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Kit Davenport: The Complete Series by Tate James (203)


The woman staring back at me from the mirror didn’t look any different. I mean... I didn’t think she did. I was still me, still sarcastic, coffee obsessed Kit Davenport. Except now I was Mrs. Kit Davenport.

How odd.

Marrying six guys at the same time had sort of made it a no brainer to keep my own surname, but still. The “Mrs” felt strange. Getting married had just never really been on my radar, not even before I fell in love with six men.

But here we were.

I glanced down at my hand gripping the edge of the sink and inspected the glittering ring on my finger. The band curved slightly to frame the gorgeous antique ring that River had given me and was made up of six precious stones. One for each of the guys.

Sappy, I know, but it had done all sorts of crazy things to my insides when Cole had explained it to me. They each chose the stones themselves and embedded them with a little piece of their magics, so I was literally carrying a piece of them with me.

“Married,” I murmured under my breath, turning my hand from side to side and watching my wedding band sparkle and glitter under the bathroom lights. “I’m officially a married woman.”

“Is that okay with you?” Vali asked from the doorway, causing me to jump a little. How long had he been standing there while I was lost in thought?

I met his granite gaze in the mirror and quirked a half smile. “So long as you don’t suddenly expect me to start squirting out baby Ban Dia’s then I think we should be fine.”

A small grin touched his own lips, and his eyes held mine. “You have nothing to worry about there, draga. We all remember Bridget’s Ban Dia anatomy lesson, so you have a whole two hundred and seventy something years before that will become a question.” His gaze heated. “But in the meantime we sure could have fun practicing, don’t you think?”

He pushed off the door frame and stepped closer to me as my breath hitched. The way he was looking at me... it was like I was the only woman on the whole planet. Like I really was the center of his universe.

Heat rushed to my core and I clenched my thighs as he stood behind me, still not breaking eye contact in the mirror.

“Like right now?” I asked in a breathy, aroused voice. My breathing had sped up, causing my breasts to strain against the low cut neckline of my wedding gown. The movement caught Vali’s attention and he broke our stare off just long enough to take a good look, then grin wickedly.

His head dipped low, pressing a feather light kiss to the bend of my neck and making me shudder with desire. “Is that what you want, regina mea? You want me to take you right here over this sink?” His fingers touched the long skirt of my dress, slowly gathering it up in his hands until he touched the bare skin of my thighs.

“Yes,” I gasped as his lips caressed my earlobe, sucking it lightly into his mouth then releasing it. “Yes, let’s do that.”

“What about the others?” He asked lightly, even as he lifted my dress even higher to expose the lacy white thong I wore underneath.

I bit my lip to hold back a moan as his fingers pushed the thin fabric aside and stroked over the slickness between my thighs. “We have eternity,” I replied, bending forward to push myself back on his hand. “And our wedding night still has hours left in it. Let them wait.”

Vali’s wicked grin spread wider and he slipped a finger inside me. “Suits me. Now bend over more.”

Eagerly, I did as I was told, shifting my hands to the back of the vanity to hold on as he stripped the lace thong off my ass and left me bare. He didn’t make me wait long, though, before his fingers replaced my clothing. He stroked my throbbing pussy, from clit to ass, spreading my own lube around and making me quiver with anticipation.

“Fucking hell, draga,” he murmured, kissing my neck as two fingers dipped inside me and made me moan. “How did I get so lucky?” It seemed like a rhetorical question, so my only response was to push back harder onto his hand. I was more than ready for him.

“Vali...” I groaned as his fingers worked me over a bit longer. He knew what I wanted, though, and his other huge hand left my hip just long enough to undo his own clothing.

Moments later, his fingers withdraw and the tip of his hot, hard cock nudges at my opening. His eyes meet mine in the mirror once more, and I give him an eager nod.

After almost two years together, I’d grown more than accustomed to his impressive size and I knew my own body. Right now, I was more than ready to take him without lube and he knew it.

A low grunt escaped Vali’s throat as he slowly eased inside me, and I had to force myself not to clench around him. Not yet, anyway. No matter how many times we did this, though, it was always the same. The intense, almost borderline painful feeling of his monstrous cock pushing into me had me panting on the edge of orgasm before he even made it fully inside.

“Holy fuck, regina,” he panted as he reached my limit, pausing and adjusting his grip on my hips. “You kill me.”

“Ditto,” I gasped out, grinning as I met his tortured gaze in the glass. “Now, please, for the love of coffee beans... fuck me like you own me.”

That was clearly the right thing to say, as he released a primal, dragonish growl and swiftly pulled back only to slam back into me with enough force to make me cry out. My hands gripped tight to the porcelain beside the faucets, hanging on for dear life as he did exactly what I wanted him to do. Fucked me like he damn well owned me.

The irony of it was satisfying in ways I couldn’t even fully comprehend. The first time we had met, Vali had purchased me in a slave auction... so technically...

“I do own you, my queen,” he told me in a harsh voice, gripping my hair and pulling my face back up to meet his gaze as he fucked me hard over the sink. “Just as you own me. Body and soul.”

I moaned then, twisting in his grip to kiss him harshly. It was the perfect thing to say, and it pushed me over the edge into orgasm right as his fingers found my clit under the bunched up fabric of my dress. Stars exploded in my vision, and my legs trembled so hard I thought I might collapse, but he wasn’t finished yet.

“Let me finish you off,” I demanded, and he pumped into me three more times—soaking up the aftershocks of my orgasm—before pulling out and releasing me so I could turn around and sink to my knees in front of him.

My tongue darted out and licked my lips, wetting them before they parted wide.

Vali cursed under his breath in his native Romanian as he peered down at me, his huge dick gripped by the base in his hand. I waited there on my knees, mouth open, as he slowly guided his slick, wet length to my lips.

I could taste myself on him as I sucked him in deep, and he groaned loudly. His hands went to my hair, fingers tangling in my copper red curls as I slid my mouth up and down the portion of his cock I could handle. The rest, I wrapped my hand around and moved my palm in sync with my lips so that no part was left out.

Regina, love, I’m going to come,” he breathed out after just a few minutes. I didn’t stop what I was doing though, as there was something insanely sexy about feeling my men coming in my mouth. Or, I should say, my husbands.

Reaching up, I cupped his balls with my other hand, fondling them as I kept sucking on his cock. Within moments his hot seed was filling my mouth and I needed to swallow several times before he was done.

“Gods above and below, that was...” Vali trailed off with a moan as I released his cock from my mouth and wiped my face on a hand towel. Say what you will, but blowing a dick that size always caused a bit of a mess.

“A massive tease?” Wesley finished the sentence for him, and we both looked to the open doorway where both Wesley and River had clearly been watching for a while—if the hardness in their suit pants was any indication.

Both Vali and I laughed lightly, with that shaky sort of post-sex euphoria.

“Only a tease if I don’t follow through.” I raised my brows at them both in clear invitation, climbing up off my knees and perching my ass on the edge of the vanity. “So? Anyone feel like consummating their marriage?” Grinning like a saucy vixen—or at least, that’s what I was aiming for—I raised my wedding dress skirts back up to my waist and spread my legs wide.

Wesley and River exchanged a quick look, but it was Wes who took me up on my offer while River remained where he was, leaning on the doorframe and watching with hungry eyes.

“Hi husband,” I purred as Wes slid his hands up the outsides of my thighs and stepped into the gap between.

His head dipped, capturing my lips with his own and kissing me with an unhurried ease. Our tongues met, dancing together with familiarity and I groaned against him.

“Hello wife,” he replied when he finally broke from my kiss. His sure hands had found their way to my ass, and he pulled me closer to the edge of the vanity. “We might have to be quick…”

“Fine by me,” I said, not waiting to hear why we needed to be quick. Who cared? I was totally focused on one thing. Getting Wesley’s cock buried deep inside me as soon as humanly—or inhumanly—possible.

My hands moved to his pants, freeing his erection and stroking down his velvet hardness.

Wesley groaned, kissing the side of my neck as my hand worked him up and down for a moment before I wiggled forward and guided him to my core. Once he was lined up, I released him and leaned back on the vanity, spreading my legs wider still to allow River and Vali to see as much as they wanted while Wes sank ever so slowly into my depths.

“Gods,” River muttered in a strangled tone from the doorway directly opposite the vanity where I sat. “This will never get old.”

“Agreed,” Vali chuckled. He was leaning against the sink just beside me. Close enough to touch.

The darkly handsome Romanian met my eyes briefly and gave a wicked smirk before reaching over and tugging the front of my dress down. It didn’t require much effort and my breasts were spilling free. I’d skipped wearing a bra, thanks to the inbuilt cups of the dress, so there was nothing to cover my pert nipples when the dress was gone.

Wesley grunted softly as he thrust into me, leaning in and capturing a nipple between his lips and sending ripples of pleasure rolling through me.

Vali must have been feeling all sorts of mischievous, though, because I caught a long look between him and River right before he slipped a hand down between Wes and I to toy with my clit.

“Fucking God of coffee,” I gasped out, looking down at his hand between my legs. I couldn’t help it, I wanted to see him torturing me as Wesley’s cock thrust in and out of my cunt.

It could have been my imagination, but I swore Vali’s other fingers were stroking the side of Wesley’s shaft as he moved. Whether he actually was or not, the idea had me shuddering into an orgasm in no time.

My pussy clenched tight around Wesley and I tipped my head back as I screamed my release. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I pulled him in harder against me and trapped Vali’s hand in there with us. Wes was powerless to stop himself as he pumped faster and harder, coming with a satisfied groan before I let them both go.

“Alpha?” I looked over at River through heavy lids, running my tongue across my lips and feeling my chest heaving. Wesley pulled out and handed me a washcloth. Such a gentleman.

River sucked in a sharp breath, his hand resting on the hardness in his pants. “We’ve probably already taken too long,” he murmured, shooting a glare at Vali.

“Don’t blame me,” Vali said with a smirk, “I came in to tell her Lucy had news but then she was all bent over the sink and...” he trailed off with a shrug like he couldn’t have honestly been expected to do anything else.

“Wait,” I just processed what he’s said. “Lucy has news? About the Hellhound thing?”

River nodded, but his eyes were burning pools of gold and his pupils dilated. “I’m sure it’s nothing urgent though. She could wait a little longer.”

Wesley made a sound somewhere between a cough and a smug laugh. “Actually, she looked like it was urgent.”

My brows shot up. “She’s here? In person?”

Lucy’s angel pals had been doing everything possible to keep her busy in their own realm, so I barely ever got to hang out with her anymore. After the wedding earlier, she’d said she probably wouldn’t get back for another month. So, if she was here now, it must be important.

“To be continued,” I promised River as I smoothed my skirts back down and hunted the floor for my thong. When I located it, I frowned. “How the hell did you get those without me noticing?”

The scrap of white lace was hanging from River’s fingertips as he grinned at me. “Magic,” he replied and I rolled my eyes.

“Whatever. I’m starting to think even wearing underwear in the first place is becoming a waste of time.” I sounded pissed off, so I softened the words by kissing him firmly, then doing the same to Wes and Vali. Just for good measure.

After our surprise wedding in Paris, we’d portaled to this stunning house on a secluded beach in the middle of damn nowhere. I think Caleb had said it was somewhere in the Caribbean, but it was a private island and we were the only inhabitants right now so if I needed to spend the whole week nude, I could.

“Lucifer?” I called out as I made my way back through the house to the sunroom. “What’s up? And did you bring me any angel cake?”

Angel cake was not just a fancy type of bakery name. It was literally cake baked by angels and it taste heavenly. That wasn’t even a pun. It really was the best thing I’d ever tasted... coffee excluded. Although, I suspected I liked it so much because it was a rich vanilla and coffee flavor.

“Yes, you bloody cake addict,” she replied, rolling her eyes and handing over the Tupperware box she was holding. Good. Smart. Cole and Caleb were both seated on the couch and were watching the box of cake in a similar way to how River and Wesley had just watched Vali fuck me. With unashamed hunger.

Lucy and I had learned pretty quickly that those two loved angel cake just as much as me, so if it was left unattended for even a minute, it would disappear.

Damn scavengers.

“Hello old friend,” I groaned, sitting my ass down on Caleb’s lap and opening the box of cake. He held up a fork for me, which I gratefully accepted, and I noticed both he and Cole had their own ready. The two of them were practically salivating, waiting for me to open the box.

“Hey!” Lucy snapped her fingers in front of my face and her massive wings rustled. “Important information here, remember?”

“Sorry,” I mumbled around a massive mouthful of cake, “Hit me. What have you found?”

Before she can reply, I need to smack both Cole and Caleb away from my cake. We had rules dammit. They had to wait until I’d had at least five bites before they could start, otherwise the whole thing was gone too damn fast.

“I never should have introduced you three to angel cake,” Lucy groaned, flopping down in an armchair and letting her wings drape over the arms. Somewhere on her shimmering angel robe, a phone started ringing and she groaned with frustration. “Hold that thought.” She held a finger up in the air, then scrambled out of her seat to take her call out on the balcony.

In her absence, I took a huge forkful of cake and stuffed it into my mouth with a groan not totally dissimilar to the ones I’d been making in the bathroom moments before.

“Well when you make it sound that good, maybe I should give it another try,” Austin mused, his heated gaze on my cake. Or me. Hard to tell. Either way…

“Fuck off, there’s not enough cake here for everyone.” I squinted a warning at him as I cradled the box closer to my chest. It was admittedly a huge cake by anyone else’s standards. But I’d seen these guys eat. There was not enough cake.

I should have known by now, though, that Austin would view my refusal as a challenge.

Stalking over to me, he sat in the gap between Caleb and Cole then lifted me—and the cake—into his lap.

“Hey, what the hell bro?” Caleb grumbled, poking his twin in the arm with his yet unused fork.

Austin smirked back at him, his hands somehow ending up underneath my dress. “Princess, did you lose your panties somewhere?”

“As if that’s a shock,” I replied, rolling my eyes and jerking my head to River who just shrugged. Carefully, I licked every last piece of cake off my fork before digging it in for another bite. Austin groaned quietly, his eyes hooded and focused on my lips, while Cole swore under his breath.

“What?” I frowned at them.

“You eating angel-cake is almost as sexual as when you haven’t had coffee in ages,” Cole informed me. “Made even worse considering we just heard what you were doing in the bathroom.”

“Can I have some?” Austin asked, and it took me a moment to work out he was talking about the cake sitting poised on my fork. Because I’m an asshole, too, I brought the fork up to his mouth as though I was actually going to give him a bite… before whipping it away and into my own mouth with a smug chuckle.

Austin barely waited for me to swallow before crushing his lips to mine. His tongue swirled my mouth, tangling with mine and stealing the remaining flavor of angel-cake from my lips.

I didn’t even care.

My belly flipped and my thighs tightened around the hand he’d somehow managed to slip between them as his fingers teased at my still swollen pussy.

“Ahem,” Lucy snapped, and Austin reluctantly released me.

“That’s good cake,” he murmured with a smug smile. “I’ll need more of that later.”

Somehow, I didn’t think he meant the cake.

“If we could have a little bit of focus here?” Lucy scowled at the two of us, and I slapped Austin’s hand out from under my skirt. Lucy gave us a warning glare, then flopped back down into her chair again. “Okay so, you know how I’d filed a research request with the archive keeper?”

I nodded with a small frown. “Yeah, like over a year ago?”

“Uh huh,” she confirmed with an annoyed pinch to her brows. Angels, like babdh, existed almost entirely on their own realm, so time moved a bit differently for them. Lucy had made it her personal mission to work out why the Four Horsemen had been involved in our battle with Bridget, and more importantly: why they’d referred to River as Fenrir.

“So, they finally granted access.” She dropped that little information bomb then just sat there grinning like a cat that got the cream. Dramatic bitch.

I quickly swallowed my mouthful and waved to the boys that they could start. “Okay, and you must have found something or you wouldn’t be here with that gloaty look on your face, cherub.”

She scowled at me. “I’m not a cherub.”

“Lucy,” River prompted from where he stood with his arms crossed tightly. The white cotton of his shirt was straining so hard over his biceps it looked like it was about to tear, but that was something to explore at another time.

“Sorry,” she apologised, giving him a small look of... pity? Uh oh. This wasn’t good. “Okay, so I had them pull every file I could even think of that might be remotely related to your case and—”

“My case?” He cut her off. “What case?”

She grimaced. “Ah yeah, I’ll get to that. So, anyway. I had some friends helping me comb through the archive files and we worked out why that Horseman dick-breath called you Fenrir.” She paused again, definitely for dramatic effect.

“Lucy...” River growled her name this time, and his eyes flickered with just a touch of hellfire.

“Ah yeah, maybe not time to drag it out, Lucifer. What did you discover?” I gave her a spit-it-the-fuck-out glare to hurry her along.

She huffed and folded her arms. “Okay so, the abridged version is that back in the dark ages Fenrir—father of wolves and son of Loki—supposedly killed Odin, then in turn got killed by one of Odin’s kids. Right?” I nodded and River murmured something to the same effect.

Since the battle in Bolivia, we had all done our fair share of Norse mythology research, trying to work out how the fuck Fenrir would be connected to the Horsemen. One of them had called River brother which implied more than a casual acquaintance.

“Right,” Lucy continued. “Well what the human version of history doesn’t include was that Víðarr—Odin’s son—was fucking around with a Fallen by the name of Lahash. She’s known for interfering with divine will, so when Víðarr went after Fenrir to kill him, she convinced him to follow a different path.” She paused, this time to just draw a breath. “From what we can understand—because once beings enter the Hell dimension, record keeping gets a bit murky—instead of killing Fenrir, Víðarr let Lahash transform him into the first ever Hellhound.”

There is a long silence in the room as we all soak in this new information.

“So that explains how Fenrir ended up a Hellhound, but why did the Horsemen call him brother?” Wesley asked, his brow furrowing in confusion. “And how did the Hellhound end up as a part of River, if that’s what we’re to draw from this?”

“Yes!” Lucy bobbed her head, “That’s exactly what we think is happening. So Fenrir became the first Hellhound, but Lahash was pretty fond of punishing people with eternal servitudes as denizens of Hell and soon picked up four more pets.”

“The Four Horsemen,” Austin muttered, and Lucy nodded again.

“I didn’t really go into the whole story of who they originally were because I figured it wasn’t super relevant to River’s situation.” She gave Wes an apologetic glance, knowing as I did that he’d be burning with curiosity on that one. “Anyway, point of this is that Lahash kept them all, plus several others, as her personal slaves for countless years. I am assuming that’s where the ‘brother’ thing came into play. As for how Fenrir ended up as a part of River and being hunted by the Horsemen? Well. So it turns out that Fenrir somehow managed to escape, but there’s this funny rule with the Hell dimension where you can only leave with permission of either one of the five Princes, or the Lord of Hell himself. Obviously, Fenrir was there as like, punishment, right? So, no one was going to just sign off on him returning to this world.”

“So what did he do?” Austin asked, seeming to be just as engrossed in Lucy’s story as River was.

Lucy grinned. “He separated his soul from his physical form and escaped that way. Once back on earth, he wanted a body again so chose the creature most similar to his original form.”

“A white alpha wolf,” River said, rubbing at his chin. “So, then what? How did he end up as me?”

Lucy shrugged. “Evolution.”

“Seriously?” River scowled at her.

“I don’t know,” she sighed. “It sounds logical. Anyway, that sort of brings me to my next point. While I was researching, some do-gooder went and tattled to the higher ups and long story short... Hell may or may not have issued a warrant for your arrest.”

Lucy cringed as the room exploded into noise with everyone shouting their questions over top of each other. The general gist of it, though, was “what the actual fuck, Lucy?”

“I’m sorry!” she yelled over us all. “It wasn’t intentional and by the time I found out, it was sort of too late. Anyway, it isn’t the worst thing ever because since Kit did her thing and restored magic to the human world, the old laws of magic have been reinstated in sort of a cosmic balancing situation.”

This was news to me, and I wrinkled my nose at my bestie. “Explain that further,” I prompted.

“It means that Hell has no jurisdiction here. They can visit, sure, same as I can. But they can’t, like, pop in here and grab River and drag him to Hell to stand trial for Fenrir’s prison break.” She gave us a tentative smile, like she was hoping we wouldn’t sit on her ass and pluck her feathers. “So just... don’t visit Hell. ‘kay?”

I glared at her, and could feel all six of my guys doing the same. “Lucifer. I swear—”

“Ooh, sorry babe. As much as I super want to be chewed out by you all right now, I’m getting called back to my realm.” She stood up and shook out her wings. “In conclusion, please don’t visit Hell and you’ll be sweet. All right, peace out. I’ll catch you all next month for Halloween.”

Before we could protest any further, she’d rushed out to the balcony and taken off into the pre-dawn darkness with a burst of light and wings.

“Coward!” I shouted after her, having jumped out of my seat to follow her outside. It was pointless, though, as she was already long gone. Fucking angels!

Growling a sound of frustration and anger under my breath, I spun around in a flurry of white silk skirt and stomped back inside where the guys were all waiting. “So what now?”

Everyone looked to River, deferring to his judgement. It was, after all, his future and freedom we were discussing.

“Now we finish off that cake, then continue with our night.” His expression was shuttered and I opened my mouth to protest. “No arguments, Kitten. This is our wedding night, and I for one intend to make it a memorable one for all the right reasons.”

Caleb hummed and tapped his finger against his lips. “He’s got a point. I doubt any of us had even really considered the possibility of actual Hell being a real place, let alone planning a trip there for cocktails. Right?”

“As much as my academic curiosity wants to pursue more answers, I actually agree with Alpha this time,” Wesley said, nodding. “Like Lucy said, just don’t visit Hell and there’s nothing to worry about. How hard could that be?”

Cole and Vali looked less confident when I looked to them, but neither voiced a disagreement on the matter.

“How hard could that be, indeed?” Austin muttered, but the intense stare he was levelling at me said he was thinking the same as I was. Knowing our luck? We’d be in Hell by the end of the week.

Still want more from Kit and her guys?

Be sure to check out The Hellhound’s Legion, a Kit Davenport Novella coming in February 2019.




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