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Mistletoe Not Required by A. D. Justice (11)

Chapter Eleven


My toes are still tingling after that kiss.

Hunter helps me back up on Jet, and we ride the rest of the way up the mountain. When we reach the sleigh trail from the other night, I realize exactly where we are. “Oh my God, Hunter! You didn’t tell me our old trail leads to Santa’s Village. Do you use this trail for your guided rides too?”

“Not exactly. It does join with it just down the trail a little way, though.”

When we reach the barn at the end of the trail, we get off and lead the horses inside. After we take the saddles off and put the horses in their stalls, we walk toward Santa’s Workshop to get a cup of hot coffee. When Hunter doesn’t reach for my hand right away, I sense something missing—as if it’s a part of me. So I reach over and take his hand first, and that sense of wholeness I crave is instantly fulfilled.

He looks down at our hands then meets my stare, not even trying to hide his sexy little smirk. “Don’t think I’ll put out just because I kissed you. I mean, it was a great kiss. But you’ll have to work a little harder if you want in my pants.”

At first, I’m so shocked by his sarcastic jab I can’t even think of a good comeback line. I openly gawk at him—and I mean a wide-open gawk. My eyes refuse to blink. My mouth refuses to shut. My brain can’t think of a single witty retort. Then the hilarity of it hits me all at once, and I bend at the waist in a fit of laughter. My arm goes to my stomach, holding it as I laugh, the muscles tightening with each outburst.

After a minute, I can’t catch my breath and can envision myself in an episode of That ’70s Show, when they’re in the basement laughing uncontrollably as they pass the joint around. Tears roll down my cheek and I try to wipe them away, but they’re quickly replaced by more. When I look up at Hunter, the most amused expression covers his face—along with a little bit of embarrassment because now everyone is looking at us. That combination only makes me laugh harder. When I finally bring myself back under control, I wipe the final tears away and grin up at him. “That was the funniest shit I’ve heard in a long time.”

“I’m glad you find my virtue so amusing.”

“Oh, it’s not your virtue I find funny, Santa. It’s that you said you wouldn’t put out like you really meant it. Maybe you forgot, but I already know better than to think you’re innocent. You’re the one who taught me how to be naughty.” I giggle to myself as we continue walking hand in hand.

He stops me with a quick jerk of my hand, making me simultaneously turn toward him and stumble into his hard chest. His other arm wraps around my waist, pulling me firmly against him. Those chocolate-brown-with-flecks-of-gold eyes bore into mine, and I feel him touching me all the way down to my soul. “Trust me, babe. That is one thing I’ll never forget. Don’t tell anyone or you’ll ruin my good reputation, but you just say the word, and we’ll check off every item on that Naughty List tonight.”

It’s suddenly scorching hot in Santa’s Village…and the outside temperature has nothing to do with the heat level. I’m a little weak in the knees too. Butterflies flutter in my stomach. My heart races. My mouth is dry. My chest heaves with each deep breath.

I really want to say yes. Right now.

“If you don’t quit looking at me like that, Chief Land will arrest us both any second now. We’ll be in the Cringle Cove Busted paper—with side-by-side mug shots.”

“Give me a second. Right now, I’m thinking it’ll be worth it. I’m waiting to see if my brain starts working again, though.”

“There’s my Mallory. Welcome back.” He releases his hold on me and takes a step backward, putting some space between us before we embarrass ourselves.

“Coffee?” Change the subject. Change the subject. Change the subject.

“Come on, you little jezebel. I’ll buy you a white chocolate mocha and the biggest cinnamon roll they have.”

“You had me at jezebel.”

His rich, manly chuckle carries on the chilly air, and he releases my hand, wrapping his arm around me instead. This all feels like old times…like we’ve never been apart…like we were always supposed to be together.

But if that were true, we wouldn’t have broken up nearly four years ago. If he can make me feel so loved, so cherished within a few hours of spending time together, why did I feel so unlovable when he broke my heart?

What’s wrong with me?

“You’re overthinking it.” He glances over at me, no hint of a smile or playfulness.

“What did you say?”

“I said, you’re overthinking it. Again. Like you always do. Just chill out. Let everything happen the way it’s supposed to, and don’t try to overanalyze every minute detail in that gorgeous brain of yours.”

Don’t overthink it. Don’t analyze it. Just let it happen. Does that mean we’re just a fling now? Maybe a romp in the sheets for old times’ sake before we go our separate ways again?

“Mallory, there’s smoke coming out of your ears from the gears turning so fast. Slow it down. Let’s enjoy our drinks and our company, then we’ll decide the next thing on our to-do list for the day.”

“All right. I am officially relaxing now.”

“It’s good that you made a declaration about relaxing. Really sets the chilled mood I was going for.”

“I’m glad I could help. We’re chilled, and now it’s time to warm up. Go get my coffee and cinnamon roll you promised me.” I slide into the seat of an empty table and wait for Hunter to return with my goodies. My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I know there’s only one person it can be.

Amelia: How’s your all-day date going?

Me: Fine.

Amelia: One-word answers are inappropriate in this case. Details. Now.

Me: Rode horses. Kissed. Had a moment of rekindled fire. Flames quickly extinguished by reality.

Amelia: Stop looking for what’s wrong with him and enjoy everything that’s right.

Me: Shut up.

I can hear her laughing all the way up here on the mountain.

The thing is, I know she’s right. She knows she’s right. But I don’t really want to admit this to her out loud. I do always look for something wrong so I can get rid of the guy as fast as possible. It’s not like I’ve found something petty wrong with Hunter. No toenail fungus. No finger-like toes. No annoying habits after we kiss. Outwardly, he’s great—as close to perfect as I’ve ever found. Inwardly, I always used to think he was the best guy I knew, apart from my dad, of course.

When I boil it all down to a single issue, the problem becomes much easier to digest. It’s trust…or a lack of trust, to be more precise. I can’t trust him with my heart anymore. So, I can’t give it to him again.

With that settled in my mind, now I can relax and have fun. If I don’t let him in my head and my heart, leaving Cringle Cove at the end of our break will be easier than it was the first time. I won’t be nursing a heart that’s been smashed into a million pieces this time.

Hunter approaches the table with two large mugs and two plates with enormous cinnamon rolls on them. The steam from the mugs and the warmed plates mix, setting off the sweet aroma and making me practically drool in anticipation.

“Mmm, that smells so good.” I stand to help unload the treats from his hands. We dig in with our fingers, ignoring the strange looks from the people around us when we smack our lips in appreciation. “I guess it’s a good thing I don’t live here. I’d be as big as a barn with these available year-round.”

“Nah. We’d keep it worked off of you one way or another.” He waggles his eyebrows at me while opening his eyes as wide as possible. That goofy move always makes me laugh. “By the way, we have a small change in plans. Chad called a few minutes ago. He said one of the horses on today’s ride threw a shoe, so they need to use my horse for the trip back down the mountain. We’ll drive his car today, and tomorrow I can ride Jet back down the trail to my barn.”

“Sounds like you’ve got it all worked out. But, for the record, if you’re trying to get rid of me early, you don’t have to make up such an elaborate story. Just take me home, and we’re good.”

“I’m not trying to get rid of you early, and you’re not getting out of spending the day with me. A deal’s a deal, Mal.”

“I’m just saying.” I shrug my shoulders casually, conveying I’m fine either way. I’m not, but I’ll make sure he believes it no matter what.

“So am I.” He looks at me pointedly, and his point is taken.

“Fine. Have it your way. What’s next on the agenda?”

“Tell me the rest! What else did you two do yesterday?” Have I mentioned Amelia is very demanding?

“Where was I? Oh yes, the horse threw a shoe. Then we took Chad’s car and parked on Main Street. We walked up and down the street, window-shopping like tourists. We stopped and listened to the choir singing Christmas carols in the church. We ate junk food all day. Then we went to the Christmas play and drove around the lake to look at all the Christmas lights and decorations on those houses.”

“You make it all sound so exciting. I’m thrilled to death listening to you go blah, blah, blah. Could you be more boring right now?”

“Fine. You want to hear the juicy stuff? Then let me get right to the point.”

“Finally! It’s about damn time. Tell me!”

“After the play and the drive, he took me back to his house. I never saw it when we were at his barn yesterday morning. Meli, it is absolutely stunning. He built an enormous log cabin up against the mountain. It sits behind a grove of white pines, so it’s completely secluded from the rest of the world. It has a huge front porch. The kitchen is to die for—and oh my God, the bathrooms!

“I don’t know how many acres he has, but it’s a lot. I sat on the front porch swing, bundled up in a blanket and drinking hot chocolate, just watching the snow fall. I’d forgotten how beautiful the snow can be. I know that’s because I never see it anymore, but his place could be in a Norman Rockwell painting.”

“This whole town could be, Mal. It’s gorgeous here. And you miss it more than you’ll admit. You miss Hunter a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. You only wish you didn’t.”

“What if you’re right? It wouldn’t change anything. We can’t change the past, and the future is already mapped out. My life plans don’t involve moving back here after graduation.”

“I ran into the principal for the elementary school last night.”

“How do you know you met the principal?”

“Chad introduced me to her. She’s very nice.”

“Good for you and Chad.”

“We started talking, and I mentioned you were graduating with a degree in early childhood education in less than six months. She was very interested in talking to you about a position. One of her teachers is having a baby just before the end of the school year and doesn’t plan to return after maternity leave. How many of our classmates can say they have a job waiting for them as soon as they graduate?”

“You know how much I hate it when you are all logical and sensical.”

“Well, you are welcome to stew on it all day while I’m off with Chad. I’m not crashing his family’s Christmas Day festivities when I just met him this week, but I will totally hijack him Christmas Eve for our own festivities. Later, Mal.”

“Later, hussy. Have fun with Chad.” I wink, letting her know I’m joking.

“Oh, don’t even go there.” She waves goodbye and walks out the door with such a spring in her step, I’d swear she bounced.

Dad walks into the den and sits down across from me. He picks up the newspaper and starts reading it. I swear, I think he’s the only person I know who still gets the newspaper delivered to his home instead of just reading the news online.

“You’ve been spending a lot of time with Hunter lately. Something going on there I need to know about?”

“Not really. We’re just old friends catching up on everything that’s new in our lives. That’s about it.”

“If you say so.”

Before I can retort, Dad’s phone rings with the distinctive tone alerting him to an emergency call. He picks it up before the first ring even finishes.

“Dr. Conner. Yes. How’s his breathing? How long ago did this happen? Can you move him? Okay, meet me at the office as soon as you can. I’ll be waiting there for you.”

He jumps up and grabs his jacket from the coatrack. “Mallory, I need you to come with me. Call your mom on the way and tell her to meet us at the clinic. I’ll probably need her help with surgery. A friend’s dog was hit by a car a few minutes ago. From what they said, he’s not in good shape.”

I grab my coat and rush out to the car with Dad, fumbling with my phone to reach Mom. This is why I can’t do what they do. If I lost that dog, I’d be an emotional wreck for days. They understand they can’t save every animal—they do the best they can with what they have to work with. But I’m not made like that. Adrenaline doesn’t make me work better—it makes me drop my phone and dial wrong numbers.

“Mom!” I finally reach her and relay the message from Dad while he drives, weaving around one car after the other on our little two-lane road in our two-red-light town.

We rush inside, not knowing how soon they’ll be here with the injured dog. Dad changes clothes for surgery, and I turn on all the lights, sterilize my hands, and make sure all the instruments they’ll need are ready. Dad joins me in the surgery area and helps finish the last of the preparations before we hear the bell over the front door.

“Dr. Conner?” a frantic voice calls down the hall, so I rush out to help him as much as I can. An older man is carrying a large chocolate lab wrapped up in a blanket. The man’s eyes are red-rimmed and his face is splotchy.

“Dad’s in the back getting ready for you. What’s your dog’s name?”


“Go ahead and bring Bear back here. We’ll take good care of him.”

Dad steps out from the surgery room. “Right here, Sam. Let’s put him on the table then we can take a good look at him.”

A few seconds pass before I hear the jingle of the front door opening. “Mallory? Pete?”

“Back here, Mom.”

She goes through the same sterilization procedures as Dad then joins him in the surgery room. Dad is taking X-rays, and I know what comes next—prepping Bear for surgery. I really don’t want to be around for that, but I won’t leave them to handle the worst part alone. Add to that, Bear’s dad is really distraught, so I couldn’t leave him alone even if I wanted.

“Sam, he needs surgery right now.” Dad goes into the explanation of an internal bleed that needs to be stopped right away and a broken leg that needs to be set and secured with screws.

Sam just nods his head, barely able to speak. “Do what you have to. Please just save him.”

Right there—that’s all it took for tears to spring to my eyes.

“Come with me, Sam. Let’s go wait out front together so Mom and Dad can work on Bear without us interrupting them.”

“Okay. My wife will be here in a minute. She had to take the grandkids home. They were pretty upset too.”

“We’ll wait for her together.” I wrap my hand around his elbow and walk with him down the long corridor. I know a little of how he feels—I want Bear to be okay too. Soon his wife joins us, and they talk quietly among themselves about how the grandkids are doing after the trauma, how Bear got away from them while chasing his ball, and how they wish they could go back in time and just change that one thing. That one awful moment.

I can relate.




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