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Kiss Yesterday Goodbye: A Serenity Bay Novel by Danni Rose (15)


Several hours later they walked into the dining room.

Beth threw her arms around Jason. "Thank you!" The room was lit with candles and filled with flowers.

"It may be nine years later than we planned, but I don't want you to regret our marriage."

"I never will." She kissed him until her stomach rumbled. "Sorry, but the food smells so good. The aroma of the spices is making my mouth water. I smell basil, thyme, garlic…." She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the table, "Let's eat."

"I would never come between a woman and her food."

The wonderful aromas came from Lupita's pesto-stuffed pork chops, asparagus with parmesan and almonds, and orzo salad with basil flavored feta cheese. She told them to save room for the Italian Cream Cake from the shop, and Beth moaned. The meal was a culinary delight worthy of a five-star restaurant.

They wore matching smiles as they ate, talked, and made plans. Jason agreed he'd prefer a small, intimate ceremony with their families and friends who lived in Serenity Bay. After they returned from the honeymoon and moved to Chicago, they could have a second reception.

After dinner, Beth went to the parlor, and Jason went to his study. They called their family and friends to share the news of their marriage.

She called her mother first and smiled at her response.

"I am so happy for you. The two of you belong together."

"We wouldn't be if you hadn't sent that letter."

"Your father and I were wrong to interfere in your life. I can't tell you how much I regret forcing you to give up your son."

"We've put the past to rest. You should do the same."

"Darling, I love you very much. Now, I want to help. What can I do?"

Beth cleared her throat. "We don't have time for invitations and need someone to call our friends."

"I can do that. Have you put a guest list together?"

"We're working on it. I'll get it to you tomorrow."

They talked a while longer, and Beth's heart overflowed with love for her mother.

Next, she called Abbey.

Abbey asked, "Did you tell him—?"

"He's hired an investigator to search for our son." Beth then told her what they'd learned about Archer. "Father said he manipulated us to keep me in town and away from Jason. Then he took steps to make certain we could never find Daniel. Jason found the information when he broke into father's office."

Abbey laughed. "The plan worked?"

"Better than I expected."

"I'm glad the wine we drank when we came up with that plan didn't go to waste."

"We couldn't have found the information we need without your help." Beth asked, "Will you be my maid of honor?"

"I'd be proud to stand with you. Someone has to keep you from climbing out the bathroom window."

After they'd laughed, Beth said, "Nothing—and no one—will stop me from marrying him."

"I'm so happy for you and a little envious."

"Someday you'll find your Prince Charming."

"Yes, because there are so many of them running around Serenity Bay." Abbey laughed. "What will happen with the shop?"

Beth explained her plan to keep the shop in Serenity Bay open and establish a new shop in Chicago. She asked Abbey if she would move with her to manage the Chicago location.

"Yes!" Abbey squealed. "I've been a little restless and have wanted an adventure, but I didn't want to leave you."

They chatted awhile longer and agreed to talk the next day.

Her last call was to Erik.

He announced, "I will create the wedding cake of your dreams. It will be so beautiful, you won't want to cut it."

She laughed and thanked him. "Erik, you're the best. That's why I want you to take over management of the shop in Serenity Bay." Beth explained her plans.

He thought a new shop was a great idea, but asked, "You won't do the baking, will you?"

With a laugh, Beth assured him she planned to hire a baker.

Erik promised not to disappoint her. "I have a few ideas I'd like to discuss."

She smiled at his excitement and knew she'd made a good decision.

After they finished their calls, Jason and Beth sat on the patio with glasses of wine.

"How did your family take the news?" she asked.

"Mom and Dad couldn't be happier. Callie can't wait to be the best woman, but she's disappointed there won't be time for a bachelor party."

"Do they know our history?"

He brushed the back of her neck. "I told them we spent time together and made peace with our past. Then we fell in love again, and I begged you to marry me. I thought it best to wait to tell them about Daniel."

"What if they hate me for giving him away?"

"You were eighteen and survived an experience that could have broken you. Instead, you built a good life for yourself while you searched for our son. It's time to forgive yourself." He ran his thumb in circles on her palm. "The reason I thought it best not to tell them about Daniel yet is that I don't want to disappoint them if we don't find him."

"I agree." She kissed his chin. "With such short notice, will they be able to attend the wedding?"

"They're flying in tomorrow—"

"Tomorrow?" She jumped to her feet. "They can't come tomorrow. I need time to prepare. What if they don't like me or think I'm not good enough for you?"

"They'll love you." He pulled her onto his lap. "There is only one person whose opinion should concern you."


"Mine." With a sexy grin, he took her lips in a sweet kiss that soon turned hot and needy.

Morning came too soon. Beth couldn't decide which outfit to wear and changed clothes three times before she chose. It didn't matter what she wore. His family knew their past and had to be unhappy with Jason's decision to marry her. They were coming to stop the wedding. What's the proper attire to wear to get a heart broken?

Unable to delay any longer, she went to the breakfast room. She pushed her food around her plate and guzzled coffee. Jason tried to reassure her, but her fear made it impossible to relax.

Lupita came in to tell them his family had arrived. Beth held his hand as they walked out to greet them.

Jason whispered, "Could you let the blood flow to my fingers."

"Oh. Sorry." Beth apologized but couldn't loosen her grip.

Jason laughed. She swallowed to keep from losing the little food she'd eaten.

Outside, she stood at Jason's side and dug her nails into the arm he had around her waist. His family got out of the car, and she wondered if it was too late to hide in the bathroom.

"Jason." A young woman jumped into his arms. "It's about time my big brother got his head—"

"Callie." The woman, an older version of Jason's sister, shook her head. "Beth, excuse my daughter. Words pour out of her mouth before her brain is engaged."

She laughed with the others.

"Hi, Tiger. I'm glad you're here." He set Callie on her feet. "Beth, this is Matt and Helen Richards, and my little sister, Callie."

Helen beamed as she pulled Beth into a tight hug and said, "Grandchildren."

There were chuckles around them while a new set of arms pulled her into a crushing embrace. She looked into Matt's face.

"Welcome to the family." With a smile, he kissed her cheek. "We haven't stopped smiling since Jason told us you agreed to marry him."

Matt rolled his eyes when Callie tugged on his arm.

"My turn." She pulled Beth into a bear hug. "I admire your courage."

Beth frowned. "Courage?"

"You've agreed to marry the man others call a cold-blooded shark."

He winked at Beth. "I told you I swim with the sharks."

She laughed with the family and then said, "How about coffee, or would you like something else?"

The response was unanimous. "Coffee."

After Lupita set out coffee and pastries, they talked, laughed, and got to know each other.

Helen clapped her hands. "We don't have a lot of time to prepare for the wedding, but we can get it done if we have a plan."

Beth laughed. "Now I know where Jason got his obsession with making plans."             

 Everyone, even Jason, laughed until Helen said, "I've scheduled a visit to a wedding boutique tomorrow."

"There isn't one in Serenity Bay." Beth's eyebrows drew together. "Are we going to drive to Minneapolis?"

"We're flying to Chicago."

"Chicago?" Beth said, "But my mother and Abbey—"

Helen held up a hand. "Jason gave me their names and telephone numbers. I called them last night. Abbey will be here for dinner and stay overnight. Then we'll pick up Deidre on the way to the airport."

Beth sat wide-eyed and listened to Helen's plans. She took charge with the force of a tornado sucking in everything in its path.

Helen patted her hand. "Let me tell you about the day we have planned for you. We'll spend the day at the boutique. A friend of mine, Wendy Rand, is a well-known wedding planner and has agreed to organize your day. She'll help you decide on flowers, decorations, dinner, and whatever else you need. Once you've made your choices, she'll make sure everything gets done."

Beth's mouth dropped. Jason put a finger under her chin to close it. Then he kissed her.

They planned a late supper so Abbey could join them. While they waited, the family settled into their rooms. Beth and Jason used the time to put together their guest list.

A short time later, Helen returned with an armful of bride magazines. She told Beth, "Look through these for ideas for your dress, the meal, flowers, and whatever else you would like to have."

After she looked at two magazines, the wedding dresses began to look alike. When Abbey arrived, Beth pulled her into the living room. She gave Abbey a magazine and told her to pick a dress.

The best part of the day came when they gathered for dinner. Beth felt as comfortable with Jason's family as she did with her friends from the shop. They talked and joked and enjoyed being together. She laughed most at the stories they shared about Jason.

When Helen winked at her, Beth smothered a chuckle. She'd already learned what a sense of humor Helen possessed. "Beth, do you know any nice, single men you could introduce to Callie? If we don't find her a husband soon, she may never give me grandchildren."

Everyone laughed, except Callie. Her response was a long, drawn out, "Mother."

The next day, while they waited to board the plane, Beth clamped her hands together.

"What's wrong?" Helen slid an arm around her.

She shrugged. "I appreciate all your help, but it will be impossible to have dresses fitted or find a caterer in time for the wedding. Even though we talked Jason into a short delay, the ceremony is a week from Saturday, and no one can meet that deadline."

"There isn't a florist, dress designer, or caterer who wouldn't kill to be part of the whirlwind wedding of billionaire J.D. Richards to Elizabeth Kingsley." Callie laughed.

"I keep forgetting he's J.D. Richards." The heat of a blush washed over Beth's face.

Helen said, "The planner has five caterers scheduled to come in to present their menu suggestions for dinner. She also has several florists who will suggest flowers and arrangements, and the shop we'll be at carries one-of-a-kind designer dresses including several you saw in those magazines."

"What if I embarrass him?"

Helen put an arm around her. "You could never upset him. Jason doesn't care about his image or what others think. He wants you to have the wedding of your dreams."

Beth blinked back her tears.

Her day in Chicago was both wonderful and crazy. She dealt with caterers, florists, and dresses in one day. It was an overwhelming task that couldn't have been done without Helen and the wedding planner. They had ideas and suggestions to transform the house and garden into a wonderland.

While Beth tried on another dress, Callie and Abbey walked up with identical smiles too innocent to believe. "What trouble have you two caused?"

"No trouble." Abbey laughed.

Callie said, "We have a gift for you."

Together they held up the sexiest negligee she'd ever seen. A sheer chiffon and lace confection with embroidered silk and pearl flowers in places to tease the imagination.

Abbey smirked and said, "If Jason doesn't lose his ability to speak the minute he sees you in this, the man is not human."

Beth grinned. "Not only will he be speechless, but he'll be on his knees before the sun rises."

That sent the women into side-shaking laughter.

After much debate, Beth picked a strapless wedding gown made of chiffon over satin created by a designer whose clothes she'd always admired. She loved the pearls and embroidery that covered the bodice of the dress and cascaded in a waterfall down the left side of the skirt. Beth chose a white satin and lace corset and thong. Her face heated when she imagined Jason taking them off—one piece at a time.

For Abbey, they picked a sleek, satin strapless dress in a burgundy. With her darker skin, the effect was dramatic and stunning. Deidre and Helen decided they wanted to wear floor-length dresses and found gowns that complemented the colors Beth had chosen.

As Jason's best woman, Callie intended to wear a tuxedo. Helen shook her head and said, "She's responsible for every gray hair on my head."

Happy but tired, the ladies flew back to Serenity Bay. Beth didn't believe they could plan a wedding in one day, but they'd done it. What made it special, though, was spending time with the amazing women of her family.

The one bump in the plans happened after Beth decided not to have her father escort her to Jason. Archer called to object to her decision. "I am your father. People will talk if I don't deliver you to Richards."

"This is our wedding, and we'll do what makes us happy. I don't want a show to impress your friends or business associates."

"How can you humiliate your family like this?"

"Goodbye, Father."

For years she'd tried to win his love, but now she knew the truth. He didn't love her and considered her a mistake, a disappointment. She refused to settle for the crumbs he tossed or put up with his abusive temper. Jason may not love her, but he respected her and treated her better than her father ever had.

The day of the wedding, Beth woke with a smile. She looked out the window to a morning bathed in sunshine. The day couldn't be more perfect. The ceremony was scheduled for the late afternoon to give the caterer, decorator, and others time to prepare.

From her window, Beth saw the trellis covered with organza, roses, and stargazer lilies, her favorite flowers. A few days earlier, Marco had strung crystal star-shaped lights that created rainbows when the sun reflected off them in the trees and bushes. After the sun set, the lighted stars sparkled and created a fairytale atmosphere.

They prepared the ballroom for the reception and dancing. It was an elegant room with a large Victorian crystal chandelier and three walls of windows from the ceiling to floor. She was eager to see how the room looked with the white, gauzy organza draped over the walls and windows. The tables were to have floral arrangements made with the same white roses and stargazer lilies used in her bouquet.

Beth hugged Erik when she saw the cake. He had created a three layer masterpiece of white chocolate cake with a raspberry cream between the layers. The design on the frosting matched the lace and pearls on her dress. On top of the cake, Erik placed a crystal cake topper of a bride and groom dancing under a heart-shaped trellis.

Abbey and Lupita had both insisted on overseeing the caterer's work. "They might be the best, but they need someone around to deal with crises," Abbey said. Beth felt sorry for the caterer. The dinner menu was a leg of lamb stuffed with goat cheese, truffle potatoes au gratin, and candied ginger carrots. They had champagne and wine flown in from Jason's personal wine cellar.

In the afternoon, after a soak in a lavender scented bath, Beth dressed with Abbey and Callie's help. While Callie fastened the tiny buttons at her back, they teased Beth.

"Do you think Jason will have the patience to undo the buttons?" asked Abbey.

Callie leered. "Not if he knows what she's wearing under the dress."

They laughed.

Beth stared at the woman in her mirror and brushed a finger over her face. Her eyes sparkled. No risk was too great to be with Jason, not even a broken heart.

 Soon it was time to begin the next chapter of her life. Beth stood at the door to the garden. The butterflies in her stomach had returned and waged a war. Then she saw Jason. He watched her and wore a bright smile on his lips. He hadn't said the words, but she felt his love in the way he cared for her, supported her, and encouraged her. She returned his smile and walked to the man who owned her heart.

When she reached Jason, he kissed her hand and pulled her close. They listened to the minister. He spoke of patience and understanding, friendship and trust, and he spoke of love. Neither of their smiles wavered during the ceremony. Then it was time to exchange vows. They had agreed that they wanted to write their own.

Jason held the wedding band she had treasured for nine years. He kissed it then slipped it onto her finger. "Beth, you are my angel, my love, and my joy. You are everything good and true in my life. I fell in love with you the day we met and will love you until the day I die."

Her lips trembled. He loved her. She gave him a shaky smile and slid the gold band on his finger. "Jason, I promise to be your friend, your wife, and your lover. I will laugh with you, support you, and love you every day of my life. I will be by your side in good times and bad because my heart and soul are yours—forever."


The minister pronounced them husband and wife. With those words, the fear that Beth might change her mind vanished and Jason's smile widened.

"At last you're mine." With love and joy flooding his heart, he lifted Beth into his arms and kissed her until he needed air. Pleased with the dazed look in her eyes, he kissed her again until the laughter and applause reminded him of their audience. After one last kiss, he whispered, "Later."

They turned to the guests to be introduced as husband and wife. Jason lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. The guests stood and cheered with one exception—Archer.

After a last kiss, they raced up the aisle to the open lawn. Then Jason lifted Beth and spun in a circle. She threw her arms wide and laughed while her dress billowed around them.

They held hands as they went to the ballroom to receive good wishes and congratulations. So many cameras flashed, he had to blink to get rid of the spots in his eyes. The best part of having their picture taken was the excuse it gave him to kiss Beth.

By the time they sat for dinner, one thought consumed him. How soon can I get Beth alone?

After the waiters served their salads, Jason watched Beth push her food around her plate. Worried, he asked, "What's wrong?"

She looked at him with tears that glistened on her eyelashes. "I never thought this day would come. I am so happy and love you so much."

"Angel, I love you too, always have, and always will." He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her to the delight of the guests who cheered for more. So he kissed her again and laughed when she blushed. "Now, no more tears. Eat. You need to keep up your stamina for tonight."

After dinner, a band replaced the quartet. Jason led her to the open floor, and they danced wrapped in each other's arms. As Jason turned Beth, he saw Gabriel off to the side of the room. When they finished their dance, they went to welcome him.

Jason smiled. "We're glad you could be here."

"The wedding isn't the reason for this visit." Gabriel shook Jason's hand and kissed Beth's cheek. He rubbed his chin. "I thought of waiting until after your honeymoon…."

 Beth tightened her fingers around Jason's hand. "… but this was too important."


"Let's go to my study." Jason lifted Beth's chin and whispered, "Whatever happens, we'll deal with it together."

She gave him a shaky smile. In the study, they sat and waited.

Gabriel rubbed the back of his neck. "Let me tell you what I know before you ask questions."

They nodded, and Beth moved closer to Jason.

"We tried to track down the adoptive parents with the name and information you gave us, but we couldn't find them. I wanted to try the hospitals again. This time I sent in a female operative. She got them to let her read Beth's records. In a file, she found a notation—a name—Addison. It could be the name of the adopting parents."

Gabriel scrubbed a hand over his face. "I decided it was time to check the information in Woodson's records. I took two of my men with me and paid a midnight visit to his office. He has a walk-in vault for his files. There are hundreds of files. We looked through a handful. It was enough to confirm that Woodson works with couples desperate for children and who will pay anything to adopt."

Jason asked, "Are you certain they're sales and not expensive adoptions?"

"Woodson keeps very detailed records," Gabriel said. "His fees are outrageous. Then, after a couple has a child, he blackmails them. He threatens to inform the authorities about the illegal adoption if they refuse to pay."

She gasped. "How does he get away with it?"

"There are people so desperate for children they will pay any price. He's arranged adoptions for some influential people who protect him."

"Why would people take such a risk?" She asked.

Gabriel's eyes darkened. "How much would you pay to get your son back?"

Beth and Jason looked at each other.

Gabriel shrugged. "Anyway, we got into his files and confirmed the information my operative found in the hospital records. The couple who adopted Daniel was Julia and Jeff Addison. I photographed the information and left the file in the vault. I don't want Woodson to know we're on to him, at least, not yet."

"Have you located the Addisons?" Jason frowned. "Wait. What do you mean was?"

Gabriel ran his hand over his face. "There was a car crash."

"Oh, my God!" Beth gasped. "Daniel…"

"Daniel is fine. He was with a babysitter."

Jason shuddered. "What happened?"

"The Addisons were out for the evening. It was winter, and the roads were slippery. A truck lost control, crossed into their lane. Their car was demolished. They died at the scene of the accident."

Jason asked, "Was it an accident?"

Gabriel rolled his shoulders. "Good question."

Beth asked, "What happened to Daniel?"

"He had no other family, so he went into foster care. That happened a year and a half ago. I talked to my contact at Department of Children and Families to find out where he's living now. She's his caseworker."

Jason asked, "Do you think he's safe?"

"She's vigilant about safe placements for foster children."

"I'm sorry about the Addisons." Jason ran a hand through his hair. "But if Daniel is in foster care, we can file for custody without concern about a court fight or taking him from an adoptive family."

Jason looked at Beth. "How would you feel if we postpone our honeymoon?"

"Thank you." She squeezed his hand. "Gabriel, what can we do about Woodson? We can't let him continue to swindle people who want a family."

Gabriel's eyes narrowed and every muscle in his body tensed. "Don't worry about him. I'll make sure he gets what he deserves."

Jason hoped he was never on the receiving end of that look.

The door flew open and Archer stomped into the study. Deidre raced after him. "Archer, please stay out of this. You agreed not to interfere."

"Did you think I meant it?" He turned to Gabriel. "Mr. Michael. I guess you didn't take my second warning any better than you did the first."

Jason's eyebrows pulled together. "There was a second warning?"

Gabriel shrugged. "I'd left my office when two men stopped me. They suggested I drop my investigation. I wasn't certain who sent them until now." He laughed. "Did you think two third-rate thugs could make me give up the search? It backfired, Mr. Kingsley. Like I told your messenger boys, I don't give up a case once I've agreed to take it."

"Elizabeth, you will stop this investigation." Archer raged. "If you don't, you will ruin all I've worked for."

She glared at her father. "You'll do anything to protect your inflated opinion of yourself, won't you?"

"I will not allow your bastard to be part of this family."

Deidre put her hand on his arm. "Archer, you promised."

He jerked his arm so hard Deidre lost her balance and fell to the floor.

She looked up at him, her mouth open, and her eyes filled with tears.

 "Mother!" Beth ran to her.

Jason and Gabriel grabbed Archer.

He struggled to get free. "Let go of me. What do you think you're doing?"

She held her mother's hand. "Are you hurt?"

Tears ran from Deidre's eyes. She sobbed, "No."

"Deidre, we'll take you home." Jason said, "You can pack whatever you need and come back here."

"It wouldn't be right. You were just married and don't need your mother-in-law living with you. I'll get a room somewhere."

Jason shook his head. "We'd worry about your safety. If you're here, Archer won't be able to get through my security."

"Please, Mother."

"If you promise not to change your plans, I'll stay."

Another knock at the door. Jason grimaced. Now what?

His parents walked in and saw Deidre on the floor. They rushed to her, and Helen asked, "What happened?"

Beth pointed to Archer. "His temper is out of control, again."

 Helen and Matt helped Deidre to her feet. "Jason, you need to return to your guests. We'll take care of Deidre. Why don't we take her upstairs?"

"No!" Beth said, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell. We have to take mother home to pack, and then she'll come back to stay here."

"We'll go with her." Helen patted Beth's arm. "You return to your guests."

Matt nodded. "We can help Deidre collect whatever she needs. If Marco is with us, we won't be any danger."

Jason asked Gabriel, "Would you keep Kingsley away from his house until Deidre leaves?"

Gabriel's scowl promised retaliation if Archer bothered Deidre. "My pleasure."

Jason shrugged a shoulder. "After that, you can take him home or dump him in a ditch, the choice is yours."

Helen handed her purse to Beth. "There's powder and lipstick in there. Deidre, do you need a minute?"

"I'm fine, just shaken. I'd like to go now."

Beth returned Helen's purse. "Thank you."

Deidre put an arm around Beth, "I'm sorry this happened. But don't let Archer ruin your day. Don't give him the power to hurt you. This day should be a happy memory." Deidre glared at Archer, lifted her chin, and walked out.

Jason squeezed Beth's hand. "We don't have to return to the reception."

"Yes, we do. Mother is right. I won't let Archer ruin the happiest day of my life. Besides, I want to dance with you again."

"I love you." He brushed his fingers over her cheek. "Maybe we can get the band to play a jitterbug."




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