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Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Challenge (Kindle Worlds Novella) by McKenna Jeffries (2)

Brandon rocked back on his heels, a smirk on his face. She grabbed his tie and yanked him to her. She kissed him. He pulled her close returning the kiss with equal fervor. Brandon moved her backward and soon her back pressed against the side of the building that housed the catering place. She slid her hands along his shoulders and into the base of his hair. Erica clamped her hands in his locks then tugged him back releasing him from their kiss.

“Lust won.” She sighed. “So cute.”

“I know.”

“And humble too,” she said drily.

“Don’t need humble when you’re speaking truth.” He shrugged.

“You’re going to be such a handful.”

“Hey I said that about your friend.”

“Chel?” She recalled he had spoken to Chel. “What did she say?”

“To lie that I don’t ever want to get married. And show you that I am good folks.”


“I suck a lying so truth. I do want to get married someday.” He stared at her. Maybe even sooner than planned. “And I’m me. Don’t know if I am good but just try to be me.”

“Okay.” She studied him.

He was honest she would give him that. If he had tried to convince her he was a good man, she would have dismissed him. People shouldn’t tell you they are good. They should show you they are. Let you judge for yourself. Erica decided to go with the one thing that didn’t fail her—her gut.

“Pick me up at six for our date.” She kissed him deeply again then pushed him back and strode away.

“Where are we going?”

“No idea. You asked me so you get to pick. Next time I’ll pick.” She remembered he didn’t know where she lived. She gave him address.

“Not one but two dates.”

She didn’t need to look back to see he was smiling. “Sure. I have to show you how to do it correctly after all.”

Brandon laughed. She loved the sound.

“Damn, Chel.”

“Why are you cursing your friend’s name?”

“I’ll be doing more than that soon.” Erica anticipated the conversation she would have.

“See you at six.” It sounded more like a warning.

She figured it was just her imagination. Yeah she knew getting involved with him was a bad idea. Hell it wasn’t her first and wouldn’t be her last.

When she got to the doors of the center she paused and looked back. Brandon stood across the way by the building. He lifted his hand and waved. She returned it before going inside.

Just in the door she paused and sighed. “I’m in so much trouble.”

At least she had a few hours to steal herself against the charisma that was Brandon Ferguson.




Hours later, Erica wiped her hands down the side of her orange shirt and glanced at her matching shorts. She wiggled her toes in her open-toed flat sandals. She thought of her meeting with Brandon. She wondered what he had done with those torturous shoes. The doorbell sounded and she went to open it. Brandon had his hands braced on the doorframe and studied her with those green eyes.

Erica put her hand against her throat. He smiled. That slow deliberate grin made her feel hunted. Yes, she was in so much trouble.

“I bet you’re the troublemaker of your family.”

“You’d lose that bed. I’m the peacemaker.”

She stared at him waiting for the joke. She blinked when she saw he was serious.

Really? That’s unexpected.”

“You’re going to be saying that a lot about me.”

“And you sound so…I don’t even know what to call it.”

“Sure.” He smiled.

“Such trouble.”

He laughed. She joined him. He stepped back and she grabbed her bag and exited the house. Erica closed the door then they headed down the steps and to his truck. He made sure she was seated inside before going to his side and getting in. Soon he had them on their way.

“So what do you have planned?”

“Nothing spectacular.” He shrugged. “Figured you would want a low key night. So dinner and movies at my house.”

She was startled by his choice. Then smiled. “You know what? That sounds good but on one condition.”


“Only if there is cuddling involved.”

“Oh definitely there will be cuddling.” Brandon glanced at her and winked.

Chuckling Erica leaned back against the seat.


Over an hour later they were on the couch and watching the movie.

“How’d you know I was a Transformer fan?”

“A little birdie told me.”


“No your sister. I went in the door closest to me earlier looking for David—my brother—and meet your sister. I didn’t realize I had gone in the front.”

“You met Hallie?” She smiled. “How’d that go?”


“I know my sister. She questioned you about what you wanted from me.”

“Yes. I thought my sister was bad with getting things out of you and what she wants. She’s a lawyer and handled the legal stuff for the ranch.” He shook his head. “But your sister has her beat.”

“I know.” She laughed leaning against him. “She looks so deceptively non-threatening too. Sort of how you look so innocent.”

“I’m in no way innocent.”

“I know. And my sister isn’t as non-threatening.”

“I know,” he said fervently.

“It’ll be okay.” She patted his hand then said, “And she’s the nice one in my family.”

“There are more of you? And more intense than her?” He looked horrified.

Erica laughed and rested against him. Brandon put his hands around her waist and pulled her close.

“Laugh at my pain.”

She continued to do that then calmed and stayed where she was. Soon they got lost in the movie and chatted about their favorite parts. Brandon brought in their dinner from the kitchen and they ate at the coffee table while watching Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.


A few hours later Erica walked to her door with him by her side. It’d been a great relaxing evening. At her door, Brandon took the key and opened it. She stepped in and turned to face him and accepted the keys. Brandon pushed his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

“I’ll see you soon.”

“Saturday,” she said. “My turn to pick our date.”

He smiled. “Let’s see you top mine.”

“Yeah it’ll be hard since I have a love for all things Optimus Prime. But I’ll try.” She already had an idea of what they could do.

“Should I be worried at that look on your face?”

“Of course.”

“You left off the ‘not’. You meant of course not, didn’t you?”

“Maybe…maybe not.” Erica smiled. “You’ll see on our date on Saturday.”

“Two days before I can see you again.”

“You can text me or call.” They had exchanged numbers earlier.

“I will.” Brandon kissed her then left.

She watched him as he went to his truck. He got in then looked back at her. She waved and went inside. The lights of his truck faded as he drove away. Erica went deeper into the house. The lights she had on a timer lit her way. She went up the stairs and went to get ready for bed. As she did she smiled thinking about Brandon.


* * * * *

Erica leaned back in her chair and looked out her office window. She sighed and twirled her pen along her fingers.

“There is that sappy smile,” her sister said.

She glanced at her as she came in. Noting the peach power suit she wore, Erica figured she was on her way to a meeting or coming from one. Hallie pulled the decorative hair pin that held her hair up. Her long kinky curls fell framing her face. With that she knew Hallie was coming back from a meeting. She ran her hand through her hair then sat in the chair facing her desk.

“So how did your date go last night?”

“Good.” She studied her sister. “I’m surprised you told him about one of my favorite movies.”

“Told him about a few of them and other things.” Hallie smiled. “I like him.”

Surprised she watched her.

“What?” Hallie shrugged. “He was a good sport at letting me question him. And he didn’t lie or try to evade.”

Hallie had an uncanny knack for spotting when someone was lying. They thought of her as a human lie detector. And she was a good judge of character. For her to be impressed by Brandon said a lot.

“This time at least you met the man before I got too involved.” Erica still cursed herself for not doing it before. “I’m going to listen to you.”

“Don’t go there, Erica.” Hallie scowled. “He had a lot of people fooled.”

“And he kept making excuse why he couldn’t meet my family especially you.” She frowned. “That should have been a sign but I missed it.”

“When I finally met him and well, couldn’t stand him, and could tell he was lying, you smartened up.”

“Thankfully.” She glanced around her office and beyond to the hall. “He almost made me lose the center.”

“Ass,” Hallie said. “Withdrawing his donation because you dumped his lying, cheating ass. Then trying to make people believe you were using center funds for personal reasons.”

“My donors who know me didn’t believe it.” Erica thought of one donor in particular. “Alicia Anderson was a big supporter of that.”

“Made you all become closer.” Hallie smile slyly. “Now you’re dating her son.”

“Don’t know if that is a good idea or if she would be for it.”

“If you don’t want her to know what is going on between you It’s not her business or her decision what you do,” Hallie retorted.

She knew that but still felt obligated to his mother for the help she gave her.

“I can imagine what you are thinking.” Hallie leaned back and crossed her legs.

Erica recognized the look on her face. “Don’t try reverse psychology on me.”

“Me.” She shrugged. “Never.”

Erica snorted.

Hallie smirked. “I guess you are dating Brandon out of obligation to his mama.”

“No.” She replied before she could think on it.

The smug look on Hallie made her sigh.

“You’re such a—“

“I know. Luv ya too.” She rose and winked as she strode out.

“What I was about to say wasn’t gonna be a good word,” Erica called out.

“I know,” she replied.

Erica laughed. She sat staring after her. Looking at her cell she picked it up then looked at text from Brandon from earlier. As she read it she smiled.




Brandon looked at his cell and thought of texting Erica again. He decided not to. She hadn’t returned his one from earlier. His cell vibrated and he picked it up. Seeing her name, he smiled.

“How’d your date go?”

He looked up at his mother. She was leaning against the door of his office. It was surprising she had caught up with him there since he tended to be more in the field with the cattle than behind a desk.

“Who said I had a date?”

“Which one of your siblings isn’t all worked up about your having a date? Heck so many of those who work at the ranch are.” She came to the desk and sat in the edge. “Since you rarely date it’s a notable thing for everyone.” 

Brandon frowned. “People need to find some work to do.”

“They all care about you.” His mom studied him. “I care about you and all my children’s best interest.”

He thought of the party weeks ago and what they all thought she was up to. “Mom, you’re not matchmaking are you?”

“Of course not sweetie.” She smiled widely.

Brandon wasn’t sure if he believed her.

“So who was the lucky lady you went out with?”

He remembered Erica mentioning she knew his mother. “Erica.”

She frowned. “I know an Erica who runs a center I donate to. I also do classes there about business.” She studied him. “Is that the same Erica?”


His mother smiled widely. “Good.”

His mother rose and walked toward the door. At the reply it made him suspicious.

“Did you set us up?”

“Now how would I have done that? I don’t even know how you all met?” She left before he could ask her anything else.

Now he wasn’t sure what to believe. He picked up his cell and seeing the message from Erica he replied then opened a group message for his siblings. He sent them a warning and confirmation their mom might be matchmaking. Heck he wasn’t sure but it was best to be on their guard. If one of them fell, his mother would only redouble her efforts with the rest. He thought of Erica and he placed his hand over his heart. Realizing what he was doing he lowered his hand and scowled. He would have fun with her and definitely wouldn’t let himself fall for her.



He kept repeating that to himself as he waited for her to pick him up for their date on Saturday. The doorbell rang and he went to answer. Erica leaned against the railing of his wrap-around porch. He grabbed his wallet then slid it in his pocket before he exited the house, closing the door behind him. He went to her and leaned down and kissed her then pulled back meeting her eyes.


“Love that kind of greeting.” She smiled. “Ready for our date?”

“Yes.” He slid his hands into his back pockets. “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see when we get there.” She held out her hand. “Come on.”

He slid his hand into hers and they went down the steps and to her SUV. She opened his door. He looked at her with a lifted eyebrow.

“What?” She smiled at him. “This is my date so I get to be the chivalrous one.”

He inclined his head and got in. She closed the door then went to the driver’s side. Erica got in and started the vehicle.

“So how was work?”

He filled her in as she drove. She did the same with him. They talked about various things and before he knew it they were pulling into the parking lot. He looked at the building before him.

“Your center?”

“Yep.” She exited and came to his side before opening the door.

He slid out then she closed the door. Side by side they went toward the entrance.

“The center is mostly closed this late. There are a few evening things we have.” She took him around to the side then opened a door.

He went in and he smelt it before he saw it. Brandon grinned. Erica matched him but didn’t say anything. She opened the last door and he entered. At glimmer lights made the pool look almost mystical.

“I don’t have a suit.”

“No worries. I have one for you.” She gestured to the bench by the side of the pool.

He went over and was surprised to see his own swimming trunks. Brandon picked them up and turned to her then held them up.

“Your mom came by.” Erica glared at him. “You could have warned me you told her about us.”

“I didn—”

“Yeah, didn’t think of it.” Erica smiled. “She wanted to assure me that what was between us was our business.” She sighed. “Strange as it is that made me feel better. That is until she started filling me in on her middle baby. See I knew you were cute but you were such a cute baby too.”

“Wait…what?” He rubbed his hand over his face. “Please tell me she didn’t show you my baby pictures.”

“I could but then that wouldn’t be true.” Erica smiled. “Enough talk about that. Get into your suit so we can swim. There’re lockers right there.”

He went where she gestured. Brandon pushed the thought out his mind of his mother sharing his baby pictures with Erica. He undressed and put his clothing in the locker before donning his trunks then went back to the pool deck. Brandon went to side of the pool. Erica swam over to him. She had a swim cap over her hair.

“Come on slow poke.”

He slid into the water. Erica came closer to him.

“So how’d I do?”

“Good.” He kissed her. “Matched my date. Now I’ll have to up my game for our next date.”

“Yep.” She pushed him away. “Race you.” She took off.

Brandon let her have a head start. He swam every day and at one point even did it competitively. He set off at a leisurely pace. Brandon appreciated her smooth form as she swam. He increased his stroke and caught up and then bypassed her. He heard her curse and smiled. Erica was turning out to be an intriguing woman. He couldn’t wait to see what she came up with next.

* * * * *


Weeks later Brandon rolled his shoulder and rested his boot on the lower rail of the corral. He didn’t register the sounds of the ranch as he stared off into space. He’d spent a lot of time with Erica in the last few weeks. Each one only made him want to know her more.

“You look like you are thinking hard,” his dad said behind him.

Brandon didn’t turn. “I am.”

His dad joined him mirroring his stance. “Want to talk about it?”

He thought about a moment then. “How’d you know Mom was the one?”

“I didn’t. She knew I was the one. And that damn woman was stubborn and I let her outwitted me to make me hers.” The love in his voice was plain.

I want that. Brandon looked at his face. The same as in his tone was on his face. Yeah I really want that.

“So how did Mom outwit you?” Brandon found that hard to believe knowing his dad.

“Didn’t you hear the I let her outwit me.” His dad smiled. “Sometimes you need to let yourself be caught. Especially when there is a beautiful woman involved.” The smiled wickedly.

“Dad that’s my mom,” Brandon whined.

“Boy, that’s my wife,” he retorted. “How do you think you all came to be here?”

“Dad. I really don’t want to know, Brandon said firmly.

“Remember this conversation when you have kids.” His dad slapped him on the shoulder. “And you will know that same great glee I have watching you squirm.”

“Not nice Dad.”

“Never said I was nice.” His dad grinned wider then sobered. “Did I help?”

“I don’t know since I am still trying to forget about your comment of where we came from.”

“Son…” his dad looked at him seriously. “Do you need me to go over the birds and the bees again with you? I could swear we did that when you were a teenager.”

Dad,” he said the same way as he did when they had that uncomfortable conversation when he was younger.

His dad laughed. Brandon shook his head. His parents had a weird sense of humor. They loved to tease the kids. He rolled his eyes as his dad continued to laugh.

“Dave, what are you out here doing?” his mom called as she came up to join them.

“Messing with your son, Alicia.” His dad’s features softened as he looked at his wife. 

“What did you do that makes you my son?” his mom asked.

“Nothing,” he protested.

His dad laughed. His mother whispered to him and snuggled against his side.  Brandon watched them and again he thought, Yes, I want that.

Now he just needed to convince Erica she too wanted it with me. Brandon smiled as he thought of how to convince her.

“Oh boy. I think my son has worked out his problem.” His dad sounded proud.

“Now he’s your son.”

“Yes, because he’s about to outwit someone,” his dad replied. “And that is all my genes.”

“If I recall someone thought they let me outwit them,” his mom said.

Brandon looked at her surprised. His mom smiled and he knew not to underestimate her. Just as he wouldn’t Erica.





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