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Matched with the Bear: A Shifter Dating Agency Romance by Ruby Forrest (5)

Chapter 5


“Am I the family matter? That one that you need to take care of immediately?” Bronte asked Brett, her gaze laughing and the question indicating that she’d heard his phone call, regardless of the low volume he’d attempted in the bathroom. Thinking about the words, Bronte shivered with the thought of ‘being taken care of immediately’. She’d like that. She’d like that very much.

She had been listening intently from the bedroom to Brett’s luscious voice until the urge to be close to him had drawn her from the bed. She had remained in the shadow of the doorway until he had ended the phone call with the woman she assumed was his secretary. At least, she hoped that was who had been on the phone. After he’d put the phone down, she had been unable to hold herself back any longer. She had slipped into the bathroom and walked over to where he stood, his back turned to her, getting a brilliant view of his perfectly muscled backside as she went.

When she pressed herself up against his solid back and slipped her hands over his lower abdomen, she felt his muscles tense.

“Miss Welch? Were you eavesdropping on me?” Brett’s voice was a low growl deep in his throat. He turned deliciously slowly to take her into his muscled arms.

“I am sorry,” Bronte looked at him from beneath her dark eyelashes. “It’s really hard not to listen when you have such a sexy voice.”

“Don’t apologize,” Brett insisted, tugging her even closer, breathing in the scent of her until she surrounded him. “I have nothing to hide from you.”

Bronte couldn’t help a dim in her good mood at those words. She’d heard them all too often and she was finding it increasingly difficult to believe them. However, there was a large part of her that desperately wanted to believe this glorious god of a man. She wanted to believe every word that came out of his mouth. Wanted to trust him like she had never trusted another. She just wasn’t sure if her heart could take another disappointment. She was still reeling with the unfortunate relationship that had ended recently with Adair. She wasn’t sure that another one of ‘those types’ was a good idea. Although, looking at him now, she didn’t see much of him that resembled Adair besides good fashion sense.

“I hope that is true,” she sighed and looked down, although not quickly enough to miss the uneasy look that flashed across Brett’s face.

Although her gut told her something was off, she tried her best to push it away. She wasn’t ready to give up whatever it was she felt for him just yet. She needed to at least give him the chance to prove himself. She had given that chance to so many of the wrong men in the past that she couldn’t help but wonder, what if he was the right one?

And even though her gut told her he was hiding something, it also told her that she would regret it if she didn’t give him ample chance to reveal whatever that something was. She could hardly expect him to confess everything to her after their first night of being intimate. After all, she hadn’t told him every single thing about her yet either. Fair was fair.

“So, am I?” she asked, determined not to let him know she had seen the look.

“Are you what?” There was a playful tone to Brett’s voice suddenly and knowing that he wanted her to play along made her want to.

“Am I the family matter you need to take care of immediately?” She turned her face up to look at him as she wrapped her arms more tightly around him. There was nothing she could do to stop herself from biting her lip and showing him how much she wanted him. She was hungry for him. She needed him again. She needed him inside her again.

The moment she had woken up and her consciousness had returned to her, she had been well aware of the sweet tenderness between her legs that aided in reminding her what they had done the night before.

“Bronte, what kind of man do you think I am?” He feigned censure then, but his eyes flashed with desire. It was clear from the way his rock-hard erection pressed against her stomach that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. “I would never take advantage of you like that. Especially while I am supposed to be at the office.”

For a moment, she wondered whether she had gotten the short end of the stick compared to work, but quickly he pulled her flush against him and kissed her as passionately as he had the night before. Apparently, she’d gotten the long end of the stick. The very long end, if the outline of his erection was to be believed.

When he finally allowed her a brief respite from his passion, she breathed against his lips, “What if I want you to take advantage of me?”

Brett’s body shivered against her own, causing her heart to skip a beat and her eyes to open to look up at him. When she did, she found that his were now closed tightly. There was a pained expression on his face that worried her far more than it should have for a woman who had known him only three weeks.

“I would tell you that you should be careful what you wish for,” he replied finally without opening his eyes. She didn’t like the feeling the he couldn’t bring himself to look at her. What was wrong? Had she done something he didn’t like? Should she not have been so forward with him? She couldn’t help it that it was like a switch had been flipped and suddenly she couldn’t get enough of him. It was his fault really, for being so hot and charming. Damn him. She tried to shove her insecurities down.

“I have always been careful,” she admitted to him as she reached up to take hold of his handsome face in the palms of her hands. She reveled in the feel of him, his stubble scratchy against her skin. She loved the feel of that against her much softer skin. Her touch caused his eyes to flicker open. “I don’t want to be careful anymore. You make me feel safe. I can’t explain why or how, but you just do, Brett.”

Brett’s face dropped a little at that and she wondered whether she had said the wrong thing. She anticipated how he would react feeling her heart begin to beat faster with every second that passed without him responding.

“I will do whatever I can to make sure you always feel that way,” he vowed and there was so much more to his words than he was letting on as he dropped his hands down to her butt and picked her up into his arms.

Bronte didn’t fight him on it. She didn’t want to question him any farther, didn’t want to ask him anything else. She just wanted to feel, to be in the moment for once. She wrapped her arms around his neck even as her legs wrapped instinctively around his steel core. Their mouths connected again, his arms lifting her to carry her back through the doorway and into the bedroom.

When he dropped her onto her back on the silk sheets of the bed, an involuntary gasp escaped her lips. She was disappointed to feel his body leave hers as he straightened up and stood to look down at her.

“How did I ever get lucky enough to meet such an amazing woman as you?” Even though Brett had said the question out loud, it seemed as though he was asking himself. His eyes cast a trail right down her body from head to toe, and they flashed as though he admired greatly what he was seeing. Again, he made Bronte feel as though she was the most desired woman in existence as he drank in the sight of her and his eyes flashed with satisfaction. The simple touch of his gaze on her skin was enough to make her feverish for the touch of his hands.

Just as he looked as though he was about to pounce on her like a wild animal, a loud buzzing sound made them both jump with shock.

“God damn it!” Brett growled deeply in annoyance and he stepped away from the bed.

“What was that?” Bronte asked. She was already breathless and panting with the need to feel his skin against her own. She leaned back on her elbows, her naked chest drawing his gaze before he looked away.

“That would be my doorbell,” he hissed, clearly annoyed. He didn’t seem to point his anger at her but rather in the direction of whoever it was at the door who had disturbed them. “Would you excuse me while I go and kill whoever has prevented me from already being inside you again?”

There was something about the tone of his voice that told her he was only half joking. The last part of the question caused her insides to contract with the desire she felt to have him inside her again. There was something very attractive about this primitive side of him that he was letting her see. Something hot, and dangerous, and so sexy.

“Just ignore them,” she suggested, suddenly feeling desperate for him. She had never been one to show how desperate she was and yet she just couldn’t hide it from him. She couldn’t wait any longer to feel his touch and she wanted him to know just how much she wanted him. She pushed herself up onto her knees in front of him and reached forward to interlock her fingers against the back of his head. She pulled him back towards her and pressed her breasts against his chest causing him to groan. When their lips locked, he groaned all over again and took her face in his own hands. He caressed her soft skin, placing tiny kisses all over her face and lips. She felt herself grow even wetter with his intimate touches, so very different from the heated animalistic gaze he’d just looked at her with.

When the buzzing began again, Brett’s teeth snapped down on Bronte’s lower lip just enough to sting. The sensation sent fireworks shooting down her spine and into her pussy. She wondered how it was even possible that she’d be so turned on by such a simple action.

“I need to see who it is,” he whispered as he pried her hands from the nape of his neck and held them in his own. “It might be important. I don’t frequently get people buzzing my door without a reason. It’s might be one of my brothers. I don’t think anyone from work would come to my house.”

Bronte couldn’t help but scowl at him to show her disappointment.

“Don’t look at me like that,” he said, laughing.

“Anyone would think you are trying to get away from me,” she sighed, adopting a tiny grin to let him know she was just teasing.

“It is you who should be running away from me,” Brett admitted, taking on a serious note as he brushed his lips over her knuckles. She wondered what he meant by that but didn’t want to ruin the mood by asking. He continued, “Why don’t you go and jump in the shower and I will join you once I have sorted whatever it is at my door.”

Bronte nodded, started to gather up her discarded clothing. Brett tried to think what he’d have for her to wear. “I know it’s not glamorous, but you can have one of my shirts or some shorts or sweatpants to wear if you want something clean. I doubt it’ll fit, but it’s better than nothing.”

She seemed to think about it for a moment but agreed that it was certainly better than nothing. Luckily, she had a few spare things in her purse for emergencies, including a spare set of panties. “I can make that work. Thank you for offering.”

He grabbed his phone and started to text something. She looked at it curiously but couldn’t see what it read from her distance away. “Who are you sending a message to?”

“Ana, my secretary. I have some things I need her to drop off. She’ll just leave them at the front door.”

“Things, like what?” She asked, curious as to what would be so important that he’d need his secretary to drive over and drop it off. She supposed it could be work, but something told her that it was something else, something personal. Maybe it was part of this secret that he was keeping from her?

He smiled. “Just some things that I need her to pick up. Don’t worry about it.”

Upon the sound of the third buzz, Brett grabbed hold of Bronte where she was standing, collecting her things from the night before, pushed her gently in front of the doorway of the bathroom and smacked her on the ass. “On second thought, go and wait for me in the shower. And that’s an order.”

“Only if you promise you will scrub my back for me,” she smirked from where she was, leaning seductively against the door frame making sure to give him a good view of her butt. “It’s so hard for me to reach it myself.”

“I promise I will scrub your back for you. And more. So much more. Now go.” He didn’t like the thought of an uninvited guest at the door. It made him uneasy and it was even more so with Bronte here. He wanted to devote today to her, and he couldn’t think who possibly would really be at the front door. His immediate thought was on his secret, and his brothers’ secrets. He felt a pit in his stomach and hoped it was anything else but that.

“Don’t be long,” she warned him, “Or I may have to…finish myself off.”

“Don’t you dare,” Brett threw her a look that said, ‘do as you are told’, before he added, “That’s my job now.”

“I like the sound of that,” Bronte admitted, throwing him a cute grin and a butt wiggle.

He acknowledged it to himself that he definitely like the sound of that too. Funny how she’d just wiggled right into his life, and how much he suddenly didn’t mind. He threw on a t-shirt and lounge pants, and headed down the hall to get rid of whoever was at the front door, so he could go back to his beautiful guest and pay her all the attention she deserved. And more.