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King of Hearts by L.H. Cosway (7)


The following morning I walked into the office, sensing an odd vibe in the air. It wasn’t long before I discovered the reason. It was B-day at Johnson-Pearse.

And no, that wasn’t B-day as in birthday. That was B-day as in Bonus Day. Apparently, investment banking, along with the vast majority of jobs in the financial sector, orbited around yearly bonuses. And those bonuses were announced at the start of each calendar year. I’d always read about this sort of thing in the newspapers, where left-wing journalists would criticize banks for giving out exorbitant bonuses to their employees while the rest of the country suffered one of the worst recessions in decades. I had to agree with the journalists; it was pretty fucked up. That still didn’t stop it from happening, though, and now I was getting to witness it all first hand.

It soon became apparent that everybody wanted to achieve a larger bonus than the one they got the year before, which accounted for the nervous tension. Nobody wanted to get a small bonus, because that meant they were losing at the game of making more money than everybody else.

I learned all of this from Eleanor as we worked together to complete our morning tasks. She’d been very happy with the way I’d handled things during her absence, and was confident I was going to make an excellent replacement after she left. Her confidence in me gave me a boost.

The hours until lunch passed busily. The way things worked on B-day were as follows. Each employee was called into King’s office, or the office of Daniel James, senior managing director. The bonuses were not announced publicly. Instead, each employee was told his/her bonus in private. And the absolutely bizarre thing about it all was that every single one of those employees exited King’s office looking confident and satisfied.

I knew some of them had to be bluffing, because not everyone got a larger bonus than last year. And here lay the competitive nature of the business. No matter what number those bankers got told when they entered King’s office, they would never let their colleagues see their disappointment.

Like I said, it was all about appearances.

It was mid-morning, and another “pleased”-looking employee had just exited King’s office when I went inside to bring him his coffee.

“Hey. How’s everything going?” I asked, setting the cup down on his desk.

“Monotonous,” he replied, running a hand through his short blond hair.

“Don’t you enjoy telling people their bonuses? I mean, the ones who did well, at least?” I asked, curious.

King only shot me a look that said it all. So he didn’t like B-day. Duly noted.

“Will you thank your mother for the note she sent yesterday?” I said just before I was about to leave.

King glanced up from the papers on his desk. “Note?”

“Yeah,” I replied. “I got it yesterday. She wrote telling me she enjoyed my company when I’d stayed for tea.”

A stressed look crossed over King’s face. “Do you still have it?”

“Yes, it’s in my drawer.”

“Go get it,” he clipped.

Frowning, I turned and went to retrieve the note. When I returned, I handed it to King, and he hurried to pull it from the envelope. His eyes scanned the words, and then a relieved breath escaped him.

“Yes, this is definitely her handwriting.”

I let out a nervous laugh. “Who else’s would it be?”

Shutters went down behind King’s eyes and he stood, walking to me and handing me back the note. I took it and watched as he went to the drinks cabinet at the back of the office and pulled out a bottle of expensive whiskey. In less than a few seconds, he’d poured some into a glass and knocked it back. I recalled his words from yesterday.

When I’m stressed out, a nice glass of top-shelf whiskey usually does the trick.

Why had his mother sending me a note stressed him out? And why had he thought somebody else had sent it?

“King, is everything all right?” I asked, concerned.

He closed the drinks cabinet and turned back, his expression hard. Whoa. I’d never seen him look at me like that before.

“Everything is fine, Alexis. Now, I do believe you have work to attend to.”

Brow furrowing, I gave him a quiet, “Yes, I do,” then turned and left his office.


I didn’t go to the bathroom for lunch that day, nor did I go the day after. Instead, I ate my sandwich on a bench outside, intermittently browsing my messages and throwing pieces of bread to the pigeons. I’d almost forgotten that King and I had anything even resembling a friendship until he sidled into the office on Friday morning looking like the cat that got the cream. And all of that smug delight was being firmly directed at me. He said his usual hellos to both Gillian and Eleanor, then came to stand in front of me, arms folded, a gigantic smile on his face.

“You’re looking particularly lovely today, Miss Clark,” he said with a flourish.

I glanced at him for a second, frowned, and then continued typing. What was his game? Eleanor got up from her seat and went to use the bathroom, and still he remained standing there like a complete and total oddball, as Gillian’s voice talking on the phone filled the room. Finally, I gave in.

“Can I help you with something?”

“I could fucking kiss you right now,” he beamed, and I sucked a breath.

Okay. Trying to play it nonchalant, I replied, “For what exactly?”

“That social media start-up we discussed the other day? Well, immediately after we spoke, I lined up one of my clients as an investor, and guess what?”

I stared at him. “What?”

“The site has gone viral overnight. Apparently, a couple of celebrities started using it, and now they’re getting new sign-ups by the bucket load.” He leaned forward and braced both his hands on the edge of my desk. “This client was an important one, and he currently thinks I shit daisies. And I have you to thank for it, Alexis. You’re a flipping genius!”

I couldn’t help my smile. He really was laying it on thick and heavy. “Shall I whip out my cock for you to suck now or later? Jeez, Ollie, tone it down a little.”

He blinked at me, and then a second later he was laughing. It was good thing Eleanor wasn’t around and that Gillian was too preoccupied with her phone call to hear what I’d said.

“Did you just call me Ollie?”

Supressing a smirk, I nodded, still typing. A beat of silence passed.

“Did you also just refer to me sucking your cock?”

“Well, you’ve already opened the button and pulled down the fly. You might as well finish the job,” I quipped, and amusement lit his eyes.

He stared at me for so long that I began to get uncomfortable. His smile naturally faded, and now his expression grew serious. “I’m going to put a bonus in your first month’s pay. Think of it as a consultant’s fee.”

Now I was frowning again. “You don’t have to do that. Seriously, picking that start-up instead of the other business was just me thinking out loud. Hazarding a guess. I didn’t do any research. I could have been completely bullshitting for all you knew.”

King leaned closer. “Alexis, don’t insult me. I know bullshit from real shit when I hear it. And what you gave me was the latter.”

Now I was the one staring him down. I decided I wasn’t going to protest further, because, hey, if he wanted to give me a bunch of money for my advice, I wasn’t going to turn my nose up at it. Maybe I could use it to bring me and Karla away on a little weekend break or something.

“Fine,” I said. “Give me the bonus.”

“Not giving it to you was never an option,” he answered before heading in the direction of his office. Once he reached the door, he turned back. “Oh, and don’t think I’ve forgotten about Saturday. And I better see you at lunch today. No more standing me up.”

Jesus, he said that right in front of Gillian. It was good thing she was still busy with her phone call. I could just imagine the gossip spreading like wildfire if she knew we were having all these intimate little lunches together. Before I could shoot him a scowl for almost outing us, he’d disappeared inside his office.

I didn’t stand him up for lunch. And this time King won the game. Damn, he was starting to get an advantage on me.

Oliver King: 2. Alexis Clark: 1.


Bradley: Don’t wear any makeup. It’ll be done at the shoot. Can’t wait to see you. Smooches <3

Alexis: Is it okay if I bring a friend?

Bradley: Karla wants to come?

Alexis: No, she’s working. Someone else.

Bradley: A boy?

Alexis: Maybe.

Bradley: Send me a pic and then I’ll decide :-D

Alexis: Piss off.

Bradley: Fine. I’ll just have to wait and wonder. If he looks anything like the last one, then I predict I’m in for a treat.

Alexis: He’s not a boyfriend. Just a friend friend.

Bradley: Ooooh. I see. A gentleman’s gentleman?

Alexis: Sorry to disappoint, but no. A lady’s gentleman through and through.

Bradley: Sometimes I think you might hate me.

Alexis: Lol. See you later.

Bradley: Whatevs.

On Saturday morning, King insisted we take his car to the photo shoot. I told him I’d get the tube and meet him there, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. To be honest, I really didn’t want him to collect me. I hated to admit it, but I was embarrassed by where I lived. Yeah, he was aware I wasn’t exactly born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but the thought of King actually seeing the reality of my life made me break out into a cold sweat. I doubted he’d ever set foot in a building like mine in his life. It was going to be a rude awakening when he saw the graffiti-laden, grey block of despair in which I dwelled.

Giving in, I texted him my address, expecting him to call when he was outside. That wasn’t what happened. Oh, no, Oliver King took it upon himself to ascend the many flights of stairs up to my flat and knock right on my door. Karla was at work, and I was just pulling on a top when I heard the knocking. Praying it was one of my neighbours coming to ask a favour, I padded my way to the door and peered through the peephole. And there in all his sexy glory was my boss. I let out a long sigh and thumped my head against the metal panel.

Well, he’d already seen the worst of it now. There was no point refusing to let him inside. I opened the door and stepped back, taking in his appearance. It had quite an effect on me. He wasn’t wearing his usual fitted suit. No, today he wore a casual black jacket, a grey T-shirt beneath, designer jeans, and a pair of Caterpillar boots. I swear I had to consciously resist the urge to swoon. His hair was casually tousled with a bit of wax, and seeing him dressed like an everyday, normal bloke did a bit of a number on me. He looked just like someone I might chat with in a bar.

Catching my breath, I greeted him. “Hey, uh, you didn’t have to come all the way up here, but come in.”

Stepping past the threshold, King surveyed my small but tidy flat before bringing his attention to me. “Good morning, Alexis. I encountered a couple of young girls in the stairwell.” He seemed a little flustered, and it made me smile.

“Oh, yeah, what did they say?”

His brow furrowed. “I’m not sure if it bears repeating.”

I snorted. “Yeah, I can imagine. I just have to throw a few things in my bag, but make yourself comfortable. Be back in a tick,” I said, and went inside my bedroom to shove my phone and wallet into my handbag. I was wearing a pair of black leggings, an old Madness T-shirt, and a long purple cardigan. Oh, and no makeup, as requested by Bradley. I hadn’t bothered to dress fancy for two reasons. One: I’d be getting dolled up at the shoot. And two: I didn’t want King “warming” to me any more than he already had. I mean, the man thought I was a lesbian, and he still wanted to hang out.

Perhaps it was my glowing personality that he enjoyed.


Returning to the living area, I found King sitting on the couch, perusing a picture of me and my family. The sight of all his masculine beauty in my very ordinary living room struck me like a whack to the chest. He was a fucking stunning-looking man, and I was pretty much doomed to lust after him for the foreseeable future.

“I’m all ready. Let’s hit the road, Jack.”

His eyes came to mine. “Is this your family?”

“Yep. Handsome bunch, aren’t we?” I joked, and he chuckled softly, setting the frame back on the shelf. We left my flat and walked back down the stairs. The group of girls King had mentioned were gone, so he was saved from a second encounter of them leering at him. Girls around here could spot money a mile away, and King’s every movement screamed privilege and wealth.

There were a couple of young kids and teenagers hanging about when we got outside, ogling King’s car. It was a black Mercedes and came equipped with its very own driver. It was a good thing, too, because from the way the local kids were eyeing it, I imagined it would have been stolen in a hot second if left unattended.

In a very gentlemanly move, King opened the door and gestured for me to get in. As I slid past him, he looked down at me, eyes intent on my face.

“You’re not wearing any makeup,” he said, his focus moving over my cheeks and down to my lips.

It didn’t surprise me that he noticed the change, because I usually did wear makeup to the office.

“Yeah, they’ll be doing it at the shoot.”

He exhaled. “I quite like your face without it.”

Well, okay then. I didn’t know what to say to that, so I simply continued my way inside the Merc. King slid in after me, and then we were off. The journey was quiet as I fidgeted with my hands, a little self-conscious now that he’d seen where I lived. It was one thing to casually mention it in conversation, but it was another to have him actually go there in person. I could feel him watching me out of the corner of my eye, but I didn’t look at him.

He must have sensed something was up with me when he asked, “What’s wrong, Alexis?”

There was something about him saying my name in the small confines of the back seat that made the skin on the back of my neck tingle. I flicked my eyes to his for a second before looking back out the window. “Nothing.”

“Don’t give me that. You’re not your usual chatty self. Out with it.”

I sighed and crossed one leg over the other, causing King’s attention to wander to my thighs for a moment. I was beginning to lose count of how many times he’d done that, and it made me swallow, hard. He was one of those real attentive types who picked up on body language. I could tell. I also wondered what he could read from me. Was I successful in hiding my attraction?

“I’m….” I began and then paused, feeling ridiculous. “This is stupid. I never make apologies for who I am or where I come from, but I just feel a bit embarrassed about my flat.”

“Your flat is lovely, Alexis.”

I pulled my lips through my teeth. “Thank you, but I mean the outside, not the inside. It’s probably because I’ve been to your place and seen how fancy it is. I bet you’ve never even stepped foot in a building like mine before in your life.”

He studied me, face drawn into a serious expression. I felt his shoulder brush mine when he said, “I haven’t, but what does that matter? You don’t always have to be stuck where you are. You can improve your life endlessly so long as you have the capability of doing it, and you, Alexis, have the capability. Don’t ever let anyone else tell you otherwise. But back to the matter at hand. You’re my friend — therefore, I don’t care where you live.”

I stared at him, dumbfounded and kind of flattered by all that stuff he said about my capabilities. I didn’t want him to know I was flattered, though, so I ignored his compliment and blundered on. “And that’s another thing. Isn’t it a bit weird that I’m your friend and I also work for you? Do you normally make friends with your PAs? Isn’t this, whatever we’re doing, against the rules?”

“That’s a lot of questions.”

“I need a lot of answers.”

He was close enough that I could feel his breath on my ear. “Okay, I’ll endeavour to give you some. First, I wouldn’t say it’s weird that we’re friends. It’s more out of the ordinary.”

“Same difference.”

“Let me finish.”

“Fine,” I huffed.

“Second, no, I don’t normally make friends with my PAs. In fact, I’d never planned to make friends with you. It just sort of happened. I like you. You make me laugh. And you’re different from the other people I know. Having you around makes the day that little bit more interesting. I enjoy the spontaneity of never quite knowing what you’re going to come out with next.” He paused to laugh gently. “And third, no, it’s not against the rules. I’m free to be friends with whomever I choose, employee or not.” He went quiet then, and I turned to see why he’d stopped talking.

His eyes looked…heated.

Now he whispered, his breath kissing my ear, “If I were to fuck you, it would be frowned upon, but it still wouldn’t be breaking the rules. I’m not your teacher or your college professor, Alexis.”




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