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Lucky Baby - A Secret Baby Standalone Romance (A Baby for the Bad Boy Book 3) by Layla Valentine (7)

Chapter Seven


We spend the whole day in bed. It’s something I’ve only ever done when I’ve been sick; my parents always frowned at ‘lazy days,’ and college had me too busy with schoolwork to even think of taking a day off.

After breakfast and coffee, which somehow we manage to make last for well over an hour due to all our chatting, Jay and I flip through the TV channels on mute. We pretend to be the people on the shows, adding our own dialogue and yapping at each other about subjects entirely out of context.

By the time we’ve laughed ourselves into a fit, it’s impossible to keep my hands off him. Evidently, he feels the same about me. Drawing me into his arms, he cuddles me close and kisses me.

For the longest time, our lips move against each other’s. He doesn’t make a move to touch me anywhere else, and I don’t try to push the next step either. We’re happy just kissing, like two fourteen-year-olds who have finally been allowed to go out on a date. It’s sweet and intimate…and makes my fears from earlier come rushing back.

I remind myself that I can’t think about the future. Instead, I roll out of bed and take my second shower for the day. When I come back into the bedroom, the dress my mom bought me is laying out on the bed—along with three other ones.

“What are these?” I ask, going forward and touching a bright red, sleeveless gown. All of the dresses are gorgeous.

Jay buttons up his cuffs and winks at me in the floor-length mirror.

“I thought you might want to wear a different dress tonight. It’s up to you, though. You looked amazing in the floral one.” He grins. “Hell, you look amazing in my T-shirt. Maybe you should wear that to the casino.”

I duck my head in embarrassed pleasure and inspect the dresses more carefully. There’s a black one with a plunging neckline and sequins along the hemline. I turn the collar and look at the tag—and have to suppress a gasp.

My mother has a habit of spending money on clothes made by the most famous designers, but for Jay to splurge and buy me several of them is a completely different deal entirely. And exactly when did he have time to order these dresses? While I was still asleep this morning? When he went out to grab us a late lunch? Surely, he didn’t pick them out himself. Did he get a woman at the counter to do it for him?

Instead of asking him any of these questions, I pick up the slinky, black one and try it on. It’s a perfect fit, with the cowl neckline dipping nearly to my navel. Jay steps aside from the mirror and I admire my reflection.

Maybe it’s the dress, or maybe it’s the way Jay is looking at me, but I’ve never felt sexier in my life.

He pulls on his black jacket and loops his arm around my waist. “Forget this fucking game. I think I’d like to make other plans.”

I snort. “Right. You’re going to pass up the biggest game of your life to roll around in bed with me?”

“I don’t think I would regret it.”

Something about the tone of his voice tells me that he’s being serious.

“Don’t we have to go?” I breathlessly ask.

Jay glances at the clock on the wall, his thumb rubbing a circle over my shoulder.

“I can be a little late.”

“You can’t,” I laugh, but he only buries his face in my neck, making the muscles all down my back shudder with pleasure.

“Right—how about I make sure we get there right on time?” he questions, his hands dipping lower and pressing against the small of my back.

I rub my nose against his shoulder. I can’t respond. His touch is making me delirious. I probably wouldn’t know my own name if someone asked me right now.

Jay’s hands find their way around my hips and to the front of my dress. Beneath the silky fabric, my body practically screams with desire. Taking a handful of bunched fabric, he pulls the dress up, exposing my thighs.

“Jay,” I whisper.

His mouth grazes mine. “Yes?”

There’s nothing else to say. Right now, his name is everything to me. I could repeat it until the end of time and never get tired of hearing it.

His lips press against mine, his tongue gently flicking at my teeth. As we kiss, his fingers trail along my panties, and I jerk at the soft touch, putting my weight against him. If I don’t lean on him, I’m going to fall down.

Our kiss deepens, and Jay pushes my panties to the side. A strong thumb presses against the top of my mound and I whimper into his mouth. His lips drag along the curve of my mouth and across my jaw as he turns me around. I’m a rag doll, having turned over all control of my own body to someone else.

With him at my back, Jay walks me forward a couple steps until we’re at the wall. Taking my hands in his, he guides my hands to the wall. The surface is cool against my palms and cheek, a sharp contrast to the warm body pressed behind me.

His mouth sucking eagerly on the back of my neck, he yanks down my panties and pushes the dress the rest of the way up to expose my ass. My hips respond instinctively, grinding back against him.

There’s the sound of his pants unzipping and then the tip of his cock brushes past my ass, against my inner thigh. Just feeling it so near my opening makes me tremble. I push my ass back farther, and Jay nudges my legs open more.

With one swift move, he enters me. His length slides in all the way, claiming each inch of what’s available. Ecstasy fills me up, making my fingers curl and my back arch.

Keeping me pressed between him and the wall, Jay continues to drive into me from behind. His thrusts come faster, each one drawing more pleasure out of me.

With one hand pressed against mine, pinning them to the wall, and the other clinging to my hip, he nips at the back of my neck. The confusing mixture of pleasure and pain only makes everything more exciting. I’m feeling wilder by the second, like a woman who can’t be controlled or contained.

The tingly feelings deep in me build, layering on each other and becoming stronger every second. With a cry that I can’t hold back, I unravel in ecstasy. A second later, Jay pulls away from me, spins me around, and pushes me to my knees. I realize that neither of us want him to make a mess on my dress, so I take him in my mouth just has he’s about to come. He groans as he explodes in my mouth.

Pulling back, he sighs in pleasure.

“Normally I’d apologize for having to be so quick…”

I giggle and press a finger against his lips before he can go on. From there, it’s a mad rush to clean up and get out the door. Yet, somehow, we still enter the elevator at the exact time Jay meant to leave.

He’s called a car and it’s waiting for us by the time we get downstairs. I feel like royalty as we walk through the lobby. Eyes fall on me and Jay, and two women whisper and giggle while staring at him.

Is this what it would be like to be with him all of the time? Jay is one of the most attractive men who’s ever walked the earth. It’s hard to imagine he doesn’t receive attention like this wherever he goes.

The Venetian Macau is even more packed than it was yesterday, and it’s obvious that many people here recognize Jay. He keeps his hand pressed against the small of my back as we push our way toward the front doors. Cameras flash and, dazed, I realize that people are standing off to the side taking pictures of him.

Is he famous in this world?

There’s no way for me to tell for sure, but the signs are pointing to a strong yes.

Still slightly overwhelmed by everything that’s happening, I focus on putting one foot in front of the other, and allow Jay to steer me through the crowded casino.

The tournament is poker, and the place is jam-packed with people and television cameras. People wait in line to talk to Jay, while I hang back uncertainly. No one pays me any attention, and I like it that way. Fading into the background and watching everything happening has always been what I’m most comfortable doing.

“It’s time I head over there,” Jay suddenly says, turning to me and giving my hand a squeeze.

I tighten my fingers on his hand, aware of all the eyes on us. How does being in public together make him feel? Is it all right to kiss, or is that a bad idea, because I’m not his girlfriend?

I plaster a smile on my face. I want Jay to win tonight. That’s more important than my silly worries.

“Good luck,” I tell him, kissing his cheek quickly.

“Thanks,” he says with a quick grin.

With that, he takes his seat at the table. Petit is already there, glowering over at Jay. The rest of the players range in age, and all of them are equally serious-looking. Jay has already set me up with a space not far from the rope surrounding the table, and I take my seat alongside the other spectators. There are family and friends, reporters, and poker enthusiasts in the crowd, and the energy is electric. I’ve never experienced anything like it.

The whole scene is a world away from my life in New York. For the tenth time, at least, I marvel at the crazy turn of events that brought me to this casino. With a camera turned in my direction, I could very well be on TV right now.

Thank God I touched my makeup up after we banged against the wall.

I suppress a laugh over what it would be like for my parents or Willow to turn the TV on and find me on a sports channel, and then turn my focus on watching the game. Jay is calm and collected—the perfect example of a suave professional. Petit, on the other hand, trembles with nerves. He shoots daggers at the other players as the cards are dealt. Apparently, the ‘elite’ don’t pay any attention to maintaining a good poker face.

I’m so nervous for Jay that I must have held my breath for nearly half the game, even though I often don’t really understand what’s going on. Most of the players have low-brim hats or sunglasses on to hide their faces, with the exception of Petit and Jay.

Jay doesn’t need to hide his expressions. He doesn’t show them at all. Through every second of the game, he’s calm. Petit, on the other hand, is probably too vain to even think of hiding his face.

Even though I can’t follow every single move, I understand the basics of what’s going on. Two players fold. Jay calls a raise, which makes me take a sharp breath.

The woman sitting next to me leans in close. “I love your dress,” she whispers.

“Thanks,” I whisper back. She’s wearing a dress that’s fit for a Hollywood red carpet, so it’s nice to see that I didn’t overdress at all.

“Who are you here for?” she asks.

“Him,” I reply, nodding in Jay’s direction.

“Ah.” She smiles. “Jay Hammond. A living legend.”

Living legend? If I had any doubt as to whether Jay was a big deal at the card tables, it’s now completely evaporated.

The game goes on, each hand seeming to take longer than the last. There are buzzing whispers from behind me, but the room is surprisingly quiet. All of these people are just standing or sitting, waiting.

Petit’s upper lip curls in Jay’s direction, but Jay acts as if he doesn’t even notice the surly Belgian. Pride swells in my chest. Petit may be from the upper crust, but Jay is from the streets. He knows how much to show, and when to show it. After spending just twenty-four hours with him, I’m convinced that he could intimidate a grizzly bear with that cool stare of his.

I’m lost in my thoughts, wondering just how long these games usually last when, suddenly, Jay lays his cards flat on the table. A cheer goes up from the crowd, and Petit bares his teeth like a wild animal.

And Jay just gazes back. If he’s won, he’s not acting like it.

But then, all the poker chips are pushed his way. Jay’s face lights up, and an official-looking man steps forward to shake his hand. The room explodes with life and excitement.

A voice comes on over the intercom. “Ladies and gentlemen, the game is over! That’s one million dollars, to Jay Hammond!”

One million dollars. The number rings in my ears. That’s a lot of money to make in one night…a whole lot of money.

The woman next to me claps excitedly. “Oh my God, he won! You must be so proud of him,” she shouts over the noise.

I nod eagerly. I am proud. I just don’t know if I’m in the right position to show how proud I am.

Standing up, I smooth my dress over my hips. I want to walk over to Jay, to part the crowd around him and wrap my hand in his, to kiss him and tell him he’s the most amazing guy in the world.

But we barely know each other—despite everything we’ve shared and done over the last day and night. Maybe his winning all of this money has changed how he feels about me. Maybe I was nothing but a woman for him to blow off some steam with before the big tournament.

I bite my lip and turn away. It’s suddenly hard to breathe. The air in the large room is thick and oppressive.

Winding and pushing a path through the crowd, I make my way out into the hallway. There, I brace my hand against the wall and take in long, deep breaths. I’m out of my league. I’m just a boring, normal girl from New York. What am I doing, falling for someone like Jay?

He could have any woman in this casino. I think of the gorgeous woman who sat next to me. In a place that was probably full of supermodels and heiresses, why on earth would Jay want me?

“I have something that can help with that.”

The voice makes me straighten up and turn around in the blink of an eye. Petit stands only a few feet away, a flask in his hand. He tilts the little metal container toward me, offering a drink.

“No thanks,” I respond tartly.

“It’s not drugged.”


“I’m fine,” I reiterate.

“I’m sure,” he replies sarcastically, unscrewing the flask and taking a drink of whatever is inside. “Why aren’t you in there, celebrating with your boyfriend? Did he forget about you already?”

Petit’s cruel question is salt on the wound I had already opened. Somehow, this guy always knew the wrong thing to say. He should quit gambling and make a career out of being a professional asshole.

I blink fast in order to keep back tears, and defiantly raise my chin at him. “I’m meeting up with him later.”

Petit frowns. “That’s sweet, but don’t feel bad if he forgets to find you in this crowd.”

“He won’t,” I spit.

Petit shrugs, as if to say, ‘who knows?’

“It’s normal, you know,” he says. “It happens a lot. Men win big, and then their egos bloat. They forget all about their lives before…the things that once mattered, the people who were there for them.”

“I’m sure you know all about bloated egos.”

His eyes instantly narrow and his nostrils flare. With the verbal tables turned, he’s suddenly not so calm. One sour word at this man and it’s like poking a bear. Not that he doesn’t ask for it.

“Where did you say you were from?” he asks.

“I didn’t.”

He snorts. “What manners… Perhaps you and Hammond are a perfect fit, after all.”

He roots around in his jacket’s breast pocket and pulls out a card before offering it to me. “My room number is on here. If Hammond forgets to find you later, you’ll have somewhere to go.”

Bile rises in my throat, and I swallow it with a burning gulp. Petit didn’t even have to write his room number on the card. He just walks around with it ready to go, so that when he meets a woman, he can go ahead and offer her an easy hook-up.

Ew. Just how many women has this disgusting man already given his card to tonight?

“Lauren.” The voice is smooth and deep, with a hint of surprise in it.

Two seconds later, Jay is next to me, his arm around my waist and his piercing gaze on Petit.

Petit’s lips curl into a sneer. “So, you managed to extricate yourself from the hoard of beautiful women, after all. I saw that blonde watching you, Hammond. She looks like a fiery one.”

The comment is an indirect blow, meant to shake me and bring me down even more. I clench my jaw and keep my expression smooth. Just because some people are incapable of having a poker face, doesn’t mean I’m one of them.

Plus, Jay being by my side means I have a confidence I didn’t have before. I might have my doubts about our future, but that doesn’t mean his presence doesn’t soothe and strengthen me.

Jay’s words are smooth and cool. “I was looking for the one beautiful woman in here worthy of my attention, if that’s what you mean.”

My heart swells. I no longer care about Petit or anything he says. The worries in my head are fading, and the joy in my heart is growing. Jay was looking for me. He still wants to be around me.

Petit’s bushy brows press together. “See you in Monte Carlo,” he snarls, before stomping off.

Jay turns to me. “I’m assuming he cornered you out here. I’m sorry about that.”

I wrap my arms loosely over his shoulders. “No, don’t worry about it. I think he probably came out here looking for a fight. You did say he’s a sore loser…Hey. Congratulations. A million dollars! I mean, wow…” I shake my head in disbelief.

“It’s a start.”


“For the summer.” I must look confused, because he continues. “I’ve won more.”

He lightly traces the side of his thumb down my jaw, his eyes lingering on my lips. I want to ask him just how much money he’s won gambling, but not only is that an inappropriate question, the way he’s touching me has my mind clouding up.

“You were amazing out there,” I whisper. “You were so calm.”

“There’s no other way to be.”

Jay pulls me closer, and my face presses into the side of his neck. His pulse throbs against my lips and I inhale his delicious scent.

“What do you want to do now?” he softly asks.

I close my eyes and shrug. All I want, is to be close to him. I don’t care where we are or what we do. All of my fear from earlier has dissipated. Jay wants me just as much as I want him. Everything is still going great.

“Kiss me,” Jay says.

Before I can respond, he’s tilting my face up and pressing his lips against mine. The butterflies are back, just like they are every time Jay is near.

After a long, slow kiss, he pulls his face back. “Have I told you how amazing you look tonight?”

“I think you did earlier, right before you pushed my dress up.”

“Oh, yeah,” he muses. “That.”

“But feel free to keep telling me,” I quickly say. “Hearing it never gets old.”

He kisses the tip of my nose. “Will do.”