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Kye (Rise of the Pride, Book 6) by Theresa Hissong (21)


Garrett sped up the driveway of the pride, smiling from ear to ear. The Community leader was now in custody, and all of his minions were either in a cell next to him or dead. It was finally over, but his job wasn’t. The gods should’ve pulled him, but they hadn’t. In his world, that meant there were more threats coming for the Shaw pride.

When Evie called out for him, Garrett used all of his powers to beg the gods for help, and they delivered. He fought alongside others like himself silently as they killed the warlocks. Those warlocks were dark magic and since they were working with the Community, Garrett should’ve been blind, but he wasn’t. It didn’t take long to realize those magical beings were being forced. Because they were not there willingly, Garrett had to assume that was the reason why his visions were not hindered.

Whatever the answer was, he didn’t care. The pride was safe, and Evie was on her way home to her male.



Kye paced in front of the house as the sheriff arrived, sliding out of his cruiser. The male looked happy, knowing the pride was now safe. The Community had been captured and their laboratories were demolished, never to harm their kind again.

“It’s over?” Kye asked, wanting to hear it from the Watcher himself.

“It’s done,” Garrett nodded, looking over his shoulder. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m mostly healed,” Kye sighed, not really caring for himself. He wanted to see Evie and make sure she was okay. “Still hurts.”

“Evie did great things on that island,” Garrett told him. “She’ll be here any minute.”

“She really is stronger than we all thought,” Kye said with pride.

Garrett nodded and walked past him, heading for Talon’s office. The pride had all returned to their homes to spend time with their families, and the Guardians who’d been injured were either with their mates or taking some much needed time off at the dorm. Kye, on the other hand, was pushing himself to be upright when his female returned home.

His beast prowled just under his skin as he waited. Each second was as agonizing as the gunshot he took to the chest. He’d been shifting nonstop for the past twenty-four hours, and while he needed to shift a few more times, he’d deal with that later.

Kye released a heavy breath when vehicles drove toward the alpha’s home, one of them carrying his female. His need for her was a heavy feeling in his heart. The only thing that kept him alive during those first hours after she’d been taken by the enemy was knowing she was unharmed when the Guardians had arrived on that island.

Kye waited patiently when he saw her step out of the black SUV, taking a moment to thank the gods she was alive. Savage spoke softly to her, and on Evie’s nod, she looked up to see him standing on the front porch. He took the steps one at a time, wanting to run to her, but he didn’t.

“Hey,” she breathed, tears filling her eyes. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, baby,” he replied, reaching up to touch her cheek, but she pulled away, causing his beast to snarl. “What?”

“I need to change.” She cringed, looking down at the dried blood on her clothes. Evie wiped the wetness from her eyes and clenched her teeth. Kye knew she was trying to be brave, but would probably break down once they were alone. He didn’t fault her for holding on to her strength.

“Who’s blood is that?” he snarled, his eyes glowing amber.

“Not mine,” she assured him, looking behind her as the others exited the vehicles. Kye had no desire to meet the ones they’d saved. All he wanted was to be with her. “Can we just go home so I can shower?”

“Let’s go,” he agreed. “We can come back and check in with Talon after you are taken care of. I should feed you, too.”

“Food sounds amazing,” she groaned, turning on her heel to walk up the road that led to their cabin. “I can make my own. You’re still healing.”

“I’m healed enough,” he growled.

Once inside, she left him sitting on the couch so she could shower. His panther urged him to go after her; to bathe her… his mate. The need to check her over from head to toe was strong, and he pushed his beast back, knowing she needed some space.

They needed to start their life together, regardless of them not being fated mates. He’d had a lot of time to think about their relationship while he was healing. He’d been through every emotion. Did he let her go? Did he fight for her to belong to him forever?

“Kye,” she whispered from the doorway. He scented her tears before he saw them spill over her cheeks. He stood and walked slowly toward her, waiting for her to reach out for him. He wanted nothing more than to tuck her against his body and shield her from the cruel world she’d been in over the past few years, but he didn’t.

“I love you, Evie,” he said, holding open his arms. “You are so strong and have proved you can do anything. I am so proud of the woman you’ve become. Now, let me hold you.”

It took her two steps to reach him… and when he cupped her face, something happened.

“Oh,” Evie gasped, her eyes glowing amber as her canines pushed through her gums.

The air around them changed, an invisible thread twined around their hearts, making them beat as one.

“Finally,” he snarled as he took her lips. Their canines clashed as they came together, not able to separate for fear of losing the moment. His cock hardened painfully as their beasts made themselves known, snarling at the need to mate… to complete the bonding they’d been denied on her birthday.

“Mate,” she cried. “We are mates.”

“Yes, we are, baby,” he grinned, picking her up so he could carry her to the bedroom.

He didn’t even turn off the lights as he made his way to the bed. Evie ripped at her nightshirt, revealing she was bare underneath. Kye’s beast prowled inside, pushing against his human skin. The need for her was unbearable.

“On your knees,” he demanded, forgetting his own pain so he could mate his female officially and for good.

Evie scrambled up on her knees, lowering her chest to the bed. She turned her face so she could breathe. Kye wasted no time in entering her from behind, pulling her long hair so his chest would meet her back. With his free hand, he cupped her breast and rolled her nipple between his fingertips, relishing in her soft moans.

“You are mine, always.” He struck the spot on her neck that he’d bitten on her birthday. Her rich blood entered his mouth and he swallowed, keeping his hold on her while he thrust in hard jerks.

“Don’t stop, Kye,” she begged, her hand reaching back to squeeze the top of his thigh.

A powerful urge to release inside her overpowered him, her scent growing with each thrust. His panther was in control as he continued to thrust. God, she smelled of sunshine and something sweet. Something more appealing than anything he’d ever known came from her skin.

“Your scent has changed,” he growled as he released her, lapping over the mark.

“Fuck,” she cried. “I feel different, Kye. I… I think I’m fertile.”

“Jesus,” he cursed, pushing her back so she was flat on the bed once again. His hand curled around her hips as he thrust repeatedly, knowing that he had to finish inside her to complete them.

“I need to mark you.” Evie’s voice was mumbled as she cried into the bedsheets.

As her panther nature took over, Evie bucked against him, dislodging him from her body. The snarl of her panther echoed in the room as she pushed him over, throwing a leg over his body. Her strong yet tiny hands wrapped around his cock. She pumped it twice before guiding it back to her sex. With a curse, Evie seated herself atop him, her hands falling on his chest, right above where he’d been shot.

“Mark me, my mate,” he demanded, his head lifting from the pillow.

Evie wasted no time in placing a hand on his head, pushing it to the left. His only warning was a deep inhale from her before she struck.

Fuck,” he yelled when her sharp canines buried deep. His body gave up and released inside her, marking their final act to become bonded mates.



Harold looked up at the female through his dark lashes, knowing he had to abide by his code as a healer to give her aide, but it went against everything he knew about wolves to accept that she was actually good.

“W…What are you going to do to me?” she stuttered, obviously scared out of her mind. The female was still covered in blood and the gods only knew what else from that island. All Harold could tell was that Luna had to be close to thirty years old, even though she was the size of a young female.

“You will be checked out and then released to go on about your way,” Harold stated. His stoic voice was a clear indication that he wanted to keep her far away from his pride.

“With Theo?” she sniffled, brushing her dirty, brown hair away from her face. She needed a bath.

“With whomever you please.” He shrugged, reaching for his special gloves. “You are not a prisoner here, but you cannot stay, either.”

“Where’s the alpha?” she blurted as Harold approached. The female scooted up the exam table and pulled her tiny legs closer to her chest, attempting to protect herself. “I want my alpha.”

“He’s in a meeting with my alpha, Talon,” Harold said, coming to her side. “I need to see what the scientists did to you and make sure there is no damage.”

“N…no,” she whimpered, large pools of tears welling up in her yellow eyes. “Please… Please don’t.”

“I’m not going to hurt you,” Harold vowed, taking two steps away from the female. Fuck! What was he thinking? It didn’t matter that she was the enemy. This female had been violated in the worst way possible, then stuck in a foreign pride of panthers and their healer. She was expected to just let Harold tend to her in a room closed off to the only person she trusted… her alpha; a man who wasn’t even her kind.

The entire situation was a mess.

“I will wait to examine you until Theo returns,” the healer relented, “but you have to tell me what happened to you. I need to know where you are hurt.”

“I hurt in my soul,” Luna said, covering her face as she continued to cry. “I have nothing left.”

“Wait a minute,” he said under his breath. Harold took his rolling stool and moved it close to her, but not close enough to make her uncomfortable. “You have Theo.”

“I only have him because they made me take his blood,” she replied. “I don’t even know if he wants a band of shifter misfits under his rule. If he doesn’t, I will die because I don’t know of any other white wolves. They killed all the ones I knew.”

“Don’t speculate anything until Theo comes back from talking to Talon,” Harold replied, hoping he could put her at ease long enough for him to look her over. “Would you feel better if you had a shower? I have some scrubs you can wear.”

“I would like that very much, thank you,” she replied.

Harold walked over to a door and opened it wide to reveal a bathroom. He pointed to the cabinet with the clean towels and left the room, finding his office chair and the cup of tea that had gone cold when the new arrivals entered his home.

 He didn’t know how Theo was going to control a group of shifters unlike his own kind. Two bears, a lion, and a white wolf. Who would’ve known that any alpha could keep them alive with just his blood? That had never happened before, and no one knew of any mixed groups in their histories. If it had happened before, no one had known.

Of course, before their reveal to the humans, most groups kept to themselves, only crossing paths as they traveled in ancient times. Some, like Theo and Talon’s father, worked together because of business needs.

The phone on his desk rang, and he picked it up to hopefully hear some good news from someone in his pride.


“Harold?” Evie said from the other line. Her voice was a little unsteady.

“Evie,” he paused, “How are you?”

“Good… I think,” she whispered. “Can I ask you something without having to come into your office?”

“Of course,” he replied, his mind churning over a thousand different reasons why she’d be calling… all of them bad.

“Well, I haven’t told anyone this,” she said. “Kye and I are finally mates.”

“That’s wonderful news!” he cheered, but he fell silent when his enhanced hearing picked up the sound of her breath catching. “What else, Evie?”

“I went into heat tonight,” she answered.

“Okay,” he drawled. “How long ago?”

“About an hour ago,” she answered. “I don’t think I’m with child, though.”

“Give it time,” he told her, hoping she was just being paranoid, but in all reality, the young female would probably never produce offspring. “Try to rest, and when you wake up in the morning, you will know… your mate will know.”

“Thank you,” she said, hanging up as quickly as she had called.

Harold’s head jerked up at the scent that filtered through his home. Something sweet and a bit wild tickled his nose, and his beast roared beneath his skin. Before he could rise from his chair to follow the scent, Luna appeared in the doorway, wearing a pair of blue scrubs. Her hair fell in ringlets over one shoulder and she was stunningly beautiful.

“Thank you for the shower,” she blushed.

“Um,” he cleared his throat, “Um, yeah. You’re welcome. Are you ready for me to exam you?”

“Yes… no, maybe?” She hesitated. “Honestly, healer, the thought of another man touching me makes me want to claw my skin off, but I have some medical training from my pack, and I know you need to check me. Can you just make it quick?”

“I can,” he said with a nod. “However, it may be better if we get Theo here to be outside the room.”

“I’ll go back to the exam room.” She frowned, lowering her head.

The thought of those scientists hurting any female sent him into a rage, but why did the knowledge of the things they had done to Luna make him want to find them all and kill them with his bare hands?



Evie’s eyes fluttered open as the sun was rising over the horizon. She was warm all over and quickly realized Kye had not left her side the entire night. His large body was wrapped around hers in his sleep.

She took stock of her body, hoping to feel differently, maybe even a bit sick, but was disappointed when there was nothing. Their mating night was perfect, and the fact that she’d actually gone into heat was a blessing. The realization that she didn’t conceive had her eyes watering.

“Why are you crying?” Kye mumbled in his sleep. How did he know she was crying?

“Go back to sleep,” she cooed, rubbing circles over the back of his hand where it rested against her empty womb.

She waited several minutes for his breathing to even out before slipping from the bed. Inside the bathroom, she stood in front of the mirror and examined the mating mark on her neck. The two marks were scarred and stood out brightly against the light over the sink.

Evie rested her hands on the sink and lowered her head. The healer had been right. She would probably never carry a cub for her mate.

“How can I help him lead a pride with no chance of giving him an heir?” she whispered.

“I will never lead a pride,” he spoke from the door, startling Evie so much that she fell into a defensive stance as she spun around to meet him. She didn’t even hear him get out of bed.


“When I was dying…” he paused to reach out for her. She went to him willingly, resting her head on his massive chest. “I realized that I didn’t want to rule a pride. My life is with you, Evie.”

“But you are an alpha,” she mumbled against his skin.

“Only by blood, but not by mind,” he said, shrugging. “Can I just want to live a peaceful life with my mate?”

“You don’t care that I didn’t conceive last night?” she sniffled, feeling more tears fill her eyes.

“We just mated, baby,” he replied, tucking his finger under her chin so she’d look up at him. When their gazes connected, she saw love, compassion, and pride in his. “We have all the time in the world to make a family.”

“What if we never do?”

“Then I will love you enough to fill that void,” he said truthfully, capturing her lips. He scooped her up and took her back to their mated bed, showing Evie all the ways she was loved by the male who’d always been destined to be her forever.



The End…

Look for The Healer’s story coming soon…