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Kidnapped by the Berserkers: A menage shifter romance (Berserker Brides Book 3) by Lee Savino (18)


I ran up the mountain path, racing to outdistance Thorbjorn. Ahead of me, eerie figures moved in the mist, and a rotten smell hit me.

The Grey Men stopped as I hurtled up the path. Arms opened as if waiting for me. Their very skin seemed to slough off of their bones.

I shied in horror.

Sage! Stop!”

“Take me,” I shouted to the first Grey Man.

“If you leave them alone, you can take me. But you will not hurt them.”

The Grey Man moved forward and I slammed to a stop. I found a boulder and stepped out on it, my feet finding the edge. “I’ll throw myself over. Hurt them and you will not have me.”

A light flickered in front of the Grey Men. A helmeted figure appeared, taller than the tallest Grey Man, almost as tall as Berserker, but thin. Skeletal. It raised a bony hand. A stinking wind sliced through me.

“Me for them,” I told the specter. “Do we have a bargain?”

It nodded.

Sage, run!”

Two monsters barreled up the path after me. My tears choked my throat. They’d done everything they could to care for me. It was my turn.

“Go home,” I told them. “Live your life. Take a mate who is worthy.” She will be clean and pure, everything you deserve. Go!”

Cold hands grabbed my arms, drew me back. I did not feel them, did not see anything but Rolf and Thorbjorn coming after me.

The Grey Men pushed past me, pikes out, pointed.

“No,” I screamed, turning back to the specter. “You promised!”

It reached for me, and I felt a sudden chill, a wind rushing past me. It would touch me, and I’d be transported, perhaps to another world where I could never be free.

I fought then, kicking at the Grey Men carrying me. The old Sage was weak and small, but I’d spent week eating well, and breathing in the magical air of the Otherworld. If I didn’t get free, Thorbjorn and Rolf would die.

A roar went up, a bellow of rage and pain. My mates, diving into the fray.

I got free from the Grey Men, and fell hard. A knife fell beside me, and I grabbed it up, slicing at legs, crawling until I broke away, rolling to the cliff’s edge.

I rose, the knife at my throat.

“Stay away,” I gurgled. “Let us by, or I will end this. You will not have me. And my mates will dedicate their lives to ending yours.”

The specter raised a hand.

Mist swirled, but, somehow, I could see clearly.

“You don’t have any power over me,” I told it. “You cannot claim my mind. My mates are with me.”

The Grey Men inched closer. I backed away, my feet scrabbled on the rocks and I nearly cut my own neck. My neck stung from the cut, and the sight of blood must have convinced the Corpse King that I would take my own life.

The Grey Men dropped their pikes. The ones closest to the monsters took the brunt of their rage as Rolf and Thorbjorn tore up the path, reaching me just as the specter flickered away.

“Sage!” The monster that was Thorbjorn tossed me up into his arms, and then we were running, running. We did not stop until a mountain loomed out of the mist.

Only then did I release my grip on the knife.

I almost screamed with dark shapes emerged out of the fog to flank us.

“It’s all right,” Thorbjorn grunted. “They are our comrades.”

Berserkers took their place beside us, escorting us. The mist grew patchy, enough I could catch glimpses of Rolf’s wolf running ahead of us. It disappeared into the forest, and the guards walking with us fell away, leaving me alone with Thorbjorn. Blood had dried on his forehead; I stroked it away, frowning at the gashes on his back.

You’re hurt.”

“It’ll heal,” he grunted, his face set like stone. He did not look at me.

I cupped the side of his jaw and stroked his cheekbone. “I’m sorry. I did what I had to, to save us.”

He shifted me in his arms, breaking my hold without speaking.

Unease settled in my heart.

A building appeared out of the thick woods, made from giant trees. Their stumps still littered the clearing in front of the lodge. Thorbjorn marched silently through the doors and set me down.

“Thorbjorn? Where’s Rolf?”

“Gone. He will report to the Alphas. I must also.”

“Thorbjorn,” I called, halting him on his way out. “I’m sorry. I could not lose you.”

He only turned away.

“Thorbjorn,” I begged. “Please. Stop and speak to me.”

“Stay inside,” he ordered. “I will send someone to you.” He kept his eyes averted.

I sucked my breath in with a sob. “Don’t leave me.”

His head snapped up. His eyes were gold. He opened his mouth, shook his head once, and left, drawing the doors together with such force the dust motes danced.

I curled into a ball and wept.

* * *

The door creaked open while I lay numb on the bed.

“Sage?” called a familiar voice. A young woman poked her head in. Sunlight outlined the golden head, hair woven into a braid crowning her head.

“Hazel.” I sat up. My throat hurt from weeping. “Is that you?”

“Sage.” She pushed open the door. I threw up my arm to ward off the light flooding in. In the next moment, my friend embraced me.

“Oh, Sage, I am so glad you are here.”

“Hazel,” I murmured, as she squeezed me. “I thought you were dead.”

She drew back, cheeks flushed, hair wild, a few more freckles on her pretty, tanned face. “Almost. But a Berserker rescued me from the Corpse King’s tomb. I hear your escape was just as frightening.”

I drew back, aching for news of Rolf and Thorbjorn. “What did you hear?”

“Your mates told the Alphas you were beset by Grey Men once they took you from the abbey. But you sought the help of a witch and hid in another world for a few weeks. Is this true?”

It is.”

“How wondrous. And then you emerged amidst more Grey Men?” She shuddered. Good thing your mates were with you.”

“They are not my mates.” Thorbjorn’s actions made it clear. They wanted nothing to do with me.

Hazel raised a brow but didn’t say anything.

“I—” I swallowed. “I don’t know what they are to me.”

“Do you not want to mate with them?”

“I don’t know.” I felt heavy, as if my body had turned to stone. I wished my heart would harden, but it still beat, pain with every pulse.

Hazel drew herself straight. She looked so different from the girl I remembered from the abbey. Stronger, more confident. Her gaze was straight and clear, her skin seemed to glowed. “If you do not choose them, my mate will speak to the Alphas. They will not force you to take them as mates.”

“It’s not that… I don’t know what to do. I’ve ruined everything. Oh, Hazel.” I crumpled into a ball, crying again. “They hate me.”

“No, Sage, no.” Hazel put her arms around me, rocking and murmuring. “Why do you say this?”

I told her what had happened, how I’d risked my life to save them, and how they’d rescue me yet again.

“They don’t like it when we’re in danger. But, Sage, they have put a claim on you in front of the entire pack. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here, in this lodge they built for their future bride. You’d be in the lodge with the other unmated spaewives.”

Hope flared up in me, but I shook my head. “Then where are they? Why aren’t they here?”

“Thorbjorn went to the Alphas to give his report. The Corpse King is able to disrupt the pack bonds. A few of the Berserkers have disappeared and the Alphas cannot find them. Rolf went out to scout for them.” She grimaced. “Knut tells me Thorbjorn asked to be sent out as well.”

“He did?” My worst fears were confirmed. “They don’t want me,” I whispered, more to myself than Hazel.

“Oh Sage,” Hazel hugged me again. “I’m sure they want to be here with you. Right now they are needed. Knut says Rolf is the best scout. It makes sense that the Alphas would send him out to help bring the rest of the pack home safely. Many of the others are missing.”

“I understand.” I shouldn’t be selfish, but I wanted them here. “What of our friends?” I made myself ask, even though my mind was filled only with thoughts of my warriors.

“Willow is safe. She and her mates will return soon. I don’t know of the rest of our friends. I think Laurel has been claimed.” She paused again. “Knut says a spaewife named Laurel is now mated to two warriors named Ulf and Haakon.”

I said a silent prayer for Laurel. Although, if her warriors were as kind and gentle as mine were, I might envy her instead.

Hazel wore a frown of concentration, her head cocked to the side, as if listening to something I could not hear. Her giant mate stood beyond the door, his gaze cast over the field.

“You and Knut… you can speak mind to mind?” I asked her.

She blinked and focused. “Yes, the mating bond allows it.”

“I see.” I felt a pang. Once we’d left the witch’s cabin, I wasn’t able to link to Rolf and Thorbjorn in that way. Another sign that I was unworthy.

“It’s not easy, in the beginning,” Hazel said, gripping my hand in hers. “I have so much to tell you, and I have only been mated a few days. I can also introduce you to a few more Berserker brides. There are four sisters here who are the first spaewives the Berserkers found.”

I did not want to hear of happy mating couples while Rolf and Thorbjorn were gone.

What if they never returned? What if they didn’t want me? What if they were killed? I didn’t know what would be worse.

My eyes watered again and Hazel jumped up.

“Enough talk. You need a bath. You will feel better.” She tugged my head. “Come. You wish to look beautiful when your mates return?”

I held back my tears and gave a nod.

She kept me busy for the rest of the afternoon, heating water and sponging off.

She wrinkled her nose at the short dress, now stained and stinking, but I refused to let her throw it out. Rolf and Thorbjorn had given me the dress, and even though I had hated it, it now was the most precious thing I owned. We washed it out and hung it to dry, and I put on a soft yellow garment and sat while Hazel took pains to untangle and braid my hair.

At her silent signal, her mate brought in more firewood. Knut was a tall, broad shouldered warrior with a rugged face.

I shrank from him, but he gave me barely a glance, though he took every opportunity to touch his mate, his large hands grazing her hips as they bent their heads together in whispered conversation. He dropped a kiss on her lips and left.

“Knut will petition the Alphas to learn when your mates will return.”

Come, Sage.”

“I cannot. I must stay here. Thorbjorn ordered it.”

“Thorbjorn left you in Knut’s care.”

“He won’t even look at me.”

“He doesn’t want to insult his fellow Berserkers by speaking to you. He will wait until their claim is on you. And even then, he will only speak to you when they are present.” Hazel rolled her eyes. “With their beast, they’re very protective. Knut doesn’t like me to even look at the other warriors.”

“I see,” I said, still aching.

“Come with us. It’ll be all right. I think Knut has a plan.”

“Hold tight to me.”

She wore a collar, the silver ring similar to the arm rings I’d seen other Berserkers wear, only she wore it around her neck. Knut kept his fingers clamped around her wrist. Hazel, in turn, gripped my hand tight.

We approached the giant bonfire, the smoke rising up against the great mountain.

Warriors moved around it, some wearing weapons and leather armor, others nude and striding to disappear in the trees. Silver flashes of fur winked out from the underbrush, warriors in wolf form, guarding the area.

As Knut led us closer, many men turned to stare.

Hazel kept her head bowed, and looked only at me or at Knut. I did the same.

As we walked past a knot of Berserkers, one tall warrior reached out, his hand almost brushing my sleeve.

I flinched, and Knut growled. The other warrior dropped his hand. Knut paused to glare at the group of warriors. After a minute, they edged away.

“It’s all right,” Hazel murmured. “See? Knut will keep you safe. You can trust him.” Her fingers squeezed mine again.

But when we came to the bonfire, a hulking warrior blocked Knut’s path.

“Greetings to you and your mate.”

Knut jerked up his chin and grunted hello.

“Who is this pretty one? Do you take two spaewives to mate, when the rest of us despair of finding one?”

“It’s not my fault you weren’t chosen to join the raid on the abbey,” Knut said. “But no, I have only one mate. She is friends with one of the woman from the abbey. Thorbjorn and Rolf have claimed her.”

The warrior sniffed the wind. “She does not wear their scent. If she belongs to them, why aren’t they here?”

“They are on a mission for the Alphas.”

The warrior leaned around Knut and caught me staring. “See something you like, little wife? If you want someone to share your bed until your men return, I’m happy to oblige.”

I averted my gaze and pushed closer to Hazel, who wrapped an arm around me.

“Leave her alone,” Knut rumbled, and guided Hazel and I to a boulder a few yards away from the crowd. We sat on the rocks and ate the meat Knut brought to us. The crowd around the fire grew. A lovely blonde woman strode from the mountain path, flanked by two giant warriors. She walked with her head high.

Hazel nudged me. “Two of the Alphas from the lowland pack.”

“There are two packs?” I whispered back.

“Yes. The tall blond Viking is their leader. He brought his mate here when the Corpse King was discovered.

“The Alphas are merging the packs now,” Knut said, leaning down. He didn’t look or speak to me, not exactly, but he spoke aloud when he could’ve used his private mate bond. “With our forces joined, we will better be able to protect the spaewives.”

We were far away enough, I hoped, they would not see me staring.

One man had his long hair pulled back in a braid. The other had tattoos covering his arms. But the woman between them drew my eyes.

She wasn’t very tall, but her presence commanded attention. She gestured, and her mates stepped closer, angling their heads down to listen to her.

“Who is the woman?”

“Sabine, their mates. She is a powerful spaewife, almost a witch. She tamed her Alpha, Ragnvald, when he was half mad and kept chained in a cave.”

“Such is the power of a spaewife,” Knut rumbled above us making me jump. I hadn’t thought he would be listening. “One touch, and the beast sleeps. We know peace we haven’t had for over a hundred years.”

He rested his hand on the back of Hazel’s neck, a claiming touch, but tender.

She reached up and covered his large hand with her small one.

Sabine and her mates moved to the fire, warriors moving to give them the choice place near the blaze. The men milling about gave a them a wide berth, only approaching with heads bowed to petition the alphas. The tattooed Alpha got meat and a horn of mead from a respectful warrior. He offered the horn to the blond Alpha, who accepted and held the carved vessel with long graceful fingers, the fingers of a bard, a highborn lord, not a warrior.

The tattooed Alpha drew the blonde woman away from the fire, and sat her on a stone close to where we sat. The firelight washed their faces, hers haughty, his intent. She reached for the meat, and he shook his hands. With tight, graceful movements, like a bird, the woman called Sabine sat back with her hands in her lap and waited. He fed her from his hands.

Her eyes sparked and her cheeks flushed, but she accepted each bite. As she lifted her head, the light glinted from the metal around her neck.

She wore a collar, much like the one Hazel wore.

Another couple came through, one bearded warrior striding before, and two behind a woman. It took me a moment to realize they were a unit.

“Sisters,” Hazel mouthed to me. Here were two sisters, the powerful spaewives who tamed the Berserker beast.

They looked like normal women.

A shout went up. I stiffened. The warriors started pounding each other on the back, whooping madly.

“Leif and Brokk have returned,” Knut reported. “Along with their mate.” He grinned and tugged on Hazel’s hair.

“What’s her name?”


Hazel and I exchanged glances. Was our friend Willow happy and healthy with her mates?

“Ulf and Haakon are here too.”

“Can we see Laurel? And Willow?” I blurted.

Hazel looked to Knut, her eyes pleading. He set down the horn of mead and drew her between his legs. He traced her brows and serious mouth, and drew her into a kiss.

I averted my eyes, unwilling to watch their private exchange.

“Of course,” Knut said. “Of course you will see your friends. You will help each other celebrate your new life as cherished mates.” He spoke with arrogance, but Hazel flushed, a small smile on her face as he kneaded the back of her neck. Her eyes went half lidded and content. Knut chuckled again and kissed her, more a peck on the lips, a mark of ownership, before folding her into his arms. He picked up the horn and tipped it towards her, giving her small sips. Neither smiled, but they gaze at each other, love in their eyes.

My whole body ached for Rolf and Thorbjorn.

As the night wore on, the party around the bonfire grew more raucous. A few warriors rolled out some barrels, to great cheers. The mead flowed like water. Two wolves ran from the forest, barking and snapping at one another. They fought while men wagered beside them. The Alphas didn’t stir from their place near Sabine, but neither took their eyes off the fight. When one wolf was declared victor, and the loser lunged for the winner’s neck, the tattooed Alpha was suddenly in the fray. He reached right into the fray, and pulled the loser wolf down, holding him to the ground until the wolf tucked tail and groveled. A soft command from the blond Alpha, and the tattooed Alpha let his captive free. The two wolves slunk away.

Knut rose to fill his horn. His journey took him by the Alphas, and he stopped for a moment before ambling on.

“He will learn news of your mates,” Hazel told me. “Have faith.”

Another fight broke out, this time between two warriors. They shouted and drew weapons. Again the Alphas interfered, though once the warriors tossed aside their axe and knives, they were allowed to fight in what turned into a wrestling match.

The moon rose. Glinted off Sabine’s blonde hair. She sat in the tattooed alphas lap. When a shout went up, she turned and kissed him.

Across the way, her sister, Fleur disappeared in a circle of her mates, only to appear again when the large, bald warrior lifted her. He stalked to the line of trees, his arms hoisting her aloft, her arms twined around his neck. They kissed as they walked, and the two other warriors sped alongside them.

My thighs clenched together. Would they take her as soon as they were out of sight.

Right in front of us, Sabine straddled her Alpha and kissed him, twining her fingers in his hair.

Hazel’s breathing sped up. She wasn’t unaffected. Knut’s hands roamed up and down her arms, tweaking her ears, sifting through her hair.

I squirmed, out of place. Thanks to Knut’s proclamation, I drew a few glances, but no more than stares. Anyone of these warriors would be willing to claim me, but there were none I wanted.

“Sage,” he said suddenly. “Go to the fire and get more mead.” He offered me the horn. I took it, exchanging a frantic glance with Hazel.

“Knut,” she began, and he wrapped an arm around her neck, pulling her close.

“Trust me,” he said, and kissed her, tipping her back, and sliding his hand around her until she moaned.

I rose, trembling, and walked toward the fire, holding the horn as if it would protect me. When I reached the warrior manning the mead barrels, he jerked around in surprise, but took my proffered horn and filled it, handing it back.

“Stay and drink it with me, little one,” a warrior called, and that opened the floodgates. Another warrior whistled to get my attention, making me jump.

“Easy, sweetness,” said the warrior who’d given me the mead. “Don’t show fear.”

I stiffened my back and marched back to Knut, who was watching me. I kept my eyes on the ground, avoiding eye contact with any of the warriors who hissed to try to get me to look at them. Halfway there, a giant body blocked my way.

“What’s this? An unclaimed spaewife?”

“She’s been claimed,” Knut called. “She belongs to Rolf and Thorbjorn.”

“I don’t see them here. In fact, what’s to stop me from claiming her here and now, in front of the pack?”

“That would not be wise,” Knut growled, setting Hazel aside and rising. But he was too far away to stop the warrior from reaching for me.

“Keep away from her,” a snarl, and my heart leapt. Thorbjorn raced past me to slam into the warrior. A few well place punches and the warrior was down. Thorbjorn turned to me.

“Sage.” His hand was half-human, his face monstrous, but I went to him with no hesitation. He swung me up in his arms, and I relaxed.

“I’ve claimed this woman, along with my warrior brother,” Thorbjorn proclaimed.

“She doesn’t wear your scent,” the warrior on the ground spat blood.

“She will after tonight.”

He strode away to whoops and cheers.

Hazel’s wide eyed gaze followed us. Knut pulled her close, smiling in satisfaction. He’d planned this—parading me in front of the pack, just to make Rolf and Thorbjorn announce their claim. I didn’t know whether to hate him or be grateful.

Thorbjorn’s face morphed back to fully human by the time the light of the bonfire faded into the distance. In silence he climbed the mountain to our lodge.

He set me down, and I clung to him, my teeth chattering. Carefully, he disentangled my fingers from the pelt he wore on his shoulders, and slipped it off, wrapping me in it.

He moved away long enough to fetch me a cup of water, and held it while I sipped.

“What were you doing, walking among them alone?”

“Knut sent me. I did not wish to go.” My legs weakened and I crumpled against him. “I did not wish to—you must believe me

“Hush, hush,” Thorbjorn lifted me and sat on the bed. I curled around his, filling my lungs with his woodsy scent. “I’ll kill Knut,” he muttered against my hair.

A laugh kicked out of me. “He did it for me. He wanted you to press your claim.” I lifted my head from his shoulder, weary. “I know you don’t want me as a mate.”

In a thrice, I was on my back, staring up at Thorbjorn. The bearded warrior pinned my arms above my head, running a hand down my body, making me shiver.

“Do you not wish to be our mate?”

I bit my lip, my eyes filling. How could I be their mate? I was weak, so weak. Unworthy and broken.

“Answer me,” he snarled, and I turned my head to the side, unwilling to see his rage directed at me.

“Yes,” I said. “Yes, I want you, but

He pulled me to my feet, whipped off my dress and pinned my arms above my head.

“Mine,” he said, eyes gold as he entered me. “Mine.”

“Yours,” I agreed.

His hips slammed against mine. He pushed himself so far inside my body, I felt him in every inch of me. He sped up, pounding into my body until I floated in a haze of pleasure.

He kissed me, roughly, bringing me back to earth. “Sage. Sage, I’m sorry.”

I stroked his shoulders, locking my legs around him. “For what?”

“I—the beast. We were so angry when you put your life at risk. We did not want to risk losing control.” His fingers gripped my thighs, biting in. “You would’ve let yourself be taken by the Corpse King.”

“I wanted to save you.”

“You will not sacrifice yourself for us. Not you. When you have suffered so much.”

“It’s my life.”

“Not anymore.”

“You hurt me. You left.”

“You left us. We told you to stay.”

“I couldn’t watch you die,” I burst out.

He slid inside me again, and moved with slow, punishing thrusts. I held on and gave myself over to pleasure, arching my back to take him deeper.

“Never again.” He said, golden eyes piercing me. “You will never disobey.”

“You will never leave me,” I countered.

“No,” he said. “No. You belong to us. ”

We slept like that, entangled. He woke me the next morning with his mouth between my legs, and had me suck him after. He cleaned the cum off my body, bathing me gently.

“Where’s Rolf?” I asked. My body still floated, sated, but a part of me ached for Rolf.

“Out, scouting. There’s a large group of Berserkers missing. It was my mission to the abbey. Rolf volunteered to scout. I won’t lie to you, my mate. He is wary because of what you did, and it will be sometime before he can forgive you. After so many years, it hurts to love again, and to know we possess something so fragile that might so easily break.”

I pressed my forehead to his. “You will not let me break.”

“You will be punished,” he told me.

My cunny moistened.

He raised his head and sniffed appreciatively. “Ah, Sage. I missed you.” His hand came to the back of my neck. I waited for him to direct me, bend me over, but after a light squeeze, he stepped away, rummaging in a pouch at his side. “More Berserkers have returned. Your friends Laurel and Willow are safe. We will go celebrate. But first,” He held up a plug.

Must I?”

“Who owns this?” His fingers bit into my bottom.

You do.”

“That’s right,” he said, and slapped my right bottom cheek. He had me bend and touch my toes, and stretched me with his fingers before sliding the oiled plug home.

“What if he does not want me?” I asked, my cheeks flushed with excitement and humiliation.

“He will. And when he does, you will be ready.”

* * *

I felt less trepidation as we approached the same bonfire from the night before. A larger crowd gathered, more barrels of mead stacked to the side. I should’ve looked for my friends, but, instead, my eyes were only for my missing mate.

“There he is,” Thorbjorn turned me with his hands on my hips.

Rolf standing beside a tree, blended into the shadows.

“Go to him,” Thorbjorn murmured, and nudged me forward.

The walk to where he stood was the longest in my life.

Fire flickered across his features. He raised his head, but did not look at me.

I sank to my knees.

“Forgive me,” I whispered.

He didn’t answer, and I bowed my head.

A crackle of leaves, and I knew he must have walked away. I squeezed my eyes shut, too worn out to cry. I bent forward further, wishing the ground would swallow me up. I could pretend I was back in the witch’s cabin, sitting at the warrior’s feet, safe and protected for all time. But it was over. If Rolf rejected me, Thorbjorn should too. They could find another mate, and claim her together.

Gentle hands drew me up. “Sweet one.” Rolf lifted me, but I didn’t dare raise my eyes to him.

“Please forgive me, I will do anything.”

“You do not have to do anything, sweet one,” he said. “You only have to be.”

My chest shuddered with sobs as I rested against him.

“Oh, Sage, do not cry,” Thorbjorn said gruffly. “We can bear anything except your tears.”

A laugh kicked through me.

Rolf rested his forehead against mine. “Why did you risk your life?”

“To save yours.”

His growl rumbled against me.

“You will not disobey again. We will discipline you as long as it takes to learn.” His lips found my ear, and his teeth nipped the lobe.

My nipples tightened.

Yes, Rolf.”

“You belong to us, Sage.”


I rocked against him. His length pressed into me, sensation searing between my legs as the short dress I wore rode up to my hips.

He walked me into the forest, where the firelight danced with the shadows.

I kissed his mouth, chin, and cheeks, swept away. When he let me down, I slipped to my knees and pressed my mouth to his cock, a hard bar pressing against his breeches.

“Take me,” I fumbled with his laces. “I am yours. I'll always be yours.”

I drew out his cock and kissed it. He stood over me, allowing me to take him into his mouth, one long slow swallow before he drew me up. Thorbjorn pressed into my back, his hands busy under my dress, finding my breasts.

Only a few trees screened us from the bonfire, but I did not care. These men could take me anywhere and I would welcome it. Let the world see us, and know I belonged to them and they belonged to me.

Rolf lifted me first and slid me down on his pole. Thorbjorn was there, helping support me. He popped the plug out of my bottom. I cried out.

“Not so loud lass. Your friends will hear you. They’ll come to investigate,” Rolf said.

“It doesn’t matter. Your scent, your wetness all over our cocks. Their mates even now are raising their heads, scenting it, they will gather up their women and find the nearest place to lay. The spaewives will all be claimed this night. Their cries will fill this wood.”

As he spoke, Thorbjorn pressed inside. I shouted, soaring. Both cocks rubbed against my secret places, lifting me higher and higher, to a place where there was no thought, only feeling.

I went wild, bucking and clawing as my climax burned through me, wave after wave of blinding pleasure.

My mates were considerate, protecting me from prying eyes with their bodies.

I came down from the heights of my orgasm, and Rolf and Thorbjorn were pumping into me slowly. I started to spiral up again. Their cocks found every sensitive spot inside me, and pushed every thought from my head.

As their movements grew more frenzied, Rolf’s lips found my neck. He sucked, hard, tongue lapping against my pulse. I let my head loll back, offering myself to him.

Then Thorbjorn caught a handful of my hair, and pushed my head out of the way so he could latch onto my other shoulder.

Hard grunting sounds escaped as they both bit down. The pain shot me from pleasure to ecstasy. I screamed, unable to hold myself back. I flew high above my body, looking down at the hard-muscled giants who propped me between them, fucking savagely yet holding me as if I was as precious as pearl.

They came, gripping me tight as they ground their cocks into my body. I climaxed and spasmed around them, milking their orgasms. At some point, their teeth left my skin.

Rolf held me aloft, nuzzling my face until I gave him a kiss. Thorbjorn left a trail of kisses up my neck.

“What was that?” I lifted a shaky hand to the pinched part of my shoulder.

The mating bite, Rolf spoke in my mind.

My eyes flew to his. They were gold, but not burning with hunger. The light of the beast was softer, calmer somehow. Sated.

I touched Rolf’s lips.

You can hear me. He smiled under my fingers.

I shook my head. I never believed it would be possible.

Believe it, mate. Rolf angled his head again, brilliant eyes closing as he claimed my lips, pressing, wooing them. My arms wound tight around his neck.

Thorbjorn pulled out of me, bracing my hips. He knelt and planted kisses on the curve of my hips, my backside. Arousal started its fierce climb again, until my hips rocked against Rolf, and his cock hardened inside me. It did not matter that the bonfire and shadowy bodies moving around it was only a few hundred yards away. We were in another world, a world of arousal, a world of our making.

“More,” I gasped, but Thorbjorn stilled my hips.

“Our mate is insatiable. Let us take her back to the lodge and claim her as we should.”

Thorbjorn draped his cloak around my shoulders, but Rolf did not relinquish me, or pull me off his cock, as he walked all the way back to the lodge. Step after step, my head grew heavier, until my body hit the soft bed, and I curled into Rolf’s arms.

“Sleep, sweet one,” Thorbjorn murmured, and then I was gone.

* * *

My legs twitched as a stubbled cheek rasped up my thigh. Twin tongues swirled, one caressing the inside of my ankle, the other higher up, tickling under my knee. My nipples drew tight. I gasped and opened my eyes.

Rolf lay between my widespread legs. Thorbjorn sat further down, kissing and sucking my ankle. My fingers dug into the bed as the warriors worshipped my sensitive skin, nibbling and biting gently until Rolf came home to the apex of my legs. Thorbjorn rose and sat near my head, teasing my nipples while his warrior brother probed my tender folds. Rolf’s tongue circled closer to the little golden spot, never getting close enough. I gasped and pleaded, raising my bottom off the bed to offer it to Rolf’s mouth,

Drops of pleasure spread into an ocean, but before the building wave consumed me, Rolf drew his face away.

“We’ve decided your punishment, sweet one.” Thorbjorn said.


Rolf nuzzled my inner thigh, and I bucked my hips twice, begging.

“Yes.” Rolf sat up and patted his lap. “Come, Sage. Over my knee.”

I practically flung myself there, ignoring their chuckles.

“Do you know why we’re punishing you?”

“Because I disobeyed.”

I lay quiet as he smoothed his hand over my bottom, plumping and priming me for a spanking. I felt safe over his lap. The buzz of my thoughts fell away until there was only his touch.

“Wrong.” His palm cracked down. Sweet pain sang through me, bringing my mind to the present, sharpening my ears to his words. I waited, listening to his breathing. His fingers rubbed the sting away, and I sighed. There was heaven in his touch, and hell.

“Wrong, Sage. We discipline you because you flung yourself headlong into danger, at no regard for your life.”

“But—” He slapped my right bottom cheek, hard, and followed it up with a blow on the left.

“I know you wanted to sacrifice yourself for us. But that is not the way you will serve us.” His fingers slid between my folds. I gave a little mew. I was so wet, so ready, so needy.

“This is how you will serve. Over our lap, in our bed, or on your knees. We will keep you hot and aching for us. Your cries, your pleasure, they all feed the beast.” He let loose a flurry of smacks on my bottom.

“You will not risk your life again,” Rolf ground out. The desperate fear in his voice undid me. His fingers dug into my flesh, and I cried out, my heart cracking and poison seeping out.

“I’m sorry,” I choked out. He spanked me, hard, and I welcomed each blow. I sank into the pain, the warm, ready sting, and peace engulfed me as I surrendered.

I almost didn’t hear Thorbjorn until he knelt near my head, whispering in my ear, “You are precious, our dear, sweet mate. And we will discipline you until you know how perfect, and worthy you are.”

My breath broke from me, shuddering through my body. The spanking continued, his blows hard and light, fast and slow, peppering every inch of my backside and my upper thighs. I clung to his leg, my tears falling like cleansing rain. When he was done, he rocked me in his arms. He put his hand between my legs and stroked until I dangled over the precipice, body rocking, primed to his touch.

“Now,” he set me on my knees and drew himself out. I needed no encouragement. My mouth engulfed his cock, almost choking myself before he pulled me up again.

“No need for that, sweet one. We know you desire us.” Cupping my bottom, he lifted me and set me on his ready cock. I sank slowly, watching inch by delicious inch disappear inside me.

“And me,” Thorbjorn pushed me flush against Rolf’s chest.

I groaned as he slid into my back hole, pressing against my punished bottom. Their cocks reached deep inside me, and I writhed, unable to move, or breathe, or think. Just be.

When they pounded me to completion, I lay on the bed, limp as a plucked flower.

Thorbjorn came with a cloth to clean me. The cool water felt great against my sore folds.

“That wasn’t such a bad punishment,” I said.

“Oh, sweet one. It’s only beginning. We will wake you every morning like that. Then, we will clean you out. You’ll wear the plug for us whenever you are in the lodge, and only the short dress.”

“What if my friends visit?” I squirmed.

“Then you may wear a longer dress, but we’ll redden your bottom and put in a bigger plug. You won’t be able to sit. Your friends will see it and they’ll know. Everyone will know you belong to us.”

* * *

We spent the day inside, romping, taking breaks only to let a fellow Berserker come in with a fresh kill—a gift from Knut, in honor of our mating.

“He didn’t come himself?” Thorbjorn raised a brow.

The Berserker lifted his hands. “I’m just the messenger. Knut has a mate—perhaps he is busy with her?”

“More likely he is a coward.” Rolf shut the door behind the visitor. “He knows I want to kill him for not protecting Sage, and sending her alone out among the wolves.”

“I was fine,” I said. “He did it so you would claim me in front of the pack.”

“I would not let you walk out alone, even with a claim,” Rolf grumbled. “And Sage, when you are out, you will not look at any man but us. ‘Tis not seemly for our mate.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “That is impossible.”

Thorbjorn looked up from the spit he’d made for the meat. “Then you will pay the price.”

My nipples tightened.

“Don’t tell her that,” Rolf snorted. “Then she’ll be smiling at men left and right, just so we’ll spank herow!”

He rubbed his arm where I’d whacked him with a piece of kindling.

“Someone needs to be punished now,” Thorbjorn remarked. He hoisted the meat and set it to cook while Rolf stalked me around the fire pit. The scout caught me easily, but after a bout of tickling, he flopped back onto the bed.

“No more fucking, no more punishment. I am tired.”

My mouth dropped open. “You are?”

“Do not look so surprised. We traveled far for the Alphas, and pushed hard so we could rescue your friend.”

“Of course,” I said.

“We cared for you,” Thorbjorn said as he lay down next to Rolf. “Now you can care for us.”

I smiled and finished making the stew, before banking the fire and settling down beside my mates for a nap.

* * *

A whimper woke me. I rolled over quickly, before Thorbjorn could stop me. Rolf lay on his back, his head twitching, his face a mask of despair.

“Sage?” Thorbjorn startled awake. His travels must have made him weary, otherwise he would’ve caught me before I crouched next to Rolf as he thrashed and moaned.

“No,” I said, shaking him. “She cannot have you. You are mine.”

His eyes snapped open, wide with fear. Slowly they focused. “Sage?”

“Rolf,” I held his face in my hands. “Rolf, I’m here. Come back to me, my love.”

“Sage. My mate.” He rubbed his forehead against mine.

“I’m here,” I told him, and kissed him. He drank of me slowly, shyly at first, then boldly slipping his tongue into my mouth, dominating, exploring. We rolled together and he came on top, sliding inside me as if he belonged. He fucked me slowly, with lazy strokes, as I smiled at him with eyes half open. I hooked my leg around his and pulled him so we lay face to face. His hips slowly moved him in and out of me until at last he shuddered with pleasure. Before he could speak, I put my arms around him.

“Go to sleep,” I whispered. “I’m here. No one will take you from me.”

* * *

Later, the men took me outside. They showed me where to get water, the stream ran alongside a path. We followed it until it forked, one way heading towards the place of the bonfire. The other kept following the stream.

“Where does this go?” I asked.

“Let’s find out.” Rolf threw an arm around my shoulder, and we climbed higher. Little paths curved off the main one, but the men kept on until we came to a ledge.

“Here, Sage,” Rolf pulled me up beside him. I stayed well away from the edge.


The plain spread out before us. Beyond a certain point the mist drifted in patches.

“The Corpse King is still trying to find you. But there is magic in this place to keep you safe.” I shivered.

“But that is not what we wished to show you,” Thorbjorn rumbled.

“Look there.” Rolf pointed. It took me a moment—at first I only caught the wisp of smoke rising above the green heads of trees. Craning my neck, I saw the brown lines of hewn boards. A building. And there, another.

“All of these are lodges?”

“Yes. That lodge is for Brokk and Leif—who have claimed Willow. And there is Knut—whose mate is your friend Hazel. Ulf and Haakon built their lodge there, and they have claimed Laurel.” He went on naming warriors while I blinked at the many buildings, all built into the woods, private, yet sharing the same stream.

“They are homes, Sage,” Thorbjorn said. “For Berserkers, and their mates.”

“Their mates,” Rolf repeated. “Your friends.”

“My friends.” Suddenly my eyes stung.

“Your family,” Thorbjorn murmured. “I told you. We will give you everything. You will want for nothing in our care.”

My vision blurred. I hugged Thorbjorn, pushing my face into his chest. I swallowed once, twice, breathing until I was able to look up and meet his gaze. “Your family, too.”

He kissed my forehead. I laughed a little, swiping at my tears. When I drew away, Thorbjorn caught my hand. Rolf took my other, and together my mates led me down the path to see my friends.

The End




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