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Lawless (The Finn Factor Book 8) by R.G. Alexander (5)


Chapter Five


Solomon had been staring at the message on his phone for the last fifteen minutes.

I know you can’t text that well with your arm in a sling, so I’m not making any sexting rules. Yet. On my way now. Be ready for anything.

He’d been beyond ready all night long. Now he was restless. Edgy. He hadn’t been able to sleep thinking about the things Hugo had said to him. The things he’d done.

Hugo wanted to fuck him. That point had been driven home last night with one hell of a climax. He didn’t want to question the sudden change in behavior because it meant Hugo was touching him again. Wanting him again. But he couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Why now? What happened between the emergency room and their kiss goodnight that made Hugo stop pushing him away and start setting new parameters? Making those rules about keeping things casual.

Tell me this is mine.

What he wanted didn’t sound casual. He was asking for a hell of a lot more than blowjobs and jerk off sessions. More than Solomon had given the men he’d hooked up with in the past. Not since that first time.

No one likes the first time.

It was true for him. The older bartender had been handsome and skilled at foreplay, but in the end he hadn’t cared that Solomon was a virgin. He hadn’t cared whether or not his partner was ready or enjoyed himself. He’d only wanted to get off.

Solomon hadn’t been willing to give someone else that kind of control over his body since. With Hugo it was different and it always had been. Not only because of the chemistry between them, but Solomon’s need to give. It was more than physical for him. He needed to give Hugo what he wanted. He got pleasure from giving pleasure, in a way he hadn’t experienced before.

He hadn’t counted on it being all Hugo wanted.

It wasn’t his style, but it had been Solomon’s before they’d gotten together, so he knew what it meant. This new start had a built in expiration date. No strings meant temporary.

Bellamy reminded him of all the excuses Seamus had given him to not get into a serious relationship. His children. Bellamy’s lifestyle. He’d knocked down every obstacle because he’d known Seamus would be worth it, he told him. He advised Solomon to do the same.

Make him want more.

Then he and Seamus had taken the kids and told him they wouldn’t be back until tomorrow, despite Solomon’s vehement protests.

He knew what they were doing. Jen and her men had offered Rory their place with matchmaking in mind, and in that case it had apparently been the right call.

Seamus was trying to repeat that magic, but Solomon was too old for a sexy sleepover in a borrowed McMansion. He could get laid just fine on his own.

I’ll make it good, Younger. I’ll take my time.

He was taking so much time Solomon was almost ready to climb the walls when he finally knocked on the door.

“Are you ready?”

“For anything,” Solomon answered with a grin, making Hugo’s dimples pop.

He locked up and followed him down the walk toward the driveway, stopping when he saw the classic but incredibly out of place hippie van in front of him. A Volkswagen? “That isn’t your car.”

“That’s correct. It’s my sister, Shelley’s. You like it?”

“I can drive now, you know,” he hedged. “The cast doesn’t bother me, and William brought my SUV back.”

The SUV that wasn’t bright pink with daisy decals and ladybugs stuck along the side.

Hugo crossed his arms stubbornly, but there was a hint of mischief in his eyes. “I invited you and I said I’d take care of the details. Unfortunately, I didn’t count on Austen needing to borrow my car for a day conference while hers was in the shop. I also did know Thoreau wouldn’t come home last night, so I had to borrow the Pepto-mobile for the duration. It’s not ideal, but this is the plan and you agreed to follow my rules. So man up and get your ass inside the pretty van, Younger. No arguments.”

That command shouldn’t be turning him on. “I can take it if you can.”

He settled in, noticing the inside was as bright as the exterior. “Is she still in college, or does she work part time as a cartoon character?

“Neither.” Hugo chuckled. “This is a statement. She says programming is a boy’s club, and making pink her signature quirk is her way of giving them the finger.”

He could appreciate that. His eyes might never be the same again, but at least it was for a good cause. “She’s a computer programmer?”

“She’s a genius. I might be biased, but I’d say she’s around Tanaka’s level in the brains department, only she’s not into hacking or anything like that. She went to a tech school for a while, but tested out and started making apps full time. You know those games people play on their phone? A few of them got popular last year and she sold them to a larger company. She’s now been voted most likely to be taking care of the rest of us when we’re old.”

Solomon was impressed but not surprised. “Your family is made up of overachievers. Thoreau, Austen and Shelley. You. I think Barry might be an artist.”

He showed the ocean scene Hugo’s nephew had drawn on his cast last night.

He smiled. “We have great role models. Learning is like a hobby for my parents, and they love challenging themselves. Say it keeps them young. Dad still gets giddy every new semester, and before Mom had us she’d gotten a master’s in Sociology and was working for the state. She’s a natural at organizing, which, with seven kids, is probably a blessing.”

“I’m glad I didn’t know any of that before dinner.” Solomon shifted in his seat and glanced out the window. “I was already intimidated, and I didn’t even go to a regular college.”

“You have nothing to be intimidated about. They loved you. And I know enough about you to know that you were busting your ass raising your brothers and joining the police academy the day you graduated high school. And let’s not forget those night classes that moved you up in rank. Your resume is impressive. Don’t knock your skills, Younger. No one else is.”

“Well, my main role model taught me to fear change and stick with the safe and consistent, so I’m still trying to shake that off.” Solomon grimaced. “God, that sounded bitter. Forget I said it, okay?”

“It sounded honest. What about your mother?”

He knew Hugo didn’t mean anything by it, but the question always made his jaw clench. “Elder fought her for custody and won. End of story.”

“I know, but doesn’t James spend time with her?”

“I try not to think about that. He’ll have to find out about her in his own way.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“She isn’t mother material. If she’s giving him attention, she wants something.”

It was harsh, and he’d never say it to James, but it was the truth.

His parents had both been too dysfunctional to have a healthy relationship, let alone children they were responsible for. Sol wanted to collect sons as if they were trophies or baseball cards, and he’d married multiple women to make that happen. Donna, the first wife who’d given him Solomon and James, was selfish in the extreme.

Some role models.

“I’m sorry. Should I change the subject?”


“No, I’m glad you asked. I’m realizing there’s a lot we never talked about. My parents, your family, the fact that your sisters call you Les Mis when they think you’re being dramatic.”

“They told you that? Of course they did. Did Robert slip any naked baby pictures in when I wasn’t looking?”

“Maybe one, but it was tasteful.”

He glanced at him, his smile disappearing. “We didn’t talk about things like that because we were too focused on not touching each other in public to ask the personal questions or find out about the ordinary details other people learn in a regular relationship. Our time together was always intense and urgent. Unless we were working, and then it wasn’t appropriate. It was never the right time.”

“I want to ask now.”

Hugo was hesitant. “Why?”

“Like you said, things are different now.”

He placed his hand on Hugo’s thigh, feeling his body heat through the denim. “We can talk about whatever we want. We can touch each other. Anywhere we want. Anytime we want.”

“In public?”

The idea was arousing. Freeing. “Why not?”

“I know you’ve been out of the loop for a while, but public decency laws still apply around here.” He was trying to joke, but Solomon could hear the excitement in his voice. The need.

His hand slid higher and Hugo tightened his grip on the steering wheel in reaction. “What are you doing?”

“Where are you taking us, Wayne?”

“A hotel room. It might sound like a sad cliché, but since both our houses were out of the question, I thou—Fuck,” he moaned when Solomon’s fingers finally reached his erection, the van jerking forward. “Younger, I’m driving. It’s a good thing she got an automatic or we’d be a brightly colored wreck on the side of the road right now.”

He sounded worried but his dick was growing against Solomon’s hand, begging for more. He likes this.

It made him feel bold. A little wild.

“Did you really reserve a hotel room just to fuck my ass?” Solomon unbuckled his seatbelt and moved closer, pressing his lips Hugo’s neck and licking the lobe of his ear. “You must really want it.”

“Do you want me to crash my sister’s van? Keep doing that. See what happens.”

“I’ve seen you drive under more pressure than this.” Solomon opened the top button of Hugo’s jeans. “But it you’re worried, you could always pull over and let me suck you off. It’s been too long since I’ve had you in my mouth. I can’t wait anymore.”

Jesus. We can’t. A black man getting blown in a pink van is not something people see every day, and they will call it in. I’m not going to be the reason the former police chief is arrested for lewd conduct and indecent exposure. There’s the exit. We can wait a few more minutes.”

You might be able to, but I can’t

“Fine, don’t pull over,” Solomon growled. “Pay attention to the road.”

“Fuck!” Hugo shouted again as Solomon pulled out his erection and lowered his head, opening his lips over the hard, hot flesh he’d been dying for, savoring the taste.

Missed this. Missed you. He never thought he’d have him like this again.

Never thought he’d have the nerve to do this in broad daylight.

It felt good being bad.

Hugo gripped a handful of his hair, clutching him closer while driving one-handed. “This is—shit—this isn’t safe. You know that. You wanted it so much you couldn’t wait a few more minutes?”

Solomon moaned in agreement. No more waiting. Never again.

“God, I should stop you before you get us in trouble, but your mouth feels too good.” His long, low moan made Solomon shiver. “I always knew you had an oral fixation, but I didn’t know it was this bad. Did you think about it when we weren’t together? How much you loved sucking my cock? I did. Almost as much as I thought about fucking you. I can’t even count the number of times I got myself off remembering you on your knees.”

Fingers tightened in his hair, the sensation almost painful as he started to guide him up and down his shaft. Yes. “I know you remember all those times you found a way to get me alone because you couldn’t wait for another taste. The bachelor party. The night I lost control and fucked your mouth just a little too hard and you loved it so much you came in your pants.”

Solomon moaned again, his hips pumping against the seat to ease his aching erection as he sucked harder, wanting Hugo to lose control again.

“No coming for you, Younger. You need to wait until I get you in that hotel room.”


“Almost there. Damn, I can’t wait to get you behind closed doors. You aren’t the only one with cravings, Younger. My mouth is watering just thinking about your sweet, Irish ass. I want to eat it. Spend hours making a meal of it while you squirm and beg.”

The van slowed and made a left turn, and he knew they were almost at the hotel.

Solomon sucked harder in response and Hugo swore.

He pulled over, the van idling while he dropped his other hand to Solomon’s head, hips bucking as he reached for his release.

“You need to finish, baby?” he rasped. “Well so do I, so take it from me. Make me come, Younger. Yes.”

The salty taste of him filled his mouth and he swallowed greedily, loving the sound of his name on Hugo’s lips. He was trembling with arousal and adrenaline. He’d made Hugo come in public. Made him lose control and loved every minute of it.

He would do it again. Every day, if Hugo let him.

Make him want more.

He could only hope Bellamy’s advice worked on Hugo, because it was already doing a number on him.

He definitely wanted more.




It was a strange experience, getting a hotel room for sex. At least it wasn’t one of those seedy roach-infested motels that charged by the hour. Still the older woman signing Hugo in and preparing his key card had a look of censure on her face, her mouth pursed as if she’d spent the morning sucking the shit out of a lemon.

The last time Hugo had sex in a nice, family friendly hotel was never. High school prom, he and his friends had all pitched in for a year to splurge on a lakeside cabin for the weekend. People slept on the floor and snuck off to have sex in the woods, and there was no hotel manager or complaining guests to put a hold on their fun.

That was also the weekend he’d lost his virginity to his first serious boyfriend. He’d thought he was in love. That he understood what desire was. He’d enjoyed the experience—if not the breakup that happened by the time the weekend was over—but now he knew he’d had no idea what it meant to want.

Solomon had taught him that.

He used to be proud of his dating record. He chose good men, talented men, every one of them relationship material, but no one he could see himself being happy with for the long haul. His parents had set a high bar, and he’d never been willing to settle for less.

Then Solomon Finn caught his eye. He’d noticed him long before they’d started working on projects together. He’d given himself a dozen lectures on the subject of his scowling, serious, eternally tense-looking boss and why Hugo needed to stay far away from that kind of trouble.

But it didn’t stop his fascination. Six months of cock-teasing followed by more than a year of emotional distance hadn’t stopped it either. He hadn’t been able to look at another man since he’d handed in his resignation. The few dates he’d gone on were mandatory outings to get his sisters to stop worrying. They didn’t count.

This was the only option he had left before he started shopping for rooms at the asylum. Sex or solitary confinement in a rubber room. Seemed like an easy choice to make when he put it like that.

“Here’s your room key,” the woman said disdainfully. “Your card will be charged for the full two nights regardless of how long you two are doing…whatever it is you plan to do.”

Hugo snatched the key card out of her hand and winked. “Thanks. But we’ll need every minute, believe me. See that man?” He tilted his head toward Solomon, who was glaring in her direction. He lowered his voice. “Raging bull ready to rut. Ever heard a man described like that? His stamina would boggle your mind. And the things he can do with his tongue makes the angels weep. If I call to be wheeled out to my car at check out, you’ll know exactly why.”

Her shocked gasp followed them as Hugo carried his bulging gym bag to the elevator. He refused to look at Solomon until he felt the brush of his shoulder, his breath against his ear. “Two nights?”

“I have today and tomorrow off, and I didn’t want to rush this.” His licked his lower lip, realizing he hadn’t asked for Solomon’s approval. “Got a problem with that?”

“No problem. I’m unemployed, remember? Though I might have brought a change of clothes if I knew.”

“You won’t need them.”

“That’s right. I’m a raging bull.”

Their smiles faded and an impatient, hungry silence descended as they rode the elevator and walked down the hallway to their hotel room.

Hugo was hard again. He’d just come like a geyser, but the idea of finally getting Solomon all to himself for days was his fantasy come to life.

His hands were shaking when his slid the card in the slot and opened the door. Shaking. Like there was no history between them. Like he’d never made love to anyone before.

Had sex. This is scratching an overdue itch, not making love. Don’t forget that.

He set his bag on the bed, telling himself to get his head on straight. He needed to remember that he was the one setting the rules and terms. He was in charge.

Solomon walked toward the balcony, hands shoved in his pockets. “Nice view of the city.”

“Yeah. Nice.” But as usual, once Hugo looked, he couldn’t see anything but him.

Was it his walk that had gotten his attention first? That slow, confident stride that reminded him of an Old West sheriff, sure of himself and his place in the world? Or was it those blue eyes that hid so much from everyone? That lit up when they looked his way?

It was a toss up.

Hugo wasn’t so distracted by his selfish desires that he didn’t notice Solomon’s stride didn’t hold the same confidence as it used to. That his shoulders were more weighted down than they’d been before.

So much had happened since the last time they’d been together. His father had died. His favorite cousin and his youngest brother had both found people to love. And there was more Hugo didn’t know. Things only Solomon could tell him, if he had the balls to ask.

Like why the hell had he resigned?

He wanted to know everything, but that led down a dangerous path and he had to protect himself, or he’d end up right back where he started. Being a fool for Solomon.

Hugo walked over to him, slipping his arms around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?”

Solomon shook his head, still pretending to be focused on the view.

“Neither am I.”

He turned him around, reaching for the hem of his sweatshirt and tugging it over his head. When it snagged on his cast, his soft curse made Hugo smile.

“We’ll work around it.”

He stood still as Hugo undressed him, stepping out of his shoes and pants until he was standing naked, daylight pouring in from the floor to ceiling windows behind him.

Nothing could be hidden in that light, thank God.

You were wrong when you said no one would call him beautiful.

Hugo bit his lip when he saw the light bruising on his hip and thigh and he let his palm skim over it. “Hurting?”

“Not because of that.”

His hand slid over Solomon’s toned abs. “I thought you said things went downhill after forty. If that’s true, I’m not sure I could have survived a younger version of Younger.”

Solomon’s chest started to rise and fall rapidly as Hugo continued to touch him, purposely avoiding his flushed, jutting erection. “Are you trying to torture me?”

Hugo walked around him, groaning as he filled his greedy palms with Solomon’s ass. “Give me a minute. You got to enjoy the view. It’s my turn.”

His ass was perfection.

“I saw you like this once before, you know.”

Solomon’s laugh was ragged. “I think I’d remember.”

“You didn’t know. It was after our precinct played the Touchdowns for Charity game. I was busy talking to the kids, so I didn’t get into the lockers until everyone else was showered and gone. Everyone but you.”

Solomon stiffened. “That was—”

“Six years ago now. Trust me, I know.” He traced designs on Solomon’s skin, watching the muscles bunch and flex in response to his touch. “You were drying off. You bent over with your back to me, and all I could see were these pale, meaty mounds of flesh I wanted to spank. Bite.” He squeezed both cheeks firmly and Solomon gasped, arching his back in reaction. “For being such a slim drink of water you have one hell of an ass, Younger. Maybe it’s all that running you do, I don’t know, but I’ve had six years of knowing what you had hidden beneath your uniform. You want to talk about torture? This is the first time since then I’ve seen you completely naked. That’s the definition.”

“When we…You never…” Solomon blew out a rough breath. “I can’t think when you’re touching me.”

“I can’t think that much when the head of my cock is filling your throat, but I still drove us here. And I still dreamt about more when you weren’t around to distract me. But I’m ready to stop dreaming now.”

Hugo glanced around the room, his need making him impatient. “The desk. There was a desk in a lot of those dreams and I think you know why. Go over to it and put your elbows on the surface. We’ll be careful of your arm, but I need to get a certain fantasy out of my system.”

Solomon shivered as he obeyed, moving the chair out of the way before bending over the small generic desk.

Fuck, yes.

“Spread your legs a little wider,” Hugo ordered as he tore his shirt off, shucking his sneakers and jeans until his only covering was a pair of tented black briefs. He cupped himself and squeezed his cock to stem the ache. “That’s it. Just like that. Damn, that’s a beautiful sight.”

Hugo dragged the chair across the carpet, situating himself between Solomon’s thighs before sitting down with one hand on either cheek. “I changed my mind,” he said, massaging and spreading it for his pleasure. “I’m definitely hungry.”

Oh my God,” Solomon shouted his surprise when Hugo buried his face between the cheeks of his ass and tongued his hole.

He dug his fingers into the resilient flesh beneath his hands, forcing him to stay still as he took what he wanted.

He heard Solomon’s moans, felt the shimmering tension in his body and knew from his reaction he hadn’t expected this. No one had ever done this for him before.

Good, he thought possessively. This is mine.

Then nothing mattered but taking more. When Solomon wiggled, he lifted his hand and smacked his skin sharply. When he clenched his cheeks, Hugo spread them wider and forced his tongue inside his unbelievably tight ass.

Hugo. God, Hugo, I can’t believe you’re… Don’t stop.”

He growled, pressing deeper. He tongued him until he was wet enough to take a finger, then he pushed inside, stretching him, getting him ready for what was coming. What would keep coming over and over again until one of them cried out for mercy.

Inside him. Have to get inside.

Hugo. Hugo. Hugo.” Solomon chanted his name, rocking back against him, riding his mouth.

Younger begging for him. Belonging to him.

He lifted his mouth long enough to make his confession. “I used to get hard every time you sat on the edge of your desk. In your khaki pants or your blues, both of them fit snug over your dick like they were tailor-made to give me a show.” He dragged his finger back, pushing it deep again just to hear Solomon’s moan. “And then there were those times you wouldn’t get out of your chair at all and I knew you couldn’t. I knew you wouldn’t dare, because I’d gotten you too hard. I wanted to crawl under your desk, unzip you and get you off, right there. Or bend you over the way I’m doing now and lick until you were begging.”

“I’m begging now. Please, Hugo.”

“Please what?” Hugo licked the seam of his ass wickedly as his finger curved inside. “You’re going to have to be specific. That’s what it will take to get my mind off this free buffet.”

“The first time,” he started roughly, his ass tilting into Hugo’s thrusting finger, trying to get more. “You’re the only man I’ve wanted like this since... Please, Hugo. God, please fuck me.”

Hugo bit into Solomon’s skin so the primal shout trying to claw its way out of his chest wouldn’t escape. The only man since he was eighteen.

It should have made him slow down to make sure Solomon was ready. Instead it stripped his patience and hardened his resolve to take him now. Hardened his fucking everything.

He pushed back the chair and spanked Hugo’s ass. “Don’t move.”

He tore open the duffle bag in search of a condom and lube, hesitating when he glanced at the bed.

No. It had to be the desk.

He ripped open the condom and rolled the rubber down his cock, his teeth grinding at the sensation.

Coating two fingers with lube, he worked Solomon open, massaging and teasing, stretching him while he arched beneath his touch.

“This first time won’t be nice and easy, Younger. I’ll make it good, I promise, but I can’t go slow.”

“I don’t want slow.”

Perfect.  “Breathe out and try to relax for me. I know what you need. What we’ve both needed for years.”

He drew his fingers out and lined the head of his cock up with the tight ring of muscles he was dying to stretch wide.

“Years,” he muttered darkly. “Years since I’ve wanted to fuck anyone but you.”

Solomon’s tension eased at that and he released a shaky breath. “Good. Then do it.”

He slid his hand up his back and into the silky mass of his hair, holding it away from his face so he could see everything. Canting his hips forward slowly, he flinched at that bruising squeeze before Solomon opened up and let him in. “Fuck.”

Despite his warning, he tried to go slow, his gaze riveted to the place they were joined. “A little more,” he said, grunting at the clenching grip. “God, you’re strangling my cock with that ass.”

“Self-defense mechanism.” Solomon’s huffed out chuckle made the fit even tighter. “It’s reacting to a giant fucking invader.”

He made him laugh.

He’d imagined hard fucking as payback for years of blue-balling foreplay, the finality of closure and days of relentless need and passion…but never humor.

He tugged playfully on his hair. “Well this fucking invader wants to fuck you, not make diamonds. So breathe out and let me in, tight ass.”

He looked over his shoulder and the desperate hunger swimming in all that blue had Hugo holding his breath. “Make me.”

Fuck yes. Hugo kept their gaze locked as he clenched his ass and thrust deep. All the way in.

Jesus, all the way.

Solomon let out a cry and bared his teeth, his cast banging on the desktop. “Fuck, you’re filling me up. So much. So… Don’t stop.”

He wasn’t sure he could. Not now that he knew how it felt.

So deep inside you, baby. Finally inside.

He gave him seconds to adjust before he started to move. Had to move. Had to fuck him.

Solomon took everything he gave and begged for more, pushing back against each thrust until they were both panting, both driven closer to the edge.

Hugo bent over him, covering his body as he snapped, setting a rough, unforgiving pace. “First the van, now you’re daring me to give you the kind of hard fucking that could break this desk. You love pushing, don’t you? Love to make me crazy.”  He bit down on his neck and Solomon cried out, spurring him on. “Be as loud as you want, baby. Let the whole floor know that I’m the only one that gets inside. The only one with permission to claim this tight, perfect ass and make you come.”

Solomon reached almost defiantly for his erection and Hugo covered his hand, stopping him. “You can’t come without me. Not when I’m inside you. Not unless I say.”

Solomon swore and let Hugo grip the base of his shaft. “Another rule?”

“That’s right. God, you feel so damn good.”

He hit his prostate and smiled when Solomon groaned in surprise. “There it is again. Younger’s On button. Want more?”

Yes.” He ground his forehead into the desk, his exhale sounding like a whimper. “Again.”

Hugo gave him what he wanted, laying open-mouthed kisses on his shoulder, tightening his hold as he got closer. God, he was so close.

The desk started moving, rhythmically hitting the wall in time with Hugo’s pounding thrusts. He couldn’t hold back. Couldn’t rein himself in. He had to get deeper. Had to have everything.

Fucking you. Finally fucking you.

He felt the sharp tingle at the base of his spine and started to stroke Solomon in time with his thrusts. “Come now, baby. Come on my cock.”

Oh God.” Solomon threw his head back and came with a roar, as if he’d been waiting for permission to let go.

Hugo’s knees wanted to give out when muscles clenched like a vise around his dick, hips pumping helplessly as his release took him over.

It felt like a lightning strike. Bright flashes behind his eyes, electricity arcing through his veins and up his spine. He collapsed against Solomon, weak and wrecked and barely hanging on.

It was the best sex of his life.

Their fingers twined together, wet and sticky and real in a way Hugo had never experienced before. He was aware of each sensation, how intimate it felt, despite the fact that they’d just had a hard, dirty fuck against a hotel desk instead of on a bed. Despite all Hugo’s grand plans to take what he wanted without caring or getting involved.

He could try to contain the damage, but now he knew it could never be just sex with Solomon. It complicated his plans, and maybe it was a mistake, but he would make it again as soon as he caught his breath.

He’d worry about his heart tomorrow.





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