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Misadventures of a College Girl by Lauren Rowe (12)

Chapter Fourteen

Kinda looks like a kielbasa wearing rain slicker,” I say and instantly regret it. Come on, Zooey! Now’s not the time for jokes!

“A little advice?” Tyler says. “There’s never a good time to make fun of a guy’s dick. But especially not when he’s about to stick it inside you.”

“Sorry. I guess I’m a little more nervous than I realized.”

Tyler touches my hair. “It’s gonna be great. Well, as great as it can be your first time. From what I’ve been told, the first time for girls is often even more of a mind-fuck than a body-fuck.”

“Was it a mind-fuck for you?”

“No. Just a body-fuck. A blink-and-it’s-over body-fuck.”

“Was your first time with another virgin?”

He snorts. “No.” He leaves it at that.

“Then how do you know the first time is a mind-fuck for girls? Do you ask girls to fill out an exit survey every time you de-virginize them?”

“You’re my first virgin. I know about the first time being a mind-fuck because my sister told me.”

I grimace. “Now that’s a close sibling relationship.”

Tyler shrugs. “She just wanted to make sure, if ever I found myself in the present situation, I’d do a great job for the girl. Apparently, my sister’s experience was highly disappointing.”

“Well, tell your sister thanks from me.”

“I won’t tell my sister a damned thing. Tell whoever you want about this, but Tyler Caldwell doesn’t de-virginize and tell.” He winks.

Okay, seriously now. Is this guy for real? I poke his muscular arm to confirm he’s not a figment of my imagination. How the heck did a douchebag at a party turn out to be Prince Charming? “Thank you for taking such good care of me,” I whisper. “I appreciate it.”

“I’m pretty sure it’s me who should be thanking you, sweetheart. This is so fucking hot for me. Believe me, I’m loving it.” He takes a deep breath. “Okay, so let’s get some music going, eager beaver. I made the perfect de-virginization playlist for you.”

“I heard it downstairs, remember?”

Tyler swats at the air. “That playlist was meant to be a joke. Sort of. This is serious now. This moment is going to be a lifelong memory for you. Ten years from now you’ll be swapping stories with your friends about how each of you lost your V cards. And when you tell your story, I want your friends to say, ‘Damn, that guy picked the perfect song.’”

“Yeah, and then I’ll reply nonchalantly, Oh, did I mention the guy who took my virginity was the world-famous football player, Tyler Caldwell of the…?”


“He’s the league leader in tackles and interceptions and defensive touchdowns.”

Tyler flashes me an adorable smile. “And sacks and forced fumbles.”

“Oh, yes, of course.”

We share a smile.

God, he’s gorgeous.

“Cue the song, Tyler,” I whisper. “I’m ready.”

Tyler rolls over to his nightstand and grabs his phone, and a song I don’t know begins playing. “‘Crash into Me’ by Dave Matthews Band,” Tyler says, answering my unspoken question. “I decided this one will never go out of style. You’ll never look back and be bummed this song was the soundtrack for this particular memory.”

My heart swells. “Thank you.”

“So, let’s get you ramped up and begging for it, shall we?”


He hunkers down between my legs…and I’ll be damned, after only a few minutes of him licking me again, I have the second orgasm of my life. And it’s even better than the first one.

When my body finishes warping from the inside out, Tyler slithers up to my face, licking his lips. His eyes are blazing. He opens his mouth to speak.

“Yes,” I blurt, cutting him off before he’s said a word.

He smiles, crawls on top of me, presses his warm, hulking body onto mine, places his fingers inside me briefly, like he’s finding his target, and then slowly, ever so slowly…oh my God…he’s inside me. He’s inside me! As deep as a man can possibly go! He’s splitting me in two! Impaling me! And it doesn’t even hurt!

“That’s just the tip,” he whispers.


“Yes?” he grits out.


I’ve no sooner said the magic word than a jolt of pain flashes through me, making me gasp.

Tyler freezes on top of me.

“Is that all the way?” I gasp.


Oh, crap, there’s more? I take a deep breath. “Keep going.”

He pushes in slowly. “That’s all the way.” He lets out a shaky breath. “Oh, Jesus, Zooey, you feel so fucking good.”

“I do?”

“Oh, God. So good.” He takes a deep breath. “I’m gonna move inside you now. In and out. I’ll kiss you while I do it. Oh, Jesus. This feels good.” He lets out a shaky breath. “Yes?”

I nod.

Yes?” he grits out. He sounds like a man hanging on the edge of a cliff by his fingernails.


Tyler moves slowly in and out of me. He’s kissing me gently, touching my face, my hair, whispering into my ear that I feel amazing. That I’m beautiful. That he couldn’t believe how beautiful I was when he first saw me in his kitchen… And somehow, the sound of his voice begins coaxing me into forgetting there’s a very large dick moving inside me.

“You okay?”

“Mmm hmm.”

“Does it feel good?”

“It feels…okay,” I answer honestly. “But not bad.”

“I’ll slow down a bit.”

“No, no, I’m getting used to it. Are you really big?”

“You’ll appreciate it later.”

I take a deep breath. “Just do whatever’s normal at times like this. Not too crazy, but normal.”

Tyler begins gyrating on top of me with a tad more enthusiasm, and I’m shocked to feel my pelvis instinctively begin moving and gyrating in synchronicity with his.

“That’s good,” he whispers. “Nice.”

After a moment, Tyler makes a sound that tells me he’s really enjoying what he’s feeling, and the sound of his obvious pleasure flips a switch inside me. I grab his ass tightly and revel in the feeling of his muscles tensing and releasing on top of me.

“Holy fuck,” he chokes out. He thrusts deeply into me—so deep he makes my eyes pop out. And then I feel a rippling sensation inside of me. And then stillness. He sighs. “Lord have mercy on my soul.”

For a long moment, we’re both quiet, except for the sound of our mutual ragged breathing.

I feel the warmth of his skin against mine.

Smell his scent.

Hear the perfect song he selected for this moment, playing on a loop.

I sigh. “And, just like that, you’re a lifelong memory, Tyler Caldwell.”

He kisses my cheek. “Don’t judge sex by that—and certainly don’t judge sex with me by that. That was just, you know, step one. It’s gonna get better and better, I promise.”

“So how soon will you be ready to do it again? Five minutes? Tomorrow? How does this work?”

He chuckles. “I’ll be ready to go again in about an hour. And probably once more after that. Either way, my eager little beaver, I promise you’re not leaving this house tonight until I’ve fucked you good and right.”