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Love's Past: A Twickenham Time Travel Romance by Laura Bastian (18)

Chapter Eighteen



Cyrus stopped and met Kaitlyn’s eyes. She adjusted the top of her dress and he tried not to look at the tempting neckline, but it was hard not to. The midnight blue dress was beautiful and he was secretly glad they had ended up during this time period, where the dresses were so much fancier than the Regency period they’d been in at Nellie’s immersion week. Kaitlyn’s figure had always been attractive, but the full, flowing skirts flared out in an appealing way at her narrow waist. She folded her hands together in front of her, smoothing out her skirts. She seemed unsure of what to do with her hands.

“Miss Taylor,” William said from behind Cyrus. “You are a vision and will be the envy of many ladies tonight. It is too bad we are only going to the opera tonight. Of course, that may be for the best. I’m not even sure if the three of us could keep all the men at bay who will be begging for a moment of your time.”

Cyrus heartily agreed. “You do look lovely, Kaitlyn. Where’s Jem? Maybe I should go warn him about keeping an eye on you.”

Kaitlyn’s growing smile lessened considerably. Before Cyrus could figure out what to say to bring it back, William’s words interrupted his jumbled thoughts. “We should make haste and prepare ourselves. We don’t want to keep Miss Taylor waiting. I’ll order the carriage. By the time we’ve changed, it should be here.”

Cyrus followed William up the stairs, hoping his manservant could help him change quickly for him to get back down there and talk to Kaitlyn in private.

When he returned, Jem was already down there making Kaitlyn laugh about something. At least Jem seemed to be in a better mood. Hopefully the night would be one they could all enjoy. Cyrus just hoped watching an opera in nineteenth century London would be better than the one he’d been required to see during his sophomore year.

Of course, if he sat near Kaitlyn, it would automatically be one hundred percent better.




During the carriage ride, William kept them all occupied by telling of the different things he had been studying while Jem and Cyrus explained some of the physics behind a few of the inventions William had just learned about. Kaitlyn listened with half an ear. Mostly, she was grateful it was relatively dark in the carriage so she didn’t have to see Cyrus’s face or the way he looked dressed in his fine suit coat and breeches.

Not even her brother compared to the grace and poise that she saw in Cyrus. She wondered if she could sit by him. She doubted she’d dare to do anything really flirtatious. Not that she could hold his hand or anything with the expectations of the day. Maybe she could accidentally brush her hand on Cyrus’s knee while leaning over to talk to her brother. Or maybe she could place her hand on his arm during one of the more confusing parts of the opera and ask him a question. She might be able to gauge the possibility of interest from him.

It terrified her to put herself out there again. She’d been so humiliated in her early high school years, when she’d hinted she was interested in him after he graduated and moved on to college with her brother. He’d politely declined and seemed uncomfortable with her for more than a year afterward. She didn’t know if she dared do something about it, but if she didn’t give it a go, she’d regret it. Here in the past, where there was a different feel to life and their interactions, she hoped the ambiance might work in her favor.

Before she knew it, they were at the opera house and a footman opened the door of the carriage. She was glad for the additional step stool they had placed at the bottom of the step hooked to the carriage. William stepped out first and held her hand to assist her in climbing out of the carriage. Inside from behind her, Cyrus offered his hand to help her get steady before stepping outside. She hesitated for a moment, not sure if she dared take his hand or if she needed to keep a hold of her dress.

The black ankle boots with a cute heel and pretty laces was barely visible for a moment and she held the skirt out far enough to be sure not to catch the hem on her way down. Before she could take Cyrus’s hand, once she was sure her skirt wouldn’t get caught, he lowered his hand and picked up the hat resting on his lap.

When firmly on the ground, Kaitlyn turned to William. “Thank you, Mr. Milton.”

Cyrus and her brother stepped out of the carriage. Jem looked at the huge building in front of them. “You know, I’m excited to see this. What language is it in?” he asked, turning to William.

“Italian.” William turned to her. “Do you know any Italian?”

Kaitlyn shook her head.

“I would be honored to help interpret for you,” Jack’s voice from behind her spoke. “My box is not far from Aunt Nellie’s. And seeing you don’t have a full party, you are welcome to join me in mine, or I’d be happy to be of service in hers.”

Kaitlyn turned around. “That is most kind of you, Sir Hughes.” She glanced at her brother and Cyrus, wondering if they wanted to have help understanding the language.

Jem adjusted his hat. “I’m actually curious to know if I’d be able to understand it just by their acting. So I appreciate the offer, but I think I might have to decline.”

“Ah,” Jack said. “A true lover of the arts. I commend you. If you change your mind, I would be happy to assist.” He turned to Kaitlyn. “Perhaps we can meet for a moment during the intermission so I can introduce someone to you.”

Kaitlyn did a polite small curtsy and smiled at him. “I would like that. Thank you.” She took her brother’s arm with one hand while offering her other hand to Jack to bow over before his departure. He did all things with decorum and grace, leaving her to watch him as he moved to talk with another group. A young woman took his offered arm and glanced back at Kaitlyn with a look of curiosity, but not malice or concern. Kaitlyn wondered who the girl was. Their interactions didn’t look like it was a date, or whatever it was called during this time, but it was obvious the two were comfortable with each other. Kaitlyn wasn’t surprised seeing him with another woman didn’t bother her. She was curious, though, and hoped this would be the person he introduced her to later, if only to satisfy her curiosity.

William motioned for them to join him. “I see a few people I’d like to introduce you to tonight. It will make for a much smoother transition to the ball tomorrow night if you already have a few acquaintances.”

Kaitlyn smiled, gathering all her courage around her to put on a show of being a proper lady of the day. She felt Jem doing something similar, as if putting on another skin over his own personality. She envied Cyrus for his carefree attitude. He was who he was and completely uninterested in playing a part. At first she had thought him a little stubborn and hard headed, but she actually loved how he was still respected because his personality demanded it.

If she had that kind of courage, she could do anything in life. Instead, she bent and bowed whatever way she thought she needed to in order to make people happy.

Someday she might grow a little backbone and stand up for things instead of just doing what was expected. She longed to be passionate about something like Cora or Reese. Instead, she just people-pleased her way to friendships and popularity with very few deep-rooted connections. There was too much surface and not enough center to her. Maybe that’s why she’d been pulled back in time. She needed to come to the realization that she needed more in her life than what she had.

But she’d have to figure out what it was later. Right now, she did the only thing she knew how to do. She socialized and made a new friend. One that would be forgotten soon, and just as likely forget her as well in a week or two. She’d done it enough. It was easy to go through the motions without much thought. She tucked away the names and details about the people William introduced them to and looked at Cyrus, hoping to find him close. Instead he was the farthest away, talking to a couple while pointing at the building.

Kaitlyn smiled. So very much like him.




When they finally got in the box, Kaitlyn’s plans were thwarted. Jem sat in the first seat and patted the seat next to him. “I need you to help me figure out what they’re saying.”

She smiled. Before she could motion for Cyrus to sit next to her, William took the next seat, leaving Cyrus on the end of the row. Maybe she’d be able to arrange a change of seating when they returned from intermission. She settled herself in to watch the performance. When Jem began to get bored of the odd acting and started inserting his own commentary into the show, she struggled to keep from laughing aloud.

“You have to stop,” Kaitlyn whispered into his ear. “We’re going to be kicked out of here if you keep this up.”

“Why?” Jem asked. “No one can hear me.”

“Yeah, not yet, but one of these times, I’m gonna snort and then they’ll banish me from polite society.”

“Like that would ever happen,” Jem said. “You’ve got this whole proper thing down.” He sat up straight, copying her position. She rolled her eyes and gently elbowed him.

“Oh, wait, that wasn’t proper lady.” He glanced at her and then across her to look at William and Cyrus, who watched the performance and ignored them completely.

It was probably a good thing Cyrus wasn’t right next to her, or the three of them might actually get a little too silly. She would have been tested on whether she could maintain the proper decorum expected of a young lady. Jem eased up on his commentary, but he still made a few remarks that helped her enjoy the performance more than she would have if she’d just been listening to it herself.

The singing and music was beautiful. The costumes were detailed and more elaborate than any she’d seen before, but not knowing what the characters were talking about took a lot of the enjoyment out of the performance.

She was tempted to ask William to interpret for her, but he was leaning close to Cyrus and having a quiet discussion. She settled in better to watch, happy when the curtain went down for a momentary intermission. The patrons below in the main seating area stood up and milled around, talking and sharing all the gossip they needed to pass on.

She watched from her high vantage point, enjoying how the young ladies were coached by their mothers or aunts to have conversations with the men around them. So much different than the way her mother behaved when she was that age. Her mom had stared down any guys who came looking at her with any hint of interest. Funny how time changed so much, yet too many things were still the same.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Sir Hughes’ familiar voice gently calling her name. She turned around and saw him in the doorway of Aunt Nellie’s box. The young lady from earlier stood near him, looking nervous. Kaitlyn stepped closer to them and smiled.

Jack stepped a little closer to her, but the girl stayed rooted in her spot. “I hope I don’t presume too much, but I have a favor to ask. My uncle and cousin were at my home here in London when I arrived. Some urgent business has taken him to the North Country, so Amelia is in my care for a time. I was hoping you might be willing to form an acquaintance. She has only been to London once before, many years ago when her mother was still alive.”

“Of course, I’d love to meet her,” Kaitlyn said.

Jack returned to his cousin’s side. As Kaitlyn approached, he spoke. “Miss Taylor, may I introduce my cousin, Amelia Woodrow.” The young girl curtsied and stared down at her hands.

Kaitlyn smiled at Amelia. “It is a pleasure to meet you. You may call me Kaitlyn. I hope that isn’t too forward.”

“Oh, not at all, Miss Taylor. I mean Kaitlyn.” Amelia blushed furiously. Kaitlyn smiled again, taking the girl by the hand. It was obvious she was painfully shy, and if she didn’t have someone to help her relax, she’d be miserable the whole night.

“Tell me about yourself, Amelia. May I call you that?”

“Of course.” She looked at Jack as if trying to find permission or assistance in what to say. Jack smiled at her and nodded but didn’t speak. “I like to play the pianoforte.”

“Wonderful,” Kaitlyn said. “I don’t play very well myself. I know a little, but nothing where I could entertain anyone. What are your favorite pieces?”

Amelia’s eyes brightened a little. She named a few songs Kaitlyn had never heard of.

“I would love to hear you play them. I’m not sure if I’m familiar with them at all. Being from the states seems like a world away from here sometimes.”

“I can’t imagine,” Amelia said. “What was it like traveling across the ocean?”

Kaitlyn smiled. “It was actually not that bad. Seemed to just fly by since I was so excited to get here.” She glanced around to see if Jem or Cyrus were nearby, but they were talking with a few young ladies pushed forward by their eager mothers.

“I would love to hear more about your life in the Americas,” Amelia said.

Jack joined the conversation. “Would you be open to a visit tomorrow morning?”

Kaitlyn looked up at him but he was looking at his cousin, as if hopeful Kaitlyn would say yes for her sake. “I think that would be lovely. I’ll have to see if Mr. Milton is okay if I invite you over.”

“If not, perhaps you could join us at my home for tea,” Jack said. “It would give Amelia a chance to practice hosting.”

Kaitlyn nodded and smiled at Amelia, whose face had drained of color. “And I’m the perfect one to practice on, since I need a lot of practice myself. I can see how it’s done.”

Amelia visibly relaxed and Kaitlyn tucked her hand into her own arm. “I’m so pleased to find a new friend. It has been so different for me to be here, but I find the people are just lovely and so kind. And when I return to Aunt Nellie’s house on Sunday, I will ask her if I may invite you to come stay with me for the week. My dear friends who traveled with me from Ohio have all been invited elsewhere and I find myself lonely. Please say you’ll come join me.”

Amelia looked at her cousin for permission. When he smiled and nodded his approval, she in turn smiled at Kaitlyn. “Thank you, Miss Taylor.”

“Kaitlyn,” she prompted.





Instead of returning to Aunt Nellie's box, Kaitlyn abandoned them and joined Jack’s box, forcing Cyrus to swallow back all the angry and jealous comments he wanted to say. Jem and William didn’t need to hear him complain about the other man. And Jem seemed to be fine with his sister hanging out with the baronet. If her brother didn’t mind, what right did he have to say anything?

He knew Kaitlyn wouldn’t enjoy him acting all protective. She’d been clear about that before. At least she wasn’t actually sitting by Jack. He had brought over a young girl and introduced her to Kaitlyn. Probably all part of his plan to steal her away.

As the show started up again, he glared at the actors on the stage. After about fifteen minutes, he uncrossed his arms and leaned back, propping one booted foot up on the other. William must have noticed his irritation and leaned over.

“The opera has failed to capture your attention?”

“Guess so,” Cyrus said, unwilling to explain the reason for his sour mood.

“And I’m assuming you aren’t all that excited to go to the ball either?”

Cyrus struggled not to turn toward Jack’s box. “That would be correct,” Cyrus said.

“I wonder if you might be interested in joining me on a trip for Aunt Nellie? We’d have to leave tomorrow. I’ve got to go all the way to Bath and visit a few places along the way.”

Cyrus turned to William. “Why Bath? What are you doing?”

“Every so often, she likes to check on those who have come like you three have. She wants to be sure everything is okay, so if there is any need for her to manipulate the magic, she’ll have enough time to prepare for it.”

“How long do you plan to be gone?” Cyrus asked. “I don’t want to miss my chance to return home myself.”

“A good week for sure. Possibly a little longer, depending on travel conditions. You do have nearly two weeks until you’re scheduled to leave for home. We’ll be back in time, I’m certain.”

Cyrus considered it for a moment. If he wasn’t near Kaitlyn, it wouldn’t be such torture to see her spending time with another man. It might save his relationship with her if he wasn’t forced to act like a brother. Jem would need to step up and do it himself.

“And you leave tomorrow?” Cyrus asked. “What time?”

“Before breakfast.”

“I’ll think about it.”

As the performance continued, Cyrus weighed the pros and cons of going with William, but he was still undecided. When the opera finished and the guests started mingling once again, he overheard Kaitlyn introducing a young lady to Jem.

“We’ve been invited to join the baronet and his cousin for tea tomorrow at Sir Hughes’s home.”

“Please say you’ll come,” Jack said, smiling at Kaitlyn and the girl next to her. He returned hi attention back to Jem. “Amelia is looking forward to having your dear sister join us, and without you, it just wouldn’t be the same.”

Kaitlyn smiled widely with pleading eyes. Jem returned her smile as if happy to humor her. “Let me see what William and Cyrus are doing or if they can join us.”

Kaitlyn leaned in close to her brother and spoke into his ear, but Cyrus was still able to make out the words. “No, it’s more of a small gathering. I don’t think we should invite Cyrus and William. That would be too many.”

Jem studied her for a moment and whatever he saw there made him bow and give his approval to the plan.

So the matter was settled. Kaitlyn had blocked him out of her plans. Now that her brother was there, she no longer needed any of Cyrus’s attention and she obviously had plans for the baronet. Well, if that was what she wanted to do with the last few weeks of her stay here, she was welcome to it. But there was no way he was going to stay around and watch any of it.

Cyrus turned to William, who stood nearby watching the exchange.

“I think I will join you on your trip tomorrow.”





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