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Lover in Lingerie: Lingerie #15 by Penelope Sky (2)



I was at the shop when Vanessa texted me.

Let’s get lunch. We need to talk.

There was no doubt in my mind that Griffin and Vanessa had officially shared everything. I couldn’t ignore her, so I agreed. Alright. See you soon. I locked up the shop then met her at our favorite place, a little bistro that had the best ravioli ever made.

Vanessa was already sitting when I walked inside, her chair farther away from the table to accommodate her round stomach. She didn’t get up to hug me, and the horrified look on her face told me she noticed the black eye. “If that fucking piece of shit—”

“Wasn’t him.” I glanced around at the other tables, seeing the concerned looks on everyone’s faces as they listened to a pregnant woman scream her head off. I fell into the chair across from her, embarrassed the thought even crossed her mind. “Chill.”

“Then what happened? Your eyes are practically swollen shut, Carmen. If Griffin sees that, he’s gonna hunt down Bosco with a knife.”

“And that would be a mistake because it wasn’t him. Bosco would never hurt me.” Emotion entered my voice because I shouldn’t even have to say that. Bosco put his life on the line to protect me. He wasn’t afraid to make any sacrifice when it came to me.

“Then who did it?”

“I was in line at the bank when it got robbed.”

“Oh my god. I saw that in the paper. You were there?”

I nodded. “Some guy tried to take the necklace my father got me, so I fought him. He punched me in the face, and then Bosco and his men came in. Bosco stabbed him to death and took care of the other men. If it weren’t for Bosco and his security team, I would be dead right now.” I had to set the record straight because Bosco wasn’t the villain. He was the hero.

“Jesus, are you okay, Carmen?”

“I’m fine. It’s a little painful, but the swelling has gone down.”

“I’m so sorry.” She placed her hand on mine. “That must have been terrifying.”

“Not as terrifying as what happened in the alleyway. I knew Bosco was coming for me, so I was calm.”

“Yeah…good thing he was there.” She said the words with only partial sincerity.

“So you and Griffin finally talked about it.”

She pulled her hand away and nodded. “Yes. He’s not happy about it, Carmen.”

“I know.”

“And he cares about you so much. He says you’re his favorite Barsetti and wants to make sure you have what you deserve. His heart is in the right place. I know he comes off as a caveman sometimes…but he adores you.”

I already knew that. “He’s a good man.”

“He said he’ll stay quiet about it. But he won’t lie, so if our fathers come right out and ask him about it, he’ll tell the truth.”

His commitment to transparency was annoying. “Pain in the ass…”

“I know he is,” she said with a slight smile. “He’s willing to keep your secret, but he’s not willing to sacrifice his reputation to do it. You’ve put him in a difficult position because he sees your father every day. If they ever find out about this and discover that Griffin knew…there will be trouble.”

“Why does our family need to be so involved in every aspect of our lives?” I asked incredulously. “Other families aren’t like this.”

“Because other families don’t care, which isn’t a good thing. And if you dated a normal guy, then this would be a different situation. Then it wouldn’t matter how long you kept it a secret because it really would be none of our business. But you probably wouldn’t have kept it a secret this long because there would be no reason not to introduce him to your family.”

“My father never actually said this to me, but he doesn’t want to meet a man unless he’s gonna be my husband. It was implied. So it would be too soon for that anyway.” A part of me wished my personal life weren’t so fascinating to everyone, but I also knew Vanessa was right. Everyone just wanted the best for me, and that meant I needed to be with the best guy.

“I get that,” Vanessa said with a nod. “But since there’re only a few weeks left, it doesn’t matter. When you find the next guy, make sure he’s not a crime lord, and everything should be just fine.”

My expression immediately wilted at the thought of meeting someone new, dating someone new, sleeping with someone new… I couldn’t picture a face different from Bosco’s. I loved the strong lines of his jaw, the beauty of his bright eyes, and the hard muscles of his trim physique. I loved how tough he was, the way he commanded an entire room just by walking into it. And I loved how soft he was when it was just the two of us, when he was treating me like a delicate woman who needed affection.

Vanessa caught the look. “Griffin is under the impression this is gonna end in three weeks…I hope that’s still the case.”

I kept telling myself that’s what was gonna happen, but now I didn’t know anymore. Bosco was convinced I would never leave his side, not when we crossed the line and told each other that meaningful phrase. “I need to tell you something. You can’t tell Griffin.”

She covered her face with her palms before she dragged them down her cheeks. “Carmen, don’t do this to me. I don’t want to keep anything from my husband. It’s too weird. We’re honest with each other about everything.”

“I’m sorry. But you’re the person I confide everything to…”

She squinted her eyes like that was painful to hear. “Alright. What is it?”

I told her about The Butcher and the ring. I told her about the night Bosco fought him to the death.

Vanessa looked horrified. “They jumped in the ring together and fought like animals?”


“Jesus, that doesn’t scare you?”

“No…it turned me on, honestly.” Seeing Bosco fight like a carnal creature and claim his territory only made me respect him more. He turned into a primal man who only understood love and violence. “He’s so powerful, even without his suit and his men. His authority comes from who he is…not just his wealth. He didn’t have to do that, but since I’m his woman, he wanted to. He wanted to break that man’s bones and make him pay for what he did…while I watched. It was the manliest thing I’d ever seen.”

Vanessa watched me, a wealth of emotions on her face. “Reminds me of something Griffin would do.”


“That man is hung up on you, Carmen. Why would he risk everything for you unless you were the most important person in his life?”

That was my opportunity to tell her my next batch of news. “Ruby called him one night. I got jealous, so I snatched the phone and talked to her…told her off for trying to take Bosco away from me.”

“Good. Skank needs to know the boundaries.”

“When I hung up, Bosco and I talked about it. I told him I was surprised he didn’t go for it with her. He was a little offended by that. Then he told me he loved me. Said he didn’t want anyone else, not when I’m the only woman he loves.”

Vanessa didn’t seem even slightly surprised by that. “And you told him the same thing.”

“Well, no. I told him we were going our separate ways in three weeks, so I refused to say it back. But then he rescued me at the bank, and…I couldn’t keep it inside any longer. I told him how I felt…and meant every single word.”

Vanessa sighed before she ran her fingers through her hair. “This is bad. Griffin thinks it’s gonna end.”

“That’s still my objective.”

Vanessa cocked her head to the side and gave me an incredulous look, like what I’d just said was absolutely preposterous. “You love this man, and you’re really going to leave him? I don’t believe that, and I don’t see how you can believe that. When I told Griffin I loved him, there was no going back. We were in it together—for better or worse. There’s power in those words. It’ll bind you together for the rest of your life.”

“He said I won’t leave when the time comes…”

“Because he’s not stupid. He’s got you wrapped around his finger.”

“And he’s wrapped around mine.” I knew I could ask Bosco for anything, and he would give it to me. “I made him promise he would never hurt any member of my family. I also made him promise not to threaten them either. He agreed…and even apologized for doing it in the past.”

“Then what’s next?” Vanessa asked. “The only thing to do is come clean about it.”

“I don’t see why I have to. I’ve only been with him for a few months. If I don’t want to introduce him to my family, I don’t have to. I’m not in danger, and I’m free to come and go as I please.”

“Very true,” Vanessa said. “But, secrets never stay secrets. I’m a testament to that. Even if Griffin and I stay quiet, you’ll get caught somehow. Your father will stop by your apartment and realize you’re never there. Your mom will see another text message on your phone, and that will incriminate you. You’ll get caught in one of your lies. Something will catch up to you…it’s only a matter of time.”

“Yeah…maybe. But I don’t know what to do. I’m stuck. Even without the issue of my family, I still don’t see a future with him. That tells me I should leave soon so I won’t have any regrets later down the line.”

“Why don’t you see a future with him?”

“Because I want a marriage and a family, and he’s so devoted to his work I don’t see that happening. The safest place in the world is by his side, but it can also be dangerous. I never would have met The Butcher if I weren’t exposed to that lifestyle. I don’t judge Bosco for what he does for a living, but I want nothing to do with that part of his life. He would never give that up, and he shouldn’t have to give it up either. That’s his whole life.”

Vanessa nodded in agreement. “So it sounds like it can’t work anyway.”

“No…it can’t. As much as I don’t want to say goodbye, I know I have to. If I wait too long, it’ll just be harder. It’ll take longer to get over him. It’ll take longer to find the right man, one who wants the same things I want.”

Vanessa was quiet for a long time, staring at her hands as she considered what she would say next. “I know I should keep my mouth shut, but…have you ever actually asked him?”

“Asked him what?”

“If he would want those things. If he would give up the casino to have those things.”

“No…but I don’t need to. He’s passionate about what he does. I see it written all over his face.”

Vanessa didn’t push it any further. “Then enjoy the rest of your time with him. That’s only three weeks away, so I’m sure our family won’t find out in the meantime.”

“Probably not.” My heart filled with dread as I imagined the moment when I grabbed my bags and walked out. I didn’t want to turn my back on this man, but I had no other choice. We were from different worlds, and no amount of love would change that. “You’ll keep my secret?”

She smiled. “You know I’ll always keep your secret.”

Bosco was in his boxers when I walked through the door, his muscled thighs chiseled from stone. Every single inch of his body was gorgeous, from his beautiful tanned skin to the perfect lines in the grooves between his muscles. Nothing compared to that handsome face, the hard jaw and soft eyes. He was the man of my dreams, the most beautiful man I’d ever had between my legs. Even if I found another man I loved, he still wouldn’t compare to Bosco Roth.

He left the couch and walked up to me, giving me a kiss on the mouth while his large hands cupped the feminine curves of my body. He squeezed me in different places, touching my shoulders then my hips. His mouth continued to move against mine, soft one minute then hard the next.

I wished I could be greeted that way every day for the rest of my life.

He ended the embrace then examined my swollen eye. “Vanessa didn’t think I was responsible, right?”

Actually, she did. “No. I told her what happened.”

His fingertips lightly touched the area. “It’s getting better.” He pressed his soft lips to my injury and kissed it gently, trying to heal me with his love.

I closed my eyes as I enjoyed him, the pain immediately decreasing when his love surrounded me. My fingers explored his chest, feeling his chiseled lines and hard grooves. He was warm to the touch, comforting in comparison to the winter weather outside.

His lips moved to my ear. “Hungry?”

The last thing I wanted was food. “No.” I cupped his cheeks and directed his stare to mine. “I want you to make love to me.”

His eyes danced with a hint of arousal, and his hand slid into my hair with a bit of aggression, as if I’d just said the magic words. “Your wish is my command.” He lifted me into the air and carried me to the couch, the closest piece of furniture that could hold both of us. He laid me down before he pulled off my shoes, jeans, and thong. He left everything above the waist on, only interested in what was below the hips. He pushed his boxers down next and revealed his pulsating cock, the biggest dick I’d ever fucked. He wrapped his fingers around his length and pumped a few times before he settled between my legs. He propped one of my legs over the back of the couch and pinned the other back, making my foot press against the coffee table. I was open far and wide, and he slid inside without any objection.

My palms pressed against his chest, and I looked into his eyes as he started to move. My conversation with Vanessa was forgotten as I watched this man make love to me. His powerful body worked hard to pump inside me, and the sex noises our bodies made together filled the living room. The smell of dinner was in the air, but neither one of us cared about the food that was ready to be eaten.

All we cared about was this.

“Babe, right there.” My nails clawed into his ass, and I guided him to the right spot, the button that was making my legs shake.

He moaned when I said his nickname. His eyes always reacted when I said it because he never got used to it. His hands dug into my hair, and then he kissed me, giving me a slow embrace that matched his deep and even strokes. He breathed into my mouth before he whispered to me, “I love you, Beautiful.” He pumped into me three times. “Fuck, I love you.”

I didn’t fight it anymore. When I felt the love inside my chest, I let it out. “Babe, I love you so much…so damn much.”

Bosco and I didn’t talk about the future of our relationship again. He seemed confident that I wouldn’t leave, that the three-month mark would come and go without consequence. That put him in a good mood, loving and devoted any time I walked through the door. He seemed to be softer than he used to be, more relaxed now that he let out the feelings he’d been harboring inside his chest. He was distinctly different toward me than he was with everyone else, even Ronan. He was his rough and cold self all the same.

When I came home from work, he was dressed in a full suit.

That only meant one thing. He was going to work.

I hated the nights he was gone from the penthouse. It forced me to stay up way later than I would like, watching mindless TV while I waited for the elevator to beep with his arrival. Just that alone was enough reason we didn’t have a future together. If I were home with our children, I would never feel safe if he was gone all night. I would feel even more vulnerable taking care of our kids without him there to protect all of us.

It would never work.

Bosco wore that lopsided grin. “Bad day?”

“No. But I’m about to have a bad night.” I grabbed his tie and pulled him in for a kiss, smothering him with affection the way a wife would smother her husband. “It would be amazing if you were home by midnight. Two or three in the morning is just unbearable.”

“I’m not working tonight.”

“Then where are you going?”

“We are going to dinner. I put a dress for you on the bed.”

The two of us never went out anywhere. We had all our meals at the penthouse and spent our time screwing and talking. “Dinner?”

“Yes. I want to take you out.”

The upside to that was I could order whatever I wanted, like something covered in cheese. The downside to that was being in public. I didn’t want to be seen with Bosco anywhere, just in case someone recognized me. “Where are we going?”


That wasn’t a restaurant that had a distribution relationship with the winery, so it was probably safe. The people there shouldn’t know my father. “Alright. Let me change.” I kissed him again just because I enjoyed it so much before I walked into the bedroom and changed. I slipped on the heels sitting out for me and pulled on the deep blue dress. I fixed my makeup and hair then walked to the elevator.

Bosco opened a large black coat and wrapped it around me. The buttons were made of shiny gold, and he buttoned each one to make sure I was warm in the twenty pounds of cotton that he wrapped around me. He took my hand and pulled me into the elevator.

After we were out into the garage, we got into the back seat of his car and hit the road. Two cars followed behind us, and another two were in the front. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bosco decided to add two tanks to his ranks.

“Can I make a request?”

He was looking out the window, but he pulled his gaze away to look at me. “Always.”

“Can we not shut down the restaurant?”

The corner of his mouth rose in a smile. “Still not a fan?”

“I think it’s obnoxious to ruin other people’s nights just because you think you’re more important than everyone else.”

“I am more important.” He said it without apology, not caring what I thought of the statement. “And you’re even more important than me.”

“Even if that were true, I don’t want to do that.” I knew I had a lot of power in this relationship now that I had his heart in my palm. I could make demands that would always be met. “So we aren’t clearing out the restaurant.”

He wore the same gaze, neither angry nor impressed. Finally, he gave a subtle nod. “Whatever you want, Beautiful.” He looked out the window again.

I won the round but didn’t gloat. I wasn’t looking forward to displaying a black eye in a crowded restaurant, but I didn’t care what anyone thought of us. I did my best to cover it with makeup, but there was no amount of foundation that could hide the bright purple color completely surrounding my eye. That man hit me with considerable force, making the inside of my eye darker than a black hole.

We pulled up to the restaurant and walked inside, my hand tucked inside Bosco’s. All he did was look at the man standing at the podium, and he immediately got the service he wanted. Everyone else waiting for a table was ignored.

“Shall I clear out the restaurant, sir?”

“Unnecessary. Just a private table please.”

We were immediately guided to the corner where we had some space from everyone else. Bosco pulled out my chair for me then sat across from me. We were near one of the windows, and just outside I could see one of Bosco’s cars parked there, so they could keep an eye on the man who paid their bills.

Bosco ordered a bottle of wine for the table.

“You don’t have to order Barsetti wine every time because of me.”

He looked at his menu. “I realize that. I genuinely enjoy it.” As if he’d finished his selections, he shut the menu. “I respect the harvest they produce every year. Other wineries sometimes compromise on quality to meet demand, but the Barsettis never do. They pride themselves on what they do, because legacy and respect are more important than money.”

It was nice to hear a compliment about my family for once. “You described my father and uncle perfectly.”

“They’re good business owners—regardless of what their product is.” He sat perfectly upright in his chair then stared at me openly, his favorite pastime.

I looked at my menu.

“What are you getting?”

“Lasagna. You?”

“Caprese salad with chicken.”

I made a gagging noise. “We’re at dinner. Get something good.”

“That is good.”

“Uh, no. I’m the one who should be eating a salad, and hell no, that’s not gonna happen.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, his eyes narrowing. “You do not need to eat a salad.”

“That’s not what I meant. I just mean usually women are the ones who order lame stuff like that. Come on, we’re out on a date. Consider it to be your cheat day.”

He smiled again, amused by my stance. “Then what do you suggest? How about the chicken with—”

“Spaghetti. Get the spaghetti.”

He chuckled. “Alright.”

“Good. You’re gonna look sexy as hell when we get home regardless.”

He must have loved everything I said in that sentence because his smile vanished and his eyes turned intense.

The waiter came by and took our order before he disappeared again. Our table had a vase with a single red rose and a white candle that flickered. The other tables were filled with couples of all different ages, enjoying their time out. There was no other man in that restaurant who could compare to Bosco. But then again, there was no other man in the world who could compare to him. When I started seeing someone else, I would have a hard time not looking back on these memories, remembering times like these.

Bosco kept watching me, entertained by my expression just as other people were entertained by TV. He wasn’t wearing his poker face like he did around everyone else. This look was completely transparent—just intense.

I should be used to the stare by now, but I wasn’t. No man had ever looked at me that way before, like he owned me in a way no one else ever would. He didn’t wear his heart on his sleeve, but in his eyes. We were surrounded by people, but it seemed like I was the only woman in the room. He was immune to Ruby’s charms because he was obsessed with mine.

“What are you thinking?” I asked.

“You don’t want to know.” His voice wasn’t full of threat, and it didn’t seem like his words meant anything sinister.

My curiosity forced my hand. “I do.”

“I was regretting my choice to dine with the public. If they weren’t here, I could be fucking you on this table right now. Or even against the window. So many options…”

Only he could pull off a statement like that and arouse a woman. I pictured those positions, my dress hiked up and his pants pushed far enough down so he could slip his dick inside me. I’d always been a sexual woman, but I’d never been as aroused as I was with him. With Bosco Roth, I wanted it all the time. “I could always crawl beneath the table and suck you off under the tablecloth.”

He clearly hadn’t been expecting an answer like that, because his eyes widened slightly and his jaw clenched. It was the same look he wore when he was angry, but this time, it was because he was so aroused he didn’t know how to react. Stunned and still, he continued to drill his eyes into my face.

I grabbed my glass and drank my wine, licking my lips when I was finished.

He still didn’t move. His chest didn’t even rise with his breathing. “Beautiful, I love you.”