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Legacy of Love: Highland Hearts Afire - A Time Travel Romance by B.J. Scott (7)

“Gweneth, I presume.” Damen stomped into his mother’s chamber and halted when he reached Gwen, standing so close she could feel his hot, foul-smelling breath on her face when he spoke.

His harsh tone and the way he stared down at her with his fists balled at his sides, made her insides coil with fear. But she refused to show him any weakness, and decided to do as Lilith suggested and pretend she knew nothing of his true parentage. Gwen squared her shoulders, looked him in the eye, and smiled. “Yes, I am Gweneth, and I am so pleased to meet you at last. When I found out I had a twin brother and parents that I never knew about, I was thrilled and couldn’t wait to get to know you better.”

Damen grunted and glared at her for a moment before responding. “I wish I could say the same about meeting you,” he growled, then circled her, studying her as if she was a cow at auction.

Gwen held her breath during his scrutiny, her palms sweating and her heart racing. It was as though he could look into her soul and knew she was lying, but she did her best to maintain a pleasant expression. “Mother told me you were away on behalf of our father when I arrived. I trust you had a good trip?” Exchanging pleasantries with a man who clearly despised her very existence was not easy, but she didn’t want to appear as a threat.

“My venture was most productive,” Damen finally said, then turned to face Lilith. “Does father know about her? I was told she was a servant, not my dead sister come back to life,” he spat.

“There was a misunderstanding when she arrived, but I have since discovered her true identity.” Lilith slid a protective arm around Gwen’s shoulders. “I have na had the chance to tell your father the wonderful news, but I am certain when he finds out, he will be as pleased as I to learn we have two bairns and will welcome her. I am also sure learning he has a daughter willna have any effect on the way he feels about you. You are and will always be his successor and the son he wanted.”

Lilith was clearly trying to convince Damen her presence posed no threat to him or his place in the clan as heir, but judging by the look of contempt in his eyes and the scowl on his face, he wasn’t persuaded. While she’d only just met the man, Gwen knew better than to turn her back on him. Until she found Beatha, she’d be looking over her shoulder and sleeping with one eye open.

“I dinna question my place in this clan and no one else had better either,” Damen snarled. “I will leave you two to get acquainted while I speak with father. I have news of an acquisition he has been wanting for some time.” Damen turned on his heel, then left the chamber, slamming the door behind him.

“Do you think he believed us?” Gwen asked. “I am not so sure.”

Lilith sat on the edge of the bed, then picked up a tankard from the table and drank deeply before answering. “Damen is not an easy man to read. We must hope and pray he believes us and doesna try to do you harm.”

“I really don’t know why he would consider me a threat. I certainly do not have any fae powers, and I’ve no doubt he could destroy me if he wants with little effort,” Gwen said.

“He has a great deal to fear from you,” Lilith replied. “As I mentioned before, the only person who can expose him as a changeling and send him back to the netherworld is the person he replaced in this life. He knows that is you, and you can speak the words that will send him back.”

“But I know of no such words,” Gwen said. “And even if I did, I have no intention of staying in the fourteenth century any longer than necessary.”

Lilith rose and cupped Gwen’s chin. “All the more reason you must find Beatha, my dear.” She moved to the door and opened it. “Mara!”

“Aye, m’lady.” The lass appeared and bobbed a curtsey. “Is there something you need?”

“I’d like you to have a bathing tub sent up to my chamber and ask that you help Lady Gweneth bathe and change her clothes.” Before Mara could respond, Lilith moved to a large wooden trunk in the corner of the room and opened the lid. “My gowns should fit her nicely. I think the blue one will compliment her eyes and lovely blonde hair.” She pulled a satin gown from the trunk and laid it on the bed.

“Your daughter?” Mara spoke to her mistress, but stared at Gwen for a moment, then bowed. “Forgive me, m’lady, I thought you were a servant.”

“It seems we were all mistaken.” Lilith moved to where Gwen stood and hooked her arm around her shoulders. “I was carrying twins and was told my daughter died at birth. But I learned today that the old woman who delivered my babes lied to me, and raised my daughter as her own. I now know the truth and welcome my bairn home.” She hugged Gwen, then released her. “I hope you will obey Gweneth and show her the same respect you do me.”

“Of course, I’d be honored to assist her in any way I can. The news must have made your heart sing, m’lady.” Mara smiled at Gwen. “I noticed the likeness right away and I’m happy you are home where you belong, Lady Gweneth.”

“Thank you. This is all new to me, but I am sure I will adjust,” Gwen replied. It was the best response she could come up with on the spur of the moment, but she was still processing this whole thing and trying to make sense of it.

The idea of soaking in a tub of hot water sounded glorious, especially after spending the night on the cold, damp ground in the forest. However having someone present while she bathed and dressed was something she really didn’t relish. Gwen considered telling Lilith she didn’t need any assistance with personal care, but it was customary in this time period for the ladies of the house to have servants, so she decided it was better to go along, rather than to appear ungrateful.”

“I knew I could count on you, Mara. Lady Gweneth will stay in my chamber with me until the steward finds her one of her own. Until he does, you will act as her maid.”

“I will see to the tub, then return to assist you, Lady Gweneth.” Mara curtsied, then scurried out of the room.

“Once you’ve bathed, you may wish to rest,” Lilith said. “I’m sure you must be exhausted and the next meal willna be for hours. I will have Mara bring you something to eat and drink. Feel free to use my solar as you wish.” She pulled Gwen into a tight embrace, then released her. “Words canna express how happy I am to have you here with me.”

Gwen’s throat constricted with emotion, and for a moment, she couldn’t speak as a strange warmth washed over her, and she felt a connection to Lilith, an emotion stronger than anything she’d ever experienced. She waited for the lairdess to leave the room, then sat on the edge of the bed. She couldn’t explain any of this and had to find Beatha.

~ * ~

MacQuin Castle 2017 

Kyle stalked the length of the castle visitor center, then halted where Beth was standing, staring out the window. He cupped her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “They’ll find her, kiddo, they have to.” He was not sure he believed what he was saying, and the gaping hole in his chest and the gnawing at the pit of his stomach seemed to grow as each hour passed. If anything happened to Gwen, he wasn’t sure he could go on, or if he would want to. From the day they met, he’d felt an undeniable connection. It was like their love had been pre-ordained, and the more time they spent together, the stronger that bond became. There were so many things he wished he’d told her, but he didn’t want to crowd or pressure her in any way. He knew she had her reservations about marriage, and he loved her enough to wait, and hoped she’d come to realize they were meant to be together. His chest tightened and the thought he might never see her again gutted him.

“It’s been almost twenty-four hours since she disappeared. Where could she be?” Beth turned to face Kyle, tears brimming in her eyes.

“You’re exhausted. I wish you would go back to the hotel and get some rest. I promise to call if the police find anything.” He tugged Beth against his chest and hugged her.

“I’m not going anywhere until they find her,” Beth sobbed. “Gwen wouldn’t desert me and I’m not going to abandon her either. I’m staying here and you’re not going to convince me otherwise.”

Kyle gently stroked her back as Beth released a torrent of tears. “Okay. But will you at least go into the office and put your feet up for a bit, try to catch a nap?”

Beth dragged her fist across her eyes, then peered up at him and nodded. “I’ll rest, but if anything happens, you have to promise to come and get me.”

“Cross my heart.” Kyle said, and smiled.

“Did you call your grandfather and tell him you wouldn’t be back as planned? I wonder if anyone has let Gwen’s parents know what’s happened.”

“I called her parents first thing this morning. I was hoping they’d find her last night and there would be no reason to alarm them, but when the searchers failed to locate her, I figured I had better let them know,” Kyle explained. “Her dad said they were going to catch the first available flight from the States. The police have sent an escort to the airport to pick them up, and I image they will be here soon. I just wish I had better news. I hated to be the one to—” he paused midsentence and narrowed his gaze.

“What’s wrong?” Beth asked.

Kyle stared out the window and pointed at a hooded figure standing at the edge of the forest. “Have you noticed that person hanging around the castle before now?”

Beth turned to look in the direction Kyle was pointing. “Who do you think it is? I don’t recall seeing them before. Maybe it’s someone who came out to help in the search.”

“I don’t know who it is, but I’m going to find out.” Kyle hurried out the door of the visitor center, picking up the pace as he sprinted towards the forest. “Hey there! I want to talk to you,” he called after the figure when it disappeared into the trees. “Damn.” He cursed, entering the tangle of branches and bracken, catching his sweater on a thorn and cutting his forearm. But it wasn’t the injury that bothered him. The person he was seeking had vanished and he had no idea in what direction they’d headed.

Kyle scoured the area, looking for the elusive stranger, but his search came up empty. Frustrated, he turned, about to head back to the visitor center when he heard a branch snap behind him. He spun on his heel. “Who are you and what were you doing lurking in the shadows?”

“I could ask you the same question, but I already know the answers.”

“I don’t know how that’s possible,” Kyle replied. “I’m Dr. Kyle Mackay and my girlfriend Gwen Lindsay has been missing since Samhain Eve. Do you know anything about her disappearance?” He closed the gap between them, while the stranger stood his ground, but when Kyle prepared to grab him and demand answers to his questions, he realized he was confronting an old woman.

“I know who you are and why you’re here,” the woman hissed. “But you willna find Lady Gweneth on this plane of existence.”

“Then tell me where she is,” Kyle demanded. “Is she okay, is she injured?” Heart hammering, he waited for a reply, but when she didn’t answer, he feared the worst. “If you won’t speak to me, maybe you’ll tell the police what they need to know.” He wrapped his hand around the woman’s upper arm, prepared to drag her by force if necessary, but heat radiated from her skin, followed by a shock that burned his hand, and excruciating pain raced up his arm.

“What the hell just happened?” Stunned when the powerful shock he’d just experienced forced him to let go of her arm and he landed unceremoniously on his butt, Kyle glared up at the woman in disbelief. He knew he shouldn’t have grabbed her the way he did, but couldn’t understand how a petite old woman could wield such power. His concern for Gwen got the better of him and he’d behaved inexcusably, something he needed to control.

“I go nowhere and speak to no one unless it is my choice,” she said, then pointed her boney finger in his direction. “Best you remember that, Kyle MacKay, or what you just experienced will be the least of your worries.”

“Then answer my question. If you know where Gwen is, tell me.” Kyle caught the anger and desperation in his tone, so he softened his voice. “Please.” If he’d learned anything in his seven years working with kids, they responded better to a gentle voice and touch than they did to a harsh one. He stood, then brushed the dirt and leaves from his clothing, before he continued. “I’m sorry if I hurt you or startled you. I had no right to touch you, but noticed you lurking around the castle grounds. Gwen is missing and I thought maybe you might know what happened to her. If you have any information about her whereabouts, I’d be grateful.”

The woman’s brow furrowed and she tapped her finger against her forehead, studying Kyle before speaking. “I do know where Lady Gweneth is, but doubt you’ll believe me.”

“Lady Gweneth?” Kyle steepled his hands as if in prayer and returned the woman’s gaze. “Please. I beg you to tell me what you know. We’ve been scouring the area in and around the castle ruins for hours and have turned up nothing. It’s like she vanished into thin air.”

“You can search, but you willna find her. I told you that Gweneth is no longer on this plane of existence.”

His chest constricted and he couldn’t breathe, her words hitting him like a crushing blow to the chest. He squared his shoulders and looked the woman in the eye. “Are you telling me Gwen is dead?” He almost choked on the words, but he had to know. During his career, he’d had to deliver more than his share of bad news to parents of terminally ill children. He’d dealt with the deaths of patients, his own parents, and his grandmother, but the thought of losing Gwen was unbearable. Every minute she was gone, he missed and loved her more.

“Gweneth is not dead, but she is gone,” the woman said.

Kyle gave his head a rough shake. “I don’t understand. Explain.”

“Even if I tell you, I’m na sure you are worthy or will believe me.”

“I love Gwen wholeheartedly and will do anything to get her back.” Kyle thumped his fist against his chest. “If that’s not enough, tell me what you want and I’ll do my best to comply.” It took every ounce of restraint he could muster to keep from grabbing the woman again and demanding answers, but he knew better than to try. “Don’t write me off until you give me a chance, Gwen’s life might depend on it. Anything you can tell me could be helpful.”

“My name is Beatha,” she began, then sat on a fallen tree and patted the spot beside her. “You may want to sit for this.”

Kyle sat beside her. “I‘m ready. What did you mean when you said Gwen was no longer on this plane of existence?”

“Let’s see how well you handle what I have to say. Then I will decide if you are worthy,” Beatha said. “I will start by asking if you believe in magic, the fae, and past lives.”

“If you’re asking if I am superstitious and believe in Scottish folklore, the answer is no. I’m a doctor, a man of science who believes a person’s life and fate are destined by how they choose to live, not because it is preordained,” Kyle said, even though this strange woman gave him pause for thought. If he spent enough time around her, he might just change his mind.

“Then this discussion has ended.” Beatha rose and began to walk away. “Scottish blood flows through your veins and I hoped you were a smart man, but I guess I was mistaken.”

“Wait!” Kyle sprang to his feet and jogged after her. “You didn’t tell me how I can find Gwen.”

Beatha shook her head. “If you dinna believe, there is no point in continuing. Not only have you forsaken Gweneth, but you shame and dishonor your ancestors as well.”

“Why you won’t help me?” She really had him perplexed. What his acceptance of the fae and ancient legends had to do with Gwen’s disappearance was beyond him, but it was obviously important to her.

“In order to save Gweneth, you must be a believer,” she said. “You must open your mind and heart, embrace your Highland ancestry, and become one with the past if you wish to find her before it is too late.”

“Fine. I’ll do whatever you say, believe anything you want me to.” Kyle could hardly contain his emotions, and if Gwen was in danger, he needed to find her as soon as possible. “Tell me what I have to do to help her. Just name it. Please.”

“Things are na that simple,” Beatha said. “If you wish to find Gweneth, you must embrace the past because that is where she is.”

Certain the old woman was delusional, Kyle staggered backwards and almost lost his balance. He clung to a nearby tree for support and glared back at her. “Are you telling me she’s somehow gone back in time?” He threw his hands in the air and began to pace. “This is crazy, people can’t time travel, it’s physiologically impossible and defies all known laws of physics.”

“Then there is no point in us speaking any longer.” Again Beatha tried to leave, but Kyle blocked her way.

“Please don’t go. The police haven’t been able to find Gwen and we don’t know where else to look.” Kyle couldn’t believe was he was about to say, but he was getting desperate. “Let’s say for arguments sake that I do believe you. If Gwen’s in the past and I’m in the present, how can I help her?”

“You can save Gweneth by going after her, provided you have the courage to follow your heart,” Beatha said, grinning.




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