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Knights of Stone: Gavin: A gargoyle shifter rockstar romance by Lisa Carlisle (4)

Chapter 4

While they walked along the River Ness back to Fiona’s flat, the moon and stars danced on the surface of the water as if they, too, were enchanted by Gavin, unable to resist swaying to the spell of his music. Was it wise for her to get caught up in a fling like this that would go nowhere? All the wild sensations that consumed her when she was around him had to be hazardous.

Once Gavin was back in her place, staring at her in that penetrating way that affected her so, she swallowed her doubts. How could she have been influenced by ridiculous rumors? The captivating man standing in her living room smoldered with a masculine presence. Nothing inhuman about it. And, God, how she wanted him.

She’d barely hung up their jackets before he prowled over to her. Her breath ceased as she awaited his next step.

He cupped her face and kissed her. When he broke from her lips, he murmured, “I’m glad you came tonight, Fiona. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”

“Me, too,” she admitted.

Although she’d visualized having him back here, the real thing eclipsed the fantasy. When he recaptured her mouth and deepened the kiss, she let out a needy sigh. Wanton. It was impossible to stifle sounds of pleasure with the way he affected her.

Awareness flooded to her long-neglected body parts reminding her how good this felt. She ran her hands over the hard planes of his chest, something every woman in the club likely ached to do. She reached under his shirt. The indentations of his abs were unreal.

She traced her finger through the dips in his torso. “You must spend an hour a day carving out your core. You make me feel guilty. I aim to go to the gym four times a week but am lucky to go twice.” If she was on a deadline, she’d sometimes squeeze in a quick workout in her living room to get a break from staring at a screen.

“Whatever you’re doing, keep doing,” he purred. “Because I love what I see.” Gavin ran a hand down the side of her body. “And what I feel.” He moved his hand up to cup her breast. Her nipples tingled in response beneath her clothing, aching for more of his touch.

He rewarded her by stroking where she yearned. God, they were so sensitive lately and never so much as now with Gavin’s touch. Perhaps she was sending signals to him indicating what she wanted. She didn’t know or care. All she knew was that she needed more of him, whatever he’d give her.

Right. She had to get her head straight. Sex. That’s all it was. This was purely about sex. Just like last time. Nothing else. If she kept that in mind, she’d be okay.

She didn’t dare expect anything more out of their fling. Even if he said and did things that made her feel like she was the only woman he noticed. She’d be foolish to think that she was special. Likely he made each one of his conquests feel the same way.

He lifted her off the ground, and she gasped.

“I’ve got you, sweetness.” Gavin cupped her arse.

She clung to him as he kissed her and carried her into the bedroom. She’d carefully made up the bed earlier. The white down comforter appeared soft and welcoming, the lilac pillows fluffy. It was a far stretch from a den of seduction, but inviting, nonetheless. When he tossed her onto the bed she squeaked, “Gavin!”

“What?” He climbed on top of her and nuzzled her neck, silencing her protest. “I remember you like it a wee bit rough.”

His hair smelled so good. That hint of perspiration a reminder of his passionate performance on stage, so utterly raw and masculine.

He tweaked her nipple. “Don’t you?”

“A wee bit,” she agreed.

God, his demanding side was titillating. A wave of hot pleasure spread through her body.

He caressed her breasts. “You have beautiful tits. I want to see them.”

He lowered his hands and moved back, surprising her.

“Show them to me,” he commanded.

His eyes were dark and intense. Damn, she’d thought he was unbelievably alluring on stage, but here in her bed with his controlling demeanor, he was infinitely more so. She loved how he took charge. Too many of her previous sexual encounters had been lackluster or awkward. Gavin clearly knew what he was doing. And what he wanted.

Which at the moment was her.

Fiona unbuttoned her blouse, watching him.

“Slower,” Gavin guided her. He scooted up her bed and propped the pillow behind his head.

With deliberation, she removed her top. His intense gaze caressed each exposed centimeter of her skin.

“Stand up so I can see all of you.”

She pulled herself off the bed and onto her feet. What was coming over her? This wasn’t like her. She wanted to please him, and that was more surprising than any of the wild rumors she’d heard about him and his brothers tonight.

“Take off the rest of your clothes,” Gavin insisted.

Like a strip show for him? She’d never done that for a man. Coming from Gavin, it did have an arousing aspect.

She bit her lip before she complied. She unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down over her hips, struggling to remove them from her legs in a smooth motion. The last thing she wanted was any awkwardness to ruin the sensual spell he’d cast in her bedroom. At last, she removed all but her bra and panties. She raised her eyes to meet his.

“All of it.”

His command sent a surge of wet heat between her legs. She swallowed and then unhooked her bra. She removed it, the cool air tickled her already pert nipples.

“Beautiful,” he praised. “Even more so than I remembered.”

She smiled at his praise. Continuing with his order, she slid her fingers beneath the waistband of her black lace panties and rolled them down over her legs. When she kicked them off of her foot, her muscles tensed. She stood before him completely naked. Vulnerable. Exposed. His nostrils widened as if he’d inhaled her scent. Was her desire noticeable, a discernible fragrance? An urge to shield herself followed, and she fumbled with her hands.

“Don’t hide yourself from me, Fiona. You should be admired. And I want to be the one to do so.” His voice had a bit of reverence to it as he fixed his gaze on her.

She nodded and dropped her hands although still not quite sure what to do with them.

“You’ve done what I asked.” Gavin rose from the bed. “I think that deserves a reward.” His tone lilted with decadent promise.

He stood and strode over to her in three large steps, his captivating eyes never leaving hers. God, he was so massive, she had to tilt her head back to look up at him. Raising his hand, he stroked her face and then trailed his fingers over her jawline and down her chin. When they traveled over the vulnerable flesh of her throat, she lifted her chin to allow him greater access. It was funny how she could accept him into her world like this since she barely knew him, yet he’d somehow managed to earn her trust—at least in the bedroom.

“Your skin’s so soft. I want to touch and kiss every bit of it.” He ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “But first, your lips.”

Moving his hand to the back of her neck, he leaned over and his lips trailed like a whisper against hers. Her skin felt tight, tingling with sensation. When he pulled back a fraction, she murmured in protest.

Their breath mingled in that enclosed space. In the next heartbeat, his mouth was back on hers. He pulled her body against his and slipped his tongue between her lips. Passion exploded as he claimed her with a raw intensity. She reached for his shirt, desperate to touch him. He yanked it over his head and she took her greedy fill of caressing his hard torso.

He carried her to the bed and lay her down on it. Then he explored her with his hands and mouth. Tracing his tongue over her skin was like lighting a brush fire. Her body burned with arousal and she desperately waited for more.

“Do you like this?” he purred.

“Aye,” she whispered.

“I didn’t hear you.” His tone had a commanding edge that inspired her to want to please him.

“I do,” she said with more eagerness.

“Good,” he murmured. “Because tonight is all about you.” His fingers trailed lower over her torso, followed by his lips. “Your needs. Your desires.” His eyes gleamed with sensual promise. “Your pleasure.”

Oh God, how could she even function when he enchanted her that way? Her entire body seemed to vibrate with desire.

His warm breath tickled between her legs. Her chest rose and fell quickly as she awaited his next move.

He slid his finger between her slit. “Oh, you’re so wet. For me?”

“Uh-huh,” she replied in between ragged pants.

“What do you want me to do?” His voice was like a low rumble enchanting her, stirring her loins.

He was teasing her, coaxing her to say more. Her muscles were coiled tight. She was powerless to come up with anything clever.

“Take me, Gavin,” she begged. “I want you so bad I can barely think!”

His response was a low growl that hinted at his approval. “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do.”

He rewarded her with a languid stroke of his tongue from front to back. She relaxed into the bedding with a relieved moan.

“You taste so good,” he murmured. “Un-fucking-believably good.”

Damn, he was masterful with his tongue. And his fingers… The intense stimulation was almost too much. Soon enough, she was squirming on the bed, heart racing as she clutched at the sheets. She uttered incoherent sounds as he brought her spiraling higher and higher still. She reached her peak with a surprising force that overcame her.

“Oh God, Gavin!” she cried.

Overwhelming sensations rocked through her as she crashed over the edge, followed by wave after wave of pleasure. Intense, mindless gratification. She lost sense of the world, all too willing to slip deeper under Gavin’s spell.

Fiona tasted exquisite. Addicting. Gavin wanted to make her come again and again.

But when he resumed the pressure, she gasped.

“Not yet. Too sensitive.” She sighed.

That was all right because the other drive pounding through him was to bury himself inside her sweet, tight channel. He pulled his kilt up and slid his cock in between her wet folds. Although he wanted to sink it right in, he needed a condom. With utmost regret, he pulled away from her with a low growl. His cock throbbed with an ache for more.

“I need to be inside you.” He suppressed a growl of desperation.

“Aye.” She clutched at him.

“Hold on.”

She reached for him. “Gavin.” His name came out in a confused rasp. “Where are you going?”

“Just getting a condom.” He paused to kiss her lips. “Don’t worry, I’m not done with you yet.”

She sank back into the bed with a satisfied smile. “Good. Because I need you inside me.”

With her hair spread out wild and that simmering desire in her eyes, he almost said fuck it and climbed back on top of her. Her feminine aroma already drove him half-mad with a yearning to claim her, but they couldn’t take the risk. Human-gargoyle pregnancies were uncommon, but possible.

Gavin grounded himself for a moment, just long enough to remove his clothing and roll on the condom. Those few seconds ticked by with agonizing slowness. Her scent perfumed the air, dizzying him with desire. Finally, naked and sheathed, he snaked back over her body and teased her with the head of his cock.

She cried out. “Please.” She wrapped her small hands around his shaft and directed it to her entrance.

Her touch almost set him off. He slid the tip in and paused, reveling in the sensation of finally being where he desperately needed to be. When she tightened her legs around his waist, he slid deeper inside her, only slowing to let her grow accustomed to his presence. And then, finally, he was buried to the hilt into her sweet pussy.

“Oh fuck, Fiona. Fuck,” he repeated. “You feel too good. This feels too good.”

“Aye,” she agreed with a desperate sound.

He pulled back and thrust inside her. She clung onto him, lightly dragging her nails over his back, just enough to fire the nerve endings. He lifted her hips off the bed to penetrate deeper and stimulate her sensitive spot.

He slid in and out of her, releasing a guttural growl. She was so wet and tight and fit around him so perfectly. One more night with her wasn’t enough. Would a thousand ever be? He doubted it. Something about Fiona had gotten under his skin. And now that she was embedded there, would that feeling ever disappear?

Gavin gazed at his wild beauty, her expression rapturous. If he wasn’t certain she was human, he’d wonder if she was a witch who’d enchanted him. Only that could explain this wild, uncontrollable passion that had turned him inside out with need for her.


Or, could it be something more? Some deeper connection, like that of a mate?

He forced aside his thoughts as he hammered into her. Her body tensed, and her muscles tightened, and he sensed she was getting close. He stroked her with more pressure, loving the erotic power he had over her in that moment to bring her more pleasure. All he wanted to do was make her come repeatedly until she was boneless and couldn’t remember either of their names.

As he increased the pace, her sighs grew louder.

“Come for me, Fiona,” he commanded. “I want to feel you cover me with your sweetness.”

He applied more pressure on her sensitive nub. Her body clamped around him so tightly from her limbs to her sex, he could barely move. A desperate cry escaped her, and she shattered, pulsing around him in tight, hot waves.

Her wet honey coated him, and he had no chance of holding out any longer. He succumbed to the call of his siren, detonating with intense bursts of white-hot fire as he followed her into the abyss.

For several minutes, he recovered while he held her against him. Their skin was damp and breathing labored. He didn’t want to move and end this bliss.

Once his heart rate slowed, he surprised himself with his next words. “I don’t want to leave.”

He typically didn’t stay the night to avoid any awkward encounters in the morning and hadn’t done so last time he was with her.

“Then don’t,” she whispered.

Those words sealed his contentment, and his heartbeat quickened.

He rolled onto his side and faced her. “I’m in town for three nights, Fiona. And I’d like to spend them here with you.”