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La Bohème: The Complete Series (Romantic Comedy) by Alix Nichols (119)

Books by Alix Nichols


Nathan ~

Right now Clarissa, our tour guide, is talking about prehistoric cave paintings

In a moment, she’ll point at the mammoth… Wait for it….

“Look at the mammoth on your right,” she says.

Told ya! I’ve done her tour six times in two months.

Everyone gawks at the mammoth

My eyes stay trained on Clarissa’s lovely face.

After the tour, I’ll ask her out, fully expecting her to say no

I mean, why would a hotshot Parisian archeologist go on a date with a dairy farmer from the sticks

But I need to hear Clarissa’s no.

Maybe then I’ll be able to forget her.

Clarissa ~

Nathan, aka Cowboy, is here again. Staring at me again.

I ignore him

Just as I’ve ignored the hot, disturbing dreams I’ve been having lately

Dreams in which a handsome cowboy undresses me

Kisses me

Pleasures me into oblivion

Crazy dreams!

In real life, I’m going back to Paris to start a new job in a big museum

The one thing I don’t need during my last week in Burgundy is a roll in the hay with Nathan

Even if that roll turns out to be better than my craziest dreams

Game Time Series

He was supposed to look out for her, not kiss her senseless

Au pair Uma is all kinds of wrong for single dad Zach. She is his son’s nanny, a twenty-three-year-old virgin, and a guileless ingenue to boot. Zach knows all of that.

Then why can’t he rein in his lust for her

If there is one man Uma should not be attracted to, it’s the father of the adorable five-year-old in her charge. Once burned twice shy, Zach is the captain of a Paris water polo team and a wealthy entrepreneur who can have any woman he wants. No strings attached

Small wonder he goes all out to shun Uma!

But when, with the help of a bottle of fine wine, Zach confesses all the dirty things he’d like to do to her, Uma astounds him by saying she wants that, too

What’s a man to do but oblige?

Besides, it’s not like it’s the end of the world. They’re both sensible, level-headed adults. They’ll just have a bit of fun and then go back to normal, as if nothing happened.

As if feelings weren’t already getting in the way.

He remembers everything… except the first thirty years of his life.

Sports star-turned-coach Lucas Delaunay has no recollection of his past, despite his parents' and friends' efforts to help him.

Enter Isabelle Ferrand, a young publicist hired to land sponsors and fundraise for Lucas’s club. He is told she was a friend. Just a friend. Everyone, Isabelle included, insists he regarded her as a sister.

Not anymore, he doesn't.

Every night, he dreams of her naked and panting beneath him. Her taste, her smell, the way her breasts fill his palms... Every morning he wakes up rock hard, groping for her in his empty bed.

With desire spinning out of control, Lucas wonders if amnesia has changed his taste in women, or if there’s something Isabelle isn’t telling him.

And if she might be the key to unlocking his past.

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Playing Dirty

Coming Fall 2017

The Darcy Brothers Series

True spite. Fake marriage. Real romance.

If there's one man that store clerk and amateur photographer Diane Petit really, really, actively hates, it's fragrance mogul Sebastian Darcy who stole her father's company--and wrecked the man's health in the process.

But the arrogant SOB had better brace himself because Diane has vowed revenge.

And revenge she will have.

One bookish assistant.

One cocky CEO.

One Christmas party that changes everything...

My name is Mia, and I dream about publishing a guide to medieval Paris. Except... I'm better qualified for writing a manual on how to go from a budding scholar to a pregnant runaway in three easy steps.

He blocked the penalty shot, but he left his heart unguarded.

French goalkeeper Noah Masson wants to prove his worth to Coach and help his team win the gold. With an unruly mutt for company, a part-time gig to pay rent, and the national Water Polo Championships fast approaching, Noah is one hundred percent focused on his goal.

That is, until he catches a beautiful intruder poking around his kitchen...

American realtor-in-training Sophie Bander wants to convince her overbearing father she can be a first-class agent. Now she's in Paris, learning the ropes at a large agency. When she's done, she'll return to Key West, join her father's business, and marry the man of his dreams. It's not like she expects to be attracted to that man. Sophie has never felt sexual attraction, anyway.

That is, until a hard-bodied goalie mistakes her for a thief and presses her against the wall in his kitchen...

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La Bohème Series