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Lost Faith (The Firm Book 1) by April Zyon (14)



A week later...


Gabbie had settled into being a part of Tobias’s crew and workforce easily. It was actually pretty crazy just how easy it was to find her own little niche with his crew. She was able to settle in easily with those of his tech team and found herself teasing them just as much as they teased her. Right now, she was earning some tips from Winston on hacking. She was good, but he was much, much better.

Winston settled back into his seat and handed her a bottle of juice before setting his coffee down on the holder well back from all the gear. And the man had gear. Laptops and desktop computers of all kinds and dimensions, some were even Frankensteined versions he’d personally created to get what he wanted from specific brands all in one machine. Right now, they were sitting at his main desk with the triple screens facing them. He held out a little book to her and a USB key.

“These are your tools of the trade. Manual codes to get you around many things are in the book, and the USB stick holds several codes you can drop into a system for unlocking it and the like. Do not ever lose these, and do not ever let anyone put their hands on them. They are yours and yours alone. As you get better versed you’ll make your own adjustments to the codes to personalize them, your signature basically. Now then,” he said cracking his knuckles. “Ready to hack the NSA with me for shits and giggles?”

“Right, so give the codes to everyone.” She teased just so she could see that look on his face, the shock that he gave. “And no. Tobias told me that I am to keep you on the straight and narrow. No hacking the NSA.” She leaned closer and whispered, “Instead how about we hack Google and fuck with their search parameters so that everything comes up with something strange. No matter what someone types into search make it say, did you mean to search for...?” It sounded like fun to her at least.

“Tobias is a wet blanket, and you are not funny. This is legitimate business. They’ve got some new firewalls in place as of two days ago but are worried they aren’t going to do the job they demand of them. We’re going to test them, poke at them for holes or possible places to breach. If we get flagged we’re fine because it’s all above board.” He rolled his eyes when she stared at him, turned and then swung back to hand her an envelope. “The personal request from the director of the NSA himself to our company to conduct the testing. Date and time to begin so they have their people watching their end to see if anything pops up that shouldn’t or should but doesn’t. We’re getting paid enough money for me to buy my own laser cannon so let’s not fuck this up. Which reminds me, if they catch you they will ding you a point and then release. They know our ISP addresses we’ll be using and will be watching for them, but not actively trying to stop us. We’re doing all the heavy lifting and our only target, should be managed to actually sneak through, is the office picture for someone’s retirement two weeks ago. It’s in this folder heading and in this directory.” He handed her a slip of paper with the information on it.

“As long as you are sure.” She told him and then wiggled her fingers. “Okay, let’s get to poking at the NSA so that we can see if we can find some holes. I really do want to fuck with Google as well.” She was nothing if not a silly girl who liked to play tricks on people. “So, what are we looking for?”

“We are looking for the swiss cheese of the firewall. Big holes you avoid, they are usually traps set to lure unaware hackers in. You need to look for the miniscule holes or the cracks in the foundation. Just remember the first time they snag you you’ll likely jump a foot, they are not subtle, be ready for it. Once they let you go review what you did, what you assumed and remember not to do the same again. It’s all about pounding the shit out of this thing until it shows us the money spot.”

“Sounds like a plan. We will get started then.” She was on one computer while he was on another and they were both ready to go. She was ready to see what she could do just as much as he was. “Now, come to momma swiss cheese.” She liked this part of hacking, the whole testing and poking, the prodding and trying to be smarter than the next guy.

“Remember, you are a ninja not a bull in a damn china shop. You need to use stealth and subterfuge to make it give you what you need. Good, nice approach. I see what you’re doing there and that’s smart. Keep it up and you might just hack the NSA today.” She knew he was watching over her shoulder a few more minutes before finally turning to his own set-up. Only when she heard the clack from his keyboard did she feel herself truly relax and her focus sharpen.

Gabbie continued and then leaned back. “Will you turn on some tunes while we are working?” She did her best work while she was working with music. Once he started the music she began to dance in her seat while clicking through the data packs she knew would help with hacking the NSA. “So, what do we get paid if we are able to get into the NSA today?”

“An obscene amount of money. Tobias negotiated it. I think, but don’t quote me, if we make it through we get fifty grand, and another fifty if we can patch everything for them inside a week. If we fail miserably we get twenty for the effort and they’ll come to us down the road again for whatever other needs they may have of this nature. We also gain referrals within the community that are handy to have. While this isn’t our normal gig it gives me something to do during our down time which is why Tobias allows it,” he muttered distractedly. “Apparently I’m a menace when I’m bored.”

“Huh, so what would I get if I got in first?” She was smiling as she hummed and worked. “And the repairs, the patching the holes would have to be done quickly because there are a lot of them.” She turned to look at him. “So, do you want to know what sort of file that they have on you?” They had to have been working on this project for hours but she had just found an in, thank goodness.

“Unless they’ve done an update recently I’ve already read it. Several times. Whoever wrote it lives partially in a fantasy world I think,” he said. “If you want to read Tobias’s while you’re in there go for it. I already have the file from the folder.” Winston shot her a boyish grin and cracked his neck.

Leaning back in his seat he turned his attention back to the screen. “You did really well, Ella. Barely even a blip on the radar which is what we wanted. But that was way too easy. Either they hired a total hack and got scammed, not something you should do to the NSA or government in general. Or,” he trailed off. He was frowning now with his hands hovering over the keyboard again but not touching any keys.

“I might have seen someone hack them before.” She admitted finally. “So I did have a small little heads up but it wasn’t as easy as you think. We’ve been at this for six hours. Tobias has been in and out several times and has brought us several drinks. Have you been that zoned out?”

“Probably,” he said. Stretching his arms over his head he twisted and she heard his back pop. “I tend to fall into a different place when I’m programming or hacking. There are very few things that can actually break through and ruin my concentration. People in and out, conversations around me, or even a party on the desk wouldn’t bother me. But I only ever do that in a safe place or with someone watching my back. Don’t need any more holes in my gorgeous bod than I have already.”

“This is true.” Gabbie swiveled in her chair and watched him carefully. “So, tell me Winston, why is it that someone with a bod like yours, sense of humor and charm as well as looks is still single? You are also super sweet so I’m trying to figure out why you are still single even though you have like a hundred or more women’s names and numbers in your phone.”

“Three hundred and forty-six if you want to be specific. I actually have no idea who any but seven are, and that’s only because those seven happen to be family members. The others hit on me in bars, on buses, wherever and insist on giving me their numbers.” Shaking his head, he finally looked away from the screen and at her. “I find people annoying. I’m sure there is someone out there for me, but so far she’s hiding under a rock.”

That had her leaning over and giving him a side hug. “If Tobias could find me where he found me you know that you will find someone soon. She’s out there. Who knows, maybe she’s been waiting for you to find her as well?”

“That’s possible I suppose.” He looked uncomfortable by her hug. “But I don’t know if she’ll be as pleased by being thrown in a trunk as you ended up being. I’m actually impressed you didn’t take his nuts off for that.”

Gabbie laughed at that. “Oh, I wanted to at the moment but I didn’t. He’s still sucking up for it however. He’s such a sweetheart. I truly do love that man more than I ever expected. It happened so fast that I am honestly surprised about it, how I feel for him that is. I just hope he feels the same for me.”

“He’s been gone for you from the moment you got on board. Not that he’ll admit it. But we knew from the way he was talking that you’d done what no one else had. You should’ve seen what he did to Herc when the big guy mentioned taking you out back and putting two in your head. Never seen Tobias like that, we knew then he was sunk. We were, and are happy for him but the timing did kinda suck even you have to admit that.”

“Believe me I know just how shitty the timing was.” She, after all, helped them kill her father. “I didn’t know that I caused issues with the other’s and him.” Now she felt like shit and understood why the man known to her only as Herc steered clear from her.

“You didn’t. Herc said it to be flip but no one realized how deep Tobias’s feelings already ran. He shocked the hell out of us all. Tobias and Herc will find their balance again, don’t worry about that. Herc’s been avoiding you because he hasn’t wanted to piss of the boss any more than he has. Give it a few more days and he’ll eventually sneak in to say hi.”

“I hope so because I really don’t want to be the reason that there is tension. I adore that man of mine, I really do, but he is a little stubborn, isn’t he?” She asked with a smile. “Now, did our task get a thumbs up or should we go back at it?” He hadn’t seemed so sure before they began to chat, now she was curious what happened.

“They gave us the thumbs up but want a few hours to do some patches on their end. They seem to think someone screwed up there. We’ll let them do the patches, come back at it again tomorrow and if we can still get through then we’ll be doing the work to shore up their walls.”

“Sounds like a plan. So, what do we do while they are patching up their walls? Is this when you go for food or go and bug everyone in the office?” She had heard stories about him going into the other people’s offices and sitting on their desks or playing with their toys just to keep busy while waiting.

Winston shook his head and slouched deeper into his chair. “I have some other things to do and then I’m going to crash on the sofa for a couple hours. I could go home but that seems pointless since I won’t know when they are ready. And when they text me they’ll want to get started pretty fast.”

“Ah, gotcha. Well then should I go and bug Tobias for a while so that you can relax without me in your space? I know that he kind of dumped me into your lap so if you want me to I’m really able to go and bug him.” She said with a grin. God knew she loved to bug Tobias.

“You just want permission to go harass your man. Which you don’t need. Go and see him for a while. I’ll finish up here and then go get some lunch. I’ll text you if the NSA gets back to me before you and Tobias leave for the day.”

“Thanks, Winston, you are the best.” She rose, leaned in and kissed his cheek before racing off toward Tobias’s office to spend some time with him.


* * * *


Finishing up his call Tobias waved Gabbie in when she popped her head around the door. He gave a laugh at the parting comment and hung up. “I take it you and Winston were successful then? Or did the NSA spank you and send you to the corner to think about what you’ve done, or not as the case might be?”

“Nope, we were successful.” She moved around the desk and looked at him, he was assuming she needed him to lean back so she could get into his lap again. Once he did his suspicions were confirmed when she settled into his lap and leaned her head on his shoulder. “I like working with Winston. He’s funny and smart. He’s a good person too but I still miss you while I’m working with him. At least he knows when I’m getting antsy to see you and makes some sort of excuse for me to come and see you.”

“Winston doesn’t talk much unless it’s computers, code, or some combination of the two. But he’s extremely astute, very aware and reads people quite well.” Adjusting her in his lap Tobias rested his cheek to her soft hair. “He usually sends out probes of a sort to determine your mindset. Once he has that knowledge then he can subtly or not so subtly set you onto the path you desire. Depends on his mood.”

“Ah so he’s a tricky one. Did he study psychology as well as computers so that he could learn that or is it just a god given talent that he has?” She leaned in and pressed another kiss to his neck. Fucking hell he loved the way that she touched him and always needed to move in closer to him. He didn’t get it, she was young and beautiful but she wanted him and he damn well wanted her.

Tightening his hold on her Tobias dipped his head down to kiss her. “He’s studied psychology, even has a degree. Winston has several degrees, most I don’t even know what they are for and he doesn’t ever show them to anyone. Cherry thinks he goes after them to keep his mind busy, to fill a void and she might be right. But he’s a guy, and I’m a guy, and we don’t talk about shit like that. It’s not in the bro-code handbook after all.”

“I think that he’s in love with someone and she doesn’t know it.” Gabbie finally said, and that struck a chord inside of Tobias. “Something happened though and I’m not sure what. I just say that because of working with him for the last week or so. There is something going on that’s more than just his typical banter and so on.”

“You are talking about Winston, right?” The guy wasn’t exactly the chatty sort on the best day. Although even Tobias had to admit Winston did talk with Gabbie more than anyone else now, or ever. But his woman had a way about her, she could probably get anyone to talk to her given enough time. “He’s not the talkative sort.”

“He and I talk all the time.” Gabbie told him and pulled back to look at him. “When we are sitting there coding we will talk unless one of us is working on cracking a code but honestly there are far too many hours in the day that we simply sit there and that’s when we chat and he tells me all your secrets.”

Tobias cringed internally at that and tugged her head back to look at her. “What precisely has that man been telling you? I want details, dates and times on every conversation so I know what punishment needs to be mete out.”

“Nothing big. Basically, just telling me that he’s glad that I’m in your life and you are happier now than he’s ever seen you. I like that, the knowledge that I make you as happy as you make me.” She leaned in and kissed him then, dammit his woman was trying to get his mind on something else, her, and it was working.

“Uh-huh, anything else?” He would not be distracted, he would not be distracted. Damn her, she knew that nibbling on his jaw made his mind mush. Catching her chin, he held it to keep her under control and maybe find some more himself. “Come on, you can tell me.”

“No really he hasn’t said anything at all about you. I’ve tried to get secrets and he won’t give them up. He’s told me your likes, dislikes, birthday and so on but nothing too deep. He did tell me you had your heart broken once and he was happy that I was helping you heal but that’s it.”

He took another minute to stare into her eyes. Satisfied that’s all Winston had shared he nodded and hugged her in close. “You could have asked me for all that, sweetheart.” He was grateful Winston was standing by the code of their team. As he would do for the other man should it ever come to that. There were things you could, and would share and then other shit that was never spoken about.

“I know that I could have asked you but then I wouldn’t be able to surprise you with your birthday present because I seriously doubt that you would tell me that I missed your birthday the day before we met.” And he could see from the look on her face she was going to make that up to him. “I like that it’s kind of an anniversary for us.”

“I’d prefer to celebrate the day we met more than my birthday I’ll admit. Never particularly liked birthdays much. I’ve also never really understood the need. You were born, now you’re here, what’s the point of marking off the years?” It was a silly tradition but if she wanted to do something he wouldn’t stop her. Unless she went off the rails and then he’d damn well have to put his foot down.

“So, if we were ever blessed to have a child you wouldn’t want to celebrate our child’s birthday?” She had pulled back and looked at him with a frown. “I see not really celebrating your adult birthday’s but what about our children? And I would like to at least give you a gift and card on your birthday. You won’t deny me that will you? I’m not saying going crazy overboard, but a card and gift would be lovely, that is if you aren’t against it?”

Tobias thought carefully before opening his mouth. One thing he knew was that when dealing with women words had to be carefully chosen on most topics. He did not want this coming back to bite him in his ass later. “Kids are different and if they want the whole kit and kaboodle, then so be it. But once you get to a certain age it’s kind of pointless, although I won’t turn my nose up at a gift from my girl when the day comes around. She has special privileges after all.”

He must have said the right thing because she grinned and hugged him. “Thank you, Tobias.” She pressed a kiss to his neck, his jaw and then laid one on him that he was waiting for. She pulled back so that she could look him in the eyes. “I do love you, Tobias Casey. You are the perfect man for me.” And then she kissed him again.

Feeling like he’d won a medal, or at least placed to get on the podium, he kissed her back. When she broke the kiss to lick her lips he felt his cock leap behind his zipper. “Why don’t you go lock my door and then we can have a little fun before we head home?”

“Oh, I like it. Naughty man.” She rose however and walked to the door to do as he told her to do. Standing in front of the door he watched her as she took off her clothes, placing them carefully on the chair at the side of the door. “So,” she walked toward him with that sexy sway she had. “How is it that you want me, Tobias?”

Unzipping his jeans, he pushed them down enough to free his cock, and then crooked a fingers. “Come sit on my cock and we’ll figured it out from there.” Tobias wrapped his hand around his dick and gave it a couple strokes pausing to squeeze the base and stave off the need to explode. Whenever Gabbie got naked around him it was damn hard to not revert to his teenage self that had zero control.

She walked to him and straddled him. He was fucking thankful that his chair had openings under the armrests so that she could put her legs through it. When she was resting above him she put her hand on his cock. Fucking hell that was enough to make him bite down hard on his teeth to keep from coming. “So, you want to be inside of me?”

“Damn straight I do, and I know you want my dick inside you too, sweetheart. So why don’t you guide it in. Then we’ll both have what we want. I’ll make it worth your while, you know I will.” He had more than just chair sex on the plans before they headed out for the day.

“Oh, I know you will.” She guided his cock into her weeping pussy and began to move on him. Her hands were on his shoulders and she was looking at him with such trust, such love that it nearly gutted him with how lucky he was to have her.

Grabbing her ass, he helped her to move. Tobias took a second to enjoy her in all her naked glory with the sun beginning to set out the windows at her back. He was suddenly glad he’d paid a little more to get them specially treated to ensure privacy. It allowed them to enjoy the sunset, or rather he got to enjoy his woman haloed by the setting sun. She wrenched his attention back fully with a squeeze from her inner muscles around his cock, that earned her a light slap for the move that pushed him closer to the edge. Tobias wasn’t ready for this to be over any time soon.

He could see by her smile she liked the small smack to her ass, she always did though, enjoy having him slapping her ass or giving some small bite of pain while they made love. “I’m leaning back, hold me.” And then she began to lean back. Damn she made him feel like fucking Superman with all of the trust she placed in him to keep her safe at all times. His fingers tightened against her ass as she leaned back because the new angle had her pussy tightening even more.

Her breasts were pushed up to the perfect position. Leaning forward Tobias took her nipple between his lips and began to suck. Flicking his tongue to the tight bud he used his teeth to scrape and give it a pinch. Her pussy clenched even harder on his dick telling him she was enjoying what he was doing. Giving it another nip he sucked another minute before moving over to give her other breast the same treatment.

She placed her hands on his forearms and squeezed. He loved that she gave so much of herself to him, just like he gave everything to her. “That feels so good.” She was riding him harder, her pussy clenching on his dick with every suckle he gave her nipple.

“That’s it, babe. Ride me hard and squeeze me harder. I want you to drench me when you come. And once you do I’m going to fuck you hard, and fast on my desk. I want the image of your naked body resting there while you scream your orgasm to be part of my every working day.”

She rode him harder, faster and was squeezing him tightly. He wasn’t sure if she would come before him so he worked her nipples even more. It didn’t take her long however before she was doing just that. She was screaming in her pleasure in just moments. She came hard and tightened her pussy on his cock.

Squeezing his eyes closed tightly he mentally stripped an M-4 rifle in an attempt to stave off his own orgasm. He was successful, but it was a damn fucking close thing. When she started to collapse he stood with her in his arms and laid her out on his desk. Tobias had to move a couple things but made it work. He propped her heels up on the edge, and wrapping his arms around her thighs to be able to grab her hips he began to thrust like he’d promised, hard and fast.

Gabbie arched back and reached behind her so that she could clutch the other side of the desk and moved in perfect harmony with him. Damn it felt good too. “Son of a whore I’m about ready to come again.” She had sweat drenching her body, she looked perfect there on his desk like she was.

“Good because I’m pretty sure I blew out a few things holding back that last orgasm you tried to wrench from me.” He watched her breasts moving back and forth. This image was forever going to be ingrained in his brain. “I want you to come again, harder this time. Pet that pretty pink clit I can see peeking out down there. Wind yourself up good and tight, sweetheart.”

She did just as he told her to do. She began to rub at the pearl of her clit while riding his cock. She was watching him now with an eager and lustful gaze. “Fuck yes.” She moved on him harder now, faster and he was having one hell of a fucking time keeping from coming.

“Pinch that slippery little nub, baby,” he ordered. “When we get home, I want you on the bed, naked with your fingers in your pussy. Seeing you like this makes me want to watch you make yourself come by your own hand.” The thought was driving him practically insane.

“Deal.” She rubbed her clit and then began to pinch it. “I will do anything for you but if I’m getting off with my fingers I want to watch you doing the same. I want to see your big hands on your hard cock until you are ready to come and then I want to be able to take you into my mouth and drink you down.”

“Fuck yeah,” he croaked out. It was hard to talk let alone think. With the new image involving her mouth wrapped around his cock he was a goner. All finesse and style was gone, tossed out the window, lost to the ages. Now he was pure instinct and need. Gripping her hips tighter Tobias fucked her harder, only his hold keeping her from skidding across the desk atop his blotter.

Gabbie’s head was back and she moved with him. He saw her throat moving as if she were gulping and gasping for air. Then there it was, she was screaming as she came a second time for him. Her tight pussy fisting his cock so hard that it was hard for him to keep his head.

What came out of his mouth was nothing coherent. And he didn’t care. He was quite frankly surprised his head didn’t explode or that his knees didn’t give out from the force of the release he had. Holding her tight he pumped everything he had deep into her sheath and then kind of folded down on top of her like a wilted balloon.

She was gasping under him, one of her hands moved to his back limply and she stroked him lightly which he liked, a lot. “Son of a bitch I really hope your office is soundproofed.” Something he hadn’t thought of at all.

Tobias attempted to speak but nothing more than a wheeze broke through so he nodded instead. It took him a couple more minutes filled with deep gulps of air before he could lever up enough to ensure she wasn’t crushed under his weight. “All rooms in the place are soundproofed because we all have days where we’re not people to be around. Best to leave us in our little spaces to do whatever until we’re semi-human again.”

“Thank god. I think that you and I need to do this a lot. I really love working with you.” He smiled at that fact. He was pretty damn happy she decided to work with him too. “I think that we should get clothes on otherwise I’m going to attack your beautiful body again, Tobias and that simply won’t do. We will be in here all limp and weak as noodles while everyone out there snickers at us for being that way.”

“You look gorgeous you naked, limp noodle you. But you are right. We’d better get you dressed, and I need to straighten myself out before we attempt to walk out of here. Then we will head home, get something to eat, and have a nice lazy night. Especially since tomorrow I have meetings back to back through the day.” Tobias was not looking forward to that. He hated the meetings but they were a necessary evil to ensure the business kept growing and they all kept working.

That had her frowning, wrinkling her nose in that adorable way he loved. “Well then it looks like I get to bug Winston all day tomorrow, poor man. Don’t be surprised if he asks you for hazard pay.” She was teasing him and he knew it. She happened to love to tease him, it was one of the many things that he adored about her.

“Winston adores you, but if he starts telling you shit about me again he’s going to be looking for a new job.” Pressing a kiss to her lips Tobias helped her off the desk and held onto her elbow while she wobbled. When she got her legs under her he let her loose, and because he could he gave her a slap to her bottom. The glare filled with heat and amusement had him laughing. “Hurry up woman, I’m hungry.” Tidying his own clothing up Tobias realized how at peace he felt. For the first time in too long his life was exactly how he wanted it to be. Not perfect by any means, but he had a woman he loved and who loved him, friends and a job that kept him on his toes. What more could a man ask for?


The End