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Mammoth's Claiming of Merida: The Grim Reaper's Mc 3 (The Grim Reapers Mc) by Barnett, By Stacy, Barnett, Stacy (8)


After my woman turns off the skype connection, I go look for Harmony for a short talk. As I walk into the main bar, I laugh as she is sitting at the bar with a beer in her hand and is completely ignoring her husband, “come on honey I said I was sorry to her and she accepted it. Merida is coming home in the morning and I don’t want to sleep without between those thighs of yours for even one night”. She keeps on ignoring him, but when he gets angry, he lets stupid things spill out, “god what does it take to get back in the good books with you, should I roll over on my back and show you my yellow belly, like a fucking dog…”.

That has her turning to him, where she very coldly says, “all you would have to do was say YOUR FUCKING SORRY TO ME…..., for your obvious disrespect that I can’t handle myself. Even though Merida, is better than me in some area’s I am better in others and you totally forgot that shit”.

Everyone in the room goes quiet as they wait for Storm to properly apologise to his woman, he sighs and shakes his head, “your right, I did forget but in my defence, all I was worried about, is you leaving me and the boys. So, for that, I am truly sorry I made you feel like I disrespected you. Can I get some sugar now or do I go find a sweet butt for some”?

Harmony jumps off her stool and lands a passionate kiss on his lips, “don’t you ever threaten me with the sweet butts, or I will have them all thrown out on their arses”, then she kneels him in the balls. As he goes down like a sack of shit, she stands over him, “I may love you and you may be the father to our son’s, but I am still your prez. Don’t ever disrespect me like that again, or you will find yourself further out of my life, then my club house”. She then bends down to his grasping form on the floor and straddles him, kissing the hell out of him until he starts kissing her back.

Shaking my head, I sit down at the bar and wait for them to come up for air, before I talk to the prez. Looking down at them, it looked like it was starting to get pretty, damn heated, when she jumps off him panting and sits back down at the bar with her beer. Looking across at her I smile, “ah…. prez, I need to talk to you about something important”.

She nods her head towards the office and as she steps over her still groaning husband, she pats him on the junk for good measure before continuing to her office. When I walk in behind her she gets to the point, “so she’s coming back then?”.

Nodding smiling, “yeh, she will be home tomorrow morning. Ah…the thing I need to talk to you about, is she wants to finish going after her grandfather for the contract killing of both her parents and I just need the time to help her”.

Harmony looks at me hard and I don’t flinch an inch, before she says, “who’s her grandfather? and will it back lash onto my club?”.

Sitting down in front of her desk, I lean forward with my elbows resting on my knees, “her grandfather’s name is Alistair Caspian of the Caspian group and no it will have no effect on the club. Merida has systematically been buying his business for the last year under another company name and she only has a small part left to do and then she is taking him out for good. Then my girl wants to take over the company and use it for the benefit of others in need. I need to be by her side as back up and to keep her safe. I just need you to okay it, to do it”.

My prez leans forward in her own seat, “I know Alistair Caspian, the bastard tried to take out Storm behind my back and before you say anything, my husband doesn’t know about it. The only way I stopped it was I threatened to take out his wife and kids, if I got another whiff of any of his merc’s around my husband or club. If Merida is taking him out, I want to help any way I can. I already told her she can use the computer system here and I will offer anything else she might need when she gets back. As far as you, take the time. The other enforcers can take up the slack in your absence, just promise me you will personally see the bastard’s life drain from his eyes and I will be happy”.

Smiling at getting the all clear, I nod, “sure, I can promise that prez and I won’t say anything about you knowing the grandfather either. I think Storm would be pissed off, if he knew he was being threatened and didn’t know about it. I know I would, but that is the price we pay for having strong women in our lives. Though I think, you might want to take your old man a bag of ice for his balls, you might want to use them again for more of those kids you want”.

She just shrugs and smiles, “to late for the ice, I already have a bun in the oven and you’re the second person to know after Storm, so shush okay?”.

Nodding again smiling, I zip my lips.

Getting up we walk out to the bar, and find Storm sitting in a chair with a bag of ice already on his dick, grimacing at his amused wife. She just shrugs her shoulders and smiles down at him, before kissing the shit out of him again.

My dick starts to get hard with the innocent display of affection between the couple and it makes me miss my woman all that much more. Turning away from the bar, I go downstairs to our suite and straight towards a cold shower, all the while thinking about fucking my woman hard the next time I see her. Stripping off my jeans, my hard on quickly stands up north towards my belly button, which has me sighing as I give it a few tugs to help relieve some of the pressure build up in it. As I stand there beside my shower, I keep imagining bending my woman over a desk and shoving all my inches deep with her tight wet pussy and having her scream out my name.

Moaning as a small amount of pre-cum leaks from the tip of my head, I turn on the shower and step in quickly. I soap up my hands for the added lubrication and take myself hard shaft in hand again, “god baby, I wish you were here to suck my cock deep”. Tugging harder up and down my cock, I can see in my mind’s eye, my woman’s, beautiful breast swinging as I pump into her arse for the first time and her squeezing me as tight as a fist.

I begin to move my hips, as if I am fucking her hard and my hand tightens around my girth even more. Closing my eyes, I hear her crying out, as her climax hits her hard and her pussy begins to try and milk my seed from my balls.

“God yes…...”. I groan out loud as my body senses my climax coming full force and as I keep thrusting into my hand, my cum begins to spurt out against the opposite tile wall. Rope after rope, ejects from the head of my cock, until finally I feel like I might pass out from the pleasure of it all.

As the last drop falls to the floor of the shower, and washes down the drain, I let my head fall to my chest panting, “god baby I miss you”. I never, ever want to go another night without my woman beside me again, and if that makes me a pansy arsed bastard then so fucking be it.

Going to bed that night was lonely, but I thanked my lucky stars I will have my women beside me tomorrow night.

I wake up the next morning around five am and quickly get dressed, so I can get a quick breakfast before the rest of my brothers show up and hog it all. As I grab a plate of bacon and eggs my phone rings, looking down I see it is my Merida and smiling I answer, “hello baby, do you miss me?”.

She chuckles, “always my love, but I called about something else, is Harmony awake yet?”.

Just as she asked me, Harmony walks into the kitchen with her two-son’s trailing behind her, “uh…yep, are you alright?”.

“Can I answer that in a minute, I really need to talk to Harmony first”.

Putting my hand of the phone I call out to my prez, “prez you got a sec, Merida says she needs to talk to you”.

Harmony carries two plates over to the table for her kids and sits down next to me, “hi ya chicka dee, is this a private call or can I put it on loud speaker?”.

Merida must have said speaker because next second, I hear my woman’s beautiful if not strained voice again, “as I was flying in from the back of the club’s property, I saw ten merc’s making their way towards the main house. One of the bastards took a pot shot at me, after I flew a little too close to them, to try and see who they were. They are coming in hard and fully loaded Harmony. Also, I don’t think they know, I am the one in the helicopter”.

The prez tenses up beside me, and pulls out her phone but talks to Merida as well, “which side are they coming in from, north, east, south, west?”.

It takes a little longer for my woman to answer, but she does softly, “they are coming in through the west fence. I’m sorry prez, I can’t stay up here for much longer, as I am having some trouble”.

I grab my phone and try to calmly ask her what is wrong, “baby, when you said they took a pot shot at you, did you get hurt?”.

Merida takes a deep breath, “yeah I got hurt. I now have a long hunting arrow pierced through my thigh that came from the underbelly of the helio. I am stemming the flow of my blood with pressure with the seat and a hanky on the top of my leg but I have a feeling it has hit a major artery. When I come down, I need a place I can land where I will be protected until the arrow can be taken out safely”.

My breath picks up and I look frantically at my prez, she puts her hand up to shush me, “how far away are the merc’s from the back topside warehouse Merida?”.

“An easy three kilometres why?”.

“Fly directly above the warehouse, as I have made the roof retractable and you can land in there. That building is sound proof and built like a Sherman tank, with reinforced walls. No bullets will get in there. I will have the doc, Mammoth and a couple of the others there to take care of you. I am putting the non-essentials families on lockdown so you will be coming inside the manor for your medical needs. You alright with that honey?”.

Merida doesn’t answer, but I can still hear the rotors on the helicopter moving, so the phone was still connected. I yell into the phone, “Merida…. baby answer her…. please…”.

“Sorry, had a little dizzy moment there. Heard every word, tell doc I am A-positive for blood and I am going to need…. need a lot. Retract the roof now if you would, I feel like I am about to pass…pass out from…. from blood loss….”.

I don’t stay to hear the rest, as I am racing to collect the doc and make it to the warehouse, before I lose my love and my child.

Racing through the underground tunnels with my brothers and doctor in tow, we just make it as Merida makes a hard landing in the middle of the empty warehouse. Racing across the floor I watch how she swiftly turns the engine off and then slumps in her seat.

Getting to the door first, I fling it open and come face to face with my worst nightmare. My woman’s body was slumping forward and the wound in her leg was starting to bleed even heavier. The arrow that was shot at her, went straight through the underbelly of the helio and her pilot seat but also straight through her leg and was poking out the top of her thigh. The doctor pushed in beside me and started to check her over. It only took him a few minutes to get her stabilised for travel before he stepped back, so Tex could step up.

Tex comes up beside me with a pair of cutters and snips off the metal head of the arrow. Then the doctor steps back in next with padding and instructions, “Tiny, get under the belly of the helicopter and slowly pull the arrow shaft out. Don’t wiggle it, just simply slide it out. Mammoth when it’s out, I must wrap the leg with a pressure bandage and get her into surgery as soon as possible, or we are going to lose them both”.

Nodding without saying anything I watch as everything happens in slow motion and when the doc’s ready, I wrap my family up in a blanket to run to the infirmary.

I could feel my heart trying to push its way out of my throat and for it to scream out ‘don’t take them…please don’t take them’. Racing as steadily as I can down the corridor, we race through the final door and the doctor gets me to lay her down gently on the med bay bed, “back up son, so I can get to work. I think it might be best if you step outside, so I am not distracted with your now constant growling”.

Shaking my head sadly, I look up from my life laying on that table and slowly nod to the doc, before reluctantly backing out the door.

It took four hours of pacing the halls before the doc, came out of the medical bay to stand in front of me. I couldn’t get a read on his face and I started to panic. Grabbing him by his collar, I roar into his face, “is my family okay? Tell me doc”.

Tex pulls me off the doc and the doc simply smiles, “she is going to be fine son. I had to give her nearly a litre of A positive blood to make up for the blood loss and then I did a little sewing, to pull her skin back into alignment. Merida is one lucky young lady to pull through with full colours like she has and all she is left with to deal with, is a simple case of wanting to drink a lot from the blood loss”.

Sitting down hard in the waiting room chairs, I look at him relieved, then on second thought I stood up in his face again, “and our baby, doc. Is the baby okay too?”.

He simply nods and moves out of the way, so I can go see them for myself. As I walk in to the room, she is sitting up in one of the med beds staring at me groggily. Quickly going to her side, I take her small hand in mine and kiss her palm, “baby, oh god I thought I lost you and our little one. How are you both feeling?”.

Merida chuckles lightly before saying, “like I could take on the world and win or maybe that’s the morphine in my system. I hope the doc remembers I’m pregnant and the drugs could hurt her”.

Grasping her hand tighter, “how do you know the baby is a she and not a he instead?”.

She shrugs her shoulders and smiles while tapping the side of her nose, “a mother knows, you will see”. She looks closely at how scruffy I was looking now and must have gotten a little concerned herself, “You, okay big boy?”.

Taking a deep breath in, I sit in the chair beside the bed and smile softly, “yeh I’m okay and before you ask, Harmony set off all the traps on the west side of the compound. She caught all ten men and is holding them for questioning or to see what you suggest is to do with them. She doesn’t want to kill them, if they are going to be your men in the not too distant future”.

My slightly high woman, smirks crookedly and giggles, “that looked like a hard pill to swallow didn’t it. So, they will be my men soon, will they. Don’t you know by now, you will always be enough of a man for me my love”.

Every time she speaks now, she was sounding more and more lucid. Smirking I look at her and say, “baby, I am the only man for you. Beside that how do you feel, you never said?”.

I watch as she moves her leg a little and smiles up at me, “actually I don’t feel half bad, my leg feels a little sore and other then that I feel great. Hey….do you think Joey would lend me a laptop for a few hours while I recuperate in here?”.

Nodding, “yeh…I think so, yesterday he was bouncing around the place, saying shit like you were the bomb or something. What the hell have you been saying to him, to get him all hyper like that?”.

Merida wiggles up the bed and sits straighter smiling, “he tried to locate my IP address yesterday with a program I wrote and he loved it when I kept bouncing it back at him. The geek in him, went through the roof and he is probably right now trying to figure out how I did it to him. Can you go get a laptop for me now please, I really want to finish burying my grandfather now, before he sees what I have been up to and tries to stop me”.

Standing up stretching to my full height, I bend down to try and kiss her ever so gently, but my terror wouldn’t have any of that. No, the evil woman, grabbed the sides of my face and kissed me like how I really wanted to kiss her in the first place. The thought of losing her keeps running through my head and so I wanted to mark her with my lips somehow, so she wouldn’t forget me. I slowly break the kiss and stand back panting, “baby you are a dangerous and sexy woman. Now if you want that laptop, I must leave and get it for you, before I pull you from that bed and have my wicked way with you. And besides, I want to go have a small chat with the bastard, that shot an arrow up through my woman’s leg”.

She nods absently at me, while still reverently touching her kiss swollen lips. Chuckling, I turn around and go hunt down our resident tech guru, Joey. Thankfully, I didn’t have to go far, as the bastard was pacing up and down the hallway outside of the infirmary. Putting my hand out to stop his pacing I frown down at him, “why are you out here pacing past my woman’s room Joey? She’s mine and not yours to worry about”.

He looks at me confused, and says, “I just wanted to make sure she was okay. Merida is my hero man. She has created a lot of the programs, I use to keep this place safe and the men we help Harmony take care of. I just want to talk with her for a while if that is okay?”.

The poor bugger was hopping from one foot to the other, he was that full of beans, sighing I put my hands on my hips, “yeh, you can see her, but first you need to get her a spare laptop. She wants to finish a project she has been working on and maybe you can help her, besides I like the idea of someone in there keeping her company, while I am busy with the bastard’s downstairs”.

As soon as my request leaves me lips, the small man begins running the other way heading towards the compounds control room. Chuckling while shaking my head, I look over my shoulder through the glass doors and see my woman smiling happily waving…...

Sticking my head in the door, I tell what is going on, “Joey is very excited to be talking to you baby, he has just gone to get you a laptop, and to talk to you about some of your programs”. She nods but doesn’t say anything but smiles tiredly. Hearing the ping of the elevator, I know it is her fan coming back, “please don’t take over the world while I’m gone, will you…...”.

Merida looks at me blankly and as I slowly move back to make room for Joey to go in, I hear her whisper, “I make no promises……”.

Shaking my head, as I watch Joey starting to talk animatedly to my woman, I turn and go further into the compound to find the bastard who hurt my family.

Walking through the cell blocks of the compound, I try not to laugh my arse off, as Harmony has each man strung up butt naked with a couple of the brothers putting fucking sheep rings around their nuts.

Putting my hand over my mouth, I snicker as each man screams as his nuts, begin to swell from the lack of blood flow and as I watched them squirm in pain, all I could think about is what a bull goes through to become a steer. Walking further into the room, I take up a position up against the back wall and watch as our prez gets to work.

As the door, I came through finally clicks close, I tense a little and growl, when my woman’s voice comes over the speaker system, “wow Harmony, I like your imagination but I would have started with putting something large up their arses”.

Harmony giggles like a school girl, “gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to your new boss. Now which one of you is the archer of the group?”

Would you believe it, they all turned and looked the man on the end, who was hanging his head down to his chest. Stomping over to him, I grab his hair and yank it back, “who gave you the order to kill my woman?”.

He looks at me blankly, and says, “we were contracted to retrieve a Merida Caspian or aka Merida McDougal, for our client. Her last known location was the club house of the Grim Reapers under the protection of Harmony Banner. All I can say about the helicopter pilot was that came to close, to exposing our position, so I shot at the underbelly to scare them off. Besides you fucking prick I don’t know who your woman is and I don’t give a shit either?”.

“Oh, he did not just go there…...”. Rolling my eyes at Merida’s sarcastic wit, I put my face close to the arseholes in front of me and take a deep breath in, only to growl, “the pilot you shot at, is my old lady Merida McDougal and your target arsewipe. She is also your new fucking boss. So, I will ask again, who sent you to retrieve her?”.

The arsewipes lips thinned as if he was going to say anything else, so I grabbed him around the neck and squeezed hard. As he was starting to go purple, my Merida spoke up again, “my grandfather is the one who put the contract out to have be brought in”. She sighs over the sound system, “so I would say my take over is out of the bag. No matter, I just officially bought him out anyway. I just need to actually take him out before he fucks off to parts unknown”.

Letting go of my woman’s shooters neck, I snarl into his face, “you’re lucky my woman knows everything about computers and found out that shit”. Lifting my head and looking at the camera’s, I asked her directly, “what do you want to do with them?”.

“What is your name solider?”.

The arse wipe looks up and grimaces, “Captain Hank Toms mam”.

The room goes quiet for a few minutes before Merida speaks up again, “Well Captain it seems you have been a little repressed by my grandfather or should I say he has been black mailing you with the lives of your wife and kids. If I was to let you go and promise to give you your family back, what would be your answer?”.

The captain doesn’t even hesitate in his answer, “in a fucking heart beat I would be at your service”.

Merida sighs, “let him go my love. Harmony can we keep the rest of them in the cells, until I can have each of them vetted properly?”.

Looking across at an amused Harmony, she simply shrugs, “sure I have the room. Do you need any help with your project?”.

“Nah…I’m good, I have Aiden to back me up. Although when you put them in the cells could you please take to sheep rings off their balls, their turn a funny shade of purple”.

Harmony sulks and nods before directing the brothers to cut the rings off. Each man sighs with relief and hangs their heads, “your no fun Merida, Storm doesn’t know what I am up to and I could have done so much more”.

Chuckling I look at her put out face, “maybe next time. The bastard at the end might need a bit of a tickle up later, if he doesn’t pass muster. He keeps looking at you squirrely and his prelim is a bit shady and no it’s not you captain”.

My prez rubs her hands together and gleefully looks at the wary man, “oh…. we could have so much fun together you and me. Just give me the word Merida, I have some new techniques to try out and he would be perfect for them”.

“Will do. Um…Aiden could you come back to me, I need you….”.

Nodding at the camera I simply turn and walk back to my love.




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