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Jordan's Pryde (Pryde Shifter Series Book 1) by Giovanna Reaves (6)





Things were progressing smoothly in the Pryde household over the past few weeks since talking with his mom about quitting. He’d lost his nerve and the thought of not having a steady paycheck came back to bite him in the ass. He was also going to follow his mother’s advice and give the job a chance just a bit longer. He focused on his job as the twins’ nanny. During the time that Benjamin and Maddison were away from the house, Jordan found other things to keep himself busy. He went back to volunteering at the youth center not far from his old apartment a few hours a week.

He also got to know some of the people that associated with Duncan and the twins. He became especially close to Blayze, who was a doctor and worked as the head physician at the hospital.  Admittedly, it was not something he saw himself doing, but for now he had to deal with it and he liked it. As for him and Duncan, they stayed clear of the conversation about what almost happened between them.

Each time Jordan was in the same room with his boss, he felt a strong pull to his boss and wondered if Duncan felt it as well. He got his answer earlier that morning that their near kiss a few nights ago was a figment of his imagination when Duncan told him he wasn’t going to be home because had a date. The date he was on presently, leaving Jordan to speculate if Duncan was going to come home smelling like expensive perfume. He didn’t want to admit he was a bit jealous and a little hurt to realize what he thought was happening between them was one sided. Jordan was in the family room watching television when Duncan came home from his date. What the hell is he doing home so early?

“Hey, I thought you had a date,” Jordan said, looking away from the television to his boss.

“I was, but she wasn’t that interesting.” Duncan stared at him for a long minute before walking further into the room and sat down beside him on the sofa. “What are you watching?”

“The news.” They continued to look at each other and Jordan had to force himself to look away. He could feel the heat from Duncan’s eyes boring into him. Jordan did not dare look back at the other man. It was too tempting. He wanted to lean closer and rest his head on Duncan’s chest. He knew the minute Duncan looked away, and he wasn’t sure if he was relieved or disappointed. They stayed like that for the rest of the night, neither pushing for the need to converse.

Jordan woke sometime during the night, he kept his eyes closed, but could tell that the television was still on. He was comfortable and warm; he really didn’t want to move. He buried his face deeper into the pillow under his head when he realized something was off. Snapping his eyes open and lifting his head, he looked down shocked to realize his comfy pillow was Duncan, who was fast asleep. He was handsome awake and even more while he slept. His long eyelashes touched his cheeks. Jordan reached out to touch his cheek but stopped himself. Fuck, what the hell am I doing? Slowly, Jordan got up and turned off the television, he pulled the blanket hanging on the back of the couch over Duncan then made his way up to his room.

The next morning Duncan walked into the kitchen to see Jordan struggling to reach a dish on one of the higher shelves. “Dammit, whose idea was it to make such high cupboards?” Jordan mumbled.

Without thinking he walked up behind him, reaching for the dish. Jordan gasped the minute their bodies came into contact. The sweetest scent smacked Duncan right out of his senses. It was the same sweet smell that he remembered smelling the first time he met Jordan. He also didn’t miss the fact that Jordan’s body felt perfect against his own. He didn’t want to move even though he should. This was threading on territory he didn’t understand.  Jordan turned his head and their eyes connected. Jordan licked his beautiful lips, and like always, Duncan’s eyes instantly fell to his heart-shaped mouth.

“Thank you,” Jordan whispered.

“No worries,” he answered huskily. Duncan had no idea what was happening to him. He had never been attracted to another man before. A part of him realized that he should stop and evaluate why he wasn’t disgusted by the idea of wanting to kiss Jordan, again. But he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to back away from what he was feeling.

Mate! Growled in the back of his mind. It shocked Duncan out of his mind. Unconsciously, he sniffed the air again and his beast purred. Mate! Chanted in his mind and he felt his beast prowling around inside of him. Shit! That can’t be? If I have a sodalis amans, it would be a woman, right? I have nothing against same sex couples, there are a few in the pack, but as the Alpha I need to continue the family bloodline.

His mind was going a million miles a second, gods, could it be? A slight touch on his arm brought him back to reality, and he realized that he was blocking Jordan’s path. Duncan stepped back, giving the other man enough room to move around him. Taking his cue, Jordan went back to whatever it was he was doing before Duncan walked into the kitchen. Duncan knew that he needed to talk to someone about what he was thinking.

If he went to Ryland, his friend would listen but probably laugh his ass off in jest and mock him that the once professed ladies’ man had a guy for a mate. If Mari were alive, she would tell him to go with what he was feeling and stop questioning everything. But it wasn’t so easy going with his feelings. He looked at Jordan, who seemed to be deep in thought as well. It was the same expression he had on his face the night Duncan returned home from his disastrous date with Cindy or whatever her name was. The entire time all he could think about was getting back home, and talking to Jordan. Not about what the twins were up to but getting to know the man himself.

He remembered walking his date to her door and politely kissed her goodnight on her cheek. In Duncan’s opinion, their date was terrible. He was polite but thought he showed that he wasn’t interested in her. He was surprised when she asked if they could see each other again. He wondered what gave her the impression that they had a great night. It was all starting to make sense to him. He was tense the entire ride home until he opened the door and the sweet familiar scent hit him, it was then he was finally able to relax.

He remembered them falling asleep and waking up a few seconds before Jordan. He expected to feel weird having Jordan snuggled safely in his arms. He'd been trying to find the right word to describe exactly what he felt and what he was still feeling. But nothing came to mind. Am I fighting my attraction for Jordan or seeing something that’s not there?  Shaking his head, trying to dispel his crazy thoughts, Duncan tilted his head when he realized that Jordan shouldn’t be working today.

“What are you still doing here?” he asked. “It’s your weekend off.”

“Yeah, I know, but all my friends are busy.” He shrugged. “I would go and visit my parents, but they’re out of town, visiting one of their friends.”

“So, what did you plan for today?” Duncan sat down at the counter.

“I’m going to meet Blayze at the hospital after his shift, then we’re going out for dinner and a movie.” Jordan looked up from what he was doing. “What about you?”

Jordan and Blayze met shortly after they’d caught Kallen, the hunter. Blayze came by to give him an update and Duncan invited him to stay for breakfast. Blayze and Jordan hit it off instantly. Blayze took over the job of being Jordan’s tour guide, showing him around town and introducing him to some of the members of the pack. Duncan had been wondering if he should let Jordan in on what they were and the type of town he was living in.

“The kids are going to a sleepover for the night and I told Ryland I would help him with something.”  It was partly true. Since Blayze had been unable to get anywhere trying to befriend the hunter, Duncan decided it was time for a more aggressive approach. They had been unable to locate the dealer or any of the silver-laced drug.

Duncan even called a few of the other Alphas he was friends with to find out if they knew anything. His pack was not the only one affected. His cousin’s pack in Marquees, Virginia, reported at least five deaths and they were not all teenagers. No one knew where the drugs were coming from or who was supplying them.

“Hey, are you alright?”

Duncan looked at Jordan and saw the worried expression on his face. “Yeah, baby, I’m fine.”

They both froze at the endearment that slipped easily from Duncan’s lips. They stared at each other for a few seconds in shock. Duncan was about to speak when Jordan made a hasty retreat out of the kitchen with the excuse of getting ready to hang out with Blayze. Duncan let out the breath he was holding the minute Jordan left the kitchen.

Shit, where the hell did that come from.

“Oh gods, please,” Jordan moaned.

“Please, what? Tell me what you want, my sweet, little mate,” a deep, sultry lust-filled voice whispered in his ear.

“Anything, fuck me, bite me, claim me,” he begged. “Just make me fucking yours.”

A deep chuckle was his answer, Jordan wrapped his legs around his lover’s waist and dug his fingernails into his lover's skin, scraping his nails down his back. His lover hissed and Jordan could tell it was in pleasure and not pain. His dream lover scraped his sharp teeth along his neck, then sunk his teeth into his flesh, causing Jordan to scream out his lover’s name.

Duncan! Jordan shot up in bed, his breathing loud in the quiet room. Sweat coated his body, he looked on the other side of the bed and sighed in relief that it was empty. “Shit, another fucking dream.” He got out of bed and began to pace his room. That was the third dream in the months since he started working for Duncan Pryde. Duncan calling him baby a couple of days ago also didn’t help.

Fuck, Duncan is not the first guy I’ve found attractive.

He’d never gone as far as having dreams about them or using them for wank material. I’ve always used celebrities I know I will never meet for those sessions. The last time he went out on a date was weeks before he started working for Duncan. It was right around the time he first noticed Duncan on the cover of a magazine. Jordan was mid-pace when there was a knock at his door. Forgetting that he was only wearing a pair of sleep shorts, he opened the door and was surprised to see his boss standing in front of him.

“Duncan, what can I do for you?”

“Are you okay?” Duncan asked. He noticed the cursory glance that the other man gave him. “I heard you yelling and came to check on you.”

Jordan ran his hand through his hair, mussing it then answered. He heard me all the way from his room? Oh gods, did he hear me calling his name? “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I just had one of those dreams, you know?” he said, trying to play off his nervousness.

“Do you want to talk about it, I’m a good listener?”

Talk about it!  Are you fucking kidding me? I want you to kiss me and make my dreams a fucking reality.  “No, I’m good,” he answered.

Duncan sniffed, then licked his lips. He cleared his throat. “Okay, I’m going to go back to bed,” he whispered.

They stood there staring at each other and all Jordan could think or hope was that Duncan would kiss him.

“Fuck, you smell so fucking good.”

Before he could question what Duncan meant, he grabbed the back of Jordan’s neck and pulled him close. They were skin to skin and their breaths mingling together.

“Why can’t I stop thinking about you?” Duncan asked.

Jordan went to answer when Duncan’s hot wet lips descended on his. Someone moaned and Jordan couldn’t tell which one of them it was. Duncan’s scent and strength overtook his senses, making him forget everything around him. He opened his mouth and Duncan’s tongue swept into the cavity of his mouth, stealing his every breath. He was drowning in a sea of pleasure from one kiss. Literally. Duncan was the man of his dreams in every way. Tall, sexy and smart as hell. Jordan placed his hands on Duncan’s chest and pushed him away with all his strength. He gasped and so did Duncan. He was surprised by his action just as the other man was. “I’m sorry,” he said before Duncan could get a word out and slammed the door in his face.

“Fuck, what the hell am I doing?” He leaned his back against the closed door and sank to the floor wrapping his arms around his legs pulling them close to his chest.

I need to quit; I can’t stay here any longer. I want him so much it hurts. Wanting a man that will never be mine is worse than a broken heart.

Duncan stood outside of Jordan’s room trying to wrap his mind around what the hell just happened. He was passing by Jordan’s door when he heard him yell out his name. He used that as an excuse to have Jordan open the door. It seemed since the night he woke up with Jordan in his arms, they’d been consciously avoiding each other. The easy banter they developed between them disappeared. Things had become nothing more than professional.  His thoughts warred with him constantly, so much that it was affecting his work. If anyone noticed they were too afraid to say anything to him about his lack of focus. He wanted to get to know Jordan, and not just as the twins’ caretaker. He realized what a fool he’d been that he hadn’t noticed the signs of what was happening, no one would blame him for not recognizing what his beast already knew from the beginning.

Jordan is my sodalis amans; it took him a couple of weeks to stop denying what was happening between them. His date with Cindy was a telling sign, but he stubbornly ignored it. Duncan sat in his office after Jordan practically ran away from him that day. He would have claimed Jordan a long time ago if he was a woman, but he realized he needed time to come to grips about things. Accepting the fact that his mate was a man scared the shit out of him.

At first he thought he was feeding off Jordan’s attraction to him. But it was something more, Duncan recognized all the changes that were taking place in his home and how comfortable it had become since Jordan came into his life. He hadn’t said anything because there wasn’t any reason to. He was calmer and not quick to anger.

“I’m such an idiot,” he mumbled. “Everyone probably realized Jordan was my mate before I did.”

He’d heard so many things about how to recognize one’s mate, but no one ever said what you should look out for when your mate was a male when you are expecting a female. The first thing he had to do was research gay sex, something he never thought he would have done before in his life. Duncan went to knock on Jordan’s room door once again but paused.

Why was Jordan sorry? He didn’t do anything wrong. I was the one that kissed him.

Deciding that he had already fucked up royally, Duncan made up his mind that he would talk to Jordan in the morning. Explain everything that was going on. They had been dancing around each other for weeks, him especially. He’d been so blind dealing with his own denial he hadn’t realize it was also affecting Jordan. It was time for them to set things straight, so to speak, between them.

Jordan got up the next morning. He’d slept terrible for the rest of the night. He stayed in bed a bit longer contemplating if he was doing the right thing. He was going to miss the twins and the house he had become so accustomed to. He and the kids had even started making small changes, adding things here or there, he doubted Duncan noticed. He got out of bed and got ready to do something he felt in his head was the right thing to do, but in his heart it felt so completely wrong. He made it downstairs and went into the kitchen.

The twins would be home sometime later. It would be best if he left before they came home and causing him to change his mind. He was going to miss them; they were just starting to come out of their shells since starting kindergarten.

Maddison was enrolled in gymnastics and classical dance, and Benjamin had just started playing soccer, he was starting to talk and associate with kids his own age. Both were starting to take on a separate personality.  The sooner he left, the quicker they would forget him. Getting out of bed, he got dressed and went down to the kitchen. He would turn in his two weeks’ notice and move in with Bronx until he found another job and a new place to live. He heard movement in the hallway and knew that Duncan was up. It is now or never. Putting down his coffee cup, Jordan took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he walked to Duncan’s office. He knocked on the door and waited for his soon-to-be ex-boss to answer.

“Enter, Jordan.”

He was shocked when Duncan said his name. “How did you know it was me?”

“The kids aren’t home and even if they were, they wouldn’t knock, they would just barge in.”

“Oh,” was all Jordan said.

“So what’s up?”

“I wanted you to be the first to know before I told Benjamin and Maddison—”

“What are you sorry about?” Duncan asked cutting him off as he got up from around his desk. The confusion must have shown on his face because Duncan repeated his question. “Last night, when we kissed you pushed me away and said you were sorry. Why, why are you sorry?” Jordan bit on his bottom lip and looked away from Duncan. “Let me tell you what you shouldn’t be sorry for.” Duncan took Jordan by the chin to face him.

When did he get so close? Jordan could not think; his mind was muddled with Duncan standing so close to him.

Duncan leaned forward and rubbed their cheeks together. Slowly, he moved down Jordan’s neck and nuzzled and licked at his skin. Jordan craned his neck to the side, giving him easy access. A soft sound like a growl reached his ear but Jordan was not sure. Duncan was driving him crazy with desire.

“This is not what I came in here to do,” he whispered as he rested his hand on Duncan’s chest ready to push him away. Duncan was ready for him and grabbed his wrist lifting above Jordan’s head.

“Oh gods,” Jordan moaned, closing his eyes. He did not struggle, he loved being dominated in bed.

Duncan raised his head and quirked an eyebrow. “It seems you have a kink.” Jordan opened his eyes staring at Duncan. “Let’s explore and see what other kinks you like.”

“I came in here to give you my resignation letter,” Jordan stated just as Duncan went back to his neck.

“Denied,” he said before nibbling and sucking on Jordan’s flesh.

He was doomed. “You're straight, you don’t know what you’re doing,” Jordan said, trying to appeal to Duncan, to understand why they shouldn’t do this.

Duncan ground his hard cock into Jordan’s stomach, and he felt as if he was going to melt into a puddle of goo. “Does that feel like I want to be with a woman?” he asked rubbing his very interested arousal against Jordan. “Or that I don’t know what I’m doing?” He reached down with one of his hands and rubbed against Jordan’s hard cock. “I know exactly who you are.” He nibbled against Jordan’s neck. He kissed his way up from his neck to his chin and lastly, his lips claiming them as his. And just like the night before, Duncan took command of Jordan’s entire being.

Fuck, I’m in so much trouble.

He had no choice but to give in. What would happen after Duncan cleared his head? Will he be able to deal with it? He just wanted to enjoy the pleasure the other man was giving him. Duncan released his hands and instantly his arms wrapped around Duncan’s neck. The soft growling noise returned, and it turned Jordan on and brought forth his childhood imagination of being mated to a werewolf. Jordan would have chuckled, but the things Duncan’s hands and tongue were doing to his body, brought him back to the present. He didn’t want to, but Jordan slowly pulled his lips away from Duncan’s. He leaned his head on the door behind him. He kept his eyes closed, afraid to open them in case it was all in his imagination.

“What are you doing to me?” he whispered.

“I thought we were kissing.” Duncan’s hands moved down to his hips and stayed there.

Jordan opened his eyes and looked at Duncan. “You know what I mean.” He put his hands on Duncan’s chest and tried to push Duncan away from him, but the other man wouldn’t budge. Even through his dress shirt, he could feel the heat coming from Duncan’s skin. He tried not to notice the hard muscles under his palms.

“No, I don’t,” Duncan answered. “I was up all night thinking about how soft your lips are, and how much I wanted to crawl in bed with you. How much I want to hold you while you fall asleep. Surround your every being with my scent so that everyone knows you’re mine and mine alone.”

“Duncan, you’re not gay.” Jordan gently pushed Duncan’s chest, that time the other man released him, and he was able to step away. Jordan sat down in the closest chair he could find, dropping his face in his hands. Everything that Duncan said sounded so good to Jordan, he wanted the same thing. To be Duncan’s and no one else’s.

“Jordan, look at me,” Duncan instructed. Jordan sighed and looked at Duncan, who was kneeling beside him. “Your assumption is true. I have never been attracted to another man before. Hell, you’re the first man I’ve ever kissed in my entire life. But what does love have to do with me being gay? Love has no gender, Jordan. You should know that by now.”

“You’re right, it doesn’t,” Jordan agreed. “And I’m not going to deny my feelings for you.”

“Then why are we talking?” Duncan asked leaning forward to kiss him. Jordan put a hand on his chest stopping him.

“Have you thought about what you’re doing?”

“I’m tired of thinking,” Duncan sighed moving back. “I’m tired of fighting what I’m feeling for you.”

“This is crazy, Duncan, you’re being crazy,” Jordan said shaking his head. “What makes me so special? It’s as if this is not a big deal to you. I mean, if I were in your position I would be freaking the hell out.”

Duncan took Jordan’s hands in his.  He leaned closer and kissed him gently on the forehead. Without releasing Jordan’s hands, he got up and sat in the chair facing his. He didn’t want to lie to Jordan or keep secrets from him, especially about the world he would be entering in as his mate. Duncan was already feeling the effects of accepting that he had found his mate. Specifically, the need to touch him constantly. They’d exchanged bodily fluids, and if he didn’t claim Jordan, he would soon experience flu-like symptoms. He had no idea how it would affect Jordan, but until he claimed him, Duncan would need to stick close to the other man. Jordan was his mate and complimented him in every way, Duncan hoped that Jordan would believe what he was about to tell him.

“There’s something I need to explain to you. I’m not freaking out because…” Duncan paused “…I’ve already had my moment or rather moments.” He wasn’t sure how to explain everything. “Remember the night we talked about having that one person who you felt was out there for you. Someone who will accept you for who and what you are?” Jordan nodded. “Before you and the twins came into my life, I never thought of having any sort of relationship, even after I took over being their guardian. I figured that I could wait until the twins were old enough.” Jordan didn’t respond and Duncan felt as if he wasn’t explaining himself properly.

“What are you trying to tell me?” Jordan asked. “Just spit it out.”

“Jordan, I think you are that person for me,” Duncan told him.

Jordan gasped and stared at him for a few seconds and it seemed as if he was about to respond when Ryland opened his office door. Instantly, Jordan pulled his hands away from his and stood up.

“Hey,” he said walking into the room looking at Jordan and Duncan, confusion shown on his face. “Shit, guys, did I interrupt something?”

“Yes,” Duncan answered, just as Jordan said, “No.”

“Which is it?” Ryland asked.

“You’re fine. I was leaving anyway; I need to get going. I promised my mom that I would help her with something.”

Duncan could tell that he wasn’t telling the truth. He turned to look at Duncan before walking out the door and closing it behind him.

Duncan stood up and gave his best friend a look shaking his head. “Couldn’t you have waited ten more minutes?”

“What? What did I interrupt?”

“Whatever you came in here to tell me better be more important, because you just delayed me explaining to him that he’s my mate.” Duncan walked around and dropped in his chair, slouching and leaning his head back.

Ryland stood in shock, looking from the closed door back to Duncan. “But you’re not gay,” he finally blurted out. “Or are you and just forgot to tell me?”

“Why does everyone keep saying that!” Duncan shot up from his chair facing his friend. “Does it matter what gender my mate is supposed to be? Was I surprised when I realized? Yeah, but I got beyond that. I still don’t know the mechanics of how it all works, but Jordan is my mate and I won’t reject him now or ever just because what he has between his legs.”

“Okay, calm down, dammit, Duncan, I’m just shocked, that’s all,” Ryland defended. “So, do you want me to leave? You obviously need to go and talk with Jordan.”

Duncan sat back down in his chair. “No, it’s fine,” he told Ryland, trying to bottle away his frustration until he could go for a run. “What did you need to talk to me about?”

“It’s not fine,” Ryland told him. “You’ve found your mate, what I need—”

“Drop it, Ry!” Duncan snapped.

Ryland stared at him for a few seconds and Duncan could tell he was trying to gauge if he should stay or go.

“I’m serious, Ry, I’m fine.”

“Alright.” Ryland nodded. “I got a call this morning from Derek Gutierrez, who was on duty last night.” Duncan knew who Derek was. He was a pack member who also worked with the local sheriff’s department. “I’d put the word out to some of our members that work in law enforcement. And he arrested a low-level dealer who he said was acting pretty cagey.”

“Okay,” Duncan said waiting for Ryland to get to the reason for interrupting him and Jordan.

Ryland leaned forward. “The dealer had an interesting story to tell.”

“Tell me.”

“Derek took down the report word for word. The dealer went to pick up his stash from his supplier, the guy refuses to give Derek the supplier’s name, if you were about to ask. The guy says everything is going according to plan. And then out of nowhere a hooded figure appeared out of thin air, but come to find out the person was standing there all along. He couldn’t get a good look at the person, but his boss seemed afraid of who they were. When his supplier went to give him his regular supply, the hooded figure rested a hand on his boss’s shoulder, stopping him and pulled out a new stash and threw it to him. He was instructed to sell those and exactly who to sell them to. And get this, he was told not to sell it to any humans.”

“Humans, what the hell, Ryland?”

“The dealer’s words, not mine. Anyway, the hooded guy told him what neighborhoods to hit and what to look out for. The dealer was about to tell the hooded figure to ‘fuck off’ but the guy told Derek something more disturbing. The hooded figure waved his hand, and he was thrown from the spot he was standing on to the other side of the room.”

“Shit!” Duncan said. “So one of the other sects are involved. Maybe more than one.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Ryland agreed.

“What the fuck is going on, Ryland, who would want to start a war and why?”

“I don’t know,” Ryland whispered. “The only ones I know able to do shit like that are witches, wizards, and nyxians.”

“Why would any of them get involved, especially now?” Duncan asked. “They turned their backs on our world during the war along with the elfkins.”

“Well, whatever the hell is going on, it seems we are their main targets.”

“I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, Ryland.”

“Me too.”

“We need more information; I hate not knowing what’s happening or what’s coming. I’m going to have to warn the rest of the pack,” Duncan told him.

“We should wait until we have more to go on,” Ryland suggested.

Duncan nodded in agreement. “I need to call a meeting of all the Alphas and other shifter sects. We are going to have to band together and fight whatever is coming our way.”

“I agree,” Ryland said then looked at him pensively.


“Not that I’m not happy you found your mate. And I know what I said earlier, but do you think now is the time to claim him?”

“It’s too late for that, Ryland, the mating process has already started.”






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