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Mate Healer, DM3 by Kell, Amber (9)

Chapter Eight


They're going to set me on fire!

The thought kept running around and around in Lian's head as he paced his prison. Sure, they called it protection, and the room screamed luxury, but he knew a jail cell when he saw one. When he first started out, he used to heal low security prisoners on planet Cal'aan when they got into fights.

Sweat oozed from his body through every pore as he walked back and forth, covering every square inch of the last place he'd ever see. He'd never thought his life would end here. Finally finding his mate only to lose him to death. Nevair would die, too, since Lian's back proved they were truly bonded.

He wondered if Tres planned it that way, to push Nevair into death as some sort of cosmic payback for his obvious hatred of dragonkin. He wondered if Tres's parents really died in an accident or whether he'd somehow arranged their unexpected death. Lian's mind spun like a wheel whirling around different alternatives.

A knock on his door snapped him out of his panicked daze.

"Come in," he shouted. Surely anyone would be an improvement over his self-induced terror.

Lian's boss marched into the room followed by two guards. They must've thought Lian's slight build could overtake the six foot two man with bulging muscles.


"Good thing you brought backup or I'd have to take you down," Lian smirked.

Joe nodded, his lips twitching. "You've really done it this time haven't you, son."

Lian raised an eyebrow. "You know I'm only ten years younger than you, right?"

"But so much younger in other ways," Joe mocked.

"Be nice to me, I'm dying tomorrow." Lian threw himself onto the bed and put his arm over his eyes to block out the other people in the room.

"You don't think their goddess will save you?" Joe asked, his tone curious.

"I don't think it's one of those situations where there's a win. If I burn to death in the flames and Nevair dies then they'll say he never should've been the Pontifex. If I survive they'll probably say I'm possessed or something and kill me, thereby killing Nevair. It's a setup." Lian saw no easy way to get out of this.

"Actually, if you survive they'll say you're blessed by the goddess," an unfamiliar voice spoke up.

Lian lifted his arm. He glanced between guards because he didn't know which one spoke. "Really?"

The guard on the left nodded. "It's a sacred rite. They used to always perform the ceremony."

"How many survived?" Lian asked.

The guards exchanged looks. "Um… none."

Joe faced the guards. "And how many of them were already bonded with the Pontifex?"

They paled.

"That's what I thought," Joe snapped.

The silence hung thickly in the air like a heavy fog.

"Are you really bonded?" Joe asked.

Lian stood up and pulled off his shirt. He turned to show them his mark. The gasps told him they saw the multi-colored dragon on his back.

"This doesn't change anything," the guard on the left argued, "We still need to hold the rite."

Oh goody!

Lian scratched at his back as far back as he could reach. The damn thing itched and his shoulder blades had a weird sensation to them as if they didn't fit quite right in his skin. Ever since he'd had the hunch to find Nevair he'd struggled with shaky nerves. Of course, right afterwards Tres sentenced him to a lovely burning, so maybe he had a reason to feel slightly panicked.

"Lian, we can get you diplomatic immunity and fly you out of here," Joe offered.

If he had any sense, Lian would snatch up the opportunity.

"It would completely dishonor the Pontifex," helpful guard number two offered.

"How?" Lian scowled, wishing he could blame them for this horrible debacle his life had become.

"He will be stripped of his title and possibly banned from the planet," the guard remarked.

"Has anyone ever refused and run off with their mate?" Joe asked.

"Pontifex Reeven. He hung himself later because he lost communication with his goddess and couldn't stand the shunning." How friendly these macabre guards were.

Lian didn't bother asking why, pretty much every society handled shunning about the same way.

"Ignore them," Joe growled. "Instead, ask yourself if he's worth losing your life over?"

"Yes," Lian said without hesitation. Better Nevair die believing in his goddess than abandon all belief.

Defeat flashed across Joe's face. "I wish I could say I understood, but I don't. You're the finest healer I've ever met and I'll be sorry to see you die. I'll make sure to bring Tres and Bourne to justice, so don't worry about that anymore." Joe patted Lian on the shoulder.

Lian didn't mention he'd completely forgot about Bourne with the entire burn Lian at the stake situation. "Thank you," he said, proud his voice didn't tremble.

"Good luck, Lian. May I say it's been a pleasure working with you?"

"Same to you, sir." Lian nodded politely.

He resisted the urge to throw himself at Joe and beg to be taken away, anywhere but here in this dragon world where people were fated mates and religious leaders had fewer rights than the average citizen.

Lian lay back down on the bed when the cheerful trio left. He wished he'd stayed on the medical ship he'd spent the past year aboard. He didn't even realize his eyes had drifted closed until kisses on his lids snapped them open.

Nevair stood over him, a solemn expression creasing his face into worry lines. Lian's carry-on was slung over one shoulder.

"Nevair? What are you doing here?" Lian asked.

Nevair kissed Lian's forehead. "I'm breaking you out."

"You can't do that. It'll ruin you, and I thought your goddess was supposed to save me?" From Nevair's expression, Lian hadn't made that as light-hearted as he'd hoped but he thought he'd done rather well for being on burner's row.

"I trust in my goddess to guide my people but…" Nevair trailed off.

"You don't trust her to keep me safe?" Lian stared at his lover in shock. Nevair had seemed so positive of his goddess, so devout in his beliefs.

"I can't, Lian," Nevair's voice broke. "I can't. I'd rather be disgraced and living alone the rest of my life than watch you burn."

Lian didn't know what separation from his dragon mate would do to Nevair but he doubted it would be anything good. "I won't leave you."

Nevair dropped to his knees and put his head in Lian's lap. "Please, baby, run!"

Threading his fingers through Nevair's hair, he made soothing noises. "I can't. I can't leave you."

Nevair's sobs were heart-wrenching and Lian hated Tres more with each breath. That weasel better hope they convicted him of tampering with the water source because the authorities would only put him in jail. Lian imagined doing so much worse.

"Spend tonight with me. Make my last night my best one ever," Lian urged.

Nevair looked up at Lian, his handsome face streaked with tears. "I will."

His kiss, soft as a whisper, brushed Lian's mouth.

Lian pulled away and cupped Nevair's cheeks between his long fingers. "I want to be inside you."

Nevair nodded his agreement. "Anything you want."

"I don't have supplies." For the first time, Lian realized he didn't have anything to ease their lovemaking.

Nevair pulled a small bottle of lube from his pocket. Lian gave him an inquiring look.

Nevair shrugged. "Either way, I wanted to make love one more time."

"I see." Their kiss, full of heat and possession, sizzled between them. "I'm going to make you feel so good."

Nevair's skin, softer than silk and twice as fine, slid beneath Lian's fingers as his lover slipped off his robes.

"You're beautiful," Lian sighed.

Nevair narrowed his eyes. "Did they drug you?"

"No!" Lian shook his head.

"You're the pretty one. I'm just me," Nevair said.

Lian dropped the subject. No argument, no matter how small, would interrupt their last time together. As soon as they were both naked, Lian started a campaign to kiss every inch of Nevair's body. After only halfway through his goal, Nevair gripped Lian's hair and yanked him up. Nevair rolled them until Lian lay beneath him. Their erections rubbed against each other and Lian groaned.

"Didn't you like my kisses?"

Nevair loosened his hold on Lian's hair and slid his hands down Lian's back. "I enjoyed them too much. If you had continued, I would've come and missed the big event."

Lian lifted a brow. "The big event? I'll turn you around the next time. If you stay all night we're going to have sex more than once. I'll make sure you're not sore." A bit of magic would solve that problem.

After a brief hesitation, Nevair nodded. "Okay."

Lian smiled. Nevair rolled over and slid into a comfortable position of supporting himself on his forearms, ass in the air, and Lian couldn't stop the groan ripping from his chest.

Nevair looked over his shoulder at Lian. "I'm all yours."

A surge of possessiveness spiked through Lian. "If I die and somehow you survive, you'd better not let anyone else fuck you. I don't care who you have sex with but I better be the only one ever allowed inside." Lian didn't know why he cared. Hell, if he were dead, it shouldn't matter but if he died for this man he deserved something.

Nevair frowned. "If I survive your death, I will never love anyone else again."

Lian shivered at the chill going down his spine. He hadn't meant for Nevair to go that far. A little voice inside whispered that maybe he had. Shaking his head to dispel his guilty feelings, Lian poured an excessive amount of lube on his fingers before circling Nevair's hole. Pushing inside he added a little of his magic to remove the discomfort.

Nevair chuckled. "You didn't have to use your super doctor action."

"Yes, I did," Lian argued. "I don't want to cause you pain. Ever." He twisted his fingers until Nevair's body jolted beneath him.

"Do that again," Nevair demanded.

"What, this?" Lian pushed against the spot that caused the reaction in the first place.

"Yeah, right there, honey. Right there."

Pleased, Lian worked at loosening Nevair until his lover shouted for Lian to get on with it.

"Sorry for being considerate," Lian teased.

"Good, now fuck me," Nevair demanded.

Lian scolded his lover. "Such language; for shame."

Nevair whined. "Please."

Unable to resist a bit of begging, Lian slid inside. After pressing through the ring of tight muscles, Lian sighed. "You feel amazing."

"Oh, do that again," Nevair said, his voice filled with wonder.

"Found the spot?" Lian asked.

"Yes, right there." Nevair sighed, relaxing around him.

Balancing his weight on his left hand, Lian wrapped his right around Nevair's shaft. He spread his thighs so he wouldn't tumble on his face or fall on Nevair. Good thing practice made for perfect. Their lovemaking, hard, fast, and full of desperation, broke Lian's heart. He knew he couldn't leave Nevair, but he worried he'd end up doing so anyway. Pressing kisses between Nevair's shoulder blades he tried to imprint his love into Nevair's skin, to somehow let Nevair absorb Lian's devotion. He wanted to give Nevair one final, happy memory for tomorrow after he died.


* * * *


The morning came bright, cheery, and much too soon. Nevair whimpered when Lian tried to move out of his arms. Before he could say anything, the door swung open and the guards from yesterday returned.

"I'm sorry to say it's time," the guard on the right said.

"Just give us a minute to say goodbye. I'll be out in a moment."

Both nodded and closed the door quietly behind them.

"I don't want you to go," Nevair whispered. "I tried to get the council to intervene but they refused and questioned my faith."

Lian brushed Nevair's hair back from his face. The council was obviously run by bastards who didn't deserve the Pontifex.

"Listen." Lian waited until Nevair opened his eyes and faced him. "I don't want you to come. I don't want your last sight of me to be all burned up. Promise me you'll stay here."

"No!" Nevair sat up. "If you're going to do this, the least I can do is go with you."

"I don't want that in your memory. Please stay." Tears threatened to spill over. Lian's hands shook as he gripped Nevair's arms. "Please."

Nevair kissed him hard on the lips. "I would give you anything except for that."

Lian sobbed against Nevair's shoulder. It took him an embarrassingly long time to stop his tears. Nevair rubbed his back while he cried.

"Sorry," Lian sniffled. "I guess I ruined the stoic hero thing I was going for."

Nevair kissed Lian's cheek. "You'll always be a hero to me."

"That's so sappy," Lian said, grinning. He hadn't thought anything could make him smile. He should've known his mate could. Lian slid out of bed. "Come help me be pretty." If he were going to go out in a fiery ball, he'd damn well look good.

Nevair mustered a smile, a half-hearted one, but he tried.

He pulled out Lian's favorite shirt and pants from the bag. "I chose these. I thought the shirt would look good with your eyes."

Strange that Nevair would pick the clothes he expected Lian to run away in. It had an odd sort of finality involved as if, even leaving, Nevair wanted Lian to look his best.

Lian took the clothes without a word and dressed quickly. Any other day he would've showered first but he wanted to smell like Nevair, to know his skin still held traces of his lover's DNA.

"May the goddess guide your steps and bring you back to me." Nevair kissed both of Lian's cheeks before dressing himself. Nevair didn't mention a shower, Lian guessed probably for the same reason he hadn't.

Nevair knocked on the door when they were ready. The walk from the station to the cathedral saw crowds lining both sides of the path. Screams filled the air at the first sight of Lian. "What's going on?" he asked the guards.

"Protest. They don't want you to burn. The council had to go into hiding due to the death threats."

Lian looked over at the crowd of protestors and felt a surge of warmth towards the people. They couldn't stop it, but he appreciated their support. He lifted a hand and waved to them. A loud cheer answered his gesture but he couldn't understand them over the noise. He nodded politely and continued to follow the guards. Who knew finding the love of his life would end in his death?

Sighing, Lian followed the guards to the large courtyard to the right of the cathedral. A section was cordoned off and what looked like an army of police protected the ropes. A huge pyre filled the center of the space, intimidatingly large. Lian's heart beat double time, trying to leap out his throat, which would probably be less painful than a burning.

"Couldn't they kill me before burning?" Lian complained.

"No." Nevair replied. "We have to give the goddess the chance to save you."

"And if she doesn't?" Lian was pretty sure of the answer, but he needed to hear it from his lover's lips.

"Then we die together," Nevair vowed.

Lian suppressed his objection. He didn't have the right to tell Nevair what to do. Instead, he nodded, his eyes on the pyre.

"I'll help you to the top." The nice guard from before took Lian's hand and supported him up the rickety pile of wood. "Careful," he warned when Lian started to slip.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to break a leg if I can burn instead."

The guard winced but didn't say anything further.

Sighing, Lian climbed to the top and sat on the pile. "I feel like a bird on a nest," he grumbled.

"We could tie you to the pole, but we thought that would be too dramatic. Why don't you lie down?" the helpful guard offered.

Lying down would put all the body parts on fire pretty much at the same time. It was good advice. Shifting his weight, Lian settled on his back. He could feel every pokey branch stabbing his itchy back. At least his discomfort wouldn't last long. He gave a hysterical laugh.

"I love you." Nevair's voice drifted up to him.

Lian wished his lover had stayed behind. Nevair didn't need to see this.

"I love you, too," Lian rushed the words out.

He might not get another chance to speak. Lian's one point of happiness was Tres being unable to come and watch him burn. Nevair told him last night the man had requested the chance, but everyone from the judge to his lawyer had denied him.


"Give me that!" Lian turned his head and watched Nevair yank the torch out of the guard's hand. "Don't you know anything about tradition?"

The guard bowed low to Nevair but didn't speak.

Nevair approached the stack of wood. "May the will of the goddess follow you into the hereafter or place your feet on the path to righteousness."

Nevair placed the torch at the base of the kindling. The soft whoosh of flames burning up the pyre made Lian sick to his stomach. Soon he would start to feel the heat. His natural magic wouldn't keep him from burning. Knowing he had healing powers he couldn't use for his own body was a special kind of torment.

His heart jolted when the crackling fire came closer. The smell of burnt wood choked Lian and made him cough.

At least he'd die of smoke inhalation before the flames ever reached him.

The sky, a brilliant blue above him, mocked him with its beauty. At the first flicker of a flame at the bottom of his foot, Lian bit his lip to hold back a scream. Bad enough Nevair would see him burn, Lian wouldn't leave him with screams ringing in his ears.

"You have proven yourself a man worthy of a dragon," a female voice sang in Lian's ear.

The smoke must be getting to him.

Pain ripped through him when his bones snapped and reformed. Despite his resolve to stay silent, a scream tore out of him until his voice changed, became deeper, louder and changed from a human sound to a beastly roar. Throwing back his head, Lian gave a dragon howl.


* * * *


Nevair's mouth dropped open. A red dragon with gold wings crouched in the middle of the fire, the flames reflecting on the scales. Lian had transformed.

"I am disappointed you lacked faith in me, my Nevair."

Nevair dropped to his knees as the sparkling form of his goddess shimmered before him. "Forgive me, goddess. My faith isn't strong enough." Tears dripped down his cheeks as he caught sight of the beauty of his mate through the translucent goddess.

The goddess gave Nevair an understanding smile "Your faith is fine, my dear. Even I would hesitate before I sacrificed my beloved son. Goddesses are a fickle lot. We might not always do what you want us to, but we never betray the faithful."

Nevair nodded, humbled. "At least he'll believe in you now."

The goddess laughed. "Yes, he kind of has to, doesn't he?" Her laughter filled the courtyard before she vanished all together.

"I'll kill you!" Nevair turned around to see Tres running towards him, brandishing a sword. "You aren't blessed," he shrieked. "You'll die, just like the others."

Nevair wondered how Tres escaped and where he'd found a sword. He knew the guards were too far away to save him. The goddess gives and the goddess takes away.

"Why do you want my death?" Nevair asked, trying to stall. He didn't have time to transform, not before Tres could stab him in the heart.

"Because dragonkin are unnatural. You all think you're a better species, but we'll get you. We'll kill you all and take over this planet one dragon at a time."

Tres's eyes had a fanatical gleam in them. Nevair wondered how he'd missed it before. The sword rose before him only to be smacked away by a giant red paw.

Tres's eyes widened as he took in the sight of Lian. "No! No! The goddess didn't change you! You're supposed to die!"

Lian opened his mouth, exposing dagger-sharp teeth. With a swipe of dragon-Lian's paw, Tres flew across the courtyard and landed in a heap on the other side where the stunned guards finally took action.

Watching as the guards carried Tres off, Nevair turned his attention back to the dragon butting him with its head for attention. Its gold eyes gleamed as it regarded Nevair.

Nevair scratched the dragon behind its eye ridge just to watch his eyes cross. "Later, I'll take you for flying lessons. Right now I need you to shift back."

He got sleepy blinks.

"No! You don't get to take a nap. I need my Lian back. Transform."

It took a long moment where Nevair thought Lian might defy him and go for that nap anyway. Instead the large, beautiful beast shrank into a smaller stunning man who collapsed in tears in Nevair's arms.

"I'm so proud of you," Nevair whispered, holding Lian close.

Lian sobbed, the stress of the fire and transformation ripping away his usual calm veneer. "Let it all out, sweetheart, give me all your tears."

Several minutes later, Lian ran out of tears and relaxed against Nevair's body.

A helpful guard came forward and gave Lian a white robe to wear.

Lian quickly donned it, hiding his body from the crowds.

"Come on, let's go to my room." Nevair rubbed Lian's back trying to soothe the distraught man.

Lian nodded, still not speaking.

People parted as they walked by. Some tried to touch Lian as if to make contact with a man blessed by the goddess. A soft whisper of words followed them as they entered the cathedral.

Nevair helped Lian up the winding staircase, each stair feeling taller than the one before. Relief made his grip tighter than necessary on Lian's arm but the fear of losing him still grabbed Nevair's throat like a hungry beast. His inner dragon growled with the need to bond with his mate, to reclaim their mark, and his back itched like sand fleas were nesting under his skin.

When they were finally alone and the door closed behind them, Nevair took a good look at his mate. Lian's blue eyes now had silver streaks running through them like a sparkly summer sky.

"You're mine," Nevair said as if there had been an argument. Now that Lian hadn't died, he didn't want to leave any room for wiggling out. "Now everyone will want to touch you and worship you as a gift of the goddess, but you're mine. No one gets to have you but me." Nevair walked over to his wardrobe and removed the box he'd hidden inside. "When I was young and hadn't taken my vows yet, I knew some day I would have a mate of my own. I just knew it. So I took the money my grandfather left me and had this made for my future mate, for you. I love you, Lian, and I hope you'll accept this as a sign of my affection."

He held out the box to his lover who regarded him with wide, wary eyes.

"I love you, too," Lian said in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Open it," Nevair urged.

Lian's smile, although half the power of his usual brilliance, still struck Nevair with its sweetness.


* * * *


Lian's fingers shook as he opened the wooden box. He didn't know what to do now besides stay as close to Nevair as he possibly could. The man defined Lian's world and for a person who'd always considered himself self-sufficient, Lian found his new dependency more frightening than turning into a dragon.

The gold cuff encrusted with jewels glowed in its red velvet setting. Rubies, emeralds and baby-fist sized diamonds covered the piece. He'd never seen a more beautiful piece of jewelry.

"What happens if I turn into a dragon with this on?" He had a momentary spurt of pride that his voice sounded steady.

Nevair's warm, understanding smile, settled Lian's nerves more than all the platitudes in the universe. "I paid extra for a sizing spell. It will always fit you no matter your form and it can't be removed by anyone but you."

Lian wondered how much Nevair's grandfather had left him.

Nevair gave him a shy look from beneath his lashes. "Although I live in this cathedral, my family has invested well. Most of my money goes to charity, but we will never lack for anything. I can take care of you."

Nevair's earnest expression melted Lian's heart. "I'm not exactly poor, sweetheart. The council pays me well for my research."

"Good, I'm glad you are valued," Nevair said.

Lian touched the jeweled cuff. It looked expensive enough to fund a small city, but Lian didn't want to take away from Nevair's moment by making any of the sarcastic comments sitting on his tongue. "Put it on me."

Nevair's glowing expression told Lian he'd made the right choice.

The cold metal shocked Lian's skin upon contact but quickly warmed.

Nevair took Lian's hands in his. "By my position as Pontifex I bind us together beneath the good will of the goddess to be as one for the rest of our lives."

A warm glow filled Lian's chest, replacing the chill freezing his bones. For the first time, a sense of home engulfed him. He'd been drifting for so long he never thought he'd find a place to call his before.

"I love you," he told the man standing before him.

Nevair's expression made Lian's breath catch in his chest. He'd been admired, lusted after, and needed by lovers before, but until that moment never to the extent shown in Nevair's eyes, as if he'd ripped himself open and offered his soul.

"I love you, too. No matter what happens, we have each other," Nevair said.

Lian smiled. "Good, I'll hold you to that."




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