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Love Drunk (Broken Lives Book 4) by Marita A. Hansen (24)




Jade nearly cried when I called to say I wasn’t coming in to the studio today. I was supposed to be working with L on my songs, but fuck! I couldn’t work after what Clara had told me. I needed to get things rolling on my plan before I ended up driving to the rehab centre and killing that bastard ex of hers. She was right, I needed to think before I acted, which was why I was heading for my bro’s place instead.

I pulled up outside Ash’s new home, a cute-looking cottage with a perfectly trimmed bush fence. I parked my Mustang out front and pushed through the gate, heading for the front door. Everything looked pristine on the outside. The paintjob was perfect, the lawn was cut to perfection, yada, yada, yada. The surrounding properties were also nice, middle-class houses, so different from the shithole Ash and his missus used to live in. I wondered what his white-bread neighbours thought of him, especially with the way he walked around like a gangster in his leathers and tats. Yeah, I was covered in tats too, but at least I smiled and charmed people. All Ash did was glare and bark at them, looking more like a serial killer than our dad did.

I jumped up the front steps and went to knock on the door, but it opened before I could get a hand to it. Ash was standing on the other side, with a finger to his lips. “I just got Angelo to sleep,” he whispered, mentioning his ten-year-old son. “He’s home sick again, got another bug.”

“’Kay,” I whispered back, although I didn’t see the point of it, since Angelo’s room was at the back of the house.

I went to step inside, but Ash held out a hand, pointing at my boots.

I rolled my eyes and kicked them off, muttering, “You’ve turned into a right house husband.”

He glared at me, definitely not looking like one. Instead of his usual leathers, he was dressed in stained overalls, which were rolled down to his waist. He was also wearing a black singlet, Ash looking ready to head out to his labouring job.

“I’m not married, so shut your trap and get in,” he grunted, as pleasant as ever.

I stepped inside, shutting the door behind me. I walked over to the couch and slumped down onto it, eyeing up his paintings and drawings. The lounge walls were covered with them, my bro a talented motherfucker, way more than me. Yeah, I could sing and write songs, but he could paint like a master, play more instruments than me, as well as sing just as good, which was why Jade had let me go see Ash instead of turning up to work. I’d bullshitted him, saying I wanted to talk my bro into doing some backup tracks. Not only did it stop Jade’s anger-filled rant about my unprofessionalism, but it had gotten him excited, the opportunistic twat thinking he could get Ash to sign a contract too. Little did he know that Ash had no interest in becoming famous, my bro a very private person.

Ash scratched his neck, marring his Māori tattoo with red marks. “So, what wuz so important that you couldn’t tell me over the phone?” he asked. “And be quick, I gotta head out to work as soon as Corey arrives to babysit Angelo.”

“You trust that kid to babysit Angelo?”

“I trust him more than you.”

Arsehole. I’m ace with kids.”

“Not as a drunk. I’m still fucked off that you drank yesterday.”

I grunted. “I wuzn’t even close to bein’ drunk, while you were a right prick for tellin’ everyone that I’m a bloody whore. You deserve to get your fuckin’ head kicked in for that.”

“If you don’t want anyone knowing, then don’t sleep with people for money.”

“It wuz a oncer, cunt, so don’t you dare tell anyone again, ’specially Dad.”

“Not like I’d offer up info to that bastard, so you’re safe there.”

“Don’t offer up info to anyone. Full stop.”

“Fine, just tell me what you want and piss off.”

I sneered at him. “Stop bein’ a cunt for once in your life.”

“I don’t have time to pander to you, some people hafta work.”

“I work.”

“Yeah, that’s why you’re here, not punching in a card, so spit out what you want.”

“Clara’s ex needs to be shaken up.”


“The prick tongued her out while she wuz sleeping.”

Ash’s eyes widened. “He did what?!”

“You heard me. She woke up to his face in her pussy. I’d smash the prick up myself, but Clara’s afraid I’ll kill the rapey bastard if I go near him, so I’ve got an idea on how to make him suffer.”


I indicated to the both of us. “People are always gettin’ us confused.”

“I really don’t know why; we have different tattoos.”

“Yeah, but if we didn’t have ’em, people wouldn’t be able to tell us apart. Mindy used to be a makeup artist. Get her to pop a lookalike tattoo around your eye and cover your neck tattoo. Once that’s done, people will think you’re me.”

An evil grin spread across his face, my bro a quick one. “You want me to smack the rapist over, while you get yourself a watertight alibi.”

I nodded. “Once I get this prick’s schedule, I’ll give you a time to show up to his place. I’ll make sure I’m at the clinic, where he works, laying a complaint against him while you’re smacking the shit outta him. He’ll report me to the pigs, but I’ll have witnesses, his fuckin’ workmates and the CCTV.” I grinned, my smile matching Ash’s. “Which will strengthen my complaint. Just make sure that you don’t leave any bruises. Crush his balls, do other shit that won’t leave marks. Got it?”

“Fuck yeah, I’m defo in.” Ash’s dark eyes flashed. “We can even do it a few times, make him think he’s losing his mind.”

I laughed. “I like how you think.”

“So, when can I bash the rapist?”

I went to reply, reminding the keen bastard that I had to get the counsellor’s schedule first, but Ash shot to the door, obviously having heard someone arrive. He opened the door, finding Corey Connor about to knock. Ash placed a finger to his own lips, shushing Beth’s little brother.

“Angelo’s sleeping,” Ash said, moving aside to let the pipsqueak in.

Corey nodded and stepped inside. Except for his fine features, you wouldn’t have guessed he was Beth’s brother. He was way shorter, paler too, his Irish side coming through more than the Cook Island Māori side. Regardless, he still reminded me of my ex, someone I hadn’t visited in a few weeks. The thought of seeing Beth wasting away into a skeleton, only kept alive so that her baby had a better chance of survival, made me want to down multiple bottles. It was why I’d ended up in rehab, my drinking becoming life-threatening after we’d received the news she wouldn’t recover.

Corey’s gaze moved to me. “G’day, Dante.”

I lifted my chin in a friendly hello. He walked over to the couch and slumped down next to me, the guy an adorable-looking dude, which was probably why my younger bro was porking him. Corey was eighteen, a year younger than Sledge, the two having gone to school together.

“How things goin’ with my li’l bro?” I asked, hoping he didn’t mention his sister.

“All good now,” he said, adjusting his beanie, which had become a permanent fixture on his head due to chemo. Thankfully, his cancer was now in remission, but although his reddish-brown hair had started growing back, he still used his beanie like a security blanket.

“Why? Wuzn’t it good before?”

“We had a rough patch, but we’re back on again,” he said, looking happy about it, Corey totally head-over-heels in love with my younger brother.

“Good to hear,” I said. “So, you got nuthin’ better to do than to babysit for less than minimum wage?”

“I pay fair,” Ash snapped.

Corey sniggered. “Yeah, he pays well... in weed.” He held a hand out to Ash, the kid having a major hard-on for marijuana. Ever since I’d known him, he was always trying to get some out of us. But Ash had refused to give him any until he’d turned eighteen, which he was now, even though he didn’t look it. He looked barely legal, a fresh-faced kid with a gangster attitude, that came across as amusing, rather than tough.

Ash grunted and pulled out a package from his overalls pocket, chucking it to Corey.

Corey caught it with a shit-eating grin. “Thanks, bro.” He went to open it.

“Put that away!”

Corey jolted. “Chill, I wuz just checking to see how much you gave me.”

Ash pointed a finger at him. “If you even consider lighting up ’ere, I’d kick your puny arse back to South Auckland.”

“Wuzn’t gonna, so relax, bro.”

“Stop callin’ me bro. Just cos you and Sledge are fucking doesn’t make me your bro,” Ash growled.

Corey indicated to Ash with a thumb. “Is he always this grouchy?” he asked me.

“Yup, so what are you up to of late?” I sniggered. “Still living at Mummy’s and Daddy’s?”

Corey scowled at me. “Don’t be a prick. As soon as Sledge’s well enough we’re moving out. My dad’s starting to get suspicious of us. He almost caught me and Sledge fucking. Sledge had to hurl himself outta the window butt naked.”

I burst out laughing, Ash telling me to shut it. I quietened down. “Yeah, you should get your own pad, but you’re not gonna be able to pay for it in weed. Get a real job.”

“I have. I signed a modelling contract yesterday. Work starts next week.” He gave me a self-satisfied smirk. “People think I’m fuckin’ hot.”

“Dream on, li’l dude, you’re adorable, not hot.”


Ash growled at him to be quiet.

Corey indicated to me. “Not my fault, he insulted me, and you shouted louder before.”

“Watch your mouth, and adorable isn’t an insult,” Ash replied. “And the modelling agents pro’bly want you cos you’re a skinny fucker, like all those other anorexic models. Food’s in the fridge. Eat. And if Angelo wakes up, you know what to do. Anything goes wrong, phone me or Tiana.”

Corey nodded and yanked his beanie down lower.

Ash grabbed his car keys and opened the front door, indicating for me to follow him. I did, stopping at the entrance to look back at Corey. “Say hi to your parents,” I said, a sudden bout of sadness enveloping me, Corey’s family having gone through hell. Beth wasn’t the only one they’d lost. Corey’s older brother had gone missing the previous year. The cops were still unable to find Naf, only his family refusing to believe he was dead, because everyone else, including me, did. Naf wasn’t the type to leave behind his mates and family, the guy loyal to a T. I just hoped I was wrong.

Corey nodded. “My mum asked ’bout you. Wants to know how rehab is goin’.”

I glared at Ash. “Why the fuck did’ja tell ’em I went to rehab?”

“I didn’t,” he replied. “It wuz Sledge.”

I grimaced. “Don’t fuckin’ tell Sledge anything, that fucker can’t keep a secret.”

“I didn’t, Juliet told him.”

“Then don’t tell Juliet.”

“So,” Corey said. “Did rehab go well?”

A smile tugged at my lips. “It will soon.”

Corey’s brows pulled together. “But I thought you’d already been.”

“I just have one last thing to complete,” I said, looking forward to making the counsellor suffer.


I handed the task of getting the counsellor’s schedule over to a couple of gang members, while I worked my arse off at the studio all week, helping L put music to my lyrics. We weren’t even close to having everything finished, but everyone was happy with the work we’d done, especially me, because I was loving it. Working with L had gone a lot smoother than expected, the chick easy to work with, plus I liked how she effortlessly put music to my lyrics, matching the two together perfectly. And even better, she’d roped Clara into helping with the backup vocals after I’d mentioned that Clara could sing. The night before, Clara had talked about how great I’d been as Othello in the school rehearsals for the musical adaptation. Then had gone on to tell me that she’d also performed in her own school musicals. I’d insisted on her singing one of the songs for me. She had a good voice, maybe not enough to be a solo artist, but definitely good enough for backup or group work. I’d cracked a joke about her singing a duo with me, and she’d almost bounced off the bed with excitement, taking me seriously. I’d felt like a right shithead when I had to set her right, knowing that Jade would definitely say no to a duo with her, though I’d kissed her pout right off her face, making it up to her in the sack.

A few days later, a phone call came through from one of the gang members, giving me the info I needed for my plan, which was why I was now staring down at Ash with a massive smile. He was sitting in a chair while Mindy put the finishing touches to the fake tattoo around his left eye.

Voilà!” she said, stepping back from him, her smile matching mine.

“Fuckin’ hell!” Ash said, staring at himself in the mirror, his face shocked. He glanced up at me, then back at the mirror, shaking his head in wonder. “I look exactly like you, motherfucker.”

I laughed. “Fuck yeah, we look more like twins than the twins do,” I said, referring to our adopted siblings. “But just so you know, I’m Sledge in the equation, while you’re Juliet.”

“Ha!” Ash said, pushing to his feet with a smile. It gave me the shivers, because for the first time ever, I agreed with people. We looked identical. It also showed me just how much the booze had taken a toll on my health, because it had definitely aged me, making me look closer to Ash’s twenty-seven years than my twenty-four years.

“That prick will defo think I’m you,” Ash said, looking the most excited I’d seen him in a long time. Usually, he was a grumpy bastard, moving through life like it was a chore, but today, he looked like all his Christmases had come at once. But then again, he did like to smack people over, especially men who mistreated women, my bro getting his violent streak from our dad.

He turned to Mindy. “Take a pic of us.”

She shook her head. “No, you can’t leave any evidence.”

“No one will see it but us.”

No,” she said, sliding her makeup brush back into the vanity drawer. “It could accidentally fall into the wrong hands. I’m not risking any of you boys going to jail.”

Ash grunted, looking disappointed.

She closed the drawer and straightened, looking up at him. “Sorry, love, just being cautious after what happened to the gang. If the cops didn’t get hold of Troy’s phone, none of the gang would’ve gone to jail.”

“That’s perfectly understandable,” I cut in, drawing her attention to me. “Though, I bet you’re looking forward to Fabian gettin’ out.”

She nodded, her small smile unable to hide the sadness in her eyes.

“Why so glum?” I asked. “Thought you’d be happy.”

“Not at Jaz’s expense,” she said, using Jasper’s nickname. “He shouldn’t have sacrificed himself for Fabian and Milan, it isn’t fair. He was going to get out next year.”

I placed a hand on her arm. “Yeah, I know it’s not fair, but you know what Jasper’s like. Once he gets an idea into his head, it’s impossible to get him to change his mind.”

She flung her arms out. “I don’t care!” she yelled, looking like she was going to burst into tears, her sudden outburst unexpected, Mindy usually chilled out. “Fabian and Milan did this. Jaz shouldn’t be suffering because of them. Fabian should never have let him take the fall.”

“There’s Milan too.”

She bared her teeth. “Milan should wear what he created, not Jaz. I want my boy home more than him.”

“More than Fabian?”

She went quiet.

I placed my hand on her arm again, giving it a comforting squeeze. “Just be grateful for what Jasper did for you. This is him repayin’ you for lookin’ after him after his dad died.”

“I don’t want him to pay me back, I want him home. Safe. Away from that horrid female guard. Do you know that she torments Jaz?”

I sighed, knowing she was referring to Phelia Lamar. “Talk him into lettin’ Murderer or Killer take care of that bitch. Both of ’em would love to top her.”

“Murderer wants to top everyone.” Ash sniggered. “Including Dad, just not with his gun.”

Mindy growled at him. “That’s not funny. And Jaz won’t let them kill Phelia, she’s holding something over his head.”

“I know,” I replied, “but he won’t tell me what. Do you know?”

She bit her lip, giving me the impression she did.

“So, you do know.”

She nodded, a sob escaping her lips.

“Please don’t cry,” I said, wrapping my arms around her, giving her a comforting hug. She responded by pressing her face into my chest, her shoulders shaking from crying. I ran a hand down her long blonde hair, feeling bad for her, the woman loving Jasper like a son.

“This is all my fault,” she said, still sobbing into my chest.

“No, it’s not.”

“Yes, it is.” She pulled back, glancing at Ash. “Can we please have some privacy?” she asked, rubbing her eyes, smudging her black mascara and eyeliner.

He nodded. “I’ll wait in the bar,” he replied, already heading for the door.

Once the door was closed, she refocused on me, nervously biting her lip.

“What is it?” I asked.

She ran a hand over her arm, cupping her elbow. “Phelia has some footage of Jaz.”

“What kind of footage?”

She grimaced, looking like she really didn’t want to answer me.

Mindy, tell me what she has on him.”

“You can’t mention this to anyone, not a soul. If this gets out, both Jaz’s and my life will be in danger.”

“Shit, what the fuck did’ja do?”


“Of course, I’d never risk your lives.”

She dropped her gaze. “It’s of us having sex.”

I blinked at her, thinking I must’ve heard wrong. “What?”

Guilt beaded her brow. “Phelia’s got a video of Jaz and I making love.”

I took a step away from her, feeling like she’d sucker-punched me, the shock knocking me for a six.

Mindy barrelled on, her words now falling freely, “She constantly stalked him. He even found her in his bed once, naked, offering herself to him. Of course he threw her out. She must’ve come back to try it on again, but instead caught Jaz with me. It looks like she filmed us through the back window with a phone. It’s bad quality, but still clear enough to make out that it’s Jaz and I.”

I shook my head. “But you... you...” I pushed a hand through my hair, not believing this, unable to fathom it at all. “You treated him like a son.”

She shook her head vigorously. “That may be your perception, but it was never mine. I treated him like someone in need. I’ve helped other members who’ve lost family. I just didn’t anticipate on falling for Jaz.”

I opened my mouth, then closed it, not knowing what to say to that, the info dropping on me like a bombshell.

“I didn’t mean for it to happen, but he...” She bit her lip. “He’s such a beautiful man, nothing like the horrid boy he once was. We spent a lot of time together, it just happened.”

“How can him fucking you just happen? For fuck’s sake, you’re married to the vice prez. Fabian would kill him if he found out.”

That’s why Jaz refuses to let Murderer kill Phelia. She said she has copies of the video and will have someone send one to Fabian if anything happens to her. But I can’t keep letting Jaz suffer in prison because of me. This is my fault. I’m the cheat, not him. I’m the one who came onto him, not the other way around, yet he’s the one suffering. If anything, I want him to get out more than Fabian.”

“Shit, I thought you were tight with Fabian.”

“I may love that scoundrel, but I love Jaz more. Jaz is also loyal, unlike bloody Fabian.”

“What do ya mean by that?”

She grimaced. “Fabian fucks around, has always been like that. He thinks I don’t know what he does with the hanger-ons, but I bloody do. I just turn a blind eye because I understand the gang lifestyle. My dad was the same. He fucked around on my mum, but always came back to her. I asked her once why she put up with it, and she just tapped my nose and said I’d find out soon enough if I stayed with Fabian. And she was right. The good-looking men have women constantly throwing themselves at them. You know what that’s like, you’ve seen it, experienced it.”

“Yeah, but I never went with any of the chicks when I wuz in a relationship.”

“Jaz thinks the same way. He’s intensely loyal. To me, to the club. If anything, he should be Milan’s right-hand man, not Fabian. Fabian should never have been given the vice president’s role. He was never up to it. His trade is drugs, not being a leader. Jaz was made to lead. He may have been a reckless boy, but he’s grown into a formidable man. He commands respect more than Fabian does. And for him to have sacrificed his freedom for Fabian and Milan shows just how committed he is to the club.”

“Still...” I grimaced. “You’re like, what... twenty years older than Jasper?”

Her fervent look instantly disappeared, guilt playing across her face. “Age doesn’t matter, and you’re one to talk. I heard you’re back with your teacher.”

“Nine years is a helluva lot different to twenty years.”

Her upper lip twitched, Mindy again giving me a guilty expression.

“How serious is it?” I asked.

She glanced down at the floor. “I love him.”

“Does he love you back?”

“I think so.”

“Did he actually say the words?”

She nodded.

“Then he does, cos Jasper wouldn’t say that lightly. So, what were you two gonna do? Keep fucking behind Fabian’s back?”

“I wanted to leave with Jaz, just take off, but he refused to leave the club. If he’d just listened to me, he wouldn’t be in jail.”

“The gang is Jasper’s life. He won’t ever leave it.”

She grimaced. “I know, I know. He may love me, but he loves the club more.”

“So, what are ya gonna do?”

Her grimace grew. “I think I’m going to ask Fabian for a divorce, just leave out the part about why. I can always put it down to his infidelity.”

“That won’t make a difference for Jasper inside.”

“Maybe it will eventually. If I’m not with Fabian for a while, and he moves onto someone else, maybe he won’t go ballistic when Jaz and I get together.”

“Fabian loves you. I don’t think he’ll let you go so easily.”

“If he loved me so much, he wouldn’t need to fuck other women,” she replied, looking bitter.

“I’m not making any excuses for him, but fucking is different from making love, and he does love you. I can see it on his face when he talks ’bout you.”

“Well, he doesn’t treat me like he does, unlike Jaz.”

“I still don’t think it’s a good idea you leaving Fabian for Jasper. Twenty freakin’ years, Mindy. You also have kids with Fabian. Think what this will do to ’em, and especially if you try to shack up with Jasper. That’s if Fabian doesn’t kill you both—or Jasper kills him. Jasper is even more dangerous than Fabian. He’s a stone-cold killer like his uncle.”

 She crossed her arms over her chest, looking defensive. “What do you expect me to do, then?”

“Tell Jasper you can’t continue what you’re doin’, that you should never have done anything with him in the first place.”

Her bottom lip started to tremble. “But I love him so much.”

“Enough to risk Fabian’s wrath, enough to split your family apart?”

She started crying again.

I stepped in closer, giving her another hug. She latched onto me, her sobs making me feel sorry for her. “How ’bout we put this aside for the moment and concentrate on how we can deal with this Phelia problem.”

She let go of me, her normally sweet face turning vicious. “I want her dead.”

I nodded, wishing Jasper had let Killer take care of her years ago. “It would definitely be no loss to the world. She’s a vile person. She deserves karma to smack her in the face. Lemme know if you need help to do it. Maybe I can talk to her—”

No, I don’t want her anywhere near you. Jaz told me how she also used to stalk you, and that she even took advantage of you while you were drunk, trying to get pregnant.”

“Yeah, he told me ’bout that. Thankfully I don’t remember it.” I tapped my head. “Cos of the car accident.”

Mindy sighed. “I can’t believe that psycho was hired as a prison guard. I bet she only took the job so she could take advantage of men who can’t get away from her. Regardless, I will find a way to get her out of the picture. Karma will come for that bitch, no matter what.”

“I fuckin’ hope so. Anyway, I gotta go deal out karma to someone else. Just the next time you see Jasper, tell him if he needs anything from me, he just needs to ask.”

She nodded. “Thank you, Dante.” She leaned forward, giving me a hug. “And good luck with what you’re doing.”

I returned her hug, not needing any luck, because I knew Ash wouldn’t let me down.


I jumped up the front steps of the rehab centre, the leathery-looking security guard stopping me at the door. “You’re not welcome back here,” he said.

“I forgot shit,” I replied, still thinking he looked like someone I knew, but unable to remember who it was. “Just came to pick it up, then you won’t see my arse again.”

He grimaced at me, but still stepped aside. “Make it quick.”

“Sure, I’ll make it a quickie.” I blew the fucker a kiss and headed past him, hearing him swear behind me. I looked over my shoulder, pleased he wasn’t following me, though he was watching me from his standpoint at the door.

I turned around and approached the desk. The Betty Boop receptionist looked up, also having her own personalised scowl for me.

“I feel so loved,” I drawled, smiling at her, knowing it would rile the bitch.

“What are you doing here?” she snapped.

“I’ve come to lay a complaint against that snobby counsellor Simon,” I said, making sure I kept it down so the guard didn’t hear.


“He assaulted my woman.”

She frowned at me. “Your woman?”


Her perfectly drawn-in brows winged up. “She’s your woman now?”

“You bet she is, and I’m laying a sexual assault complaint against Simon,” I said, as some people came around the corner. I glanced over to see who it was, finding Candy and Gerald heading for the reception. They stopped when they saw me, interest clear on their faces.

“Listen up, everyone,” I said loudly. “Clara isn’t returning to work cos Simon sexually assaulted her.”

The security guard cursed and stormed towards me. “Out!” he yelled.

I stayed right where I was, wanting to make as much of a scene as possible. “So, you’re protecting a rapist over the victim? Simon assaulted Clara, he needs to be held accountable.”

“Like fuck,” the guard said, grabbing for my arm.

I whipped it back. “You can’t touch me, I have rights. I’m here to lay a complaint.”

“If it happened, Clara should be laying the complaint, not you. And I’ve known Simon for a long time, he wouldn’t do something like that.”

“Yeah, he wouldn’t pull her knickers down while she wuz sleeping and plant his face in her pussy. Oh, but he did, which makes him a fuckin’ rapist!”

Gerald and Candy started talking between themselves, sounding shocked. More people came around the corner, my plan going even better than expected.

“Simon isn’t a rapist, you’re just a lying vindictive prick out for revenge,” the guard spat, getting in my face, trying to intimidate me, trying the operative word, because the jacked-up pretender was failing.

“I ain’t lying.”

Yes, you are! You’re doing this because you got kicked out of the clinic.”

My eyes flicked to Clara’s friend. “Am I, Betty Boop?”

She looked from me to the guard, then the others watching, her expression upset. “Clara needs to go to the police. This is about her, not you.”

The guard snapped his head around to her. “What did you say?”

She clamped her mouth shut, looking scared.

“Don’t you fuckin’ intimidate her,” I snarled.

His attention snapped back to me. “Simon didn’t do it.”

“Yeah, let’s see how that plays out at the cop shop after Clara lays a complaint,” I said, hoping she would finally listen to me. I’d kept at it, telling her that if she brushed the incident aside someone else could get hurt, like what had happened with me and Ash. If I’d told my mum that my stepdad had raped me, Ash wouldn’t have been raped too. But Clara kept saying that our situations were entirely different, and that the more she thought about it, the more it looked like what had happened to her was a misunderstanding. Misunderstanding my arse, the guy took advantage of her, and I wasn’t going to let that fly no matter how much she wrote it off.

My phone rang, probably Ash saying he’d completed the job.

The guard clenched his right hand, looking like he wanted to plant it in my face. “Leave.”

My phone stopped ringing, the call no doubt going through to voicemail. “Yeah, got places to be,” I said. “Like gettin’ back to my woman.” I levelled a look at him. “Clara.”

“Just get the fuck out of here, you delusional prick.”

“Not delusional, tellin’ the truth.”

I saluted him and everyone else, then walked out with a smile, looking forward to hearing about how Ash had made Simon suffer.