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Lost_in_Bliss_Google by Lexi_Blake_Sophie_Oak (5)



Washington, DC

Five years before


Laura Rosen pulled the cork out of the second bottle of wine of the night and poured two glasses. Cam wasn’t a wine guy, but Rafe liked it. After dinner, he would invariably switch to Scotch, but before they ate, Rafe always drank wine with her.

What a fucking day.

Her shoulders were bunched and knotted from twelve hours of pure stress. Looking at pictures of dead girls was no way to make a living. Why had she thought she could handle this?

If she thought today was rough, what was coming for her tomorrow? When Edward Lock read her profile, he was going to flip. She knew she was in for a fight, but she owed it to those girls. Edward might have years of experience over her, but he was flat wrong this time. She could feel it. At least she could count on Rafe and Cam to back her up. She hadn’t showed them her profile yet. She didn’t want to ruin the night, but after a year of depending on those guys, she was sure they would stand by her.

“Hey, bella.” Rafe’s hands slid along the muscles of her neck. She could feel the heat of his body behind her. “You’re so tense. It got to you today.”

“Victim number five was barely nineteen,” she replied. And Rafe was wrong. It hadn’t merely gotten to her today. It got to her every day. Despite herself, she shivered as Rafe’s skin pressed against hers.

It’s a friendly touch. Slow down, girl. This is not a place you should even think about going to.

The trouble was, she’d thought about it far too much. She’d started to think of Rafe Kincaid as way more than a friend and a colleague. She hadn’t missed the way he looked at her. He ate her up with his eyes, and it was killing her. She would have jumped into bed with him in a heartbeat if it hadn’t been for one thing—Cameron Briggs.

How could she have been stupid enough to fall for two men? Two men she worked with.

“We’ll catch him, bella.” Rafe’s hands rubbed down her back, soothing the muscles there. Every inch of skin he touched came alive.

“I’m not sure about that,” she murmured.

God, his hands felt good. How long had it been since she’d been physically close to another human being? She hadn’t dated for a year and a half. She’d been far too involved in her career, and then she’d been far too involved with Rafe and Cam to think about other men.

She’d kept it friendly. She was the only woman on her team. She was playing with fire by spending time outside of work with them, but she couldn’t help it. They were funny and kind. Rafe was her gentleman, constantly smoothing the way for her. He opened doors and gave her his umbrella when it rained. They could talk about gourmet food and wine and books.

And Cameron. Cam was her protector. Cam was a huge hunk of granite that got between her and anything that came her way. Cam was the one who called her at night to make sure she’d locked the doors. He was the one who insisted on installing a security system in her apartment. Cam was the one who got pissed at her when she walked to her car alone at night because she didn’t want to bother him.

She couldn’t help but remember a case they’d worked in Detroit a month after she’d joined the team. It was a serial rape case, and they’d been put up in a motel that was seedy to say the least. She’d locked her doors, but when she’d emerged the next day, Cam had been sitting outside, his back against the moldy wall, a cup of coffee in his hand. His eyes had been so tired. He’d sat there all night because she had fit the profile, and he wasn’t going to let that happen to her. The next night, both he and Rafe had slept on the floor of her motel room.

How could she ever choose between them? It was easier to put her hormones on hold and enjoy their company.

Rafe stopped what he was doing, and she mourned the loss of his hands on her, but it was better this way. She could already feel the wine lowering her inhibitions. Rafe had drunk even more than she had, and Cam had tackled several beers. He’d had to walk to get the pizza. It was best if Rafe didn’t keep massaging her. It could go badly.

“You have to know that he’ll slip up sometime. Killers always do.” Rafe leaned back against her countertop. He’d shed his suit coat, and his dress shirt was partially unbuttoned, showing off a bit of his perfect olive skin. He was a paragon of modern masculine beauty. From his wavy, pitch-black hair, to his laser-focused eyes, to those lips that Laura stared at, he was utter perfection.

“I don’t know that,” she replied, trying to get her brain off those lips. What would they feel like on her mouth? God, what would they feel like on her nipples? The mere thought of his mouth suckling at her breasts made her nipples lengthen and rub against her bra.

He shook his head as he grabbed the glass she’d poured for him. “They all screw up in the end because they all want to get caught. They want the fame or they want to be stopped, but one way or another, they want to get caught.”

“I think this unsub is different than anything we’ve come up against. He comes off like a mission-oriented killer, but I think he’s a thrill seeker.”

There were several small markers that led her to believe that the Marquis de Sade was playing a game. It went past the killing and the torture. He was playing a game with the FBI. If Laura was right, he was playing a game with his own family.

“Don’t, bella. No more tonight. I can’t take anymore.” Rafe had been the one to take the call. Laura had only been forced to look at the pictures, but she knew Rafe had to walk into the room where they found the victim. He and Cam had to call the young woman’s mother and tell her that her daughter was never going to get it together and come home. “Can’t we wait until tomorrow to get back into this?”

Yes. Tomorrow was soon enough to cause trouble. Her profile was going to be controversial. “Sure.”

She took a sip of the deliciously rich cabernet. Rafe got very quiet. Just like that, the room felt thick with tension. She was alone with Rafe. He was right there. So close she could feel the heat of his body. She’d been alone for so damn long.

“How long is this going to go on, bella?”

She felt tears prick at her eyeballs, and she took a longer gulp of the wine. She wasn’t sure she was ready for this. Choices. She would have to make hard choices. Whether to leave her job wasn’t as hard as she would have thought. If she got involved with one of them, she would have to ask for a transfer, but she’d been thinking about that anyway. She’d been thinking of using her degree in psychology in the victim’s services department. All the death was getting to her.

It was choosing between them that would kill her. Either way she went, she lost one of them.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea, Rafe.”

“Because of Cam?”

She nodded, unwilling to say that she was equally in love with two men. What kind of woman did that make her?

“What if I told you that Cam and I have talked about this? What if I told you that Cam and I are willing to give you some time to make your decision? We’re not stupid, bella, and neither are you. We’ve both become very attached to you. Neither one of us wants to let you go, but we also have no interest in simply being your friend for the rest of our lives. I want you. I want you so badly I can taste it. Cam wants you, too.” Rafe’s hands came out and found the curve of her hip. He drew her forward until she was in the cradle of his body. He turned his head down, staring into her eyes. “Tell me you don’t want me, and I’ll stop.”

She set the wine down before she lost the glass. She could feel the long, hard line of his erection poking at her through the wool of his slacks. Her head was swimming with arousal. Her whole body felt like it was being primed for pleasure. She needed to move away from him, but her chin tilted up and then there was no escape.

His lips brushed hers, a soft touch like silk kissing against her skin. Their noses scraped together. It was an innocent intimacy, but her heart was suddenly swollen with the sweetness of it. She lifted her head up and went onto her toes, silently requesting more.

He went slowly, his lips pressing down on hers, seducing her mouth. He didn’t push her. He simply made love to her mouth with agonizing persuasion. He kissed her over and over, light touches to her lips. He pressed soft kisses starting on one side of her mouth, touching every inch, and then making the trip again once he’d gotten to the other side. His hands threaded through her hair, holding her still as he explored her face. He kissed her nose and her cheeks. She closed her eyes so his lips could touch her there, too. He kissed her forehead and then made his way back down. It was so much more than lust. Lust she might have been able to refuse, but Rafe’s tender care sucked her in like nothing before.

“I want you so badly, bella.” The words were lyrical coming out of his mouth. When he was aroused, his Cuban accent flared, giving a round seduction to every word that flowed. “You’re so beautiful. I’ve never known a woman as beautiful as you.”

She shuddered as Rafe’s tongue played along the seam of her lips, lighting a fire in her pussy. She was softening, preparing for him, and it felt too fucking good to deny. Her whole body had gone languid, waiting impatiently for his hands to roam across her skin.

“Open for me, bella. Let me taste you.”

She opened her mouth, and his tongue swept in. It glided across hers, begging her to play. It was wrong. She knew it was wrong, but it felt right. She cared about him. Hell, she loved him. Why was it wrong to have him? She needed him. The events of the day—of the whole last year—weighed on her so heavily that it was like a weight lifting to simply let go and feel. She gave in and let her hands cup his broad shoulders.

“Yes, oh yes, bella.” He whispered the words against her mouth before he plunged inside. His tongue was rapacious now, as though he’d been let off a leash. His hands pulled her in as his mouth took hers. He pushed her against the countertop, taking up all the space. His cock ground against her pelvis. She heard herself whimper because his cock was hitting her clit, rubbing against it through his slacks and her skirt.

Too tight. She couldn’t get her legs open. The pencil skirt she’d worn had seemed pretty and professional, but now it hemmed her in. She wanted to wrap her legs around Rafe’s hips and feel that massive cock against her pussy. It felt huge and rock hard. It would feel so good inside her.

She let her hands run down his torso, deeply hating the fabric that covered him.

“Feel me.” Rafe ripped open his dress shirt, the buttons pinging to the floor.

Laura looked down to see his perfectly cut chest. She ran her fingers over the muscles of his stomach and up along his ribs. Every part of him was smooth, the skin soft, but the flesh underneath was like steel. Rafe’s hands went to his belt. He unbuckled it and undid the top of his pants, revealing a thin line of dark hair that led down.

She leaned over and did what came naturally. She kissed him from the hollow of his neck down, tasting his clean and masculine flesh. She licked at his flat nipples, loving the way they tightened for her. She gently worked her way around the nipple and then moved to the next one.

“Bite me, bella. I like it rough. I want to feel your teeth on me.”

The idea made her clench. Moisture was making her slick and wet for him. She bit down on his nipple and was rewarded with a sharp hiss.

“Yes. That’s what I want. I want you wild.”

If he wanted her wild, he was going to get his wish. Her heart was pounding, and her skin felt like it might pulse off her body. His gorgeous form was all there for her delectation, and she wasn’t about to hold back.

She pushed at his pants and shoved his boxers down his lean hips. His cock sprang free. Touch hadn’t lied to her. He was huge and thick, with a spongy purple head. Laura shoved him back. In the small kitchen, there wasn’t a lot of room to maneuver. Rafe seemed to know what she wanted, and he leaned back, spreading his legs as she got to her knees. Her skirt forced her to keep her legs together, but she could move a bit. She breathed in the scent of his arousal before leaning over and licking the head of his cock.

It jumped, and Rafe’s groan reverberated through the small kitchen. His heavy balls pulled up as she looked at him.

“Please, bella. I need you. I’ve needed you for so long.”

Laura let her mouth close over the head of his twitching dick. His arousal, thick and salty, spread across her tongue. She grasped the thick stalk of his cock with one hand as she worked her tongue over the V on the underside of his head.

Rafe’s hands found the back of her neck and pulled her forward. “More. Take more.”

He was a ruthless son of a bitch. It made her even hotter. He forced her head forward. She opened wide because his dick was invading, penetrating inch by luscious inch. Air. She needed air. She forced herself to breathe through her nose. Rafe filled her mouth with his hard dick. She struggled but managed to whirl her tongue around the cock in her mouth. Rafe fucked into her mouth in hard, short strokes.

She gave up fighting him, allowing Rafe to take over. She softened her jaw and felt his cock sink further. Rafe’s movements took on jerky strides. She felt him pulse, and then he cursed and pulled out.

Laura looked up. Her mouth felt empty without his cock in it. His face was bunched and tight. “You didn’t like it?”

His hands came out, pulling her up. “I was too close, bella. I don’t want to come in your mouth. Not this time. I want to get inside you. I want to feel your pussy around my cock.”

He picked her up and settled her on the countertop, pushing her skirt to her waist.

“Lift up. You don’t need this.” He ran his fingers along the edges of her underwear.

She lifted her ass, and Rafe slid the offending silk panties off her hips. Cool air stroked over her heated flesh. Rafe forced her legs open. His cock thrust from the perfectly manicured nest of hair at the juncture of his thighs. She couldn’t take her eyes off his cock. It was slick from her mouth. Suddenly Rafe palmed himself. He stroked his cock twice, the head weeping pearly fluid. He let go. There was the sound of a wrapper tearing, and then his hands were shaking as he rolled the condom over his cock.

God, was she doing this? Rafe Kincaid was covering his cock in a rubber so he could fuck her. What was she thinking? Her brain worked overtime.

“Don’t.” Rafe nearly groaned the command. “Don’t think.”

But she couldn’t stop. There would be no going back. “Rafe, we should—”

“We should stop thinking and let it happen.” He pushed her knees wide and lined his cock up. “I need this. I fucking need you, Laura. I’ll stop if you want me to, but I think we both need this.”

“I want you,” she admitted, her hips moving, trying to welcome him inside.

He held himself there, right on the edge of her pussy. His big cock teased at her. Laura felt her pussy pulse as though demanding the same thing Rafe was. She wanted it so badly. Her body was begging for it.

“Look at it.” Rafe was looking down. “Look at how beautiful it is and tell me it’s wrong.”

Laura let her eyes follow Rafe’s line of sight down to the place where his cockhead sat poised at the entrance to her pussy. The head slipped inside the labial walls, threatening the channel with sweet invasion. As Rafe’s hips moved, she could see that his cockhead was already coated with her juice.

“We’re beautiful together. This isn’t some one-night thing for me, bella. I’m crazy about you.” He kissed her forehead. “But if you need more time.”

Only one thing kept her from wrapping her legs around him. “Cam—”

“Thinks he wants to watch.”

She felt her heart almost stop at the words that came from the hallway. Cam stood there, pizza in one hand and a six-pack dangling from the other. His whole body was still. It was almost as though he was stopped in his tracks, and he couldn’t move. His handsome face was set in stone.

“Cameron.” Laura tried to push her legs together, but Rafe was still there. “We can’t. I can’t hurt Cam like this.”

Rafe’s head turned, his dark eyes slightly desperate. “Cam, please tell her it’s okay.”

Cam set the pizza and the six-pack on the kitchen table. In two long strides, he crossed the space between them. They crowded into her tiny kitchen, their big bodies taking up all the space. Cam’s eyes softened, and he towered over her. He was a good two inches taller than Rafe, his body thick and corded with muscles. His eyes were blue, and they ranged from an icy, arctic color when he was angry to the bright, inviting blue of a perfectly kept swimming pool. His big hand cupped half her face.

“I wanted to be first, but I had to go and get pizza. My momma always told me my gut would get me in trouble,” Cam said with a chuckle. “Laura, baby, this has been inevitable from the moment we met. I know it’s odd, but I think we’re ready to try.”

Were they ready to try to make it work between the three of them? “I want to try, too. I want you both. Yes, I want this.”

Cam kissed the side of her face and then turned back to Rafe. “Give me a show, buddy.”

The minute the words left Cam’s mouth, Rafe thrust in.

She groaned at the invasion. He filled her, stretched her taut. He worked his dick in, thrusting back and forth with determination, trying to get in.

“You’re so tight, bella. How long?”

Laura didn’t pretend to misunderstand. He was filling her, making her ache with longing. “Years.”

She’d paid attention to her career. The FBI was a rough environment. It was still, in many ways, a good old boys’ club. She was a younger woman. She’d known if she’d wanted anyone to take her seriously, she couldn’t date another agent. The job was so demanding that she didn’t have time to meet anyone, and after meeting Rafe and Cam, she hadn’t wanted to.

“I’m glad, bella.” Rafe leaned over and kissed her while he pulled on her hips and thrust in to his balls. She could feel them resting against her skin.

“I told you she’s been living like a nun.” Cam spoke quietly.

She turned slightly, and Cam was looking down. He was watching the place where Rafe’s cock disappeared into her pussy. His eyes were sleepy, and Laura could see his cock was pressing against his jeans. Something about Cam watching made her feel ridiculously sexy. He ran his tongue over his plump lips.

“He likes it, bella.” Rafe’s voice had gone hoarse. His hands trembled as he pushed her back so her body was laid out on the counter like a feast about to be devoured. “I think you like it, too.”

She wrapped her legs around his hips and thrust her pelvis up. There was way too much discussion going on. Her pussy was begging, and Rafe held himself there. Now that she knew Cam wasn’t going to hate her, she wanted to move on. “I like it. I would like it a whole lot more if you would fuck me.”

A rough look crossed Rafe’s face. His hands tightened on her hips and he pushed in even further, impaling her as far as his cock would go. “Demanding thing. Lucky for you, I’m in a mood to be giving.”

He pulled out almost to the brink and thrust back in with a powerful swivel of his hips. Laura gasped. It felt so good, so right to have him deep inside her. He rammed his cock into her, his beautiful head thrown back as he fucked her. Over and over, he thrust, his cock hitting someplace deep in her pussy that she’d never known existed. It made her shake. Rafe adjusted his stance and thrust in one last time with a groan as he fingered her clit and sent her over the edge.

She let the orgasm pulse across her flesh. Rafe was still thrusting, holding their hips together as he pumped out his own orgasm. His whole body went rigid, and then he let himself fall forward so they were chest to chest.

“Thank you, bella. I’ve waited a long time for that.” He kissed her and then pushed himself up.

She started to struggle to adjust herself, but suddenly strong arms lifted her off the counter, and she was cradled against a big, muscular chest.

“He was rough on you, baby.” There was a hint of rebuke in Cam’s voice as he cuddled her close. Laura threw her arms around his neck. Cam hadn’t given her a chance to fix her skirt. Her bare ass was hanging out, but he started toward the hallway. “He didn’t even get your clothes off. What was he thinking?”

She was dazed as he kicked open the door to her bedroom and gently laid her on the queen-size bed. Only the light from the hallway penetrated the bedroom. Cam’s body was a huge shadow towering over her, but his hands were gentle as he reached out for the buttons of her blouse.

“I wasn’t thinking,” Rafe said, stepping into the doorway and blocking the light. “I wanted to get inside her.”

Rafe flipped the light on, and Laura got a good look at him. He’d shed his shirt and his slacks. He walked into the room wearing nothing but his dark cotton boxers. Cam’s hands released the buttons on her blouse and smoothed it back, his touch light against her skin. After the storm of making love with Rafe, Cam was so soft and tender that Laura relaxed into the bed.

It seemed unreal, like a fever dream, but she didn’t want to wake up. Her body had hummed with satisfaction only a moment before, but another wave of arousal swept over her. As Cam looked down, she got restless with desire. Cam was here. Rafe was here. They weren’t rejecting what she needed.

“And I want to make it last.” Cam sat on the bed beside her. “I want to see her. I’ve waited forever to see her without all these clothes.”

Cam was different than she’d expected. He was so big and badass that his sudden tenderness disarmed her. When she’d thought about making love with Cameron Briggs, she’d imagined it would be wild and tempestuous, but emotion flowed from Laura as Cam flicked open the front clasp of her bra and uncovered her breasts. His eyes flared, and his hand trembled slightly as he brought it to her breast. He grazed the peaks with his fingertips. She groaned as her nipples tightened under his touch.

“Do you want me to go away?” Rafe stood at the edge of the bed. His eyes shifted from her to Cam. There was an awkward hesitance in his stance that she’d never seen before. Rafe was always confident.

Cam turned slightly, and she got the feeling that Rafe hadn’t been talking to her. He was talking to Cam. “Do you want to stay?”

“I do. I wasn’t sure I would, but I do. I want to watch you with her.”

Cam nodded. “Then stay. But we’ll have a lot to talk about come morning.”

Laura would have asked about that, but Cam leaned over and put his mouth on her breast. She couldn’t think past that tongue licking on her flesh. He was stretched out beside her, still dressed. The rough denim rasped against her side. She wanted him on top of her, but he held back. She wiggled, the sensation causing her to move. Cam’s hand came down on her arms.

“Don’t move, sweetheart. I want to enjoy you. Let me make you feel good.” He spoke the words against her skin, lighting it up with prickles of fire.

She relaxed and let her hands find his hair. Cam kept his golden hair short, but it was soft. The lips at her nipple suddenly pulled and tugged. She felt the soft scrape of his teeth on her flesh. He sucked the nipple into his mouth and lavished it with affection. He whirled his tongue around and around before kissing his way to the opposite breast and starting the process again.

She was helpless to do anything. Where Rafe had been aggressive and quick, Cam was slow and seductive. Time seemed to still as he played with her. He licked and nipped at her breasts while his hands ran all over her torso. He finally kissed his way up to her neck and nuzzled her there.

“You’re killing me,” she managed to whisper. He was making her tremble. Her every nerve was past ready for him to move to her center, but he kissed the curve of her neck and ran his tongue along the shell of her ear.

“No, I’m enjoying you.” The words were spoken softly into her ear. The heat of his breath was another decadent sensation to be had. “You see, I know that Rafe is the gourmet. I know I sit in a fancy restaurant like an idiot and order a hamburger when I could have something froufrou. I’m not that classy. I don’t care what wine tastes like as long as it gets me drunk, but this—this I want to savor. I’m a connoisseur of you, sweetheart.”

He planted his lips on top of hers and took her mouth. His tongue slid in, gliding along hers, not allowing an inch of her to go untasted. Laura heard Rafe leave the room. The door to her bathroom squeaked open. Cam kissed her, slanting his mouth over and over as he got at every angle possible. His hands played in her hair.

There was a sudden warm, wet sensation at her pussy.

“It’s a washcloth, bella.” Rafe was at the end of the bed. “If what Cam says is true, I think he’s going to spend some time here. Let me get you ready for him.”

Cam turned, and they both looked down her body at Rafe. He was gently washing her pussy. The sensation left her feeling raw and exposed, but it wasn’t a bad thing. It was a sweet ache.

Cam turned back, a smile on his normally hard face. “I’m definitely spending some time down there. I bet you taste sweet.”

He stood and began to quickly shrug out of his clothes. He pulled his T-shirt over his head and shucked his jeans and boxers in one smooth move. Cam was the only one of them who had changed after work. He always changed out of his suit and tie as quickly as he could, sometimes ducking into a bathroom before they even left the office. He preferred street clothes, but now she knew what he looked best in.

Nothing at all.

Cam stood over her. He was enormous in every sense of the word. His shoulders were wide, the muscles bunching as he tossed his shirt off the bed. His cut chest tapered down to lean hips and strongly muscled legs. And his cock. Damn. She’d thought Rafe had the largest cock she would ever see. Cam topped him. His cock was thrusting up, bobbing, the head close to his navel. His thick, heavy balls had pulled up against his body.

“Give me the clothes, sweetheart,” he said softly, his voice belying the rough, masculine look of his body. “I want to be skin to skin.”

With shaky hands, Laura pushed herself up and let the blouse fall off her arms. She shrugged out of the bra. She felt a little self-conscious. Rafe and Cam were ridiculously perfect. She tried, but she knew she wasn’t really in their league. She was attractive, but they were practically Greek gods.

“You’re beautiful.” Cam pulled the skirt off her hips and reached for the rest of her clothes. “You’re so fucking beautiful to me.”

“I call you beautiful all the time, bella,” Rafe added.

It didn’t make sense to her, but she wasn’t about to argue. Then she couldn’t think at all because Cam was climbing on top of her. He’d said he wanted to be skin to skin, and suddenly it seemed like he was kissing every part of her. Their chests met, and their bellies snuggled. Their knees knocked together, and his feet played against hers. His lips covered her mouth in a soul-sinking kiss.

The world melted away as he kissed his way down her body. It narrowed and got smaller and more intimate. The case and all the stress fell away until all that was left was her and Cam and Rafe.

Cam settled between her legs and shoved his nose into her pussy, breathing in her scent.

“This vintage has an excellent nose,” Cam said, grinning. He had said it with a hint of Rafe’s inflection, poking fun at Laura and Rafe’s recent wine experiments. “And I love the flavor.”

His tongue came out, and he licked a long, slow path through her pussy.

She felt her back bow. Cam set in, eating her pussy. She let her head roll from one side to the other, the pressure building with every swipe of his talented tongue. She was wetter than she could ever remember being. She opened her eyes, and Rafe was sitting on the chair by her bed. It was the same chair where she sat every night trying to read before she went to bed. Now she wouldn’t be able to think about that chair without seeing Rafe in it. His boxers were shoved down, and he had that magnificent cock in his hand, pumping it slowly as he watched Cam devouring her pussy. His eyes were half lidded, but there was no doubt that he was focused. That hand moved up and down, from base to tip, over and over.

“He’s thinking about fucking you,” Cam said, his eyes on hers. “He’s remembering how tight this pussy is.”

Laura groaned as he worked two fingers deep inside her.

“She was so tight, Cam. That pussy of hers clamped down on me so hard,” Rafe said on a guttural groan.

“I bet she’s tight everywhere.” There was suddenly a dark, delicious pressure on her asshole. “How about here, sweetheart? You ever been fucked here before?”

“No.” The word came out in a breathless squeak. She squirmed. It was so wrong, that finger teasing her there. Still, she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have Rafe in her pussy and Cam in her ass.

“A virgin asshole. That gets me hard, sweetheart. But it’ll have to wait. I won’t hurt you.” Cam surged up and was spreading her legs before she could take another breath.

“Cameron, suit up before you get inside her.” Rafe’s rough voice reminded her that he was here, watching as she was about to fuck his best friend.

Cam grabbed a condom from his discarded pants and rolled it on. “I can be satisfied with this pussy for the night, but you should know, I will have that ass, Laura. It’s going to belong to me.”

He thrust in, his cock splitting her in one long stroke.

His pelvis ground down in perfect harmony with that hard cock hitting her G-spot. She called out his name as she came.

Cam seemed to let himself go. He thrust in over and over again. His head dropped as he groaned and every muscle stiffened. He fell forward, his weight pressing her into the mattress.

“My turn.” Rafe stood over them, his dick standing at rigid attention.

Cam’s head came up. “You won’t get any sleep tonight, sweetheart.”

He’d barely rolled off her before Rafe was on top, his mouth coming down on hers.

Laura sighed and gave herself over to her men.