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Let's Get Textual by Teagan Hunter (3)


Zach: You want to know what’s horrible?

Me: Your face.


Me: Do you need some aloe?

Me: Zach?

Me: ZACH?! Are you mad? Was that too far?

Zach: Sorry, had to call my friend and ask him to drive me to the hospital so I could have my wounds checked out.

Zach: Also, you’re the worst.

Me: Worst…or BEST?

Zach: I’m going away now.

Me: WAIT! You never told me what’s horrible!

Zach: Oh, I didn’t? It’s

Me: Zach?


Me: ZACH?!

Me: YOU’RE the worst.

Zach: Or best, right?

Me: Sure, we’ll go with that.

Me: Why’d you text me? Is this our “thing” now? Texting?

Zach: Well I was only going to tell you about how the client loved our wrong number story so much he signed on the dotted line and then I was going to leave you alone, BUT…prepare yourself for daily texts until I grow bored.

Me: BORED? You’ll never grow bored of me!

Zach: We’ll see, won’t we?

Me: Do you do this with everyone? Climb inside their heads and psych them out?

Zach: Is that what’s happening? What exactly am I doing that’s wigging you out?

Me: Now my stupid brain says, “YOU’RE BORING!” And you’re over here like, “When I’m bored, it’s bye-bye.” So you’re going to let me get all attached and then BOOM, rip that rug right out from under me, HUH?

Zach: Are you finished?

Me: I think so.

Me: Sorry. Sometimes I get a little crazy.

Zach: A little? I couldn’t tell.

Me: Will you hold it against me?

Zach: Absolutely I will.

Me: Are you into anything weird? You seem like the type…

Zach: Are YOU trying to start a sexting convo?

Me: Omg. That DID sound super pervy.

Me: I meant, like, weird hobbies. I assumed we were on the same page here. Come on, Zach, you should know all this by now. We’re practically best friends.

Zach: You’re right. Total screw-up on my part.

Zach: My hobbies include working, working some more, and a video game marathon every now and then.

Me: So…you have no life?

Zach: Hey, whoa! I didn’t say that.

Me: You didn’t have to.

Zach: And, pray tell, what are YOUR oh-so-incredible hobbies?

Me: Well, if you must know, I enjoy…knitting.

Zach: And you say I’M the one with no life.

Zach: Are you secretly 80 or something?

Me: I AM NOT 80! I enjoy it. It’s cathartic.

Zach: What kind of things do you knit?

Me: Blankets. Hats. Socks. Potholders.

Zach: POTHOLDERS?! Wow. I’m sold.

Me: You know what? I’ll knit you something extra special and send you a pic. Give me two hours.

Zach: I’m waiting with bated breath.

Zach: Are you still alive or did you drown in a sea of yarn?

Me: Omg, Zach. You can’t just ask someone if they drowned in yarn. Did your mother not teach you any manners?

Zach: We didn’t get that far…

Me: Oh.

Zach: Hi, I’m Zach, I’m a mood killer.

Me: Hi, Zach. Thanks for being so forthcoming with that information AFTER you begged me to be your texting best friend.

Zach: So, what did you knit me?



Zach: You dirty, dirty girl.

Zach: I am laughing so fucking hard right now. Thank you for that.

Me: You likey?

Zach: I likey.

Me: I’ll think of you every single time I use them.

Zach: You’re too kind. They’re a wonderful gift I doubt I’ll ever receive.

Me: Hey, Zach?

Zach: Yes?

Me: I…I didn’t mean to bring up your mom. I had no idea.

Zach: Don’t sweat it. You’re still my favorite penis potholder maker…this week.

Me: Is there anything else I should know about you? Any other subjects that are off the table?

Zach: I hate clowns and bunnies. That’s about it.

Me: I’m sorry…BUNNIES?! How is that possible?

Zach: Don’t judge me. I’m sure there’s something weird out there that you’re afraid of.

Me: I can’t think of anything like that. Mine is just normal stuff, like spiders and snakes and volcanoes.

Zach: Volcanoes…but those are part of nature.

Me: So are bunnies!

Me: Also, have you seen Dante’s Peak? *shudders*

Zach: That movie isn’t even kind of scary!


Me: Fine. What kind of movies scare you?

Zach: Normal ones, like Alice in Wonderland, Zootopia (BUNNIES), and Pinocchio. And Trolls.

Me: Trolls? As in the animated movie?


Me: There is no way I’ll ever not judge you now.

Zach: I’m so bored. Work is killing me today.

Me: I’m sitting in an accounting class. I win in our game of suckage.

Zach: Ouch. I bow to your bravery, my fair queen.

Me: …

Me: Did you just say that? Is your brain poisoned from all the video games? What type video games ARE you playing?

Me: Are you secretly twelve? Because I feel like that’s something a twelve-year-old would say.

Zach: Who in the world taught you how to socialize? Do you say the first thing that pops into your head? Are you deranged?

Me: My mother. Sometimes. Possibly.

Zach: You are incredibly exhausting.

Me: But still awesome.

Zach: And humble. We can’t forget that one.

Me: Check you out, having my back and all. BESTIES FOR LIFE.

Me: *whispers* But really…did you just say that? Are you still living in your parent’s basement?

Zach: Yes, I really said it. I might have fibbed about my video game playing. It’s frequent…obnoxiously so. I tend to play RPG games, but no, I don’t live in a basement. I work in one.

Me: Because that’s not still weird…

Zach: If it makes you feel any better, I own the basement I work in.

Me: Your street cred IS improving.

Zach: Oh thank god. I was worried you would never bug me ever again.

Me: Wish in one hand…

Zach: Aren’t you supposed to be paying attention in class?

Me: Yes. Now shut up.

Zach: *sends you a thousand cat pictures*

Me: Don’t threaten me with a good time.

Me: Cake, brownies, ice cream? GO!

Zach: Yes.

Me: NO! Pick one! HURRY!

Me: I’m at the store getting ready to check out and I NEED TO KNOW. I can’t decide. Help a cute, hangry girl out, would ya?

Zach: How about…a brownie cake with ice cream.

Me: I think I just came.

Zach: I am known for my skills.

Me: Stop it. I’m in the middle of the damn grocery store. Save that talk for later. ;-)

Zach: Wait…really?

Me: OMG no. Pervert.


Me: I need you to pick between CAKE, BROWNIES, and ICE CREAM.

Zach: Umm…brownies. With chocolate and vanilla ice cream on top. Chocolate sauce drizzled over it. And sprinkles.

Me: I hate you.


Me: I put it all in my cart.

Me: It will be your fault when I fall into a sugar coma.

Zach: You can thank me later.

Me: You promise to come to my funeral?

Zach: And recount all the marvelous memories we’ve had together, including where I gently pushed you to feast upon magical desserts. I’ll lean down to your casket and whisper, “You’re welcome.”

Me: BRB, dying.

Me: Entertain me, squire!

Me: Did I say that right?

Zach: Good enough for me.

Zach: Would you rather have 1,000 puppies who barked constantly or one who hated you and never let you pet it?

Me: What in the actual hell is wrong with you?!

Zach: You HAVE to pick. It’s the only rule of Would You Rather.

Me: I asked you to entertain me, not torture me.

Zach: Tick tock.

Me: FINE. One puppy who hated me. Even though it’s the saddest thing ever, I know I couldn’t stand the barking of a thousand adorable, fluffy puppies.

Zach: I think that would be a wise decision.

Me: More entertainment, stat. I love my roommate to death but she just put on the dumbest show ever.

Zach: Which show?

Me: Something about boys in trailer parks and propane.

Zach: Oh, well, okay then. I was not expecting that answer.

Me: I wasn’t expecting to have to sit through this painful show.

Zach: Do you want to build a…


Zach: No. I hit send too soon. Stop it.

Zach: AS I WAS SAYING…build a tiny house or an elaborate tree house?

Me: Are you literally the devil? Do you have horns and hooves and evil minions?

Zach: What did I do now?

Me: 1. I have acrophobia, fear of heights. 2. I’m claustrophobic. 3. ARE YOU THE DAMN DEVIL?!

Zach: *dies of laughter*

Zach: How in the hell did I manage to unknowingly hit on your two greatest fears at the same time?

Me: Because you’re evil incarnate.

Zach: I’m not even sorry. *dies again*

Zach: Distraction tactic—what’s your favorite kind of cereal?

Me: Cap’n Crunch. Hurts so good. Yours?

Zach: Lucky Charms. Because just like me, they’re magically delicious.

Me: *stares*

Zach: Fine, fine. It’s Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I just wanted to use that cheesy line.

Me: Did you even say it with a straight face?

Zach: Hell no.

Zach: Okay, what’s one place you’d love to visit?

Me: Easy. Alaska.

Zach: Are you a winter woman?

Me: Kind of. I’m more of a fall gal. I’m slightly obsessed with Halloween.

Zach: No.

Me: Yes?

Zach: That’s my favorite holiday. Ever. Fuck birthdays and Christmas and presents. I want Halloween. Give me spooky and candy any damn day.

Me: We’re a match made in heaven.

Me: Please tell me you dress up.

Zach: I was The Green Arrow last year. You?

Me: Belle…for the last three years.

Zach: I was the red Ranger for six years when I was younger.

Me: I was the pink one for four.

Zach: Is this…meant to be?

Me: We’ll see.