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Jude (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 5) by Arcadia Shield (4)

Chapter 4

Shifting in his seat, Jude couldn’t get comfortable. He’d picked a location to meet Octavia off a main road that ran out of Old London. The road would be quiet at this time of night and was not monitored closely by the State.

The site still carried risk, though. Traveling at night without a State permit and out of curfew hours would get you noticed if you weren’t careful.

The Cobra he’d come in with Lincoln and Malachi was equipped with Invis Tech. They used it when they traveled. It disguised their vehicles and made it harder for the State to notice them. Octavia did not have that luxury.

“What’s the matter with you?” Lincoln sat next to Jude in the passenger seat.

“What do you mean?”

“You keep squirming in your seat,” said Lincoln.

“I don’t.” Jude forced himself to sit still.

“Are you excited about meeting Octavia?” Lincoln grinned at him.

“It will be good to finally meet.”

“I like the music she plays.” Malachi sat in the back of the Cobra. He was a new member of a recon squad. As a talented dragon hybrid, he had his own set of skills. He’d been badly injured by the State and was still recovering from that experience. Jude considered him a valuable member of the recon units.

“She has great taste in music,” said Lincoln. “And as for that voice of hers.”

Jude gritted his teeth. Lincoln was always going on about Octavia’s voice. It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever heard. It was husky, with honeyed tones, and she had a deep, slightly dirty laugh. He’d like to make her laugh like that when it was just the two of them alone together.

Lincoln nudged him. “I’m only joking. I know she’s yours.”

“She’s not mine,” said Jude.

“You’d like her to be,” said Lincoln. “That’s cool. I get it. Besides, if I say anything about her in front of Anastasia, she’ll burn my eyebrows off.”

“So she should,” said Malachi. “You’re her mate. You’re not supposed to look at anybody else.”

“I don’t want anybody other than Anastasia,” said Lincoln. “I’m a one-woman man these days.”

Jude relaxed a little. He knew how crazy Lincoln was about Anastasia. And they had Skyler, their adopted daughter who they’d rescued from a State facility. The two of them kept him crazy busy, and Lincoln had never been happier.

“Octavia is late,” said Malachi.

“Maybe something held her up,” said Lincoln.

“Or someone.” Jude peered out into the night. “What if she’s encountered the militia?”

“She’s been moving around on her own for the best part of two years,” said Lincoln. “If she did, she’d know what to do.”

“We wait,” said Jude. “She promised she’d be here.”

“We should have the radio on, see if she’s talking to us,” said Lincoln.

“I told her to contact us through a secure comm channel.” Jude flicked on Flame radio anyway. His fists clenched. It was silent. That was never a good sign. She only went quiet in the early hours of the morning, when he assumed she was sleeping and the auto-play music had run out.

“Or maybe not.” Lincoln shot him a concerned look. “I’m sure she’s on her way. If she was in any trouble, she’d let you know.”

“A lot of the roads are in bad condition,” said Malachi. “Maybe she’s just taking longer than she thought she would.”

“That could be it.” Jude clung to that possibility. Octavia would get here; she had to. She couldn’t have been found by the State now, not when they were so close to meeting. “What are you picking up on the State chatter?” he asked Malachi.

Malachi had an earbud in and was scanning the main comms channels of the State. “It’s busy tonight. Non-stop talk.”

“Anything about Octavia?”

“I’ve not picked up anything,” said Malachi. “The messages are flying backwards and forwards.”

“Something big is brewing, I feel it,” said Lincoln. “They’re up to something and don’t want us to know about it.”

“We’re going to find out,” said Jude. A blast of music from Flame radio made him jump. “She’s back!”

“Sorry to keep my date waiting.” Octavia’s words drifted out of the radio. “I had fun and games to contend with. Seems like people are nosy about what I’m doing tonight.”

“The militia spotted her,” said Jude.

“Not to worry. I might be a little late, but the wait will be worth it.”

Jude let out a sigh. “She’s okay.”

“We never doubted her.” Lincoln clapped him on the shoulder. “Your girl will be with us before we know it.”

“I wouldn’t mind company for the last leg of my journey,” said Octavia. “The shadows seem deep tonight.”

“She wants us to go to her,” said Jude, his hand already switching the engine on.

“Chill out,” said Lincoln. “She knows the meet-up point.”

“She just said she needs us!”

“We don’t know how close she is,” said Lincoln.

“We’ll see her.” Jude cruised the Cobra along the quiet road. “I’ll go slowly and stick to our original route. She said she wouldn’t have lights on her vehicle, so we’ll need to look out for her.” He resisted the urge to go fast. Octavia was close, but he wanted her by his side, and he wanted it now.

“Women don’t like it when you’re too keen,” said Lincoln. “If you act like this when you’re around her, she might not stay interested.”

“You want me to behave like you did when you first met Anastasia?”

“It worked, didn’t it?” said Lincoln. “She fell for me straightaway.”

Malachi chuckled from the back seat. “She hated you. She thought you were a jerk.”

“She told you that?” Lincoln turned in his seat.

“Anastasia didn’t have to,” said Malachi. “Every time she saw you, her hands clenched into fists.”

“She was resisting her true feelings,” said Lincoln.

Jude shook his head. “That’s not my style.”

“Don’t go all puppy dog eyes on Octavia when you meet, that’s all I’m saying,” said Lincoln. “She sounds like a cool lady. I bet she’s used to dating rock stars.”

Jude scowled and focused on the road. Octavia loved her music. Maybe that’s the lifestyle she was used to leading. Would she be disappointed when they met? Excitement mingled with his nerves as he continued cruising along the road.

There was only one way he would find that out, and that was by meeting her.


“NO. NO. NO!” OCTAVIA slammed the flat of her hand on the steering wheel. The engine gave a groaning shriek. The van juddered to a stop. “Not now! Just give me another five miles.”

The smoke creeping out of the engine told her that would not happen.

She squeezed her eyes shut and rested her forehead on the steering wheel. Was this a sign? Was she not supposed to meet with Jude? She’d already asked him to come closer. She’d been freaking out as she’d traveled along the road, convinced she was being followed by more drones.

Her nerves were shredded. She never used to be like this. She always considered herself cool in any situation. She’d become too used to being a shut-in and was paying the price.

And now this. Her van had finally died when she needed it the most.

Sliding from the driver’s seat, Octavia returned to her radio kit in the back. She couldn’t give away her exact location, it was too much of a risk, but she needed Jude to know she was no longer mobile.

She faded out the song. “My transport has decided I need a little fresh air. I’ll be on the lookout for anyone I can hitch a ride with. I’m almost there. I’ll be watching out for you.”

Octavia hoped it wasn’t too cryptic a message. She needed Jude to get there fast. The longer she stayed on this road, the bigger the risk. Any second now, a drone would do a fly past. It would pick up the heat signature from her dying engine and come take a closer look.

Octavia holstered her pulse laser and slid open the door. She stepped out onto the road. This was a three-lane motorway. It would have been rammed with thousands of cars not so long ago. People commuting to work, cursing and swearing as they were made late by the traffic. The eerie silence unsettled her. This felt so alien.

She couldn’t be more than three miles from the meet-up point. If Jude had come to meet her halfway, he’d almost be there. She only needed to wait a few more minutes and everything would be fine.

When had she become such a scaredy-cat? Her fingers moved to her scars. She used to work deep undercover in terrorist cells. She’d brought down more than a dozen. Sleeping with a gun under her pillow was an everyday occurrence. She was used to danger and risk. This felt different, and she didn’t like it.

Octavia walked to the front of the van and scanned the empty road ahead of her. She knelt and pressed a hand to the ground. There was nothing. She’d hoped to feel the vibrations of another vehicle approaching.

She returned to the van, a sliver of sadness running through her at the thought of having to abandon it. She’d planned to take it with her, back to wherever it was Jude and his brothers lived. There was no way she’d be able to take it now.

Quickly, she gathered her music files and slid them into a backpack. She also took a few mobile comms scanners and data chips that contained scanning programs.

Octavia looked around the rest of the van. She collected the only picture she had of her family. That was it. The whole contents of her life filling half a backpack.

Grabbing her cap and a black scarf, she wrapped the scarf around the lower part of her face and pulled the cap on. She made sure her hair was loose, concealing as much of the scars on her face as possible. If she kept angled away from Jude, she would prevent him from seeing her scars. The fact it was night helped. He might not notice what was wrong with her for a while.

She stepped out of the van and froze. She could hear a faint rumble. It was quiet, most likely a hydrogen-propelled vehicle. She touched the ground again. Yes, something was coming. It was cloaked. She’d expected them to be. Jude had told her not to be surprised if he appeared out of thin air.

Still, she took a step back as a huge, black military vehicle appeared in front of her.

It stopped. No one got out.

Octavia swallowed, suddenly nervous. What if it wasn’t them? She shook her head. She knew what vehicles State militia used. This wasn’t one of them. It had to be Jude.

Taking a deep breath, Octavia raised a hand.

The driver’s door opened. A tall guy dressed in black stepped out. His hand was on the pulse laser in his weapons belt. “Octavia?”

She smiled, and the aching tension in her shoulders eased. She’d recognize that voice anywhere. “You got my message.” She took a couple of steps toward Jude. He was better looking in person. She’d looked up pictures of Jude Ember online and seen a serious, dark-haired guy who never seemed to smile. She couldn’t see them in the dark, but she knew he had piercing green eyes, just like his brothers.

“We got it,” he said. “You had a problem with your vehicle?” His voice was calm and low.

“She died on me when I needed her the most.”

“You sound just like you do on the radio.” A smile traced across Jude’s face.

“So do you,” said Octavia. “I mean, you sound like you do when we talk.” She reached up to adjust her cap and stopped herself. She had to keep her scars hidden.

Jude looked over his shoulder. “Lincoln. Come take a look at Octavia’s vehicle.”

The passenger door opened. Octavia knew who this was. She’d seen pictures of him, as well. Lincoln Ember. He had an easy swagger as he walked up and winked at Octavia, Jude right beside him.

“It’s nice to meet you,” said Lincoln. “I love to listen to you when I’m alone in my room at night.”

Octavia raised her eyebrows. “Is that a good thing?”

“Ignore him,” growled Jude. “He’s never alone in his room. He has his dragon mate and daughter with him.”

“They like your music too.” Lincoln gave Jude a cheeky smile.

She imagined most women found Lincoln hard to ignore. She found Jude’s quiet confidence much more appealing. Octavia looked at Jude and saw he was watching her, his steady gaze seeming to appraise her.

“Pop the hood for me,” said Lincoln. “I’ll take a quick look. If it’s an easy fix, I’ll repair it. But we can’t risk being out here for long.”

Octavia returned to the van and opened the hood. By the time she’d returned, Jude had been joined by a tall, tanned guy who was well over six feet tall. His gaze met hers briefly. He was a dragon hybrid. She could see by the red gleam in his eyes.

“This is Malachi,” said Jude.

“Nice to meet you.” Octavia tried hard not to stare, but his eyes were incredible as red shimmered across them.

He looked away and ducked his head.

Octavia blinked. “Sorry. I’ve heard about dragon hybrids, but you’re the first one I’ve met.”

Malachi nodded. “Not a problem.”

“You don’t meet any on the road?” asked Jude.

“I stay in the van as much as possible,” said Octavia. “It’s safest that way.”

“We keep out of the way, as well,” said Malachi. “Like you say, it’s safest.”

Lincoln slammed the hood of the van down. “This thing has had it. You’re lucky it’s lasted this long.”

Octavia felt a pang of regret. “You can’t repair her?”

“I can’t. If we could get it back to base, I’m sure Arlo could figure it out. It’s basically scrap.”

Her gaze lingered on the van. It had been her home for a long time. She didn’t want to leave it behind.

“How about we rig it with temporary Invis Tech?” said Jude. “Then, if we get a chance, we can come back and see if we can get it repaired.”

Lincoln nodded. “I can do that. I’ve got a kit in the Cobra. Give me ten minutes.”

“You don’t need to,” said Octavia. “It’s just a vehicle.”

Jude stepped closer. “It was your home.”

“I can always find another.” She liked the fact he’d noticed her concern and wanted to help.

“We’ll fix it if we can,” said Jude. “You must have equipment in there you don’t want to leave.”

“I’ve got the essentials in this.” She gestured at the backpack. “Computers and radios can be replaced. Plus, I have a stash of important stuff elsewhere.”

“Malachi, bring the Cobra over to the van.” Lincoln walked past with a metal box in his hand. He gave Jude an obvious wink. “We need to move it to the side of the road so no one slams into it once the Invis Tech is activated.”

Malachi climbed into the Cobra and followed Lincoln, leaving Jude and Octavia alone.

She adjusted the backpack. Jeez, she felt like this was the first time she’d ever spoken to a guy and had no clue what to say.

“It’s good we’ve finally met,” said Jude.

“Of course,” said Octavia swiftly. “I’ve got lots of ideas about these weird signals I’ve been picking up from the State. It will be good to work together on that.”

Jude’s brow lowered. “That’s right. The signals. We need to get on top of them.”

“I’ve got a couple of basic decryption programs in the van.” Octavia couldn’t figure out the look on Jude’s face. It seemed like he was disappointed they were talking about this. “I’ve recorded the communications going backwards and forwards, but it hasn’t helped me figure anything out.”

“We’ve been doing the same,” said Jude. “One of my brothers, Kade, is a hotshot when it comes to decryption. Even he’s not been able to figure out what the messages are saying.”

“You’re sure we’re dealing with Dinnorms?”

“There’s no doubt,” said Jude. “We came face-to-face with their leader not so long ago. A dragon hybrid who recently joined us, Juniper, made contact with him. She has an ability to link with another’s mind and influence them. When she peeked into his mind, she found out what they really were.”

“Wow. That’s quite a talent.”

“The dragon hybrids surprise us on an almost daily basis,” said Jude. “We’ve made progress since we started working together. It feels like we’re getting an edge over the State.”

“How have you been doing with finding more dragon egg fragments?” asked Octavia. “Are you still hoping to get the Leixh active?”

Jude grinned. “You really know everything about us, don’t you?”

She matched his smile. “Not everything. I have no clue what your favorite food is.”

“It’s hard to have a favorite food in the bunker. The supplies there are basic.”

“I expect they’re better than what I have in the van.” She tried not to squirm under the intensity in Jude’s eyes as his gaze traveled over her. He must think she was a mess.

“Where have you been getting your supplies from?” he asked.

“House raids. I’ll occasionally risk going into supermarkets to see if there are any tinned goods in the warehouse. The State often have them under surveillance, though. They know desperate people will raid them when they get hungry enough. I found a warehouse a few months back that had boxes of tinned beans. They weighed down the van like you wouldn’t believe, but I’ve been living off them ever since.”

“We can do better than tinned beans in the bunker. The first thing we do when we get back there is get you a decent meal.”

“I don’t suppose you have showers?”

Jude’s eyes widened. “Of course!” He looked at the van. “Don’t you have water in there?”

Her cheeks heated. She must stink. She was so used to smelling ripe. Unclean was the norm. She took a step back from Jude. “I don’t have running water on board. I occasionally get the luxury of using a house that still has the water running. I use bottled water when I can find it. I’ve risked a swim in a few lakes when it’s warm, but they’re dangerous. There are often creatures lurking beneath the surface. I almost got my leg bitten off by some kind of giant crocodile the last time I tried. Since then, I’ve stuck to baby wipes and bottled water.”

Jude closed the gap between them, his gaze on her leg. “Were you bitten?”

“No, it’s fine. I got away. Maybe the thing didn’t think I had enough meat on the bones to make a good enough meal.” She forced out a laugh, conscious that she could smell Jude’s clean soap scent. It only made her feel grubbier.

“Fine. Then the first thing you do when we get back to our base is have a shower. We ration water, but you can take mine.”

Octavia let out a sigh. “That sounds amazing. A quick shower, and then we get to work on these messages.”

Jude shook his head, a finger tracing down her arm. It sent a shiver through her. “A shower, an enormous meal, and then some sleep.”

She tilted her head to keep her scars from being visible. “That would be heaven. But we need to figure out what the State are up to and make sure it will not impact on us.”

“The Invis Tech is in place,” said Lincoln. He strolled back toward them with Malachi.

Octavia turned and stared at the spot her van had been. It was gone. If she squinted, she could just make out a slight shimmer in the air. If you weren’t looking for it, you would have no clue there was a van on the side of the road.

“It will be safe enough there,” said Lincoln. “If you do need to come back for it, we’ll know where to locate it.”

“Thanks,” said Octavia. It felt great to finally have some help.

“Are we all good here?” Lincoln sent a pointed look at Jude.

He nodded. “We’re good.”

Octavia imagined they’d been assessing her as they’d talked, making sure she was genuine and wasn’t hiding a horde of militia in her van. She didn’t hold it against them. She’d have done the same.

“It’s time to get out of here,” said Jude. “Time for you to see the bunker.”

Taking a last lingering look at the van, Octavia turned and followed Jude.




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