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Master_Bits_Girls_Night_Google by Lexi Blake_Suzanne M. Johnson (7)

Slice of Life



Penelope Knight smiled at her giggling boy. This morning he was staring at her like she was an angel looking down at him, though he’d quite played the devil the night before. Ear infection, the doctor had pronounced. She’d spent much of the night walking the floor with him and it showed on her face this morning.

Not that she hadn’t worked on too little sleep before, but in the beginning it had been because Damon wouldn’t let her rest. When they’d first married, he’d been on top of her every chance he’d gotten, and a few he’d artificially invented. Then their son had come. He was the light of her life, but sometimes she worried she was more mother than wife now.

“At least one of us is awake.” Damon stepped in behind her, one arm around her as he reached down and put his hand on their son. Such a big hand. Despite the fact that Ollie was toddling around, his father’s hand still covered most of his torso. “I hope you’re feeling better, son.”

“I think the antibiotic started working around three or so,” she said, covering a yawn.

Damon kissed her forehead and stepped back, looking entirely too perfect in his tailored suit. The man always took her breath away. Six foot three, with midnight dark hair that was only slightly going silver at the temples. It made him look distinguished, stately, quite like the boss he was. “I wish you would have woken me and let me take my turn.”

“You have twenty interviews today.” She’d known when Ollie had been so fussy the night before that she wouldn’t wake her husband. It was far easier for her to take the day off. Her job at McKay-Taggart and Knight was a flexible one, and she liked it that way. She was there if they needed her translation skills. She’d managed to break several codes even while rocking her son to sleep.

It was a good life, but she missed her husband in the last few months. It wasn’t like Damon was gone or had distanced himself from her. He was right there beside her, holding her hand and relying on her. But they were new parents and this was what happened, according to her sister. Diana— who should know because she had three children herself—had told Penny she would know when the time had come.

One of you will break, probably Damon. He’ll stop everything and give you a look you won’t be able to say no to, and it will be fast and furious and so good because it’s been so long and you’ll know that you’re going to make it. You’ll have solid proof that loving your child doesn’t make you less of a woman but more of one. Don’t worry, sister. It will happen and soon.

He stared down at her, his gray eyes warm. “It’s more like six interviews, and I would send them all away if it meant you got some sleep, love.” His hands cupped her face. “You have to know that.”

She did and that was precisely why it was incredibly easy to sacrifice her sleep for his. She went up on her toes and brushed her mouth over his. “I do, but I also know that we need another female operative. We’ve put it off and put it off, but it’s time now, Damon. With Kayla on a long-term assignment, we don’t have anyone.”

He pulled her into his arms. “We have you.”

“I’m not a femme fatale,” she replied. “And you would have a bloody heart attack if I went into the field anyway.”

He sighed, holding on to her. “You are perfectly fatal to me, love. More woman than I could have hoped for, and you’re right. You’re not going into the field. We’re a happy old Mum and Dad. I’ll find some young, adventurous thing to do the dirty work and we can stay at home and put our feet up by the fire. We’ve put in our time.”

Well, he certainly had. Damon had been one of MI6’s most dangerous agents. She’d gone into the field exactly once—with him. It was enough. It had been the adventure of a lifetime.

She kissed him again. “We certainly have. So go find us another Kay. I worry that actor she’s working with is going to steal her away from us, and we desperately need some women around here. I adore the lads, you know, but…”

He stepped back, putting his hands up. “Say no more. It’s like having a pack of overly curious puppies at one’s feet at all times. And they’re not housetrained. I swear Big Tag knew exactly what he was doing when he left that group here. He was punishing me.”

The Lost Boys were six men the team had found when they’d taken down Hope McDonald’s evil experiments. Well, five of them were. The sixth was Owen, their friend and colleague. He’d been McDonald’s last victim, and knowing he would likely never remember the first thirty-five years of his life hurt. “I think Ian was simply trying to protect them all.”

Damon backed up, smoothing down his jacket as he went. “Tucker put a bath bomb in the loo. The damn thing overflowed the toilet and we had glitter everywhere. Who puts glitter in their bath? They’re all lunatics, I tell you.” His eyes softened. “See you for lunch? Unless you’re tired, and then I understand.”

Yes, he would. He understood and she understood, and it was all lovely, but she missed the times when he didn’t understand. When he had to have her and nothing else would matter.

“I’ll see you for lunch. I love you, Damon Knight.”

“Not as much as I love you, Penelope Knight.”

She watched as he strode out the door. Her own James Bond.

The baby cried out as though he could only handle not being the center of attention for so long. She reached down and picked him up, cuddling her boy close.

It was enough for now.



An hour later, Penny made her way down to the office section of The Garden. She and Damon talked about moving, finding a place in the country where they would have some more privacy, but she rather liked the community that came with living in The Garden. It was fun to walk out of her flat and know that everyone in the building was a friend.

“Morning, Mrs. Knight,” Owen said, tipping his head as he passed her in the hall. He was wearing a pair of sweats and a T-shirt, obviously heading down to the gym after refilling his water bottle.

“Good morning, Owen.” She kept trying to get him to use her first name, to be more like the friendly, flirty Scot they’d lost. “How are you today?”

He grinned, a devastating expression. The man was gorgeous. “The dining room is full of lovely ladies. Do you think Damon needs any help with the interviews?”

Ah, there he was. Sometimes now he seemed serious and dark, and other times she could see the man he’d been. She smiled back. “Somehow I think you and Damon would have different priorities when it comes to female operatives.”

Tucker strode out of the gym, his eyes wide. “Owen, dude, I heard the dining room is filled with women and we should go pick one.”

Good lord. Tucker would frighten them away. Or one of them would try to adopt the lad. “They are not prostitutes, Tucker. They’re merely women here looking for a job.”

Tucker frowned. “But I’m told dealing with me is a job. Everyone says it.”

Owen put a hand on his shoulder and started leading him back to the gym.

The lads did take care of each other. She sighed and moved into the dining room. She needed caffeine to get through the day. She stepped inside amid the clatter of coffee cups.

It wasn’t completely full. There were only a few women in the room. Six, but they were all quite lovely. They’d been recommended by either Ian Taggart or their old boss at MI6, Nigel Crowe. They had all passed strict security tests. Every single one would be educated, physically fit, deadly.

Young. Beautiful. Toned and fit.

Two of the six were sitting by themselves, at separate tables. One was brunette, the other a lovely auburn-haired woman. She had her tablet out, studying whatever was on the screen. Four of the women were clustered around the coffeemaker, talking quietly. They were in the poshest of clothing, each designer suit or sheath molding to their taut bodies. God, there wasn’t one in the lot who looked like she was out of her twenties.

It didn’t matter. She trusted Damon would find someone who would fit in. Kayla was a vibrant light to the group. Without her they were missing something essential.

Penny smiled as the auburn-haired woman looked up and nodded her way.

“No one’s sitting here if you need a place to wait,” she said, offering up a chair. “I hear we could be here for a while. The boss of this place is apparently very thorough.”

It was good Damon had a reputation. “No, thank you. I’m not applying for the job. Just grabbing a cuppa.”

She moved on, wondering what these women specialized in. They would all be deadly, but some would know different parts of the security and intelligence world better than the others. Perhaps one of these women would become a new friend. She was looking forward to meeting whoever Damon selected.

“Of course. Do you work here?”

“I do,” she replied quietly, not wanting to disturb the brunette, who seemed deeply invested in the computer in front of her. “Don’t be intimidated by Damon. He’s a big teddy bear.”

A lovely smile crossed the other woman’s face. “I’m sure he is to his family, but that man won the Victoria Cross. He’s a legend and a hero. I’m all right being intimidated by him. I’m simply thrilled to be able to meet him. I hope I can get to the point where I meet his team. His wife is a legend, too.”

Penny smiled. At least the woman had done her homework. “I don’t know about that. Good luck on your interview.”

She moved to the coffeemaker. Some caffeine and a bit of sugar and she would be ready for the day.

“That man is gorgeous and he’s got some kinks, if you know what I mean,” a woman with raven hair was saying, her accent giving away her country of origin. French. Parisian, to be exact. Well educated, almost certainly from the upper classes. She spoke English with ease and likely could speak it without an accent when she wanted to.

“I should think so,” a woman with a flat Midwestern-American accent said. Also well educated, but Penny had studied languages and accents for so long she could hear the rural underpinnings to the woman’s speech. “When I was shown in, at first I thought all the plants were for show, but I caught the weird sex stuff behind some of them. I think the rumors were right. Knight is a lot like Taggart, and not just in the professional sense.”

Penny slowed down, not able to help listening in. It wasn’t like they hid their lifestyle, and Taggart wouldn’t have sent anyone who couldn’t tolerate a bit of D/s. Still, it was good to hear what the newbies thought without Damon around.

She didn’t feel bad about it. They were being quite open and she was, after all, a spy in the middle of a group of professionals. Shouldn’t they be a bit more discreet?

“I only want the job so I can get into the club,” a woman with a London accent said. “Honestly, I hate field work, but The Garden is legendary. I want to get in, find a Dom, and then let the bastard take care of me before this job gets me shot.”

Well, that was nice to know. She was certainly going to tell Damon to cross that one off the list.

She reached for the coffeepot.

“I know which Dom I want,” the raven-haired beauty said. “I think I’ll take the boss.”

London accent shook her head. “He’s married.”

Paris waved a hand. “I’ve heard she’s an old hag of a woman and he only married her out of pity. She saved his life on a mission. Everyone knows he hides her away here because he’s embarrassed.”

Midwest shook her head. “I heard he married her because Taggart wanted a married man in the position, and given his heart condition, Knight couldn’t get another job. He picked the first woman he saw and he’ll probably divorce her when he finds a more suitable wife.”

Paris smoothed her hair down. “Well, I intend to be that woman. At least to see if he’s as good in bed as he looks. We’ll take it from there and see if he’s husband material.”

“I wouldn’t mind meeting a Taggart,” Midwest said. “I saw the youngest with his wife once and she wasn’t anything to look at.”

Penny rather thought Erin was lovely, but she wasn’t in a conventional way. Of course, there was one problem with all of that. “If you think you’re going after one of the Taggart men, you should probably think again.”

Paris put a hand on her hip. “I don’t believe we invited you to join this conversation.” She looked Penny up and down and obviously found her wanting. “If you’re here for the job… You can’t be here for the job. You aren’t even dressed for a janitorial job, much less one with a man like Knight. What on earth is on your shirt? It’s disgusting. T’es sale. Personne te prendra sérieusement.

Penny looked down at her shirt. Sure enough, there was a stain on it. She’d been feeding her son and he’d grabbed her at some point. There was always some part of her stained with milk or baby food or spit up.

Damon usually had some on him as well.

She waited for the old insecurities to well up, waited for the urge to run and hide away and cry.

Not a single one of those instincts surged to the forefront. She wanted coffee. That was the only disturbing part. She wanted coffee and they were in her bloody way.

Well, there was also a bit of unholy rage that these women were thinking of screwing her husband, but she did understand it a bit. He was gorgeous and fuckable. He was also hers.

He was hers to love and fuck and raise a family with. He’d chosen her, and for absolutely none of the reasons these women had specified.

“Hey, not everyone speaks French, you know.” The auburn-haired woman had stood up. “If you want to bully someone, why don’t you come over here and see how it goes?”

Oh, she liked that one. It was too easy to not stand up to the mean girls. Even in their business there was still all that societal training and the need to fly under the radar.

Paris looked her over. “I know who you are, pute. Do you honestly believe you’re going to get hired on after sleeping with a client who turned on you? And the one over there is an idiot. Her husband worked for the cartels for years and it got past her. Well, some of us think she was probably in on it, but we’ll never know, will we? I have no idea why Knight would even call you in for an interview.”

Ah, now she knew who they were. She’d read files on all of the candidates, discussing each with Damon. The quiet brunette Paris was referring to was a woman named Carmen Vega. Her husband had been a double and she’d been forced to kill him before he killed her. She’d left the CIA shortly after, but Taggart felt she was solid. The auburn-haired lady was Nina Blunt. She’d worked with Interpol for years until they’d fired her for falling in love with a man who was using her for intelligence.

Carmen stood up. “I would say you’re the idiot here, Merlyn, if you don’t know who you’re talking to.” She turned to the lady with the Midwestern accent. “And you’re too stupid to be here if you’re thinking about hitting on Theo Taggart.”

Penny couldn’t help but smile at the thought. Erin would love it so much. It had probably been entirely too long since she’d been allowed to murder someone. “Please do. I’ll give you his mobile number. You could send him a picture or something.”

Carmen snorted, but somehow made it sound elegant. “You’re mean.”

Paris looked down her nose at Penny. “I think it’s time you left. I don’t care whose secretary you are, I doubt Knight allows you to talk to his operatives like this.”

Carmen’s eyes had lit with intent. “Do you want me to handle this, boss? I will admit I’m carrying two weapons, but I don’t need either of them to take care of that one. She’s all desk job.”

Paris put her hands on her nonexistent hips. “How dare you?”

But Penny was more concerned with what else the operative had dared. “I thought Damon said no weapons allowed.”

Nina flushed, too. “Sorry. I have a semi on me. Your security isn’t as good as you think. You’re relying on metal detectors and I had mine made from a 3-D printer. It’s comprised of thermoplastics so I can really only get one shot off with it, but it will get through metal detectors and it can come in handy.”

Oh, those two were definitely interesting.

The door to the dining room opened and Damon stepped inside, holding a file folder in his hand. “Merlyn Fabrice?”

Every woman in the room turned to him.

Penelope was fairly certain he couldn’t see her since Nina had stepped in front of her, as though the woman worried Paris might attack. Naturally, the woman was much taller. It could be difficult to always be the shortest person in a room.

“That is me, Mr. Knight.” Paris’s stilettos clicked along the floor. “Bonjour. I have to say you have a few very rude employees. I hope they’re not all like this one.”

“This one?” Damon asked.

“Wow, she is not smart,” Carmen said under her breath.

Penny popped out from behind Nina, giving her husband a brilliant smile. It was then she caught what she must have missed before. He’d slipped out of his jacket and there was a small handprint on his right shoulder. He must have missed it. It was faintly green. She’d fed Ollie a mix of bananas and avocados—a mix that sounded disgusting but was quite nice. At some point he’d picked up their son and held him close and then slipped on his jacket, covering the imperfection.

Penny stopped because this was it. Oh, this was it. He was standing there, his hand on Paris’s perfectly manicured one, and heat flooded Penny’s body. She’d been too tired, too overwhelmed, but now pure lust flooded her system. Damon was the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen, and she loved every inch of his scarred body, and she loved the fact that their son’s paw print was on that perfectly pressed shirt of his.

Penny stepped up. “I’m afraid she’s talking about me, Damon.”

One brow rose over Damon’s eyes and he dropped Paris’s hand. She knew her husband and saw the second he caught the heat coming off her. “She’s talking about you, Penelope? What did you do?”

Yes, he’d gotten her quite nicely. His voice had gone low and deep, his eyes locking on hers.

“As I said, she’s quite rude and she eavesdrops, not something you want your…staff to be doing,” Paris said, staring back at Penny. “I’m afraid we should talk about that in your office. I can help you with staff. You’re far too busy a man to have to deal with low-level employees.”

“You’ve been eavesdropping?” Damon asked, his lips curling faintly.

“Undoubtedly,” she replied. Oh, she rather hoped no one noticed how hard her nipples had gotten the minute Damon turned those predatory eyes of his on her. He was looking at her like a starving man and she was his feast.

It was going to be everything Diana had told her—fast and furious and so very satisfying.

And then perhaps it could be slow and long. She was ready. How could she not be when he was looking at her like that? It was so odd how insecure she’d been when she was younger and more perfect. Somehow the scars and fine lines of her body had come with a newfound confidence. He loved her curves and her scars and how her face was changing—though she wasn’t sure he would ever see it.

That man’s lust and love was the best anti-aging plan she could ever have.

“So you’ve been listening in and likely making some assessments. And have you come to some conclusions, Mrs. Knight? Help me out, love. I have other things I’d rather do this afternoon,” he replied.

Like her. Yes, she knew that man’s language quite well. “I think I can handle this one, Damon.” She looked at Paris. “Ms. Fabrice, we won’t be hiring you. Please remove yourself from my presence or you’ll upset my husband when he figures out exactly how you’ve disrespected me.”

“Excuse me?” Damon seemed to have grown a few inches, his gaze swinging around to the woman Penny had mentioned.

Paris stepped away from him.

Penny moved between the women and her husband. More for their sake than his. “Don’t worry about it. I don’t care what someone I don’t know thinks of me. We won’t be hiring those three either, but I intend to put Carmen Vega and Nina Blunt on the payroll. They’ll be lovely operatives and will fit in quite well with our group.”

Paris huffed. “You can’t make those kinds of decisions.”

Damon’s hand slipped into hers. “I assure you, she can. I might have the big desk, but she’s been the boss since the day she took me in hand. Carmen and Nina, please let Teresa at the front desk know my wife has hired you both and to get your paperwork started. I’ll have Nick give you a tour of the building. The rest of you should leave before I’m less distracted by my gorgeous wife and figure out exactly what you did or said that might have upset me. Note I didn’t say her. She wouldn’t be upset because she’s quite above that. I am not. Go.”

Those women proved they could run in heels.

Nina started to walk forward. “Mr. Knight…”

Carmen put a hand on her arm. “Nope, the boss is about to run out of here and we won’t see him for a bit.” She smiled wistfully. “I remember that feeling. We’ll be fine on our own.”

Damon leaned over and swept her off her feet once again. “Excellent choices, my love.”

Nothing in the world felt better than Damon carrying her along like she weighed nothing at all. “I’m good at handling employees. Let me show you how good I am at handling you.”

He kicked open the door to his office. “There was never a doubt to that.” He set her on her feet and sank his hands in her hair, staring at her like he was seeing her for the first time. “I love you, Penelope Knight. Don’t forget it for a single moment. I’m here because you love me. I’m whole because of you.”

Every word he said lifted her up.

“I’m here because of you. I have everything I ever wanted because of you, Damon. Let’s show each other just what we need. If we can’t make love at night, I want to do it in the afternoon, in the morning, whenever we have a chance, I want to be in your arms,” she said.

“In my mind, you’re never out of them.” He kissed her, pulling her close and letting her feel how much he wanted her.

When he came up for air, Penny stepped away. “Hold that thought.

And you were wrong about something you said this morning.”

His hand went to his tie, pulling it off. “What was I wrong about?” “You said we’d had the adventure of a lifetime when were on the Royale,” she pointed out. “But you were wrong. This is our adventure, Damon. And it will last a lifetime.”

She moved to the door, closing it and locking the world away for a while.