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Middleweight (Hallow Brothers Book 2) by Trish Andersen (4)

Chapter Four

Micah focused on the road as he fought to keep the inexplicable urge in check. He had to see Eve. He needed to feast on her body. He ached to feel her perfect mouth wrapped around his cock. He swerved to miss the branch lying in the road a split second before it was too late. He needed to concentrate on his driving before he hit something.

He drove past the jeweler without stopping. The mysterious pull wouldn’t allow it. He knew he promised Momma he would drop her necklace off.

He would. Eventually. Once he was finished with Eve long enough to be satisfied. Then he’d get the necklace fixed. It would take a couple of days before it would be repaired anyway.

He pulled to a stop in front of the strip club and frowned. He had no idea if Eve was at work, but that mystical tug drove him here. Maybe if he was wrong, someone would give him an idea where she was. He doubted it, but he could at least hope. He shut off the Jeep and crossed the parking lot to the front door.

A cold male voice greeted him before he got a good look at what was happening inside the bar. “That ink makes you worthless. You are fucking useless to me. I don’t keep worthless shit. Do you know how you’re going to pay back your drug debt to me? With your blood.”

Micah charged into the club. Eve was on her knees in a high cut strapless dress, her long black hair falling around her face like a curtain. A man in a fitted suit stood over her, his tight grip on her shoulder pinning her to the ground. A half dozen strong men surrounded them. The silver barrel of a gun was pointed at her temple.

Two of the bouncers caught Micah and restrained him before he reached the man to stop him. “Deacon, what do you want us to do with this asshole?”

“Let her go,” Micah demanded.

Deacon turned to him while still restraining Eve. “Who the fuck are you?”

“Let her go,” Micah repeated.

“I don’t know who you are, but you’re interrupting very important business. You see, my girl here broke one of my most important rules.” He shoved Eve forward. The same mark Micah found on his own back was embedded on hers. On her, it was simply beautiful. Despite the dangerous situation, he wanted to run his tongue over it. “No tattoos. It’s an easy rule to obey. So I need to finish my business. My boys will see you out.”

“How much does she owe you?”

“She owes me in the neighborhood of twenty thousand dollars. Carry that kind of cash on you? Maybe balled up in your little pocket there?”

“I’ll get it for you.”

“No sir. You have it now. Walk out that door, and I’m going to put a bullet in her brain.”

Micah snarled in response. His gaze darted around the bar until they landed on a banner. “I take it you know Leroy Nelson? You’re a sponsor for his promotion?”

Deacon glanced over his shoulder. “Leroy Nelson is the biggest piece of shit in this town. A few months ago he had this kid by the name of Hallow fight Austin Graves for the Welterweight belt. I guess this kid has six brothers and they all fight. I smacked my logo on the mat in the middle of his cage. That fucking fight brought me the night of my life. It made me triple what I would usually make on a Saturday night. A few weeks ago he had another promotion, and I put my logo in the cage again. It brought me nothing. Not a fucking dime. I told him if he wants my support he’ll get me another fucking Hallow. He said he’s been in contact with one, but nothing has come of it.”

“So having a Hallow fight is worth something to you?”

Deacon laughed. “You bet your fucking ass it would be.”

“Would it be worth eliminating Eve’s debt?”

Eve’s head snapped up, her perfect cheeks bruised and smeared with mascara. Deacon stared at Micah for a long moment before he spoke. “Yes. I would let her go if I get a Hallow. But how the fuck do you plan to do that or are you just shitting me?”

Micah wrenched his arm free from the bouncer on his right and then reached into his back pocket. All six goons leaped into action toward him until he held his cell phone out. They froze in place as he scrolled through his contacts and then pressed call. He tapped the speaker phone icon and held it out for everyone to hear.

The ringing stopped as the call was answered. “Micah. What do I owe the pleasure of your call?”

Micah locked his gaze with Deacon’s. “Hey, Leroy. It seems I’ve met a mutual acquaintance of ours. Say hello to Deacon.”

“Deacon Ravens? Didn’t know you knew him.”

Deacon pulled the barrel of the pistol away from Eve’s head. He waved it toward the ceiling. With his other hand, he grabbed a fistful of Eve’s hair and then started toward Micah and the phone. “Yeah, Leroy. You son of a bitch. It’s me.”

“Stop,” Micah ordered. “You motherfucker. I’ll bring the phone to you. Stay the fuck where you are.”

Deacon stopped dead in his tracks but kept ranting. “You promised me a Hallow, Leroy. Where the fuck is my Hallow?”

The sound of Leroy’s laughter echoed from the speaker of the phone. “How well does he know you, Micah?”

“What the fuck does that mean?” Deacon demanded.

Micah growled. “Deacon, let’s reiterate. If a Hallow fights for Leroy’s next promotion, you will consider Eve’s debt paid. Are we on the same page?”

“Yes, you dumb fuck. Slow, aren’t we?”

Micah lifted the phone to his lips. “Leroy, I’m in. Call that guy from out of town and tell him I’ll see him in the cage. Send me the contract. I’ll get updated blood work to you.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Deacon shouted.

“Maybe you should introduce yourself,” Leroy suggested.

“Good point. Talk to you soon.” Micah ended the call and shoved the phone in his back pocket. He held his hand out to Deacon. “Hi. My name is Micah Hallow. That kid that brought you so much cash? He’s my little brother, Caleb. I’m one of the seven. Second oldest as a matter of fact.”

“Bullshit,” Deacon spat.

Micah pulled out his wallet from his other back pocket. He flipped it open to display his driver’s license. “There’s your proof.”

Deacon studied the card. Micah glanced down at Eve. She gaped up at him, her blue eyes wide.

Deacon chuckled. “How do I know that I won’t let her go and you’ll back out of the fight?”

“You take me for my word. Fuck, if you want, I’ll have Leroy bring the contract here now, and I’ll sign it.”

Deacon pressed the gun to Eve’s head again. “Not good enough.”

Micah’s head scrambled, but nothing came. He jammed his hands in his pockets. It was a bad habit. His hand cupped around Momma’s necklace. The tiny voice of reason told him to let go, but the primal instinct that plagued him pulled it out. He held it up to Deacon. “Collateral.”

Deacon handed his gun to one of his men and then took the necklace. He examined it carefully as he grinned. Micah continued. “The night of my fight, after I’m done beating the shit out of my opponent, I’m coming for that. If it’s not here when I get back, I’ll kill you. Understand?”

Deacon looked at him and sneered. He shoved Eve away as he pocketed the necklace. “Deal. You just got yourself a whore. Pleasure doing business with you.”

He was still laughing as he strode to the back with his men following. Micah kneeled in front of Eve. He gently brushed a lock of hair from her face. “Are you okay?”

She whimpered at his touch. “Why did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Save me?”

“I wanted to.”

“I belong to you now. I’m indebted to you.”

“I don’t own people. You don’t belong to anyone, especially that piece of shit. We should clear out of here before he changes his mind and kills us both. Do you need to get anything?”

Eve ran her tongue over her lower lip. The simple action made Micah as hard as a rock. “I’ll get it later.”

She rose up on her knees until her lips were buried against his. He gripped her and pulled her tight against him. He needed this, her body against his, the feel of her full breasts against his chest. He clenched his fingers around her ass and squeezed. She ground against his erection.

Her voice was just a breath. “Oh fuck, Micah.”

He nipped at the curve of her neck. “Oh fuck what?”

“Me. Fuck me.”

“I hope the motel across the street takes credit cards. I’m low on cash.”

“Fuck that. I don’t do that anymore, remember. Let’s go to my apartment.”

“Show me the way, beautiful.”

He slowly stood and offered his hand to her to help her to her feet. She took it with one of her hands. With the other hand, she felt her way up his body, spending an extra few moments on his cock. He moaned as he remembered the last time she played with it.

“Beautiful, you need to stop, or I’m going to lay you down on one of these tables and make you scream my name over and over as you come. Deacon will definitely kill us then.”

“Hmm. Being fucked on one of these tables sounds like fun. But you’re probably right. Let’s go.”

He laced his fingers between hers and led her out of the club to the Jeep. He helped her to climb inside and then hopped in the driver’s seat. He flipped the ignition and shifted into gear. He wrapped his hand around Eve’s thigh, feeling her shudder at his touch.

“Where are we going?” he questioned.

She shoved his hand off her leg. “Just drive.”

He frowned at first until she reached across the Jeep to him. She gripped the waistband of his jeans and popped the fly. Carefully she slid the zipper down and then tugged his briefs until his cock sprung free. He fought to keep his eyes on the road as she stretched herself until she laid her head between him and the steering wheel. He trembled as she ran her tongue from the base to the tip of his cock and then licked the precum from the slit. He searched for a place to pull over.

“Keep driving,” is all she said before she swallowed him, sucking hard as she bobbed her head up and down.

Micah never struggled so hard in his life. He did his best to weave through traffic as Eve’s tongue wandered up and down the length of him. Her hand gently caressed his sac through the denim of his jeans. He felt the knot tighten in his belly as tension built inside him. He threaded his fingers in her long black hair.

“Fuck, Eve. Stop. I’m going to come,” he muttered through gritted teeth.

She let go long enough to say, “Then come for me, baby. I’ll swallow every drop.”

He groaned as he laid his head back on the headrest. A blaring horn brought him back to reality. He eased on the gas to get through the intersection and then scanned for a quiet road.

He didn’t quite made it. He wasn’t sure if it was the way Eve swirled her lips around the tip or the way she squeezed his balls. He bucked his hips, causing her to gag. She gripped his hips and held him to the seat as her delicious onslaught grew intense. Micah roared as he released, his foot never leaving the accelerator. He had no idea how he didn’t ram them into something and kill them both.

Eve ran a finger along her bottom lip as she sat up. Micah pulled over and parked. He wrapped her fist in his hand and tugged her to him. His lips parted hers to search for her tongue. He palmed her breast through her thin dress, massaging it until he nudged it free from the fabric. Her hard, bare nipple nestled against his hand. Eve frantically groped for his cock again.

“Where the fuck do you live?” he demanded.

Her words came out in ragged gasps. “Too far. The lake. Find a place at the lake. I need you inside me.”

Micah gazed in her eyes before he slowly let her go. He watched her cross her arms over her chest to cover her exposed breast. She grinned at him. “I expect your teeth there in a few minutes. There’s no sense putting it away unless you want to get it out again.”

“Oh, baby.” He shifted into gear and sped down the street.

The lake was only a couple of blocks away, but it felt like an eternity until he found a secluded spot to stop. He slid back his seat before he shut the vehicle off. He tossed the keys on the dash as Eve climbed on top of his lap and straddled him.

Micah ran a thumb beneath her skirt, traveling from one inner thigh to the other, spending a little extra attention on the swollen flesh in between. “Commando, huh?”

“Not in this dress. I slipped them off before I jumped on top of you.”

“Nice.” He pulled the arm still blocking her breast away and nipped at the exposed bud. She squealed as she wove her fingers in his thick hair to hold him close. He wrapped a hand around himself and guided the tip until it was barely inside her. She dropped down on him, impaling herself.

Eve bounced up on him, driving him in and out of her. She moaned as her pace picked up. Micah let go of her nipple to watch her. Her head was thrown back as her eyes fluttered shut. She played with her own breasts as she whimpered.

“Why is it that all I think about is fucking you,” she murmured. “Day and night. In my dreams. And now I’m fucking you, and I’ve never felt anything like it before. I want more. I need more. Fuck, Micah. Oh, Micah.”

He felt her tighten around him as she cried out his name over and over. He held tight to her hips as he thrust deep. Heat tore through him as he swelled and throbbed on release. He held her close to him as he came down from his rush.

“Maybe we should get somewhere more private,” he whispered in her ear. “Before we’re arrested.”

“You don’t live dangerously much, do you?” Eve laughed.

“I’m pretty tame, yeah. But I need more of you, and I’m not going to get that in a jail cell.”

She pulled from his arms and settled in her seat, straightening her clothes as she went. “Good point. You might want to tuck yourself back in.”

“Right.” Micah pulled his briefs and jeans back up and fastened them carefully. He grabbed the keys off the dash and fired the Jeep up.

The only talking between them was the brief directions Eve gave to get to her place. He could feel the tension between them. It was thick in the autumn air. At every light, he wanted to pull her in his arms and bury his mouth into her breasts. He could see her fingers inch toward his thigh and then pull away.

She told him to stop as they pulled alongside an old warehouse building. The name of the original company was etched into the edifice. The brick was faded from years of abuse from the weather. By the brightly colored curtains in the windows and the scattered pieces of lawn furniture outside, Micah could only guess it now housed apartments.

“Home sweet home,” Eve announced with a shrug.

Micah grinned. “Baby, you could live in a cardboard box under an interstate overpass, and I would still want to sleep with you.”

“Good to know.”

He turned the vehicle off and hopped out to offer his hand to her to help her out. She stared at him for a moment.

“Don’t tell me you’re one of those women who don’t need a man,” he remarked.

She smiled. “It’s not that. I don’t come along a lot of gentleman in my former line of work.” She slipped her hand in his and hopped to the ground.

She led him by the hand up two staircases and down a long, dark hallway. As she struggled to slip the key in the lock, Micah pulled her tight against him. She dropped the keys on the floor as she clung to the doorframe and arched back against him. He scooped his hands into the bodice of her dress, cupping his palms around her breasts. He wiggled the dress free until they were exposed.

The door was flung open from Eve’s grasp. A tall, curvy blonde with long, flowing hair stood in the doorway. She smirked at them. “Wondered where you went, Eve.”

“Nowhere important,” Eve muttered.

“Who’s your friend with his hands on your boobs? I didn’t know you were bringing johns back to our place. Maybe we could both show him a good time.”

“He’s not a john.”

“He’s not your boyfriend. You can’t have one in your kind of work. You thought Deacon would flip shit about your tattoo. A boyfriend? Wow.”

Eve’s answer felt like a kick to Micah’s gut. “No, he’s not my boyfriend. And it doesn’t matter. I don’t work for Deacon anymore.”

“What do you mean you don’t work for Deacon anymore? He was our source. Where are we supposed to get our hook-up now? Thanks a fucking lot.” The blonde stormed back into the apartment to grab her purse. Eve let go of the frame moments before she shoved past them.

“Where are you going?” Eve asked.

“To Clyde’s. I need to unwind. You’ve got me all stressed out. He has what I need. Sexual and otherwise.”

They didn’t wait for her to disappear down the staircase, cursing the entire time, before Eve tugged Micah into the apartment and slammed the door behind them. She pinned him against it and kissed him as she slid her hands beneath his shirt. She moaned through their kiss. Her fingers wandered around his ribcage and chest before they gently pinched his nipples. “I should have pegged you as a fighter.”

“Hmm. I take it I’m built like one?”

“Oh, yes. Sexy.”

“You’re into fighters, huh?”

“Their bodies, yes. Their attitudes, no. There are some jacked up assholes around here.”

“I know. They don’t like my brothers and me very much.”

“Hmm. Let’s take this shirt off so I can look at your body.” Eve gathered the hem of his shirt in her grip and pulled it over his head. She laid a trail of kisses on his chest, taking a moment to suck on each of his nipples. He groaned as he caught her head in his hands and parted her lips with his.

Despite the raging lust coursing through him, what the blonde had said nagged at him. “Deacon was your source for what?”

Eve undid the button on his jeans. “It doesn't matter.”

Micah tilted her chin up to look in her eyes. “Drugs?”

She looked away and didn’t answer. She did slip her hand into his briefs and wrapped her fingers around his swollen cock.

Micah hissed. “What kind?”

Eve stroked him a couple of times. “What does it matter?”

Micah bucked at her touch. “I need to know what I’m getting myself into.”

“It’s not like we’re a couple. We’re not dating.”

Micah grabbed her wrist to stop her. “I guess I better go then.”

Eve glared at him. In an act of defiance, she slid her hand slowly, agonizingly up and down the length of him. It was sweet torture. “Heroin. I’ve tried stopping. It never worked. That was what my debt with Deacon was over. Going to leave?”

“No. I’m going to give you a high better than drugs. And I’ll keep you on that high as long as it takes to get you clean.”

“Really?” Eve grinned at him. “Does it involve this monster in my hand?”

“Hell yeah. Buried deep inside you.”

“What are we waiting for? Save me then.”

She led him by the waistband of his jeans to the bedroom and then closed the door. She winked at him. “In case Clyde doesn’t keep Tabitha busy.”

“And Tabitha is?”

“My roommate.”

“Got it.” Micah skimmed his fingers down her body to the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head, leaving her naked. She backed onto the bed and scrunched a finger at him, beckoning him. He quickly shed his jeans and briefs and crawled across the mattress to her.

She frowned at him. “What is that?”

Micah sat back on his heels. “What are you talking about?”

“Your back.” Eve hopped off the bed and circled behind him. She gasped. “Wait. How. I don’t understand. It’s just like mine. I was almost killed because of mine.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t know this would happen.”

“What did you do to me?”

“I didn’t do anything. The mark appeared on both of us because…” Micah swallowed hard before he continued. “We’re mated,”

“Mated? I don’t get it. Why would we be mated? We aren’t married. I hardly know you.”

“We don’t have to be married. Have you felt a pull toward me? An unexplainable, raw need to have sex with me? Almost primal? One you haven’t had with anyone else?”

She nodded without speaking.

He continued. “We’re mated.”

“You’re crazy. I don’t believe in magic.”

“No. You believe in getting yourself so stoned you have to sell your body to get out of debt.”

She scowled at him. “You know nothing about me. I think it’s time for you to get the fuck out of my life.” She pointed at the door. “Now.”

Micah climbed off the bed. “Good luck with that.”

He picked up his briefs and stepped into them. Eve wrapped a blanket around herself and then opened her bedroom door. “You can change in the living room then see yourself out. And if you touch my shit I’ll kill you. I can hear you through the door.”

“There’s nothing here I would want.”

Her eyes widened for a moment as her lower lip stuck out in a pout. What he said must have hurt her. She squared her shoulders back and nodded to the other room. “Goodbye, Micah.”

“Goodbye, Eve.”

He stalked into the living room with his arms full of his clothes. She slammed the door behind him. He dressed quickly and hurried out of her apartment to his Jeep. Telling Eve that they were mated couldn’t have gone worse. Wait until she finds out I’m a werewolf. With a huff, he shifted the vehicle into gear and raced down the road.