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Keep Her Safe: An absolutely gripping suspense thriller by Richard Parker (31)


Holly started shivering uncontrollably in the car. She registered the pain at her hip had subsided. But Sascha’s pill was making her feel dislocated, as if she had to focus hard on her surroundings. Or was it because she was still groggy after Babysitter’s attack? Her throat felt bruised.

Maggie started the engine and turned on the heating again. ‘So when did you visit Lime Falls?’

‘My ex took me hiking there. Long time ago.’

Maggie accelerated across the lot to the exit side. ‘Your ex, as in Abigail’s father?’

‘No. Before Adam. I’m talking six years ago. Patrick Dundas. But he also took me to Hexham.’ It had occurred to her as soon as she’d found the address for Waggity Camp. ‘But it seems like such a long time ago.’

‘Patrick Dundas?’ Maggie accelerated the Scion back up the incline.

They both held their breath as the wheels struggled, but Maggie floored it and they levelled off.

‘He was how I met Adam. They were best friends. I dated Patrick for about a year but we both knew it wasn’t going anywhere. We called it a day and that’s when I hooked up with Adam. Adam always made me laugh.’ Life had seemed so uncomplicated to Holly then.

‘His best friend. How was Patrick with that?’

‘He was already dating somebody else by then, Lily Marchant. They got married a couple of years later.’

‘So what happened with Adam?’

‘He passed away,’ Holly stated, stoically.

Maggie’s eyes darted. ‘I’m sorry.’

But Holly could tell she was too busy turning over the facts in her head.


‘Five months before Abigail was born.’ She didn’t wait for Maggie to ask the next obvious question. ‘Aneurysm. In a gas station forecourt when he was filling the car. I wasn’t with him.’

‘That’s tough.’ Maggie negotiated the car past the first building. ‘So that was only, what?’

‘Just over two years ago.’ She still couldn’t believe there had already been two anniversaries of his death.

‘So was he still in touch with Patrick?’

‘Just the occasional text. Patrick moved to South Dakota. Look, I think it’s a bit of a stretch that Patrick may be part of this. I went to Hexham a few times but not always with him.’

‘We can’t dismiss anyone.’ Maggie leaned against the wheel and peered through the snow. ‘There’s the entrance.’

‘I agree. So what about your ex?’ Holly knew there was no time for sensitivity.

‘Jeff? He wouldn’t want to stalk me. He’s all about running away as far as he can.’

‘Where is he now?’

‘Don’t know. He had a sister in Gainesville.’

‘When did he leave you?’

‘Last year. Two days after my diagnosis. Perhaps he thought that was a respectable enough interval.’


Maggie pulled them into the road and followed the satnav towards Lime Falls. ‘I wish I could dismiss him as easily. But I knew who he was when I took him on. Jeff was a damaged person. He was commitment phobic but not for the usual reasons. He lost his brother then his parents within about a year.’


‘His brother was the golden boy. Committed suicide. He had older infirm parents and that seemed to finish them both. He didn’t want to get close to anyone after that, so it was a miracle he wanted to move in with me. I pressured him though. He almost hightailed it when I got pregnant. I didn’t think my cancer would be the last nail in someone else’s coffin.’


‘Yes. What’s happening now, he wouldn’t be able to deal with it. But he couldn’t be part of this.’

Holly took out the phone and opened Google.

‘What are you looking for?’

‘The Fresnades’ address. I’m going to see if I can find Rich Temple as well.’

‘The guy whose daughter drowned?’

‘Yeah. And maybe the daughter who survived still lives locally.’

‘What was her name?’

‘Colette.’ Holly was already scanning the online directory. ‘A couple of Richard Temples but only one Colette Temple.’

‘Where does she live?’

‘Larch Grove.’

‘Where the hell’s that?’

‘Just outside Crystal Bay.’

‘That’s a long drive. And we’re gonna need gas soon.’ Maggie glanced at the dash.

Holly regarded the needle. They were nearly empty.