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Kimiko and the Accidental Proposal by Forthright (49)

Return of the Saint


Kimiko led the way to a discreet side door in the largest of Kikusawa’s storehouses, an ancient two-story stone building with a deep basement. Packed with the clutter of decades past, she and her sisters slyly referred to this as the shrine’s closet. Never within her grandmother’s hearing, though. To her, this was the Treasury.

A glance confirmed Kimiko’s suspicion. Hisoka, Argent, Sinder, and Boonmar-fen had fallen into step behind the Starmarks, probably eager for a peek at the promised reliquaries. She hoped they wouldn’t confiscate them. Grandma would definitely consider that theft.

“Lady Starmark, I should check. We have quite a few weapons, so I don’t want to assume.” Kimiko lifted the bar that secured the door and paused on the threshold. “Is it the Chrysanthemum Blaze?”

“You know where it rests?”

Kimiko laughed. “In a place of honor. There is some debate as to whether the shrine is named for the blade or the blade for the shine. I had no idea it was yours.”

Anna Starmark’s tone was brisk, but she answered patiently. “The sword is much older than I, and this has been its hiding place for more than a millennia. Rumors of its existence brought me here, and it became mine by virtue of necessity. In defending myself, I defended this place and its people.” With a pointed look at Harmonious, she amended, “We did.”

“You’re the hound in the legend?” Kimiko asked.

Harmonious grinned and bounced on the balls of his feet. Not an answer, but certainly confirmation.

For the first time in her life, Kimiko was grateful that her grandmother was so strict about year-end cleaning. Thanks to the annual banishment of dust and dishevelment from every corner of their shrine, the treasury still smelled faintly of soaps, oils, and waxes. Although the shelves were crowded, everything was in its proper place.

Stacks of lanterns. A festival float. Mask and drums. Cloth-wrapped bundles secured by knotted cords. Trunks with faded labels, some with sigils faintly gleaming. And scores of lacquered and inlaid boxes, each a work of art. These last were the building blocks of Kimiko’s childhood, for she’d treated the Treasury as a playhouse since her earliest days.

Hisoka scanned the room. Kimiko had to wonder if he’d been here before. The cat seemed to know everything about everything, yet he gazed around with nothing more than polite interest. Was this a matter of feigned ignorance, or was he keeping the intensity of his curiosity under careful wraps?

She leaned toward the latter. Sinder had been so urgent to inform Hisoka about the presence of golden seeds at Kikusawa.

“Do you know what’s in all of these?” asked Sinder.

“Oh, yes. I was such a snoop when I was little.” Her grandmother and her father had passed down the stories of the most prominent treasures in their care. But she and Noriko had nosed through every box, memorizing the pretty patterns on each lid and handling the items inside. Later, when Sakiko showed the knack, it was decided that she would walk Grandma’s path. Sakiko could recite the history of every item, rattling off names, dates, and facts with impressive poise. 

Kimiko supposed that made Sakiko the realist. Given Noriko’s temperament, she was easily cast as the romantic. But where did that leave Kimiko?

“There,” said Anna Starmark, pointing to the cabinet that dominated the far wall. “The blade is there.”

“Yes.” Aware of their close scrutiny, Kimiko took extra care, shielding their view with her body. The deep cabinet was as intricate as a puzzle box, with clever catches and hidden panels hiding its contents. A casual perusal would uncover a wealth in painted scrolls, jade carvings, and precious artifacts. But treasures of the In-between were more closely kept.

“That cupboard is embedded with sigils, then overlaid again,” remarked Sinder.

“Amaranthine workmanship?” asked Boon.

“Silverprong craftsmanship,” said Kimiko, adding gentle pressure to a carved chrysanthemum as she lifted the catch. Members of the deer clan were responsible for several of their most beautiful cupboards and screens. And the carved wooden panels over their doorways, which were such a hassle to dust and oil.

When she opened the double doors, Boon grunted.

Hisoka sidled closer. “How unusual.”

Understatement. Red crystals created a lavish floral pattern on the naked blade resting in its holder. While beautiful, the gleaming stones made the blade quite heavy for its size. The edge was certainly keen, but a sword so heavy wouldn’t be practical in battle. An Amaranthine could have lifted it, but the weapon was reinforced with a dazzling array of sigils to fend them off. Their mysterious sword was intended for reavers’ use.

“Are you kidding me?” Sinder was backing away. “That thing actually exists?”

“It’s been hidden here for quite some time.” Harmonious moved to the dragon’s side. “Kept in reserve for emergencies.”

“The Chrysanthemum Blaze is our most valuable and most enigmatic treasure. Our records offer little more than the name and an order to keep its presence here a secret.” Kimiko gestured for Anna to reclaim the blade. “We’re only supposed to yield it to someone who already knows it’s here.”

Anna hefted the sword. “Until today, Harmonious and I may have been the only ones to know.”

Kimiko really wanted more information. “My grandfather speculated that the craftsmanship is Amaranthine, but the blade somehow fell into reavers’ hands.”

“You could say that.” Sinder was actually hiding behind Harmonious now. “That thing’s one of the Junzi.”

While Kimiko’s mind leapt immediately to her favorite brand of chocolate, she guessed he was making reference to classical art. “Are you saying this sword is part of Amaranthine lore?”

“It’s certainly part of dragon lore,” said Sinder. “Every hatchling knows about the danger represented by the Junzi. They’re the stuff of nightmares.” 

“The Four Gentlemen—chrysanthemum, plum, orchid, and bamboo,” said Hisoka. “They have long represented the seasons.”

“How well-mannered and tame.” Sinder remained on edge. “We call them the Four Storms.”

Kimiko had assumed the sword must be ornamental, a work of art in the form of a weapon. She liked to think it might have been used as an anchor for a vast barrier or illusion. But thanks to Michael’s recent lessons in crystals as amplifiers of sigilcraft, she knew that wasn’t possible. Crystals of this color were a lure, useful in the construction of traps. She was almost afraid to ask. “I don’t know much dragon lore. What’s this sword meant to do?”

The dragon closed his mouth and shook his head.

Anna answered for him. “In a reaver’s hands, the Chrysanthemum Blaze has two uses. The first is to trap dragons.”

Tension rippled around the room, and Kimiko tried to break it. “That’s oddly specific.”

“Aptly specific,” murmured Hisoka.

Boonmar-fen eyed the blade with interest. “Funnel a beacon’s blaze through that much red crystal, and she’ll out-ply any dragon.”

“Only if they’re fool enough to stay within range,” said Harmonious. “Last time we used the Blaze, the dragons fled, and Keishi was spared any further destruction.”

Hisoka hummed. “You mentioned two uses, Lady Starmark?”

“Yes.” She angled the sword with a practiced air, studying its edge. “A terrible one.”

“Oh, just say it, already! That weapon was designed to slay dragons.” Sinder’s fluting trill had a hysterical edge. “She’s holding an executioner’s blade.”

Boonmar-fen grabbed the dragon’s arm and said, “How about you not be in the room when she drops her wards.”

Sinder made a choking sound. “No offense, Anna.”

She inclined her head. “You have a quarter of an hour. Get as far as you can.”

His companion’s tail puffed. “Won’t a barrier suffice?”

With a grim shake of his head, Harmonious said, “Not against a beacon.”

“Ah. In that case ….” Hisoka held up a finger and backed toward the door. “I’ll just verify Lapis’ location. Argent, you should see to Kyrie.”

Argent looked vaguely insulted. “Gingko is already moving him.”

The Starmarks followed them out the door, leaving Kimiko to close up.

Alone again, she delayed long enough to trail her fingers along the smooth surface of one of four tall bottles on a recessed shelf, half-hidden behind the empty sword bracket. She touched the first with a twinge of regret. She’d smuggled it out to Kusunoki when she was much younger, breaking the seal to release its captive, sure that it held the Amaranthine equivalent of a genie.

Kimiko had been disappointed when no magical being appeared. Even the fleeting gust of wind that rustled Kusunoki’s leaves was probably a product of her fable-steeped imagination. But she’d never told anyone what she’d done.

Grandfather would have been disappointed in her. Grandma would consider it a betrayal of trust. Which it was. Which was probably why she was so protective of the remaining three bottles. She touched them each in turn—north, east, and west.

Maybe one day, she’d show them to Eloquence. One of their shrine’s little novelties. “It’s not as if anyone could actually seal away the wind.”

Kimiko returned to the courtyard, thinking to catch up to Anna Starmark. The woman held out her wrists to Harmonious, who kissed her palms, then set about releasing the clasps on her bracelets. His expression made Kimiko hung back.

At her side, Argent Mettlebright casually remarked, “I have them inside a barrier, but you may pass through.”

She jumped, for she hadn’t noticed him there. “I don’t want to intrude.”

“A daughter is always welcome.”

“I’m not a daughter yet.”

Tsk. I have seen that same look on young Eloquence’s face.” He indicated Harmonious. “Others will notice, and many will say it—like father, like son.”

“A fine compliment.” She smiled slyly at the aloof fox. “Even if it does betray a certain lack of imagination.”

A smile curled Argent’s lips. “You will do well.”

Kimiko dared to correct him. “I could not do better.”

Harmonious pocketed his bondmate’s bracelets, then knelt on the paving stones. Anna lifted the heavy fabric of her formal silks, revealing standard breeches underneath and low slippers that allowed for the heavy bracelets around her ankles.

More wards.

“How strong is she?” Kimiko whispered.

“As it happens, I have some small experience when it comes to the shuttering of beacons.” Argent’s eyebrows lifted. “While it would be ungentlemanly to compare, I cannot deny my curiosity. This is the first time I will see Lady Anna unfettered.”

The last of Anna Starmark’s personal wards came away, and Harmonious stood to his full height, heavy-lidded and swaying. Kimiko was certain that his bondmate was the only thing he could see.

“What does she look like to you?”

Argent tipped his head to one side, then answered, “Fury.”

Anna certainly didn’t look angry to Kimiko. Only poised, very likely for battle. She asked, “Does she compare to your lady?”

“Who can say? There are advantages on either side.” His gaze softened slightly. “Both are suited to their place and happy in it.”

“I can hope for that much, at least.”

“You cannot compare with our beacons.” With a subtle flick of his fingers, he robbed his words of their sting. “Rather, you will surpass them.”

She dismissed his suggestion.

Argent studied her face and simply repeated, “You will do well.”

Kimiko looked back in time to see Harmonious shift into his truest form. The dog bore a striking resemblance to Rise, although he had upright ears, like a wolf’s. Harmonious towered above every tree except Kusunoki. Nosing around in its branches, he barked playfully, tail wagging.

Suuzu dropped into view, gliding toward Kimiko with Akira in his arms. Both boys looked sheepish at being flushed out. On closer inspection, she thought Suuzu had been crying. As soon as he’d set down his best friend, she hurried to her go-between and hugged him tightly. “Stay over,” she urged. “You guys can wait in my room if you like.”

“Akira and I gladly accept.” Suuzu’s gaze flitted to the storehouse behind her, then slid guiltily aside. In subdued tones, he said, “Thank you for your hospitality.”

“And congratulations,” interjected Akira. “You were so pro! You know, with Sis and Mrs. Anna always hiding away, you could totally become the Five’s spokeswife.”

She shook her head, more interested in Harmonious, who’d eased down, belly to the ground. In theory, he was humbling himself, but Kimiko could read only pride and pleasure in his manner. He’d lowered himself so his bondmate could more easily scale his bulk. Anna Starmark secured her blade in a twist of copper sashes and climbed with surprising ease to a seat upon his back. Not until Harmonious leapt into the night sky did Argent’s hold slip.

Barrier gone, power reverberated, and everywhere around the shrine, the Starmark pack bayed their approval. Their leader and his mate had joined the hunt. High overhead, Harmonious bounded in ever-widening circles. Upon her colossal steed, the battler took up her former role, pale hair streaming. Keishi’s saint had returned, and the stars seemed to change course in order to follow her.

“What are those sparks?” asked Kimiko.

“Hey, yeah,” said Akira. “Can you see them, Suuzu?”

“They are Ephemera.” Suuzu quietly explained, “A rare variety that develops a symbiotic relationship with certain trees. They must have been hibernating inside, but the presence of so many potent souls brought them out.”

“Lady Anna’s blade is an effective lure,” said Argent. “She is like springtime to them.”

Suuzu touched Kimiko’s shoulder. “If they remain active, I would not be surprised if your friend bloomed this year.”

“How fortunate we sealed your boundaries.” Argent darted upward and returned with a small creature caged between his fingers. It looked like a winged monkey, no bigger than a sparrow, with pale fur glowing softly in the darkness. Round eyes blinked drowsily at them as it clung to Argent’s fingers. He said, “I should bring one home to show Tsumiko.”

Akira rolled his eyes. “Like you don’t want it for your collection.” To Kimiko, he added, “Argent’s a repeat offender when it comes to smuggling Ephemera across borders.”

Suuzu scanned the lights darting through Kusunoki’s branches. “Cull three pairs, and you could easily establish a colony. They make excellent pollinators and good pets, so long as they have ready access to a reaver of sufficient prowess.”

“Which would explain why we’ve never seen them before,” Kimiko said wryly. “Not for three hundred years.”

Argent tutted. “I am certain you can secure a reaver of ‘sufficient prowess.’”

“What level are we talking?” she asked, thinking he might mean Isla.

“Ideally, seventeenth.”

Kimiko nodded sagely. “Then our future is both bright and brightening.”

The fox eyed her with what could only be called respect. “I believe I shall second Akira’s nomination.”

She drew a blank. “I’ve been nominated for something?”

He hummed a coy affirmative. “Spokeswife.”





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