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King of Gods (Vampire Crown Book 2) by Scarlett Dawn, Katherine Rhodes (25)




“Where the fuck is Master Niallan?” I muttered. I leaned toward my father and peered around his ceremonial-clad body. I searched the crowd again for a certain blond druid. “Our guests are getting restless.”

Lord Cato patted the space between us. “Lord Belshazzar went to find him. He’ll be here soon.”

I sniffed. “I can’t believe he’s late to his own crowning.”

My father’s brown eyes met mine. “You took four days to grieve after your last Challenge. He did not.”

“Fine. He can be late.” I touched my crown, making sure it was on straight. My blue eyes wandered over the repaired cavern. “They did an excellent job in here.”

Lord Cato smirked. “The crew we used was my choice.”

I hummed softly. “Well, it was an excellent one. You can’t tell anything even happened in here a week ago.”

The crowd of upper elite vampires suddenly quieted, their attention turning to the entrance in a wave—one right after the other.

Lord Cato whispered, “Showtime.” He tipped his head to the side. “Take your place at the bottom of the stairs, your majesty.”

I passed Lord Belshazzar on my way down. Our eyes caught, but we swiftly glanced away. Thousands of vampires were watching everything avidly. Today was historic, whether you wanted the “Original” druid as your king or not.

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

Master Niallan was before me.

I spoke loud and clear in the silence. “I, Queen Gwynnore, am the Monitor of the fourth Challenge. It shall be known to the people of the Black Heart crown that Niallan of…,” I paused, having been given this information only minutes ago, “S’Kir, has satisfied all conditions of the Challenge, as they were presented to him, by my eyes. I am a Witness of Final Challenge. Niallan of S’Kir has satisfied all conditions of the Challenge as they were presented to him, by my eyes. These truths are sworn by my blood.”

I lifted the knife strapped to my waist. I sliced down on my left palm, scoring the skin and drawing blood. I squeezed my hand into a fist and let my blood drip down to the cavern floor for all to see. My eyes turned to Master Niallan. I dipped my head to him, letting him know to proceed.

He climbed the stairs, dressed in his finery, his back straight and his head held high. If his hard green eyes appeared lifeless and haunted, not many noticed. His attention was solely on the throne.

The Overlords stood.

Master Niallan turned to face the audience.

Lord Belshazzar called loudly, “Niallan of S’Kir, the Council of Overlords has called you and seen that you have passed all five Challenges, along with the approval of the Monitor of Challenge and Witness of the Final Challenge. Upon this moment, you are hereby the King of Vampires, the King of Gods. We welcome you to the throne with your crown.”

Lord Pippin placed the crown atop Niallan’s head. He dipped his head, murmuring, “We welcome you, my king.”

Lord Pippin…may have made the placement of the crown a wee bit crooked.

Lord Belshazzar continued, commanding everyone’s attention. “Niallan of S’Kir, as the King of Vampires, the King of Gods, you are hereby granted the Black Heart Star, the very heart of your subjects. It must always be worn and guarded. Without it, you are diminished, your crown tarnished. So it has been since the beginning on earth, and so it shall continue.”

Lord Xenon dipped his head and lifted the delicate pillow, where the ring lay on top.  “We welcome you, my king.”

Niallan slipped the Black Heart Star ring onto his finger, the same version as the one I wore, only larger. He studied the ring and lifted his other hand, fixing the crown on his head until it was perfectly straight.

The King raised his eyes to the room.

The smile that lifted his lips was truly sinister.

His muscular body flowed gracefully as he sat on the throne. He waved his hand with royal flare, the ring flashing in the light. “Be at peace. Be merry. Drink your fill of blood and enjoy the festivities. I am now one of you.” His eyebrows lifted. “And, yes, I am really from S’Kir.”

The chamber slowly filled with applause.

But it did. Eventually, the clapping was deafening.

I lifted up the edge of my dress just enough to scale the stairs carefully, and stood next to my druid king, and stared out at our people. The royal crownings were complete.

One druid deceiver. One vampire manipulator.

And a whole world in trouble.