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Montana Dragons Collection: A BBW Dragon Shifter Series by Chloe Cole (30)

Chapter Eight

Light flitted behind Taya’s lids and she slowly opened her eyes, struggling to focus in the dim room. She stayed stock-still as the sound of soft voices in the background reached her ears.

Where the hell was she? Not at home, that much was for sure. The massive, velvet sofa was far plusher than anything she could hope to afford.

So if not home, then where? The last thing she remembered was—


She stifled a gasp and resisted the urge to bolt upright. Because the last thing she remembered was staring into Etienne’s preternatural eyes after the man who’d attacked her had broken into her home.

Her stomach did a flip as she peered around the room for clues of her whereabouts without moving her head or calling attention to herself. After she’d fainted, Etienne must have brought her here. His home? A hotel? Whatever the case, the unfamiliar surroundings did little to quell her rising panic.

“She saw him two nights ago and knew something wasn’t right. And then last night, she saw my eyes turn. There’s no getting around it, Willa.”

Etienne’s voice came from a dozen yards away, soft and measured, tinged with something that sounded like defeat. Taya let her lashes flutter closed and focused in, staying stock-still, as the night before ran through her mind.

Her date with Etienne that she’d been sure was born of pity.

Playing darts.

Their kiss.

Her realization that maybe it wasn’t just pity.

And how they almost—


A sharp burst of terror shot through her heart and her brain slowly began to fill in blank spots. She may have had a rough couple of days, but she knew the difference between a wolf and a dog, and the giant critter in her living room that she’d hit in the head with a vase was definitely the former.

Which made no earthly sense at all.

A low female voice murmured a lengthy reply to Etienne, but no matter how much Taya strained, she couldn’t make out the words.

“Willa’s right, Etienne.”

This strong baritone, she knew. Detective Blackbourne, or whoever he really was. The Scottish brogue was more pronounced now, and he sounded agitated.

“You say there’s no getting around telling her the truth, but there is always a way if you’re willing to do what it takes to make one. You know the rules about this kind of stuff.”

“She’s not stupid, Drake,” Etienne bit out. “I’m not going to be able to fast-talk her into thinking she didn’t see what she saw. She’s too smart for that.”

“I know, old friend. Which is exactly why she might realize she’s beyond her depth. She’s smart enough to recognize that whatever world she’s been dragged into these past couple days is a world she wants no part of. Smart enough to know that walking away now, before she’s past the point of no return, is the best thing for her now. You’d be surprised at what a powerful weapon denial, combined with a keen desire to move past something, can be.”

Taya wasn’t sure about that, but she did know that a huge part of her wished this was all just a bad dream she could pinch herself and wake up from.

Except for Etienne.

Even now. Even knowing he’d lied to her and…whatever other secrets he was keeping from her, she still couldn’t regret meeting him.

Taya’s nose itched with the sudden urge to sneeze and she scrunched it furiously, willing the urge to pass. Clearly, they were hiding things from her and had been from the start. The only way she was going to find out those things was if she stayed quiet and—


She barely suppressed a flinch as Etienne’s soft voice sounded just a few feet away now. She worked up a sleepy snuffle and shifted on the long, soft couch, but didn’t open her eyes. Maybe if they thought she was still asleep they’d keep talking.

“Taya, I know you’re awake. Come on, open your eyes. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I give you my word.”

His voice was even closer now, and she could hear the rustle of his clothing, like he’d bent toward her.

Seemed silly to keep up the pretense. She was going to have to face him anyway, and in spite of it all, she still couldn’t bring herself to believe that he would intentionally hurt her. Not after all he’d done to save her.

She let her lids fall open and met his soft, golden gaze that looked reassuringly human.


His sensual lips curved into a sad, half-smile. “Hi, yourself.”

She couldn’t deny the flutter in her belly as she stared up at his handsome face. Surely, a person couldn’t fake the level of concern that was written all over it. Surely, no matter all the blanks that still desperately needed to be filled, that part was rock solid.

Wasn’t it?

He was leaning over her, his muscular form like a canopy over hers, and suddenly she felt very small. She shrunk back, wriggling into a sitting position and he straightened, his gaze growing shuttered.

“I’m sorry you were frightened last night. If I thought they would’ve come back for you, or had known where you lived…” He trailed off and pursed his lips, his brows caving in on a frown.

“That’s not your fault. You had no way of knowing.”

And in truth, he had saved her yet again. Lord, if she hadn’t gotten so bold as to invite him in, she would’ve been alone during the break in. She didn’t know exactly what would’ve happened to her, but her gut told her that blood would’ve been spilled. Lots and lots of blood, all of it hers.

A shiver stole over her and she wrapped her arms around her shoulders, taking a moment to look around now in earnest.

The room was massive. The ceilings were so high, she marveled at them. A sweeping staircase sat grandly to her left, and a huge hearth-fire crackled to her right. Thick, stone walls surrounded them and, at the back of the room, three steps led to what looked to be a massive throne cloaked in some sort of purple material that looked to be haphazardly thrown over it. All in all, the place looked like the interior of an Arthurian castle.

A perfect fit for the sur-reality of her life over the past forty-eight hours. A sizzle of nerves ran through her as it dawned on her that the two people she’d heard talking had melted from the room at some point, leaving her alone with Etienne. She wasn’t afraid. Not of him, at least. But she felt so fragile…so close to shattering after the barrage of emotional blows she’d taken in quick succession, that she couldn’t help but wish that she’d remained in blissful unconsciousness for a little longer.

She took a steadying breath and met Etienne’s gaze. “Where are we?”

“At a friend’s house. You met him yesterday.” He lowered himself into a large armchair across from her. “Detective Drake Blackbourne? And his wife, Willa.”

She nodded and wet her lips. “And they aren’t cops?”

She tried to keep her tone even, but it wasn’t easy. Although she had only known him a couple days, his deception felt like a betrayal and she was oddly hurt by it.

He shook his head slowly. “No, they’re not.”

She waited to see if he would say more, but he stayed quiet, his gaze trained on her. Apparently, he hadn’t decided what to tell her and what to hold back yet, so if she wanted information, she was going to have to fish for it. She thought back to Drake’s words from a few minutes before about denial.

Did she really want answers? Or was the truth going to be too much to bear?

Especially when she was so close to the edge already.

Especially when she knew, down to the marrow of her bones, that the truth was as dark as any horror movie she’d ever seen.

Etienne must have read the confusion on her face, because he leaned forward and rested his forearms on his knees, his eyes blazing with sincerity.

“Look, Taya. I know this has all been a shock for you, but I’m in uncharted water here as well, so I’m treading very lightly. The thing you need to know…the thing I need you to believe is that I would never, ever hurt you. Not intentionally. Do you still believe that?”

She gazed at his solemn, fallen angel face. She thought back to the night before, and the one before that, where he’d single-handedly taken down the men who’d wanted to harm her. And then she thought back to the way he’d held her in his arms when he’d carried her home. Gently. Carefully. Almost reverently.

“Yes. I believe that.”

He closed his eyes and some of the tension seemed to drain out of his body before he met her gaze again.

“Then I need you to listen to me carefully, and think before you respond. Right now, we’re at a crossroads, you and I. And which way we go is entirely up to you. I can’t tell you which way is better. Only you can answer that question.”

He reached out and took her limp, trembling hand in his. The warmth of it grounded her right when she felt as if she was going to blow away like a puff of smoke.

“Option one. I can tell you everything I know. Who those men were. Why we think they came after you. I can tell you who Drake and Willa are.” His jaw flexed and he looked away for a long moment before locking eyes with her again. “I can tell you who I am. But if I do, that very knowledge could put you in mortal danger and will undoubtedly change your life forever.”

He squeezed her hand more tightly, but she couldn’t suppress the shudder that ran through her as her mind reeled.

She knew what he meant. She knew what she’d seen, but before she could put a name to it, her brain shut it down again and she focused on Etienne’s face. Only Etienne’s face, as he continued.

“Option Two. You can resign yourself to the not knowing. Accept that some monsters are better left hiding in the back of the closet. And if you decide to do that, I vow to you here and now, I will protect you from the men that attacked you, and you will never have to fear from them again.”

There was no question as she looked into his eyes that he meant those words, but they didn’t dispel the deep chill spreading through her at the mention of her assailants.

She didn’t blame Etienne—hell, he’d saved her both times—but he hadn’t thought the men would come back for her, and they had. How could he be sure it wouldn’t happen again?

He must have read the doubt on her face, because his eyes went fierce with a fiery sureness.

“I swear it, Taya. And I don’t make a vow lightly. One of the men is already in my custody and I’m waiting for the right time to question him. When I do, he will lead me to his cohort. Of that I have no doubt. This should all be taken care of in the next few days. In the meantime, I would only ask that you either stay put here so Willa and Drake can keep you safe, or agree to twenty-four hour surveillance with them in your home until this is dealt with.”

She swallowed past the lump in her throat as a dozen conflicting emotions crowded in at once. “And then? Once it’s d-dealt with?” She stumbled over the words, because who even knew what that meant to this man…this stranger?

“It’s over.” His mouth was a grim line and the words had a bleak edge. “You go back to your life with the knowledge that you will be safe. You go back to work and friends and, eventually, forget this ever happened.”

Forget this happened? The concept was so absurd, she had to swallow the laughter threatening to bubble up. One night had changed everything. Had shaken her whole belief system and her view of the world around her. Had altered her reality forever. Did he truly think that was just going to disappear if she buried her head?

Just as she was about to tell him that, an image flashed through her mind. Large incisors, incandescent eyes, her own, abject terror, and she bit her lip hard to keep it from trembling.

Etienne tugged gently on her hand, snapping her back to reality.

“I understand the magnitude of this decision, Taya, but I need an answer now. There’s much to be done to ensure your safety and the safety of other women in town and I need to put certain precautions into place before nightfall.”

She lifted her chin and sucked in a steadying breath, gaze pinned to Etienne’s face.

“What would you tell someone you love to do? Your sister, or your mother? Knowing what you know, what road would you tell them to choose?”

He drew back and seemed to compose himself before meeting her gaze again. “I would tell them to run. To take the offered protection, walk out the door and never look back.”

The admission cost him. She could see it in his expression. For whatever reason, he seemed almost as torn as she was and she couldn’t help but wonder why. But suddenly, it dawned on her with a sickening clarity.

“We would never see each other again.” It wasn’t a question, because she knew the answer already, deep in her soul. “Never. Not even a phone call or—” She broke off as he shook his head slowly.

“I don’t want to lie to you, Taya.”

Perversely, she found herself almost wishing he would have this time. Before she could untangle her jumbled emotions, a low cough sounded from the other side of the room.

“I hate to be that guy, but we’ve got to move one way or another. Do we have a decision?” Drake asked softly from the doorway.

Etienne tore his gaze away from hers and shot a quick glance at his watch.

“I’m sorry, Taya, but lives are at stake...”

Two minutes.

She’d been given two minutes to decide the course of the rest of her life. The unfairness of it all and the past couple days sent a fresh wash of tears to her eyes, but she blinked them back.

Etienne had saved her life, but that didn’t mean being around him was good for her. He’d lied to her when it mattered most. Could she ever truly trust him again about anything? Being around him would only be temptation.

And just maybe Drake was right. Just maybe, if she buried her head deep enough in the sand, she would be able to get past this and go back. Go back to a life where monsters only existed on film. A life where she was safe from the darkness out there that threatened to envelop her if she didn’t walk away now.

She carefully averted her gaze from Etienne’s, so he wouldn’t see how much this was killing her.

“I choose to go.”