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Mountain of Masks (Shrouded Thrones Book 2) by Jeanne Hardt (7)

Chapter 7

The evening meal carried on for much longer than what Olivia had been accustomed to.

Once every plate was emptied, the older girls asked to be excused. Being unsure of protocol, Olivia waited quietly with Sebastian.

Delana stood, walked around the table, then knelt beside her. “When you are ready, I shall show you the passageways. But do not wait too much longer. We should go before the sun sets.”

“I am ready now, if you wish.”

Delana beamed.

“Allana?” Sebastian called out to his sister and stopped her from leaving the room. “I would like you to accompany them.”

“Why?” Delana asked before Allana could respond.

Allana moved beside her, questioning with her eyes.

“Because,” Sebastian said, “I want Olivia to become better acquainted with both of you. Once Estelle and Becca leave Basilia, Allana will be the eldest remaining. I am relying on the two of you to look after Olivia and befriend her.”

Allana smiled. “Nothing would please me more.”

“But I was the one who offered to show her our secrets,” Delana whined.

“And you shall.” Sebastian grasped her shoulder. “Along with your sister.”

Catrice tugged at Sebastian’s sleeve. “Me, too?”

“Not this time, sweetheart.” He smoothed a hand over her head. “They will be going into some dark places, and I know you well. You do not care for those passageways.”

She wrinkled her nose. “They smell awful. Why are they going there?”

“So that Olivia can see all of our home. Even the parts unappealing to the nose.”

Catrice offered no further objections. She wandered away from the table holding her mother’s hand—a sight that warmed Olivia, but also tugged at her heart. Never before had she been away from her own parents for any length of time. She prayed they were well.

Sebastian helped her to her feet. “I will leave you in the care of my sisters, while I go with my father to discuss the affairs of Basilia.”

She kissed his cheek. “I shall see you in our bedchamber after.”

He returned her kiss, but with one on the lips. “Remember what I told you. Memorize the passages.” His intense gaze drove his words deep within her.

“I will.” She grasped onto his arm. “Is your cousin aware of these passages?”

“Some, but not all.”

Delana poked her face between them. “Which cousin?”

Sebastian’s head drew back. “If you must know, we speak of Frederick.”

Allana grabbed Delana’s hand. “Enough said, brother.” She led Delana away from them, her whispers along with them. “You should not pry, Delana. You need not know everything.”

Olivia gave Sebastian another quick kiss, then joined the girls in the hallway. She glanced back at him and received a tentative smile. She believed he had told her all that had been unsaid, yet obviously, his fears remained. How could they not?

Delana crossed her arms and faced her sister. “I want to lead. After all, it was my suggestion.”

Allana smiled. “Very well. Lead on.” She splayed an arm, gesturing to the hallway.

Delana beamed, then hastened onward.

Allana linked her arm in Olivia’s. “Delana is young, but eager. She has always been one to have her nose in most everything that goes on in this dwelling.”

“I can hear you,” Delana said, over her shoulder.

“I am well aware. I only want our new sister to understand us.”

Olivia laughed. “Though I have never had sisters before now, I feel I have already come to know you, and I adore every one of you.”

Delana’s gait turned into a strut, which brought on even more laughter. Oddly, she headed for the library and opened the large door. She motioned them in, then pushed the door shut again, but said nothing.

Allana pointed at the portraits. “Our ancestors.”

“Yes,” Olivia said. “Sebastian brought me here earlier. This room is magnificent.”

Delana took hold of her hand. “It holds our most secret passageway. If you ever must use it, be certain you shut the main door upon entering. We cannot have anyone other than our immediate family know of this.”

“So . . .” Olivia took a large breath. “Your cousin, Frederick, is unaware?”

“Father would never tell Frederick about it,” Allana said. “He is our cousin, but Father despises him. He says Frederick is evil incarnate.”

It seemed Olivia should not have so readily disregarded Sebastian’s warning about the man. She had assumed he was merely trying to change the subject away from Donovan. “What has he done to make your family feel so poorly toward him?”

“Many things.” Every trace of joy disappeared from Allana’s face. “We seldom speak of it, but Father lost all respect for him when Frederick tried having his way with Estelle.”

“What?” Olivia placed a hand to her heart. “How could he? His very own cousin?”

Delana wrinkled her nose. “He is disgusting. It happened four years ago, but none of us have forgotten. I was too young then to understand, but I do now.”

“Was he punished?”

Delana rapidly nodded. “He is not allowed in our castle and must stay in his own.”

“Yes,” Allana added. “But at the time, Father wanted his manhood removed.” She whispered the final words.

Delana giggled. “I understand the meaning of that, too.”

Olivia frowned and shook her head. “You are both too young to be aware of such things. It saddens me that you have had to grow up so quickly. Where is Frederick now? After all, he may be banished from your dwelling, but he is still a prince and undoubtedly retains his status as such.”

“He lives in his father’s castle,” Allana said. “It can be seen from the windows on the east side of ours.”

Delana’s laughter rapidly died. “He married Princess Marni of Oros. I pity her. She is with child.”

“I believe they love each other,” Allana said. “Though I cannot imagine how anyone could love Frederick.”

Olivia sighed. “Perhaps he has changed.”

Delana shook her head slowly back and forth. “Not from stories I have heard.” She stomped her foot. “I wanted this to be an enjoyable venture. Can we not talk of something happier?”

“Of course.” Olivia glanced around the room. “Where is the secret passageway you brought me here to see?”

Instantly, Delana’s face brightened. “This way.”

She led her to the far side of the room and stood beside a tall shelf of books. Grinning, she reached behind a large volume, then her features tightened, as if she was having difficulty. “Sometimes it sticks.”

“Shall I do it?” Allana asked.

“No. I am more than able.” Delana’s nose wrinkled. Her arm moved up and down, partially hidden by the many books.

A loud click was followed by another one of Delana’s precious giggles. The book casing creaked as she inched it forward, and a musty scent filled the air around them.

Allana lifted a lantern from one of the tabletops. “We will need this.”

Excitement fluttered in Olivia’s belly. They had nothing like this in Padrida.

Delana opened the passageway only wide enough for them to slip through, then took the lantern from Allana. Once all three of them had passed through the secret entry, Delana pulled the casing closed once again. It clicked shut.

“Worry not,” Allana said. “There is a way out, but not the same as the way in.”

“I trust you.” Olivia held firmly onto her arm.

Light from the lantern illuminated a steep stairway. Cold, stone walls lined both sides. The musty odor grew as they descended.

Olivia lifted her skirt with one hand, while holding onto Allana with the other. “How far does it go?”

Delana paused on one step and looked back. “Thirty steps down, then we will come to a narrow hallway.” She continued on again.

Without the lantern they would not have been able to see a thing. No windows. No doors. Only the slender steps that seemed to go on endlessly.

A rat skittered beside them and Olivia gasped.

“You will get used to them,” Delana said, without stopping even for a brief moment. “But Catrice never has.”

Olivia shuddered, watching the mangy creature scurry away, inclined to agree with Catrice in respect to rats.

When they reached the last step, the corridor widened. Though it went on straight, an arched doorway arose to the right.

Olivia pointed. “What is in there?”

Delana paused and extended the lantern partially into the opening. “More rats. We try to keep food stored here, but we do not do well tending it. It spoils, and the rats feast.”

“I pray we never have the need for it,” Olivia muttered. The squeaking and skittering coming from the room sickened her.

“I agree,” Allana said. “This castle was built during the wars of long ago. I find it odd Sebastian insisted you so urgently see this. He would have been wiser to let you go on believing our home was entirely pleasant.” Her warm smile could be seen, even in the dim light.

“With the exception of the moat,” Olivia said. “I have never smelled anything so wretched.”

Allana laughed. “Did you know Jonah nearly tumbled into it once?”


Interesting that she had brought him up in conversation. Even in the dark passageway, with rats scurrying about, Olivia’s spirit lifted. Allana had mentioned Jonah without a prompting from her. “No, I did not. Pray, tell. I should very much like to hear about it.”

Allana pulled Olivia closer. “I think he has a fondness for me,” she whispered. “He had been sparring with Sebastian, and upon their return to the castle, Jonah noticed me watching them from the wall walk, high above the moat. He smiled up at me, then tripped on the corner of the draw bridge. If Sebastian had not caught him, he would have plummeted into the filthy water.”

Delana had advanced some distance ahead of them, and it seemed she had not heard—obviously Allana’s intention.

“What did you do?” Olivia spoke as softly as she could.

“Shamefully, I laughed. But I could not help myself. Have you ever noticed how his curls bob about when he moves quickly?”

“Yes. No doubt, he was embarrassed.”

“And he would have been even more so, had he fallen into the waste water.” She clasped her bosom. “I am happy he did not.”

No better opportunity would come again. “Are you fond of him?”

Allana cocked her head to one side. “He is old, but I find him sweet. Likable. Yet, it matters not. I am sure I will be matched with Prince Tesher of Oros. He is but one year older than I, and we are a suitable pair. Besides, if I one day marry him, I would live in Oros, along with Estelle. She and I are quite close, and I dread the day she moves away. By the time I am old enough to marry, she should have several babies, and I could help her with them until I have some of my own. Then, our children could grow up together.”

It would break Jonah’s heart to hear of this. “Are there no others who have interest in Tesher?”

Delana stopped walking and spun to face them. “What are you two whispering about?”

Allana jutted her chin high in the air. “I was telling her about Tesher and our likely pairing.”

“It is unlikely if Princess Angeline gets her hands on him.”

The name struck hard. “Angeline?” Olivia gaped at her. “Of Thanwine?”

“Yes.” Delana laughed. “You seem surprised. Though he is but fifteen, there are few princes to be had in the realms. When Sebastian chose you over her, it left her with few men to consider. If she wants a prince—which, of course, she does—he is all that remains. At least of those who have great worth.”

“Would he have her?”

Both girls erupted into loud giggles.

“Likely not,” Allana said. “She is uncomely, and Mother referred to her as annoying. I trust he would find the idea of our eventual courtship more desirable.”

Delana rested a hand on Olivia’s arm. “We must move on. The hour grows late, and we have more to see.” She jerked her head onward, and they followed.

The corridor wound around several sharp corners, and Olivia found herself trudging over wet stone. An unpleasant smell surrounded them.

Olivia covered her nose. “Is this what Sebastian referred to, when Catrice asked to join us?”

“Yes.” Delana patted the wall. “The moat is close.”

“We should hurry on,” Allana said.

Olivia posed no complaint. The horrible smell soured her stomach.

A short distance away, she caught sight of another stairway. Fortunately, this one went up. They had been underground for more than half an hour, and she longed to see daylight. At times, it had felt as if they were going in circles, but aside from the rat-filled room, there were no other off-shoots from the main passageway. If truly only one way in and one way out, it left little to memorize.

They climbed and climbed. Much farther than they had descended. As they neared the end of the stairs, no door could be seen.

Delana stopped several steps from the top and pointed upward. “I doubt Sebastian expected me to show you this passage first, and I probably should have had more sense and brought you here last. After all, this is where you will retire.”

“What do you mean?”

Delana unfastened two latches on a hatch above their heads, then pushed upward. She ascended the remaining steps, popped her head through the opening, then ducked down again. “All clear. Thank heavens. I did not care to catch my brother off guard, or in a state of undress.” She handed the lantern to Allana, then climbed out.

Allana smiled. “There is nothing to fear. You go on. I shall wait with the light until you are safely in your chamber.”

“My chamber?” Olivia followed in Delana’s footsteps and carefully climbed from the corridor. She emerged from a window seat in her own bedchamber.

Delana stood in the center of the room, grinning. “You never would have guessed someone could enter your room from here, would you?”

“No. It is astonishing.”

Allana’s hand reached out from the open seat, extending the lantern. “A little help here?”

Olivia quickly grabbed the lamp, then assisted Allana from the stairway. Once she got through, she put the seat back in place. It clicked shut.

Olivia tried to lift the seat open again, but it would not budge.

“You cannot enter from here,” Delana said. “Only from the library.”

“That makes little sense. What if there is urgency here? Would it not be wise to have the ability to come and go either way?”

Delana shrugged. “I do not know. It only works as it does. No one has ever questioned it.”

The bedchamber door creaked open, drawing their attention, and Sebastian stepped into the room. “I see you have been shown the passageway in the library.” He gestured toward Olivia’s feet. “Your dress is damp at the bottom.”

Delana crossed the room to him. “She did not like the rats, but I believe the passageway itself impressed her.”

Allana took her sister by the hand. “We can show Olivia the others another time. I am certain she and Sebastian have issues to discuss.” She nudged her toward the door.

“Thank you,” Olivia said. “I look forward to more adventures.”

The two girls left the room, bidding goodnight as they went.

Once they were alone, Sebastian put his arms around her. “So, you were impressed?”

“Yes, but I have more questions.” She pointed at the window seat. “First and foremost, why can we not enter the passageway from here?”

“Do you wish to escape from me?” His playful grin set her heart racing.

“Of course not. But, if someone unwanted were to come to our chamber, would it not be wise to have a way out?”

“The window seat is exposed. You could not flee to it undetected. If someone were in this room wanting to harm you, it would aid you not.” He pulled her closer. “However, I would fight to my last breath to protect you, and I would have the means to do it.”

“I appreciate your confidence, but you seem more than self-assured. I feel you have more to tell me.”

He jerked his head toward the wardrobe. “There are weapons hidden in a compartment behind our wardrobe. Their existence is known to our family alone.”

“I believe I am beginning to understand the use of the passageway. No enemy would expect such a hiding place for weaponry.” Feeling comforted and much more at ease, she fingered his beard.

He smiled broadly, then his mouth covered hers.

She melted into his embrace. In his arms, all her worries vanished. Except one.

She glanced toward the hidden hatch. “How can we be certain no one will come into our bedchamber from there? I care not to think that anyone from your family might pop their head in at any moment.”

“With the exception of today, my parents and my sisters understand the library corridor is to be used only in dire situations. It is not for play, or for eavesdropping. They respect our privacy.” He dotted her forehead with kisses. “We must pray we never see anyone emerge from there. In all truthfulness, if it were to happen, I fear it would mean war.”

“It still feels odd knowing there is a way in here.”

He laughed and pointed at the chamber door. “There are two. The other has given you no cause to worry, so why allow this one to trouble you?”

“We can lock the other.” She stared into his eyes.

“My love . . .” His hands glided down her back. “We shall not be disturbed.” He kissed all over her face, then fervently kissed her lips.

The rest of her questions would have to wait.




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