I want to know?”  She asked quietly, watching as Hank made the rounds.

“Just having a little contest to see who has the better body,” I answered, watching as Marcus tossed a sausage at Weasel.

“And he won?”

I laughed at the incredulity in her voice, glancing down at her head as she watched Hank parade around.  “He did.”

“On what grounds?”

I shrugged, “Keg beats six pack every time.”

I felt more than saw her gaze as it swept over me.  “I guess it depends on your audience,” she mumbled under her breath. I heard her though and grinned. 

I leaned down to give Kara back to her and whispered, “Glad to know what you prefer.”

I headed to the table before she could reply, slapping my hand on Hank’s belly and he roared, picking me up and swinging me around.

“Whoa, Hank,” I shouted and he set me down with a thump.  “You win,” I called out and there was a roar of agreement.  “King of the KEG!”  I laughed, grabbing a fork and scraping what was left from the pan onto a plate. I dug in, watching Sloan chat with Mary as the guys around me shouted back and forth.  I couldn’t help but notice how comfortable she seemed and while I was glad, I wondered when it was going to hit her. Her life had changed in some huge and unexpected ways in a short amount of time.  At some point it was going to catch up to her and all I could hope was it didn’t swallow her whole.

Most of the guys disbursed as I finished eating and Johnny caught my eye as he jerked his head for me to come over.  I held in a sigh as I crossed over to him.

“I’ll give you today,” he said, rolling his tongue over his teeth.  “But tomorrow, its business as usual and she better be occupied, got me?”

“Loud and clear,” I retorted, barely hiding a grimace. I loved him like a dad but, Jesus, he could hold a grudge.  “She’ll be taken care of, no worries.”

“I hope so,” he answered, leaning down.  “And she better not bring trouble to this club, you hear?”

“She won’t,” I promised, meeting his eyes as I lied through my teeth.  “She was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

He nodded, his jaw locking as he studied me.  “You better be right about that.  We don’t need that kind of trouble.”

I nodded tightly, understanding his desire to stay under the radar.  We had the goodwill of local law enforcement because we kept drugs and crime out of our town, but we didn’t need outsiders poking around. I glanced over at her, and once again, the bruises on her face hit me like a punch to the gut.  They looked even worse today and I could tell by the way she was holding herself that she was hurting.

“You find out who did that to her and I’ll authorize the order,” Johnny added, following my gaze. I gave him a startled glance, but nodded my appreciation.

“Thanks,” I said briefly and he jerked his head slightly, already walking away.

I headed toward Sloan, ignoring my eagerness to be in her company again.  “You ready to go shopping,” I asked, coming up next to the chatting women.

“I didn’t believe her when she said you’d offered to take her,” Mary commented, her shrewd gaze raking over me.  I shrugged, shifting my weight uncomfortably as I looked to Hank for assistance.  He shook his head, leaving me to squirm under Mary’s stare.

“I figure it’s the least I can do,” I answered uneasily.  “I’m the only one she knows.”

Sloane watched me, her eyes shining, as Mary gave a noncommittal sound.

“Somehow, I doubt that’s the only reason,” she finally said, letting me off the hook.  I let out a relieved sigh even as I shot Sloan a look of betrayal.  She silently shook her head at me, not willing to take the blame.

“Take her by the salon.  She needs a trim and maybe some highlights,” Mary commanded, jerking my attention back to her as I nodded automatically.  It was impossible to say no to Mary and I didn’t even try anymore.  It was easier to just go along.

“I don’t think that’s necessary,” Sloan’s voice faded under Mary’s stare and I bit back my grin, knowing Mary would yank a knot in my ass if she saw it.  “Sure,” Sloane finished gracelessly, not glancing at me as she caved under the weight of Mary’s stare.  “Sounds great.”

“Good,” Mary answered, her voice leaving no doubt she’d known we’d see it her way.  “And, Creed,” she paused and I looked at her.  “Those clothes better be church appropriate.”  Hank choked as I nodded respectfully.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I will see you later, dear,” Mary cooed at Sloan, stopping just short of pinching her cheek from the look of it.  Sloan attempted a smile, but it was pained.  Mary noticed and stopped.  “It will be alright, maybe not today or even next week, but one day, you’ll see, everything will be alright.”  She leaned forward, drawing Sloan into a hug, and after a tense second, Sloan relaxed enough to hug her back.  “You need me, I’m just a phone call away, you hear?”  She gave me a sharp glance and I nodded quickly.

“I’ll make sure she has your number,” I responded, moving to stand next to Sloan as Hank nudged Mary.

“Let’s get the little one home and down for a nap,” he said, giving her a suggestive wink.  She blushed, shushing him as she glanced pointedly at us.  “Oh, trust me, the boy’s heard it all, probably done it too,” Hank rumbled and it was Sloan’s turn to blush as she eyed me.

“Thanks,” I told him, moving Sloan forward, and he gave me an innocent stare.  “Come on, let me get my keys,” I said to her, my hand hovering near her hip, close enough to feel her heat but not touch.  I had a feeling touching her would be my downfall.

The door to my room was ajar and I approached it warily.  I’d already figured out Sloane wasn’t the type to forget to shut a door, so someone was either in there or had come by and left me something.  Neither thought was comforting.

“Maybe you should wait out here,” I suggested and she lifted her eyebrows, but nodded.  I eased the door open with my foot and muttered a low, “Jesus,” at the sight in front of me.


I closed my eyes at the shout, the familiar whiny tone already grating against my eardrums.

“Oh, wow,” I heard from behind me as Sloane peeked around me.  “Are those real?”

I could only assume she was talking about the bouncing boobs on full display as Candy sat up on my bed, completely naked.  “No,” I replied shortly before raising my voice.  “What are you doing in here?”

“Is that anyway to say hello?” She pouted, her lower lip sticking out and I growled in exasperation.

“You shouldn’t be in here, Candy.  We broke up,” I explained once again, slowing my words so maybe they’d sink in this time.  Sloane made a surprised noise, drawing Candy’s attention to her.

“You got a new girl?” She accused, her expression jealous and I knew I needed to nip it in the bud immediately.

“No,” I said forcefully.  “She’s under club protection.  I’m showing her around.”

Candy’s eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms, shoving her boobs up and I winced, not even remotely turned on by the sight.  “Uh huh,” she said, raking her eyes over Sloane, who stood next to me, watching in fascination.  “I’m open to a threesome, if that’s what you want,” she said with a shrug as she tossed her hair over her shoulder.

Sloane took a step back and my hand went automatically to stop her from leaving.  “No, Candy.  No threesomes, no sex, no showing up in my room, clothed or naked.  We’re done.  Now, get out.” I shifted so I wasn’t blocking the door, my body partially shielding Sloan from view.  Candy didn’t move for a minute, trying to figure out if I was serious and when she realized I was, she gave a huff and stormed out, still naked. I heard a whistle as I shut the door behind her. I leaned against it, turning my head to meet Sloane’s eyes. 

She stared at me dryly as she said, “They know better than to come into your room, huh?”




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