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Keeping Her Close: A Slow Burn Standalone by Casey Diam (14)






Jordan spotted Brandon in dark denim jeans and a black T-shirt, walking with his friends on the pavement that paralleled the shoreline. It was just before sunset, and the glow from the summer’s sun warmed them.

Adrianna grabbed her hand and pulled her along in a jog up to Brandon and his friends. Everything was an excitement with her, and she was doing much better than last week. Brandon also seemed to be doing better. The beard he’d sported days ago was gone, and beard or no beard, he was still a sight to behold.

After hugging Adrianna, Brandon pulled Jordan into his arms. It had to be wrong how much she treasured the way he smelled, and the perfect way his warm, muscular body seemed to fit to hers.

He’d invited her and her friends to a concert in the park he was attending with his friends, even suggesting she bring along Greg, the smart nurse intern her mother had introduced her to. But there was no way she would have invited him. They’d only been on one date, and it had gone just okay—which was good. She needed a break from the whirlwind of emotions Brandon created in her, just by existing.

Sam advanced with her boyfriend, Jay. He was about the same height as Brandon, but with olive skin and short, light brown hair.

“Hi, Brandon. This is Jay. Jay, this is Brandon, Andrew, and—I’m sorry, we haven’t met,” Sam said, extending her hand to Sarah.

“I’m Sarah, Andrew’s girlfriend, and this is Stephanie, Brandon’s date.”

Jordan’s lungs constricted. He’d never mentioned anything about a Stephanie, and she was gorgeous—all petite and perfect with long, pin-straight, blonde hair and blue eyes. Apparently being a womanizer meant he had to tell each girl how perfect she was for him. Like how he’d told her skinny girls weren’t for him, yet here he was. So this was why he’d wanted her to bring Greg. He’d moved on and wanted to ensure she was doing the same.

“Not awkwwwaaard,” Andrew sang before Sarah elbowed him. “Sorry, I’m a little high. Anyway, we have some left. Who’s down and wants to get up?”

“Now you’re talking. So down!” Adrianna rejoiced. “Jo, I will fight you if you say no.”

“Now, Adrianna, we’re not trying to pressure anyone,” Andrew said with a laugh. “If you smoke, awesome, and if you don’t, well, it’s cool. No judgment.” He laughed, causing Jordan to smile at his goofiness.

“Yeah, screw it,” she said, averting her eyes and hugging herself. She ambled along the pavement in skinny jeans, boots, and an oversized blouse—enough layers to keep the brisk evening’s breeze at bay. She would pout about having to share Brandon with Stephanie later. For now, it was about the salt in the air, the sun setting on the horizon, music in the distance, and people hustling to get their bonfires underway.

For half an hour, they walked, smoked, and mused about random things. By the time they turned around and headed back for the concert, lights were pouring from windows of the small shops on the street and glimmering from the pier ahead. It was amazing how quickly the darkness took over after the sunset.

“I don’t know how people can go in the water at night,” Jordan mused. “Anything could just drag you away.”

Brandon pranced in front of her and hoisted her over his shoulder, distracting her from the thoughts she’d been working to set aside.

“Let’s go for a night swim,” he hooted, running toward the water.

Gripped by panic, she couldn’t think, breathe, or speak.

“Brandon!” Adrianna yelled.

The hairs on her neck and arms stood, and her voice quivered, “Brandon.”

Nausea. Tremors.

“It’s just water,” he yelled.

The waves crashed at his feet, and memories of her father and brother’s disappearance collided with the blood rushing to her head. She stiffened and pulled at his shirt. Grabbing her waist, he eased her to her feet and held her steady.

“Are you okay? I’m sorry. It was a joke.” The dusk had grown thicker, so she wasn’t sure how Brandon had sensed her fear, but she heard the concern in his voice.

Damn this stupid phobia. She wasn’t the one who’d disappeared, and she hadn’t even been at the scene of the accident until hours later.

The pulsing in her ears lessened as he lifted her chin. “Jordan, say something.”

Using her hand to remove his fingers, she murmured, “Don’t do that again” and walked off.

“I said I’m sorry!” he yelled after her.

“Aw, come here. Did he scare you?” Adrianna asked, hugging Jordan. “She has a paranoid thing about bodies of water at night. That was a jerky thing to do.”

“I didn’t know. Now I do feel like a jerk,” Brandon said.

“At least you admit it,” Sarah said.

“He was just having some fun. I wouldn’t have minded,” Stephanie said.

Jordan flinched as something pressed on her heart.

“Wow, she defends him. She sounds like a keeper, dude.” Andrew put his arm around Sarah’s waist.

“Yeah, well, most are still voting for Brandon being a jerk,” Adrianna said.

“Definitely,” Sam agreed.

“Thanks, guys, I appreciate the honesty.” Brandon kicked at the sand as he walked.

Brandon wasn’t in her line of vision as the band played, but Jordan could sense his unhappiness. She didn’t want him to feel bad about what had happened at the beach—he hadn’t known about her weird phobia. But it was hard to find the words to defend him without sounding like Stephanie, the girl who had the right to defend him.

Jordan rocked back and forth to the music, and when she twirled around with Adrianna, she spotted Brandon staring at her.

“How long will you be mad at me?” he asked, following her and her friends to purchase food for those securing their spot in the grass. “I said I’m sorry.”

“You’re forgiven,” Jordan replied.

“I don’t believe you.”

“Why not? It’s true. Also, I may have forgiven you, but I don’t know if your girlfriend will forgive you that easily if you keep running off with me.”

He pursed his lips. “I’m just checking to make sure you’re okay after I freaked you out. I said I understood you, but you’re confusing me now. First, you hate the asshole, and now you hate the gentleman who checks on you.”

“I don’t hate you.” It was the furthest thing from her mind; the closest was the fact that he hadn’t denied Stephanie being his girlfriend.

She reached for the items from the food truck server at the same time Brandon did, and his hand brushed hers, causing her skin to tingle all over. She looked at him and saw the unspoken emotions as his eyes lowered to her lips. Lust resurfaced as she recalled how soft and expressive his mouth was. Dammit, Jordan. He’s a womanizer. Don’t let him get inside your head.

She swallowed. “I got it.”

“No, I got it,” he said, grabbing as many things as he could manage after forcing bottles of water into his pockets.

Adrianna gave them a quizzical stare. “What exactly are you two crazies doing dating other people?”

They walked back to the group in silence.

“Was there anything healthy over there?” Stephanie asked as they approached, looking at the hot dogs in scorn.

Brandon handed Stephanie a plate, seeming annoyed. “Not that I could see. Besides, you need the calories if you’re planning to keep up with me.”

Jordan saw Andrew shaking his head at Sarah.

“Now I see what you mean, Sarah, when you said you’ve gained weight since being in a relationship,” Stephanie declared.

Jordan’s eyes widened. That was it. She didn’t care who this Stephanie was; she was done biting her tongue.

“But a woman with curves to grab on to is so much better. Isn’t that what you like, Brandon?” Jordan asked loudly enough for everyone to hear before stuffing the hot dog in her mouth.

As Brandon bit the grin from his upturned mouth and averted his gaze, Sarah and Andrew looked at each other in solid recognition of Brandon’s famous words.

“As I said earlier,” Adrianna chimed in, shaking her head.

Brandon smiled at Stephanie, easing the resulting tension. “It’s really good, I promise.”

Jordan picked up her phone to text Greg. Now she wished she’d invited him. “Are we calling it a night after this?”

“I don’t care. It’s up to you guys. I’m down for whatever,” Sarah said.

“There’s a billiard place down the road. We could leave here before the concert’s over and have a few beers before the bar gets packed,” Sam’s boyfriend suggested.

Jordan messaged Brandon, not knowing why his approval mattered.


Jordan: Would it be weird if I invited the guy I’m dating to hang out?


Brandon: Why would it be? I did ask you to bring him.


Jordan: Well, I don’t know if it’s a good idea. I don’t want him to think this is the next step or something.


Brandon: It’s not like he’s meeting your parents. Invite him. Don’t think so much! Do I need to teach you the rules of the game?


She needed to forget he took her to meet his parents.


Jordan: No thanks. Sleeping with the whole city of Los Angeles doesn’t appeal to me.


Brandon: Hey, go easy!


Jordan: She’s pretty, I guess.


Brandon: Is that jealousy I hear?


Jordan: Nope. Just an observation.


Brandon: I’m not dating her. Andrew did this. I told him to bring me someone datable . . . I’ve known her less than two hours, and she’s already tried grabbing my dick.


Jordan: Yikes! That would be bad or weird for anyone else. But you’re Brandon, so it should be the kind of thing that gets you off.


She continued to type on a more playful note.


Jordan: Let her touch you. I like to watch!


Her cheeks scorched at the text. But it was already sent. Where Brandon was involved, the need to win had become stronger each time, which always left her feeling awkward after blurting out some random crap she’d had no intention of saying in the first place.


Brandon: I take all credit for the woman you are right this second! And don’t worry, I’ll keep the things you like in mind☺.



After the concert, Jordan and the rest of the group reconvened at the bar, settling into a booth, and soon Greg showed up. Her sweet, adorable date was the perfect distraction from the rollercoaster that was Brandon. But after being around Brandon, it was crystal clear what was lacking between her and Greg: the carnal desire pulling at her every second she was with Brandon.

But that was good. It meant she had control with Greg and would be safe from falling too fast and getting hurt.

Jordan smiled as she hugged Greg from the side. His black hair, prescription eyeglasses, and slim physique made him the complete opposite of Brandon. But he was exactly what she needed.

After a few more drinks, everyone wandered off to do their own thing, but she stayed close to Greg, though not so close that Adrianna felt like a third wheel. Greg had been kind enough to bring along a single friend she could mingle with, but Adrianna didn’t find him too attractive. So there was that.

Sometime later, Jordan looked over to see Brandon having a lengthy conversation with Adrianna while she was playing pool with Greg. She began to steal glances at the two of them sitting by the bar, anxiety urging her to interrupt their conversation. But why would she even worry about it? Brandon was just a friend. Besides, Adrianna would never disclose personal things about her to Brandon or anyone. They were likely talking about Damian.

Then Stephanie walked up to Brandon and wrapped her arms around him, whispering something in his ear, and Jordan wanted to gag. Adrianna got up from her place on a barstool and smiled as she caught Jordan staring.

She hurried over with a wild gleam in her eye. “Who’s driving tonight?”

Jordan leaned onto Greg. “Neither one of us. I can pick up my car here tomorrow. Greg agreed to give us a lift.”

“Good. That means I can drink more. Come on, have another drink with me,” Adrianna said, dragging Jordan away from Greg.

She turned and waved to him in silent apology.

“That girl is annoying,” Adrianna grumbled. “I don’t know how Brandon deals.”

“I imagine he won’t much longer, if that’s the case,” Jordan said, peeking at the two who were now seated facing each other on bar stools. Stephanie’s hand rested on Brandon’s upper thigh, and Jordan shook her head. “And he’ll probably still get laid. Why does it piss me off that he doesn’t even have to work for it? He’s such a slut.”

Adrianna laughed, steering her to the booth where Andrew and Sarah sat.

“You guys are so cute. How long have you been dating?” Adrianna asked, sliding into the seat across from Sarah. A waitress presented them with drinks as Jordan took her seat; Adrianna must have ordered them before leaving the bar.

Andrew and Sarah looked at each other. “Oh, wow, um . . . five, six years?” Sarah asked.

“Sounds about right,” Andrew responded.

Jordan smiled. “That’s amazing. I haven’t seen a bond like yours in a while. It’s inspiring.” Jordan wanted to ask why they weren’t married, but she figured that was personal.

“Thank you.” Sarah grinned.

“How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?” Adrianna said.

“Twenty-five. I don’t know if oldie over here feels comfortable revealing his age.” Sarah laughed.

“You are so funny, sweetheart,” Andrew said, shaking his head. “Turning thirty-one in two months.”

“Wow, Andrew, I think you should go sit with the fellows a little bit more in your age group,” Jordan said, signaling a table close by with men who looked well into their sixties. The girls squealed in laughter.

A change in the air alerted Jordan that Brandon was near before he even approached their table.

“What’s going on over here?” he asked.

“I don’t know, but you need to handle your girl. She’s over there cracking jokes on me,” Andrew snitched.

Brandon grinned, looking down at her as she sucked her cocktail through the straw.

“I have no idea what he’s talking about.”

Andrew cocked his head at her with his mouth open, then looked at Brandon. “She was making fun of my age.”

“Hey now, he and I are roughly the same age,” Brandon protested.

“Hmm, I guess old guys must be in,” she jabbed. “Where’s your date? What is she, like, twenty-one?”

Andrew brought his fist to his mouth. “Oh, shit!”

Brandon smirked and shook his head, “What am I going to do with you?”

Sarah jumped in. “I’ll tell you what you are not going to do . . . date her. Ever. Matter of fact, stop flirting with her. This one’s a keeper, Brandon. I like her, and I don’t want you scaring her off. I haven’t had any girlfriends for the longest time because of you and Dami—”

The mood went from light to heavy in a split second.

“Let’s not forget whose friend she was first,” Brandon challenged, changing the subject back to its happy state.

Jordan’s hair jiggled in its bun atop her head, and she found the cause. Brandon’s hand was in her hair, messing it up more than it already was.

She slapped at him. “Brandon, stop!”

The tips of his fingers brushed against her nape as he dropped his hand, triggering a set of chills that ran straight to the peaks of her nipples. She jerked away from his touch, and he must have caught on to what he was doing to her, because he secretly skimmed a finger down her neck, causing her to almost jump out of her seat. So embarrassing. Why does he have this effect on me?

“Stop!” Jordan shrieked.

“Not so big and bad anymore, are we?” Brandon said.

Andrew looked at Brandon and shook his head. “She’s out of your league, dude.”

“Adrianna, ready to call it night?” Jordan asked, trying to grab Brandon’s provoking hand. As she tried to push him away, her hands met rock-hard abs. Really?

She pressed her legs together as her panties soaked with need, and it had nothing to do with the man she was dating. Brandon was a jerk for picking on her, but her own guilt lingered for the way her body responded to him. He knew how sensitive she was to his touch, yet he still toyed with her. Out in the open. Where everyone could witness the scene. A slutty asshole, that’s what he was.

Stephanie came up to the table and caught the last of the conversation. “You guys are calling it a night? But it’s just begun!”

Jordan ignored her comment but hoped her presence would deter Brandon’s behavior.

Adrianna pouted. “Honestly, I was just hoping Greg’s friend would be cuter.” She sat up straight, peeking over her shoulder to where Greg and his friend stood. “Or, maybe he’s cuter now that I’ve had a few more drinks.”

Jordan laughed. “I think we should definitely call it a night now.”

“Who’s the old ass now?” Brandon smirked. “Way past your bedtime, grandma.”

“Ha!” Andrew laughed. “Up top, brother,” he said, giving Brandon a high five. “We could go all night.”

“Sarah, put your number in my phone so next time we can hang out without this nuisance,” Jordan said, jerking her head to Brandon.

“Easy! That’s not nice.” he sneered. “How are you getting home anyway?”

“Greg’s driving. Now please, step aside so I can leave, because seriously, grandma or youngster, who wouldn’t go home early with a hottie like that?” Jordan goaded.

“Oooh, damn, right below the belt,” Andrew announced.

“You’re on my naughty list,” Brandon said, tugging on her ear.

Warmth rushed through her, and she bit her lip and stood as she figured out what he was doing. He wanted her to think about the effect he had on her, so she wouldn’t sleep with Greg. She pushed him to the side and cleared her throat.

“You’re despicable.”

This was why she liked Greg. How could a man be so arrogant as to stand in front of the girl he was on a date with and flirt with someone else? Greg looked over, and she signaled him closer, wishing he wasn’t so shy. He was the only person who could ensure Brandon kept his distance, since he evidently didn’t care about overstepping with his own date.

“It was so nice hanging out with all of you. I’m not usually like this,” Adrianna said. “Wait, I’m always like this. Whoa, oh yeah, the drinks did work . . . definitely an eight now. I suppose it’s about time I took one for the team.” She stood and hugged Brandon. “You are awesome, Brandon. Thank you.”

“Adrianna, will you stop building his ego?” Jordan said, wrapping her arms around Greg’s waist when he approached. There was no way in hell she was hugging Brandon after the stunt he’d pulled, messing with her like that.

“It was nice meeting you, Jordan. Have fun tonight!” Stephanie winked.

For once, since the night started, she felt sorry for the poor girl. She hadn’t the slightest idea of what she was stepping into with Brandon.

“Thanks. I will,” Jordan mumbled before catching a stony glint in Brandon’s eyes.

That she hadn’t expected.




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