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Malicious Intent M.C.: Volume One Sadist by Scarlet Delaney (6)

Chapter 6: “Roadie” (live)Tenacious D

Six- Trevor:

Just moved to a new neighborhood. My dad just joined a motorcycle club and is gone all the time but he introduces me to a couple of the kids on the ranch that the MC owns. A little girl with red hair is screaming at a boy with dark hair and silver eyes. His arm is bleeding. She has some on her, and wipes her bloodied fingers on her yellow dress before shoving her doll at the boy’s face. When she sees me she rushes forward.

“Hi! I’m Alexis but everyone calls me Lexi and dis is my Ky!” She with says with a lisp.

“I’m Trevor. Nice to meet you Miss Alexy. Hello Ky.” My dad was a veteran and always taught me to be polite. I offer my hand to Ky, He takes it though never his eyes never leave Alexis. The little girl has bright electric blue eyes and freckles across her nose. But the silver eyed boy Ky is silent watching her every movement like she may fall at any second and I have no doubt he’d catch her too. She shakes her doll at me and he finally looks my way. I know two things, this boy scares me to the core of my being and that the little girl in front of me is his and his alone.



I have a girl in front of me. I see her face, but I don’t, because over her face I see Lexi’s. I’m so drunk and high nothing makes sense anymore. I haven't seen Lexi in a month since she's been on vacation with her family and every time I close my eyes her face is the one I see.


I take my gun off the side table next to the bed and put it to the side of the girls head. Finally starting the feel the first inkling of a hard on. The girl’s eyes are wide as she tries to get her friends attention. I don’t notice it till Trev smacks the back of my head and holds the back of my neck like a dog that just shit on the rug


“You going to fuck her or do I have to fuck em both?” His words carry a different meaning than what is said. I’ve told him the thoughts I’ve been having lately how even I know my thoughts are fucked up and not normal. I’m fighting the urge to choke this girl out while I fuck her. Fighting the want to carve her skin with my new knife. And as much as I want both those things, what I want most is to do them to Lexi. I snap back to the girl in front of me


“What do you want Bitch? You want my cock? Because this” I press the gun to her head a little harder and simultaneously thrust my hardness against her, proving myself, “is the only way I get off.” She’s still silent. Pinky waits a second before sighing loudly slowing his strokes to a stop once again.


“Dude just unload the fucking thing...” He back tracks “Not into her skull, and put the bullets on the table. Then she’ll let you.” He nods down to the girl “Do you want his dick or not?” She shakes her head yes, her hands now stroking my chest over my new raven tattoo. “Say the fucking words yes or no. Or it’s not happening.” He says waiting. She looks up again finally


“Yes.” Shaking my head I run my free hand over her open legs down her thighs, grabbing her ass and pulling her closer to me. I shove my cock into her waiting pussy. Her movements and sounds barley registering with me as I imagine it’s Lexi in my head.

The next morning I wake up naked with a hangover, hot and sweaty from the mass of bodies on the bed. Trevor is to my left with both girls snuggling against him. Dude’s always been a cuddler and the ladies love him. He is probably just as sick and twisted as I am and they don’t have a fucking clue. I pull on my black pants from the night before and light a cigarette instantly snuffing it out, the taste making my stomach churn and I head for the bathroom set on getting this shit out of my stomach so I can sober up.

“Dude, your retching is so loud you woke the ladies. They're all asking if you’re okay and shit.” I eye him. The guy is still drunk as well but looks far from hangover. I flick him off with my vomit coated finger, and lean back over the porcelain bowl shoving the same fingers back down my throat for a third time. When I turn around he’s still there. I eye him again while heading to the sink to wash my hand off. “You’re old man can’t drink for shit. How is it you don’t get hangovers like the rest of the world?”

I say rinsing my mouth out. His response is instant with a smile.

    “Freak of fucking nature man! And I am just fine with it to, cuz you look like shit.” Just then one of the girls makes a rush for the toilet projectile vomiting. “I take that back. She, looks like shit.”

Every night was a repeat of the night before. We drank. We fucked. We found out what we liked and what we didn’t. Pinky apparently liked it all. Nothing was off the table. Women and occasionally men would be in his bed. When I got into the darker stuff he was there to join or loved to watch and on more than one occasion played referee when I took things a little too far. He never made me feel bad about it, and I never questioned the shit he was into. That’s how we were. 


Twenty-six- Trevor:


We’ve been in the sand box for almost a year. Ky was shot today twice. He’s the only medic with us and we let him get shot. He is able to walk me through all the things I needed to do to stop the bleeding, all the while yelling at us to keep pulling guys back to make sure no one, no matter their status, was left behind. The man is a fucking hero. He’d saved six of our men and two civilians before getting himself shot.

As we waited for the new medic named Cross, we spoke of old times. Ky said he wasn’t going to die today even though I had my doubts from the amount of blood around him. This man has been my best friend since we were six years old. I’ve always been able to guess what's going on with him even when no one else could that’s why we’ve been friends. He doesn’t have to tell me when to give him space or why he’s is the way he is.

He has his dark side which scares the shit out of most people. But all and all he is a great man that inspires everyone around him. You’d never know what lies under the surface. He’s told us for years as a medic, “You can’t save them all.” We’ve lost a lot of men in our time here. Men I personally knew and will miss but no one could replace Ky.


Present- Sadist:


Been back in the club and out of the army for three years. In that time I became president Malicious Intent and made Pinky my VP because he’s always had my back. He’s never given me a reason to doubt him. He’s a man I can relate and tell everything too. Always there when I needed him. Guy even saved my life a couple of years back. Couldn’t ask for more from the son of a bitch. He’s my right hand man. We’ve made a lot of changes to the club to the buildings and all the structures and the people within. I run it with an iron fist but it works for us. That's why we have as much territory as we do. Why I was respected in becoming president. And it gives me something to control. But I couldn't have done it without him. None of it.